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Wake Up! Are We Really So Stupid!


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I see from the above postings that I received exactly the responses I thought that I would get. Some positive and some negative.

Some of the 'posters' completely missed the point! So, I'll try and restate the point.

Land prices have risen to the point that the 'average' Thai cannot afford to sell, purchase or build a home. Who benefited from the 2,000% (or more) increase in land prices? The 'average' Thai citizen? Who are the 'average' Thai citizen? The population of Thailand is approximately 66 million, give or take. The approximate population of Bangkok is - let's say - 8 million. Now take the 'resort' area's of Thailand and estimate another 4 million. So, what is left - 54 million! And who are these 54 million - villagers, city folk, farmers, unskilled laborers, etc.

Now back to the original point - The 'average', undereducated and uneducated Thai from the small towns, villages, etc. did not benefit from the sale of their land. These people, in many cases, had no choice but to sell their land so that their children could go to school, get out of debt, purchase equipment to make their life a little easier, to buy seed for their next crop, to buy fruit trees so that in years to come they may be able to live a decent life, etc. I could go on and on. So who benefited from the sale of land at 'rock bottom' prices? Who is in a position to know when a 'poor farmer' is in desperate need for money? The governmental elite's. And through GREED, THEIVERY, and CORRUPTION these 'elite's' take pity on the poor farmer, and others, to bail them out. Now then, if I am one of these 'elite's' and fairly well off, I do not have to sell this land I just 'stole'. I can wait and sell it to some 'stupid foreigner'! This might also be 'news' to some of you - and it is only a WAG (Wild Arse Guess) - many 'country' Thai cannot read or write the Thai language (maybe as high as 20%)! I have personally lived in 12 villages beginning as far back as 1967. There are far too many Thai's that only have a 3rd grade education. 'Farming' was more important. As a matter of fact, many children today have to quit school to help the family and are deprived of an education. Some of you are so blind that all you see is Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya, CM, etc. As the title of this tirade states - Wake Up!

Some of you have stated that many Thai's have moved from the 'country' to Bangkok for a better life! In my original post, I stated that some 'foreigners' have blindfolds on. If you actually believe that the 'country' Thai's moved to Bangkok for a better life - you have 'blinders on'. If you believe that Thai's working in Bangkok (or any other city of size), living and sharing a one room apartment with several other workers is a better life, then you are stupid. I have relatives living and working in Bangkok for 130 baht per day with 5 people living in one room (that's sleeping, cooking, doing homework, etc. - with an outdoor shared toilet/shower)! For you that say this is an improvement from their previous why of life - I say 'nuts to you'! These people have 'no choice'. There are no jobs in the 'country'. And they are not happy living in Bangkok. There are 'millions' living in Bangkok exactly like this. So get your head out of the sand!

Some of you have the uncanny ability to be able to read my mind! So, another point that was completely missed or over-looked was my point about the Thai elite's, literally and figuratively, taking advantage of the undereducated and uneducated 'country' Thai citizens. I hate these governmental types that profess how well they are taking care of 'their' citizens. 30 baht medical plan! Do you know how long a person has to sit in a waiting room to get this 'great' service? Do you know that you may have to sit for over 8 hours to be told that the doctor cannot take any more patients? Because some of you are so knowledgeable about Thailand, name some other benefits that the government has provided to these 66 million people (I forgot to deduct the approximately 4 million elite's - MY asinine WAG - 'guess')? I 'pity' these 62 million, give or take, Thai people that have no recourse but to accept what is 'dished out' to them by a government that only think of themselves. Get my point - It's not the people - It's the (can't use profanity)!!!!!

Why do I say that the 60s, 70s, and 80s were better for the Thai people, in general? Some of you write about all the wonderful improvements that the people enjoy today. Yup, huge increase in deaths from motorcycles, drunk drivers, gun-shot wounds, assassinations, lack of 'proper' health care and a 'system' that does not hold doctor's accountable, etc. - Do you want me to go on? Oh, and the 'average' Thai cannot afford all the outstanding improvements that some of you mention. During the periods I mentioned above, the average Thai actually enjoyed life and were always happy. 'Free' roaming movies right to the doorstep of the village, 'free' health care, no fear of being robbed, 'free' county fairs, 'free' rice if you were poor and had none, 'free' transportation to the market, etc. And the education system was 'lousy' just as it is today. Do you want me to go on? The average wage was 20 baht per day (1967) vis today, 130 baht per day. My math is terrible but I would guess that is 2,000% increase!

And for my final 'tirade'. You people that have only negative 'one liners' are the undereducated or uneducated 'foreigners' that I tried to get the message to in my original post. If all you have is 'one liners' then you may need some further education. And, if you have 'never lived' in Thailand, again, you do not no what you are talking about - in other words, you 'have no opinion'.

I will not bore the forum members with anymore of my 'tirade' and 'stupid' opinions relating to why we are here. We all have reasons for being here. I will not go into mine. Except to say to the one individual who seems to think that I should be able to get a visa for my (new) family. Since you are so knowledgeable in this matter maybe you can tell me how to get a visa for my son who's 'foreigner' father 'dumped' him at the age of 10 months, never to be seen again! Of course, in Thailand you can manufacture a birth certificate for the right price. Maybe you no what that price is?

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Apprently you think that those of us that see you as a pretentious whiner NEED to get what you are saying ...

We don't ... we've seen guys whine ALOT. It's not new ....

Yes your math skills suck ... but if like you say (innacurate but hel_l let's use your #'s) the land prices went up 2000% and that wages went up 2000% then that would be parity .... assuming that everything else went up 2000% too.

Yes there are more people in the country than the cities ... but your population figures ... just don't know where those estimates come from ...

The biggest complaint I have is that you whine/whinge/complain ... but what are you doing about it? What are you suggesting be done about it?

As for your "son" ... I assume your "son" is actually your wife's son. That would mean he was born here? So arrange to adopt him with your wife and poof .... (If not ... I assume 20k should get the birth registered ...)

Really you seem so enraged about life here ... focus on getting out!

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Guest endure

As for your "son" ... I assume your "son" is actually your wife's son. That would mean he was born here? So arrange to adopt him with your wife and poof

I think you would be better to adopt him with only your wife and leave the poof out of it.


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I see from the above postings that I received exactly the responses I thought that I would get. Some positive and some negative.

Some of the 'posters' completely missed the point! So, I'll try and restate the point.

Land prices have risen to the point that the 'average' Thai cannot afford to sell, purchase or build a home. Who benefited from the 2,000% (or more) increase in land prices? The 'average' Thai citizen? Who are the 'average' Thai citizen? The population of Thailand is approximately 66 million, give or take. The approximate population of Bangkok is - let's say - 8 million. Now take the 'resort' area's of Thailand and estimate another 4 million. So, what is left - 54 million! And who are these 54 million - villagers, city folk, farmers, unskilled laborers, etc.

Now back to the original point - The 'average', undereducated and uneducated Thai from the small towns, villages, etc. did not benefit from the sale of their land. These people, in many cases, had no choice but to sell their land so that their children could go to school, get out of debt, purchase equipment to make their life a little easier, to buy seed for their next crop, to buy fruit trees so that in years to come they may be able to live a decent life, etc. I could go on and on. So who benefited from the sale of land at 'rock bottom' prices? Who is in a position to know when a 'poor farmer' is in desperate need for money? The governmental elite's. And through GREED, THEIVERY, and CORRUPTION these 'elite's' take pity on the poor farmer, and others, to bail them out. Now then, if I am one of these 'elite's' and fairly well off, I do not have to sell this land I just 'stole'. I can wait and sell it to some 'stupid foreigner'! This might also be 'news' to some of you - and it is only a WAG (Wild Arse Guess) - many 'country' Thai cannot read or write the Thai language (maybe as high as 20%)! I have personally lived in 12 villages beginning as far back as 1967. There are far too many Thai's that only have a 3rd grade education. 'Farming' was more important. As a matter of fact, many children today have to quit school to help the family and are deprived of an education. Some of you are so blind that all you see is Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya, CM, etc. As the title of this tirade states - Wake Up!

Some of you have stated that many Thai's have moved from the 'country' to Bangkok for a better life! In my original post, I stated that some 'foreigners' have blindfolds on. If you actually believe that the 'country' Thai's moved to Bangkok for a better life - you have 'blinders on'. If you believe that Thai's working in Bangkok (or any other city of size), living and sharing a one room apartment with several other workers is a better life, then you are stupid. I have relatives living and working in Bangkok for 130 baht per day with 5 people living in one room (that's sleeping, cooking, doing homework, etc. - with an outdoor shared toilet/shower)! For you that say this is an improvement from their previous why of life - I say 'nuts to you'! These people have 'no choice'. There are no jobs in the 'country'. And they are not happy living in Bangkok. There are 'millions' living in Bangkok exactly like this. So get your head out of the sand!

Some of you have the uncanny ability to be able to read my mind! So, another point that was completely missed or over-looked was my point about the Thai elite's, literally and figuratively, taking advantage of the undereducated and uneducated 'country' Thai citizens. I hate these governmental types that profess how well they are taking care of 'their' citizens. 30 baht medical plan! Do you know how long a person has to sit in a waiting room to get this 'great' service? Do you know that you may have to sit for over 8 hours to be told that the doctor cannot take any more patients? Because some of you are so knowledgeable about Thailand, name some other benefits that the government has provided to these 66 million people (I forgot to deduct the approximately 4 million elite's - MY asinine WAG - 'guess')? I 'pity' these 62 million, give or take, Thai people that have no recourse but to accept what is 'dished out' to them by a government that only think of themselves. Get my point - It's not the people - It's the (can't use profanity)!!!!!

Why do I say that the 60s, 70s, and 80s were better for the Thai people, in general? Some of you write about all the wonderful improvements that the people enjoy today. Yup, huge increase in deaths from motorcycles, drunk drivers, gun-shot wounds, assassinations, lack of 'proper' health care and a 'system' that does not hold doctor's accountable, etc. - Do you want me to go on? Oh, and the 'average' Thai cannot afford all the outstanding improvements that some of you mention. During the periods I mentioned above, the average Thai actually enjoyed life and were always happy. 'Free' roaming movies right to the doorstep of the village, 'free' health care, no fear of being robbed, 'free' county fairs, 'free' rice if you were poor and had none, 'free' transportation to the market, etc. And the education system was 'lousy' just as it is today. Do you want me to go on? The average wage was 20 baht per day (1967) vis today, 130 baht per day. My math is terrible but I would guess that is 2,000% increase!

And for my final 'tirade'. You people that have only negative 'one liners' are the undereducated or uneducated 'foreigners' that I tried to get the message to in my original post. If all you have is 'one liners' then you may need some further education. And, if you have 'never lived' in Thailand, again, you do not no what you are talking about - in other words, you 'have no opinion'.

I will not bore the forum members with anymore of my 'tirade' and 'stupid' opinions relating to why we are here. We all have reasons for being here. I will not go into mine. Except to say to the one individual who seems to think that I should be able to get a visa for my (new) family. Since you are so knowledgeable in this matter maybe you can tell me how to get a visa for my son who's 'foreigner' father 'dumped' him at the age of 10 months, never to be seen again! Of course, in Thailand you can manufacture a birth certificate for the right price. Maybe you no what that price is?

Have enjoyed your tirades you seem to be very knowledgable and very bitter,compare the state services in LOS with the UK or the US, if you have money you get treated and looked after but if you havent, tough titty its the same everywhere.this will come as a shock to old croc and udon and many other colonial members,I am well known for having the odd dig at sunny australia,but the services here, especially medical ,are the best in the world,easily accessible to rich and poor a like, but still we like to live in thailand :D so you have taken on on a stepson ,good for you, dont whinge about it adopt him :everyone has to find their own path in life, if it leads to thailand so be it :o Just imagine having the hardships of state of origin to put up with :D Nignoy
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but the services here, especially medical ,are the best in the world

That was good for an early morning chuckle.

Guess thats why Thais with money and folks with money from countries world wide fly to THAILAND for surgery, and not the USA. :o

The best medical services on the planet are available in the USA...its not even open to debate.

The first time I saw an Ambulance sitting behind traffic at a red light I was shocked, now Im used to watching what is most probably a person dying in the back of a minivan they call an ambulance sitting in traffic.

Id rather be operated on by a paramedic in the USA than a Thai doctor who went to medical school in Thailand.

Edited by ROFL
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Guest endure

but the services here, especially medical ,are the best in the world

That was good for an early morning chuckle.

Guess thats why Thais with money and folks with money from countries world wide fly to THAILAND for surgery, and not the USA. :o

I think you'll find that Nignoy was talking about medical services in Australia, not Thailand.

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Guest endure
The best medical services on the planet are available in the USA...its not even open to debate.

It is if you don't have insurance.

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The best medical services on the planet are available in the USA...its not even open to debate.

It is if you don't have insurance.

Some examples:

I went to see a doctor in the USA last month. Got asked a lot of questions (time killer) that he should've known just by looking at the medical records. The length of time was about 20 minutes. I have no health insurance. The bill? $153! OUCH!!

About 4 years ago, I needed to have an MRI scan done. Again, no insurance. In the USA, the estimate for my particular exam would've run anywhere from $1500 to $2500. Since I was going to be in Thailand a few days after the physician's exam, I decided to have the MRI done in Thailand. No waiting, great service, excellent quality. The total cost in BKK for the MRI scan, the radiologist's report, and two copies of the prints: $188!

If you have no medical insurance, Thailand is tte way to go. Otherwise, you're screwed if you have to pay out-of-pocket for the expenses in the USA.

ROFL said it's not open to debate? Medical quality in the USA is second to none excellent.... but ONLY if you're insured.

Edited by AmeriThai
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There are many places in our own country where we can purchase condo's, land, and houses - and OWN them - for the same money that the 'GREEDY' Thai people are asking.

Show me a property in my home town of Solihull, England that is the same price as a similar sized property in Thailand.

I'm waiting for your reply

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The best medical services on the planet are available in the USA...its not even open to debate.

It is if you don't have insurance.

Some examples:

I went to see a doctor in the USA last month. Got asked a lot of questions (time killer) that he should've known just by looking at the medical records. The length of time was about 20 minutes. I have no health insurance. The bill? $153! OUCH!!

About 4 years ago, I needed to have an MRI scan done. Again, no insurance. In the USA, the estimate for my particular exam would've run anywhere from $1500 to $2500. Since I was going to be in Thailand a few days after the physician's exam, I decided to have the MRI done in Thailand. No waiting, great service, excellent quality. The total cost in BKK for the MRI scan, the radiologist's report, and two copies of the prints: $188!

If you have no medical insurance, Thailand is tte way to go. Otherwise, you're screwed if you have to pay out-of-pocket for the expenses in the USA.

ROFL said it's not open to debate? Medical quality in the USA is second to none excellent.... but ONLY if you're insured.

But it can only happen in the US , if your insurance runs out halfway through your treatment, you are out on your ear take your wriggly bits with you in a plastic bag :D in UK national health service is collapsing,we were in thailand last year, my wife was taken seriously ill, the brilliant thai surgeon explained that he was only to willing to operate for a fee, but he explained why pay for it in thailand when she could be treated at home in australia for free, he arranged the casevac to a brisbane hospital ,24 hours later my wife was operated on and on the mend,that would never happen in the US if you have got money you pay through the nose :o Thai life aint perfect , but it makes retirement so easy :D Nignoy
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The writer seems to be upset that land and condo prices ($75,000) in Thailand are exhorbitant.

It's true, they've gone up in recent years. But they've gone up everywhere, not just Thailand.

In California, where I live, the days of a $75,000 condo are long gone...about 10 years long gone.

If you are living in Thailand, consider yourself lucky.

Of course, if prices in Thailand are too outrageous, you can hope on a flight home and see if you can get a better deal there.

Let me know if you find anything cheap.

Edited by egeefay
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Let me know if you find anything cheap.

The good thing about Thailand is that everything is cheap. Food, houses, lives as well, are all cheap. I wouldn't take things too seriously, make your money elsewhere and live your holidays in Thailand. Educate your children elsewhere; although this can also be very cheap in Thailand....

Making Thailand one's permanent home is a daring undertaking; I wouldn't go that far. Cheapness is no standard to build a life upon...

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I would give Thailand a break. I had to chuckle about the house and land price thing. It's about half what I would pay back in the home town, as other posters have mentioned. Much different than in the past I'm sure but so is everywhere else.

My good old USA government has become by, for and of the coporations and the gap between rich and poor widens every year. Crime is far worse than in Thailand and most other places for that matter. As for the healthcare debate, I have worked in US healthcare for the last 15 years, I know it well. If you have insurance your co-pays and out of pockets will exceed the charges you pay in Thailand. If you don't, you are screwed. Healthcare costs will bankrupt you and hospitals and doctors will not treat you. The system is cracking.

Knowing these things, I chose Thailand to retire to. It's cheaper, safer and I rather like the Buddhism thing, thank you. There is probably somewhere better out there, but until I find it Thailand is an upgrade. I'll be back July 12th for good this time to start my retirement. And none of you gloomy types are going to stop me!!!!!!! :o

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oooerr,surely greed,corruption, & theivery isnt exclusive to thailand.more of a worldwide human nature thing,& always will be, me thinks.

i thought the bush family had been doing it for years (though probably not on theyre own doorstep).

i must admit i doubt i would buy property here,but for what im paying daily for my decent apartment i wouldnt be able to buy a bag of chips back home.

why do people want to buy property so much in thailand?

EXACTLY. I have a farang friend who is so proud of the good deal he got on 35 rai on land. The land (and his investment) just sit there. He could have invested the money and be getting a return. On the other hand when he dies his wife can sell the land if she gets in a bind.

I pay 200 baht per day to rent a 4br/3 bath house....you're right.....no need to buy.

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I would give Thailand a break. I had to chuckle about the house and land price thing. It's about half what I would pay back in the home town, as other posters have mentioned. Much different than in the past I'm sure but so is everywhere else.

My good old USA government has become by, for and of the coporations and the gap between rich and poor widens every year. Crime is far worse than in Thailand and most other places for that matter. As for the healthcare debate, I have worked in US healthcare for the last 15 years, I know it well. If you have insurance your co-pays and out of pockets will exceed the charges you pay in Thailand. If you don't, you are screwed. Healthcare costs will bankrupt you and hospitals and doctors will not treat you. The system is cracking.

Knowing these things, I chose Thailand to retire to. It's cheaper, safer and I rather like the Buddhism thing, thank you. There is probably somewhere better out there, but until I find it Thailand is an upgrade. I'll be back July 12th for good this time to start my retirement. And none of you gloomy types are going to stop me!!!!!!! :o

Great post. I read where there are something like 30 million Americans with NO health insurance. Scary. A few years ago I had a 'ganglion cyst' on my left ring finger. Very common ailment. Surgery took about 20 minutes. Total cost from initial visit to finish of a few sessions of physical therapy (to re-gain strength in finger) was $7,200 USD!!!!! Crazy. People with no health insurance are screwed if they have a serious health issue.

A few weeks ago here in Thailand I developed a stomach virus. Diarrhea, sweats, aching all over, etc. I felt pretty bad to say the least. My wife took me to a pharmacy she knew about. The guy there spoke pretty good English. He gave me an antibiotic for the virus (5-day supply) and some electrolyte powder for fluid replacement. Total cost: 60 baht. Worked great I'm okay now. What would that have cost in the US???? :D

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EXACTLY. I have a farang friend who is so proud of the good deal he got on 35 rai on land. The land (and his investment) just sit there. He could have invested the money and be getting a return. On the other hand when he dies his wife can sell the land if she gets in a bind.

I pay 200 baht per day to rent a 4br/3 bath house....you're right.....no need to buy.

Land is actually where the profits are made here, not in houses or apartments (unless you are a developer).

We have bought 33 Rai 5 years ago. Today we get regular offers double the amount we paid for. We don't sell though as we did buy the land to keep and use, and not for speculation purposes.

If your friend got a good price on the land, has a trustworthy wife, and all the ownership papers, and the land is in a good location, then this might have been a very profitable investment.

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I would give Thailand a break. I had to chuckle about the house and land price thing. It's about half what I would pay back in the home town, as other posters have mentioned. Much different than in the past I'm sure but so is everywhere else.

My good old USA government has become by, for and of the coporations and the gap between rich and poor widens every year. Crime is far worse than in Thailand and most other places for that matter. As for the healthcare debate, I have worked in US healthcare for the last 15 years, I know it well. If you have insurance your co-pays and out of pockets will exceed the charges you pay in Thailand. If you don't, you are screwed. Healthcare costs will bankrupt you and hospitals and doctors will not treat you. The system is cracking.

Knowing these things, I chose Thailand to retire to. It's cheaper, safer and I rather like the Buddhism thing, thank you. There is probably somewhere better out there, but until I find it Thailand is an upgrade. I'll be back July 12th for good this time to start my retirement. And none of you gloomy types are going to stop me!!!!!!! :o

A Good Positive Post LOD.

Unfortunatley we get the ranters on here sometimes... It really does make me wonder why people bother coming here..perhaps they feel better to get it off their chests.

Anyway..will drink to your re-location in THE LAND OF SMILES on July 12th


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EXACTLY. I have a farang friend who is so proud of the good deal he got on 35 rai on land. The land (and his investment) just sit there. He could have invested the money and be getting a return. On the other hand when he dies his wife can sell the land if she gets in a bind.

I pay 200 baht per day to rent a 4br/3 bath house....you're right.....no need to buy.

Land is actually where the profits are made here, not in houses or apartments (unless you are a developer).

We have bought 33 Rai 5 years ago. Today we get regular offers double the amount we paid for. We don't sell though as we did buy the land to keep and use, and not for speculation purposes.

If your friend got a good price on the land, has a trustworthy wife, and all the ownership papers, and the land is in a good location, then this might have been a very profitable investment.

Good for you. But many people here (including Thais) buy land and it doesn't appreciate at nearly the rate yours did. I suspect you made a wise buy from someone needing a money fix. This happens sometimes and is a great way to pick up a good deal. A 20% increase in value each year is above the norm in most areas of Thailand (but not the 'tourist' areas). In the case of my friend he would have been better to have invested his money as no one is 'rushing in' to buy his land. He tried to sell it to me...... :o

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I would give Thailand a break. I had to chuckle about the house and land price thing. It's about half what I would pay back in the home town, as other posters have mentioned. Much different than in the past I'm sure but so is everywhere else.

My good old USA government has become by, for and of the coporations and the gap between rich and poor widens every year. Crime is far worse than in Thailand and most other places for that matter. As for the healthcare debate, I have worked in US healthcare for the last 15 years, I know it well. If you have insurance your co-pays and out of pockets will exceed the charges you pay in Thailand. If you don't, you are screwed. Healthcare costs will bankrupt you and hospitals and doctors will not treat you. The system is cracking.

Knowing these things, I chose Thailand to retire to. It's cheaper, safer and I rather like the Buddhism thing, thank you. There is probably somewhere better out there, but until I find it Thailand is an upgrade. I'll be back July 12th for good this time to start my retirement. And none of you gloomy types are going to stop me!!!!!!! :o

A Good Positive Post LOD.

Unfortunatley we get the ranters on here sometimes... It really does make me wonder why people bother coming here..perhaps they feel better to get it off their chests.

Anyway..will drink to your re-location in THE LAND OF SMILES on July 12th


Thank you, it's been a long 3 months back here. The poop can't get much deeper.

I once asked in one of my first posts why did I hear so much complaining from people who have chosen to live in Thailand and will never leave? All a matter of perspective I suppose.

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Why do I say that the 60s, 70s, and 80s were better for the Thai people, in general? During the periods I mentioned above, the average Thai actually enjoyed life and were always happy. 'Free' roaming movies right to the doorstep of the village, 'free' health care, no fear of being robbed, 'free' county fairs, 'free' rice if you were poor and had none, 'free' transportation to the market, etc.

And for my final 'tirade'. You people that have only negative 'one liners' are the undereducated or uneducated 'foreigners' that I tried to get the message to in my original post. If all you have is 'one liners' then you may need some further education. And, if you have 'never lived' in Thailand, again, you do not no what you are talking about - in other words, you 'have no opinion'.


Sounds like the 60's, 70's and 80's in Thailand were magical years when everything from movies, to heathcare to food , to transportation was free. I lived in Thailand in the 60's and 70's and must have missed out on all those freebies. Was I the only one that was paying, back then?

Oh, and sounds like there was no crime back then.. So I guess the folks who broke into my house and stole all our stuff in l969 on Soi Aree Saam...must have been a farang visiting Thailand.

As I recall, life back then was just as tough and unforgiving in Thailand as it is now. There was poverty and unemployment, wages were low, heathcare was for those that could afford it, and Thais had to pay to see a movie and buy a bag of rice. And look at the old flats and houses in Bangkok. They all had bars on their windows.

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It is interesting to read on the forum about people that are purchasing or contemplating the purchase of:

Condo's for 1,000,000 plus baht with many at prices of 4,000,000 baht and above! That's $27,000 - 106,000 plus US dollars.

Land for 500,000 baht (minimum) to well over 2,000,000 baht per rai! That's $13,000 to $54,000 plus US dollars per acre. And you cannot own the land!

House for 1,000,000 plus baht! Again, that's $27,000 plus US Dollars. Combined House and Land - $40,000 US Dollars (minimum)!! And again, you cannot own the land!

The numbers you quote maybe small change to many people who don't mind having the convenience of having something a little more permanant but if it disappears - doesn't matter.

I have personally shopped for another house and prices have ranged from 800,000 to over 2,000,000. And this is for 'second hand' town houses and 'stand alone' houses that are so run down that I would not put 'farm animals' in them. To refurbish them to what most 'foreigners' would consider 'acceptable' will cost an additional 800,000 to 2,000,000 in materials and labor. Needless to say, I will not be purchasing another house 'in this lifetime'!

Is that Farang or Thai Baht!

And you cannot own the land!

Do you ever actually OWN land anywhere, if it's a 99 year lease or whatever...

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I read the posts and wanted to add a few comments. In the first place we can't own land here so why worry and complain about it? Hospital care in the USA? You've got to be joking if you think it is so great. :D Obviously you have never had an insurance company that uses an HMO. I can tell you stories about one called Beverly Hospital in Montebello, CA. It absolutely stinks. :o Thailand is not for everyone and living up country is suitable for even fewer. After my California medical experiences I can tell you that I have much more faith in the Thai doctors. I am quite content here and if that changes I have no anchor tied to my ass.

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Nostalgia is like a grammar lesson: you find the present tense, but the past perfect! ~Owens Lee Pomeroy

Nostalgia is a seductive liar. ~George Wildman Ball

If you're yearning for the good old days, just turn off the air conditioning. ~Griff Niblack


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There are many types of farangs here.

Who said this I don't know

"The young look to the future because they have no past and the old look to the past because they have no future."

If you've got the dough and you aren't going to be around forever you probably aren't worrying too much.

If you don't have a bank account and every check means a lot you might think things aren't so easy.

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The best medical services on the planet are available in the USA...its not even open to debate.

It is if you don't have insurance.

The problem there is that Insurance is a choice, the same people that dont have insurance will spend 45 bucks on Cable TV, by their kids a couple 50 dollar video games a month, smoke ciggs that cost 5 bucks a pack, alcohol, half their paycheck on lottery tickets.

If a person wants insurance in the states its available, its good, and it will keep you from going bankrupt.

Thats the thing about the USA, you have the choice to improve your life or ###### it up, the choice is yours.

More importantly if you're dying from a car wreck you wont be thrown in a pick up truck or stuck in the back of a mini van ambulance in traffic that wont yield. :o

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