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World cup: Curfew may be eased during tournament


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Panem et circenses

Iam vero! Sed, cui bono et quis custodet custodies?

(Indeed! But who benefits from all this and who is checking on our guards?)

There is nothing new under the sun; Cicero had it all covered 2,000 years ago, and at least Caesar distinguished himself in battle before turning his army on his own people.

Another quote our hosts may care to consider is, "Quem deus vult perdere, dementat prius" - usually translated as "Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad".

Clever chaps those Romans.

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Quality time with the family?

Her. Tilac can you turn the TV down I can't sleep?

Him. Hey shut up!! shut the door and stick a pillow over your head England are playing

Her. You don't have to make so much noise

Him.........Oh geez!!! you made me miss that goal......shut that effin door and go to your bed willya!!!

Her: mumble mumble mumble.......Slam!!!!!

Yeah real quality time laugh.png

Tee hee...

Do what I do. Buy one of those small transmitters and remote headphones - around 450 baht - and you can have the commentary as loud as you like with the TV sound on zero.

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