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Recommendations for learning Thai in Pattaya


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I'm interested in learning basic conversational Thai. So, not the usual "how long you here for" and "where you from" sort of Thai, but equally I'm not interested in being able to hold philosophical conversations - even if I could!

I need something with structure, organized for the fastest possible result. I'm not keen on on-line learning and I doubt if I could afford 1:1 tuition.

I'm on a budget, so haven't got a huge amount to spare, let alone waste. Ideally I would also like to learn to read Thai to become self sufficient in being able to progress.

My current abilities are appalling, with maybe 300 words in total. So, not a complete novice but not far off.

Anyone got any recommendations or thoughts?


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AUA starts classes on Monday morning (the 16th) for another 5 week term. The office is open Sunday if you want to check it out. You could take a free class first before signing up for the whole term. They have a web site but it's very poor and doesn't even show that Thai classes are even offered for 2014 but the classes are pretty good. They teach the Thai alphabet and reading Thai as separate courses than the the basic speaking courses.

They are in Central Festival 4th floor by the kiddie play area.

Walen is good also but uses a completely different method of learning, maybe not what you're looking for, but You can start with then at anytime and just join an ongoing class. At Walen you learn the Thai alphabet as the very first thing and learn to read from the very beginning. You won't pick up useful conversation so much the first month or so but things might even out after a few months compared to The traditional method used by AUA.

I've taken classes at both an recommend both.

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AUA is 5,900 Baht for a 40 hour 5-week course (M-Th for 2 hrs a day).

Walen is 8,960 for 45 hours (it's cheaper if you pay for more hours at a time)

Walen has lots of info on their website. They are the most flexible as far as schedules. You can go mornings or afternoon and choose two days a week (Tu, Thu) or 3 days a week (M, W, F).


AUA has a website but it's crap for info. There is another school called Pro Language that also has group classes but I have no personal experience with them. I did ask them their schedule the one time I visited the school and it was very limited. I have seen a couple of positive posts about the instruction though.

As far as effectiveness, that's a hard one to quantify. As stated earlier at Walen you will take the time to learn the Thai alphabet at the beginning. It's pretty standard rote learning and depends on what effort you make how long you stay in the beginner class. Everyone seems to pick it up OK so I'd call that very effective. The downside is that it will be longer till you have accumulated a reasonable vocabulary since you are practicing reading while also learning new words.

AUA goes straight into teaching conversational Thai. All the who, what, where, why etc that is most commonly used. At the end of their 1st 5 week speaking class you should know some basic vocabulary and understand the basic grammar rules. If you have a 300 word vocabulary now it is probably a lot of what would be taught in the first course.

Again, I would recommend both AUA and Walen and where you want to go may end up being decided by what's available at the time you want to sign up.

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If I have problem writing the Thai letters

I did not found any school in group learning

Where I can exclude learn the writing

Near big c in north Pattaya also a school

Always in other schools have problem

That lessons been chanceled and set to Nother day or school closed

Next time I only learn and university!

When a school always must make advertising in newspaper

Or on a banner on many Thai website something goes wrong!

And the alarm bells ring up in my ears!

When I school would have a good feedback

No advertising needed,

Something called month to month propaganda , is the keyword

To succsess , and then no advertising is needed!

Also finding out how long the teacher studdy

and what method of learning used some school make a big secret of it!

And this what happen to me I booked a German teacher

To Thai stuff do something wrong got a English one

After 2. Meeting a Thai teacher come speaks German

But not perfect, for me I understand also but it isn't a great deal!

Not have to talk about there selfmade schools in Pattaya

That used Thai teachers , and the German boss disapsard with the money after enough people sign up for a course that never exists!

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