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Falling In Love With A Woman...


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A life-letter from my greatest friend in the universe, JUST sharing mind you:

I have met someone and fallen in love and have to admit it feels amazing to have my heart open again. What a lesson to learn that all the times I thought I was feeling some form of love in the past, it was actually only a deep caring for the other person. And how sad that all this time my heart has been closed and not had the pleasure to feel this before. The surprising thing however is...hold onto your pants lovie....that I fell in love with a woman! Yep read it again, I am not joking, its a woman! Can't believe it myself but learning that you just don't have control over who you fall in love with.

At first we both were really overwhelmed with the connection we had, nothing intimate, just an amazing soul connection, heart opening, fully expressing ourselves in a way we hadn't done before with anyone else. At first there was no physical attraction as such and me in my 'straighness' found it a little strange how much i was longing to be close to her. In the end i had to admit I was actually attracted to her. So that is it! Shocked?? It is a little strange still as I know I am not gay as such, I don't see my past attraction to men as a mistake. I now see that love can happen in many forms and I decided to explore it and see what the universe was trying to teach me this time around. It's too hard to walk away from intense feelings like this so I find myself absorbed in it, and it is really lovely!!

Loving a woman is very different...not so much ego involved!! A nice change I can tell you. I am trying to live in the present moment with this and not look too far ahead at this stage. Its all new and just seeing where it is going before we get too serious about stuff. Just enjoying the experience together. She is an amazing woman on so many levels you would love her. It is nice to be with someone too who is not threatened by your own confidence, drive, power, intellect etc and actually gives me more power to strive for greatness!!


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YA BABY! RIGHT ON! I love lesbians!!!!!!! :D

Ok, ok, just joking. Seriously though, it's no big deal. If that's who she fell in love with then so be it. I'm happy she was able to find someone to open her heart to. Good for her! :o

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My best friend always had boyfriends until she feel in love with a woman, she now calls herself gay but she still finds men attractive and also does not regret her experience with her past boyfriends.

I believe that for many woman their love, lust, attractions are always changing on a scale between straight and gay. Not to undermind thouse who know they are straight or gay. Just for many women depending on the time of their life, or the people they meet, they can feel different things for different people including both men and women.

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Good for her, it is hard enough in todays world to find love & if it's with a man or a women it shouldn't matter. I know a lot of women who have been "turned" by the love of a good women. Women I think have stronger emotional bonds to each other & I can see how that can develop into love & passion :o

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That's cool- I have a really hard time understanding it myself -I am physically attracted to an occasional woman but not emotionally, I could never really have a girlfriend, it's hard enough for me to make female friends. But love comes in many forms and it is always a good thing. Good for your friend for finding in where it wasn't expected.

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Well, that's why Im lesbian, I really think the connection with a woman is incredible... amazing..

I understand your friend 100%


I'm so glad you said that pop_corn ... the last time I saw my friend was on Koh Tao - over a year ago. We had not seen each other for about 4 yrs - we both kinda got heavily involved in study & careers. I encouraged her to apply for a a job in Thailand after her graduation and - as I'd been here already for a few years - she jumped at the idea and scored a great job. We both worked so hard, however, we never found time to hang out here due to our respective locations.

Sadly, we only got to spend a few days together, during the 12 mths she was here - but I do remember thinking how beautifully she had grown as a person - and, if I were a lesbian I would love her and cherish her for the rest of my life.

Anyways, I do love her dearly and fate turns out that she did fall in love with a female soul mate! Hooray for love, huh? :D

Edited by khall64au
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Well, that's why Im lesbian, I really think the connection with a woman is incredible... amazing..

I understand your friend 100%


I'm so glad you said that pop_corn ... the last time I saw my friend was on Koh Tao - over a year ago. We had not seen each other for about 4 yrs - we both kinda got heavily involved in study & careers. I encouraged her to apply for a a job in Thailand after her graduation and - as I'd been here already for a few years - she jumped at the idea and scored a great job. We both worked so hard, however, we never found time to hang out here due to our respective locations.

Sadly, we only got to spend a few days together, during the 12 mths she was here - but I do remember thinking how beautifully she had grown as a person - and, if I were a lesbian I would love her and cherish her for the rest of my life.

Anyways, I do love her dearly and fate turns out that she did fall in love with a female soul mate! Hooray for love, huh? :D


yeah, love can came in many forms... and frienship is also one of them !!

Im glad that you take it that way.. sometimes is difficult to say to your friends "im gay" cuz girls get scared of it .. :o

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The greatest joy you'll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return!

Peace to you, and many, many smiles and moments of laughter......


Right at this moment in time, I WISH all, everybody had this same attitude: love, smiles, laughter! No matter what we experience in life, it all comes back to the ability to appreciate the love and sharing we find in our lives.

My thoughts expand beyond the essence of this thread.... :o

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