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Just want to ask about the new Internet Explorer 7.

Is it worth do download and install it?

Some experiences please.



be sure that you want it cause it is a bear to uninstall


Users Being Warned Away from IE 7

Experts in Internet security are warning users away from the beta versions of Microsoft's new Internet Explorer 7. They are telling people to wait until the final version has been released, as the current version clashes with other security programs.

A senior technology consultant at Sophos suggested that a user is "never to use beta software on a computer which is important to you, or which carries data that is valuable. Beta software is software which the vendor knows isn't quite ready..."

Wait until all bugs has been Resolve before you install IE 7 final version.


Installed it last week.

Cool new simple interface...but...

I've uninstalled it after trying it out a couple hours. Nearly all my programs which took cue from the IE internet connection status to do live-update couldn't do so anymore after installing IE 7.

Easy to uninstall though...just one click.


If you are looking for a tabbed browser, go for Opera or Firefox,

not this johnny come lately from MS

If you are looking for a tabbed browser, go for Opera or Firefox,

I agree...

My choice is Firefox...i would never use IE again..

If you do use IE i would suggest waiting some time till all issues have surfaced been resolved and all is stable before moving up a level on anything...(probably 3-4 years :o )

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