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Obama shifts resources to US border

WASHINGTON: -- President Barack Obama has directed immigration resources towards the US border with Mexico.

The US president announced he will use his own powers to "fix as much of our broken immigration system as we can".

The move comes as Republicans told Mr Obama a sweeping immigration bill passed by the Senate last year will not see a vote in the House this year.

The US has seen a sharp increase in number of children trying to cross illegally into the US.

From October 2013 to 15 June, 52,000 unaccompanied children arrived on the US border with Mexico, according to the US Homeland Security department.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-28100952




Wow, three responses and all completely wrong. No one made an imperial decree to let hundreds of thousands of people cross the border. That is complete BS. The fact of the matter is that Republicans were working with Democrats on a immigration bill to fix long standing problems in our immigration policy before Obama was elected. This isn't some problem that just popped up when Obama was elected. This is decades old.Despite the fact that there was bipartisan support for reform, that faded when not only a Democrat won the presidency, but a black Democrat won. This has affected not only immigration reform but our entire economy which is recovering not because of what Obama has done to improve the economy but despite what the Republicans have done to undermine the economy of their own country. The Democrats aren't even near perfect but the Republicans are traitors to their own country.


Actually you are the one who is incorrect.Obama's executive order creating Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is what started the rumors that kids could come into the US and not be deported. That they are not being deported as they come in is supporting that rumor of course. 


Any immigration bill has to have border enforcement before it actually means anything. 


And you are correct in that the biggest issue is the US elected a black president, not that he is black of course, but that was simply the only reason he was elected, it sure wasn't on experience or leadership skills. The man is spending on average $1 trillion more each year than Bush and the Fed pumps in another trillion. So basically a $2 trillion a year Keynesian wet dream with a 2.9% negative growth rate in the 1st quarter to show for it. Oh boy. Should we spend some more? 



Right on XDB. Amnesty for people who broke the law by illegal entry is a sticking point also. None of this would be a issue if  the laws already in the books would have been enforced for the last 20yrs. Placing blame on one party or the other is nonsense. There is enough guilt to go around for both Dems and Republicans.

  If you want to see the real state of the economy check out John Williams of Shadowstats. It has gotten so bad that even with the DC spin which is used to get the result they want the economic numbers are horrible. The US is screwed and the 99% for the most part don't see it.


Republicans have been doing everything they can to ensure Obama is not put on Mt. Rushmore with the other 4 great Presidents. 


They vainly try to revise history.  They vote down their own ideas once Obama comes out in support of them.  They twist and fork-tongue facts and figures.  They do previously unthinkable things like refuse to support our soldiers in the field and veterans at home.  They trash our economy.  There is absolutely NOTHING Republicans won't do and no spin they won't try to undermine the good Obama and Democrats try to do for our country and the world.


Bravo for all Obama has been able to do despite the Republican [expletives].  Obama has the right ideas for reforming immigration.  It has overwhelming support of Americans everywhere.  It passed the Senate last year and there are enough votes in the House of Representatives to pass the same bill today.  BUT Republicans refuse to allow a vote on it.  Obstruct, obstruct, obstruct. 


If Americans can get rid of Eric Cantor as they just did weeks ago, they can get rid of enough other Republicans to take control of the House of Representatives; and thereby give  control Congress to Dems and then get things done.  Finally.



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dont believe a word this cretin says ...HE is the one who sanctioned all the 200,000+ to be allowed into the US and be given a bus ticket to ANY city they like after health screening at the border....next step yhe UN will be sent into the US border areas to monitor ...the US is coming to a huge cross roads

when you are staring bankruptcy in the face anything can happen. not too much oil left that hasnt been stolen already 


America needs more unskilled migrants like a whole in the head , their wages are the lowest of the first world countries thanks to the collusion between government and big corporations , 

This technical term for this is 'crony capitalism.'
I am a UK and New Zealand citizen and 73 yrs old. The US and the UK let so many people into their country's because they needed workers to grow bigger. Now they are trying to stop them. Obama is a pawn to the high advisers and does what they tell him to do. The best guy you ever had was Kennedy and the best the UK had was Maggie Thatcher and Winston Churchill. They stopped the lazy labour followers who got so much for being lazy and claimed as much as they could get.

Wow, three responses and all completely wrong. No one made an imperial decree to let hundreds of thousands of people cross the border. That is complete BS. The fact of the matter is that Republicans were working with Democrats on a immigration bill to fix long standing problems in our immigration policy before Obama was elected. This isn't some problem that just popped up when Obama was elected. This is decades old.Despite the fact that there was bipartisan support for reform, that faded when not only a Democrat won the presidency, but a black Democrat won. This has affected not only immigration reform but our entire economy which is recovering not because of what Obama has done to improve the economy but despite what the Republicans have done to undermine the economy of their own country. The Democrats aren't even near perfect but the Republicans are traitors to their own country.


While I will not disagree with the fact that there has been no "imperial decree", the administration from the get go has given the wrong signals to the immigrant community and those wanting to come to the USA.  The Administration's support of immigration reform has tended to be along the lines of vast acceptance of the people that are here without needed reform in the basic laws which dictate how immigrants are handled and what benefits they get once in the USA.  This has been a major point in disagreement between the Republicans and the Democrats.  While many Republicans would like to just send them all back, generally everyone understands that is impossible. The thing the Republicans want most is to stop the influx along the border first and then discuss what to do with those here.  I honestly don't see the problem in this line of thinking.  Ronald Reagan signed the Immigration Reform and Control Act in 1986 allowing about 3 million immigrants who has been in the USA since 1982 to stay under certain guide lines. Along with that there was supposed to be work undertaken to stop the massive influx of immigrants. Subsequent Administrations and Congress failed on that point miserably. Democrats have generally not supported building a fence as there seems to be a feeling that the influx is a humanitarian problem and they have been weak to support such a proposition as a fence and increase border protection. In addition they seen the hispanic vote as significant the the idea of stopping additional immigration rubs the immigrant community the wrong way.  That is about politics. While it is often stated that big business wants this immigrant labor, I reject this argument because big business can't use uneducated, illegal immigrant labor in any big way.  The laws don't allow it and the penalties are there.  Most illegal immigrant labor ends up as farm hands, gardeners, and house keepers or in small business.  Having had a small manufacturing business where a good percentage of the labor force was hispanic, I can tell you right out that the penalties for dealing with illegals are serious. It was not worth the risk.  Depending on the nature of the work there are plenty of legal workers to fill the bill without having to resort to illegals.  It is the mom and pot type business that may be more likely to hire an illegal.


The biggest problem with immigration reform is that the liberals see this as a human tragedy with people only looking for a better life so legalize the current population and then deal with the border. The conservatives, while probably not wanting any immigration at all, obviously recognize that the immigrants are here but before they give amnesty to them they want the spigot turned off.  One only has to look at past experience to see that if amnesty is again provided the real problem will not be dealt with as it was not dealt with in the past.  The influx over the border must be stopped, laws need to be passed that prevents any future road to permanent residence or citizenship if the immigrant has entered the country illegally. Babies born of illegal immigrants should not be provided citizenship because of being born here and thus providing an avenue to allow parents, siblings, etc to remain in the USA. No government benefits should be provided to illegal immigrants as is being done now.  Sure this sounds harsh but the incentive must be taken away to stop the illegal immigration.  Once Congress and the Administraton take care of business then let's see what should be done about those currently in the USA.  Before I get attacked as being some kind of insensitive monster, I do know people caught in the situation of being brought here as kids and being caught in the catch 22 of not being legal through no fault of their own.  This is awful and very difficult for them as they have no connection with their home countries other than being born there.  I have no doubt that if the Democrats and the Administration would take on the problem of border control and putting together a comprehensive plan for that problem with the Republicans everything else would fall into place.  The problem remains that Obama and his liberal bunch want to give amnesty to millions who came here illegally without closing the door to future problems first.  That my friends is the great divide between liberals and conservatives which is stopping action on the subject of amnesty.  


Why the subject of the economy got related to this thread is anyone's guess but I will point out that Obama has now been in office 5 1/2 years. The economy is stagnant. Obama has managed to do nothing but pour borrowed money onto the problem. I believe that is because he has absolutely no understanding of what makes the economy work. His first mistake was to constantly give speeches against the "rich" and "big business" and the tax advantages/loopholes that they get. He failed to do anything in a positive way about tax policy but continued to rail against the 1%, 5%, or 10%.  He finally got some tax code changes by taxing the rich. It added very  little to the government revenues and was nothing more than political strategy showing he stands for the little guy. He has increased the national debt higher and faster than any previous Administration.  What Obama has not done is give confidence to the very businesses that provide the jobs and thus tax revenues. No business is going to invest in equipment, personnel, infrastructure in a time of stagnation. He has given no confidence to business and they are just holding onto their money.  The businesses cannot plan from on year to the next what the tax code will allow.  Business does not invest unless they feel a confidence in the government and the tax code. The effects of Obamacare have been devastating to many low income workers. Fast food, banks, retail outlets, etc. do not now want to employ a person for 40 hours and many employees are now working less that 32 hours per week.  Like it or not I see this everyday. No one in these types of business is working 40 hours per week.  Businesses like the one I had see it as generally better to work people overtime than hiring more people as the labor costs are greater.  The point is that Obama has never worked in the private sector nor have many of the people surrounding him. They don't see the real world. They don't know what it takes to make things work. They are theorists and academics who have not run anything where they are responsible for making a profit and are lacking in on the job experience.  Again the length of the stagnation is because of the signals this administration sends out.  


Just for the record, I supported Obama when he ran in 2008.  My thinking was that we needed something new.  During his turn things have not improved, he has been very divisive in my opinion, and he is completely out of his league in his attempt of play with the big boys in politics.  Obama had a time when he had full control of the House and Senate and absolutely nothing happened.  Don't blame the Republicans for that.  The Republicans and the Tea Party conservatives are for the most part tired of the run away spending.  The charging on the credit card worry them.  The only solution the Democrats have is to start new programs and spend more money.  This has basic conservatives very worried and thus at odds with the President and Democrats.  It is not because Obama is black or any number of things that are thrown back at conservatives.  It is the out of control spending that really worries a lot of people. 


I have never in my life felt more dissatisfied about the domestic situation and foreign affairs.  While at this point in my life I don't loose sleep over such things, I have been around long enough to see how inept and impotent the current President, Administration, and Congress really is at this current point in time.  This Administration has handled foreign affairs so poorly and sent such mixed signals that it has contributed to the middle turmoil.  Having just completed a trip to Europe and talked to people about how they view the EU, one certainly gets an earful that things are not as rosy as many would assume.  While maybe a common currency and some trade benefits help, the free flow of people across borders to live where they choose has many concerned as can be seen from recent elections in some countries of the EU. Some countries being left without talented, educated people and others being flooded. France demolishing a refugee camp in Calais of people waiting to sneak in to the UK.  It is all a mess. 


So with that, maybe I should have a drink and plan another vacation. 

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Post 19. Wow. What an articulate reasoned well thought out post. Agree just about 100%. We Conservatives are OK with immigration provided it is controlled. You know visas etc. Where we have some kind of say in who we let it.


I would like to add to post 19 that the type of people who we are "letting in" i.e. those that sneak across the border now are the wrong kind of people. They are economic migrants who want a job. Understandable. But they are for the most part illiterate (even in Spanish) and have no intention of integrating into the fabric of "American society" They will live in Apartheid which is their choice. 


I personally am not cool with running a bi-lingual system. Either assimilate or go home. Wishful thinking probably.


Libs want every conceivable service offered in Spanish along with all types of Spanish language TV & radio.


trouble has got it right. There will be no discussion till that border is sealed with a fence. (Funds were approved for that a few years ago). I blame Repubs for not building it. Gooday.

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The issue of unaccompanied minor children has been a big problem in numerous countries for a very long time.   It certainly pre-dates the current administration.   In the late 1980's I worked with Unaccompanied Vietnamese children in the refugee camps.   Those that were resettled (as genuine refugees) could apply for resettlement of their family.   Those that were resettled on humanitarian grounds usually could not, because they were either abandoned, abused or neglected.  


Dealing with children is an entirely different situation than dealing with adults.   There are huge legal implications in deporting minors.  


Dealing with children is an entirely different situation than dealing with adults.   There are huge legal implications in deporting minors.

Very true, which is why their parents are likely to get away with it and end up in America themselves. You can't help but feel compassion for these innocent kids.

If the children cannot be repatriated to their home country/parents, then the parents should not be allowed to join them unless they are deemed to be (political) refugees.   People who send their kids on such a dangerous journey need to be investigated carefully.   


There is a precedent for this in the Elian Gonzales case where he was returned to his father in Cuba.   The difficulty is that each requires a close look.   It's difficult to come up with a regulation.  


  • Like 1

The issue of unaccompanied minor children has been a big problem in numerous countries for a very long time.   It certainly pre-dates the current administration.   In the late 1980's I worked with Unaccompanied Vietnamese children in the refugee camps.   Those that were resettled (as genuine refugees) could apply for resettlement of their family.   Those that were resettled on humanitarian grounds usually could not, because they were either abandoned, abused or neglected.  


Dealing with children is an entirely different situation than dealing with adults.   There are huge legal implications in deporting minors.  


Yes, but the Vietnamese didn't show up in their boats on the shores of California, the government had a hand in getting them here. Correct? Is it a difficult situation, yes. In the past we had Presidents that displayed some leadership, and enforced the laws, not the incompetence we have now trying to create laws.




There is no difference in international protocol in handling unaccompanied minors whether they are from overseas or a neighboring country.   The issues of repatriating a child or allowing them to remain and be joined by family members or live in foster care do not change.  




There is no difference in international protocol in handling unaccompanied minors whether they are from overseas or a neighboring country.   The issues of repatriating a child or allowing them to remain and be joined by family members or live in foster care do not change.  




I never said the law would change or be different. I apologize for not making my point more clearly. The Vietnamese situation was produced by our involvement in the war. the latest surge of minors crossing the border, has been caused by Obama's policies and lack of effective leadership. Has immigration been a problem? Yes, for awhile now, it's unfortunate after 5 years, Obama has just now decided he should do something about it. He also proves the point, that if we can't stop children from crossing the border, how safe is our borders against Al Qaeda or other terrorist organizations.

  • 1 month later...

Wow, three responses and all completely wrong. No one made an imperial decree to let hundreds of thousands of people cross the border. That is complete BS. The fact of the matter is that Republicans were working with Democrats on a immigration bill to fix long standing problems in our immigration policy before Obama was elected. This isn't some problem that just popped up when Obama was elected. This is decades old.Despite the fact that there was bipartisan support for reform, that faded when not only a Democrat won the presidency, but a black Democrat won. This has affected not only immigration reform but our entire economy which is recovering not because of what Obama has done to improve the economy but despite what the Republicans have done to undermine the economy of their own country. The Democrats aren't even near perfect but the Republicans are traitors to their own country.


Rubbish, the low IQ voters, Democrats/Communists are a big part of our problems. The wicked witch of the West and the shit faced  liar named Reid are the major problems. In the final analysis it is the voters who elect the self centered trash and then don't keep the heat on the politicians asses


Can we get real?


Obama's sudden rush to the border is about the 33 of 100 Senate seats that are up for grabs in the national election in just 4 months. This is a desperation move.


60 percent of Americans blame Obama for the illegal immigration crisis. Obama's approval ratings are truly in the tank.




There is a broad spectrum of things that Americans disapprove of, and Senate races often ride the coattails of the president's approval ratings.


Obama has truly stubbed his toe with unpopular things other than this too. People are upset with the IRS, Obamacare, and more, and all of it blamed on Obama and his Senate Democrats.


We are watching a grown man panic.


According to a recent FOX News poll, 40% of the people polled  "think" hahahaha that Barry, the squatter in the WH, is doing a good job.  What do this peasants know??? nothing, nada, jack shit. This is simply an arrogant/ignorant turd. What other country would accept an illegal Muslim without birth certificate  run their country. (I know they showed us a very poor forgery after Trump goosed them) This was before pot was legal in many ways or forms.




According to a recent FOX News poll, 40% of the people polled  "think" hahahaha that Barry, the squatter in the WH, is doing a good job.  



And 19% think House Republicans are doing a good job.



America needs more unskilled migrants like a whole in the head , their wages are the lowest of the first world countries thanks to the collusion between government and big corporations , 




Correct. What the US needs is more skilled workers. And those skilled workers are being driven away by a deeply flawed immigration policy. Nuclear physicists from India, are having a hard time getting a work visa, to come to work for a company based in the US. They are being offered high six figure salaries, and were trained in some of the best schools in the world. Many of these kinds of workers are being turned away because of silly, outdated, churlish quotas. Bush put a lot of these quotas into place. It is time to dismantle the system. If any Chinese national with a million dollars to spend can get a green card, fairly easily, why can't the best and the brightest from around the world come to the US to work? Why can't a Thai national, who has decent assets, owns a home here, and has no interest in living in the US get a tourist visa to visit the US? The dirty little secret, is that the biggest reason the US has so much illegal immigration is because they have so little legal immigration. As is the case with so many aspects of the government in the US, the immigration system is completely dysfunction, and completely broken. Fix it. Find the cajones to fix it. Or at least admit the system is completely broken. 

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