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Thai Facebook users suggest death penalty in cases of rape and murder


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Is having the death penalty about deterrent and prevention or about public outrage and need for revenge?

Not as if a likely perpetrator goes "oh well, lifetime imprisonment, yeah...that's worth it". Doubt if they consider

the difference between potential punishments.

Another point, mistakes and biases are inherent in any legal system. Thailand's legal and law enforcement

reputations are less than stellar, to put it mildly. Not sure that trusting them with such judgements is quite

as reasonable as the wise Facebook users suggest.

No its about putting down a rabid dog!

And if authorities get the wrong dog?

same applies for life imprisonment, no?

Personally, anything over a decade in a Thai prison and the death penalty would seem like a result.

Wrongful imprisonment could me mended, to an extent. It is not necessarily the case that the mistake will

be discovered after an inordinately long time passed. I should have probably added that sending someone

to life imprisonment in not a decision to be taken lightly as well.

The point is that there's no "undo" button to click when it comes to the death penalty.

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Obviously it is not to be taken lightly, but in this case a confession and I assume DNA evidence is there.So I see little point in not shooting the rabid dog.

Confessions have been known to be given under duress.

Evidence was falsified or misinterpreted in the past.

I am not making any judgements on this specific case, just saying that people exhibit a surprising amount

of trust in Thai legal and law enforcement agencies. Having read quite a few topics on TVF over the years,

I would never have guessed this was a popular stand among foreigners.

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Obviously it is not to be taken lightly, but in this case a confession and I assume DNA evidence is there.So I see little point in not shooting the rabid dog.

Laws cannot be made based on one case - hey have top carry across other cases. The only thing the sentencing judge can take into account is the guilt as once realised by the court, and the seriousness of the case, with respect to the legal charging limits for the crime. Mitigation works FOR the defendant, not against them. What you say about the case in your scenario, then this will help find them guilty - nothing more.

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Obviously it is not to be taken lightly, but in this case a confession and I assume DNA evidence is there.So I see little point in not shooting the rabid dog.

Laws cannot be made based on one case - hey have top carry across other cases. The only thing the sentencing judge can take into account is the guilt as once realised by the court, and the seriousness of the case, with respect to the legal charging limits for the crime. Mitigation works FOR the defendant, not against them. What you say about the case in your scenario, then this will help find them guilty - nothing more.

And if found guilty, I think the correct sentence is death for all pedophiles. Not asking to change any laws or anything, just expressing my utter hatred for the lowest form of offender.

Edited by JeremyBowskill
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Obviously it is not to be taken lightly, but in this case a confession and I assume DNA evidence is there.So I see little point in not shooting the rabid dog.

Confessions have been known to be given under duress.

Evidence was falsified or misinterpreted in the past.

I am not making any judgements on this specific case, just saying that people exhibit a surprising amount

of trust in Thai legal and law enforcement agencies. Having read quite a few topics on TVF over the years,

I would never have guessed this was a popular stand among foreigners.

You are correct in noting that many TVF members often slate the Thai justice system and harp on about wrongful misdoings, but the same members if pushed couldn't actually name 1 person they knew, who a miscarriage of justice happened to (at least on a large scale). Therefore, this may be why they are happy to take such a stance against scumbags like this.

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Life in a Thai prison with: "Child Rapist & Murderer" tattooed across their forehead and back for all to see.

Yes, I reckon death is too easy for pedos, especially killer pedos.

Grotesque mutilation that 1. Makes them recognised as a pedo, 2. Gives them chronic pain every day of their lives.

Break their back into the bargain so they are immobile, and cut off the penis for good measure.

Make them suffer.

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I guess it is actually about enforcing/executing the death penalty.

To my knowledge the death penalty has not been abolished and can still be handed out.

"Only" that there has been no execution for a long time.

But a reasonable number of inmates on death row.

In such a case it is hard to argue against.

Everybody his own opinion.

And I respect it.

But I am totally against the death penalty for all crimes.

Millions of good people die every year because they have no donor in time to save them.

Lots of good people can have a better life if they would find a donor in time.

The modern transplantation techniques can replace all body parts which are not or badly functioning on some people (eyes, ears, limbs, etc.)

Why kill these people when they can serve very well for other, more noble purposes?

Every person has 2 kidneys.

Many people die every year because a kidney donor is not found in time.

Let's take 1 kidney of these offenders and give it to someone who is dying.

Let's take 1 eye of these offenders and give it to someone who is blind..

And if it comes out that the offender was innocent, he can be released and continue the rest of his life if fairly good condition.

Would you prefer to kill such a person if your child would die because there is no donor to replace his ailing heart/kidney/etc.?

I would prefer to let him/her be sentenced to donate his organs for the community and save several other people.

Kill in such a way as to not affect the organs, but these people should have no right to life after they anothers. There nothing cruel about that the took a life without regard to there wishes.

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Obviously it is not to be taken lightly, but in this case a confession and I assume DNA evidence is there.So I see little point in not shooting the rabid dog.

Confessions have been known to be given under duress.

Evidence was falsified or misinterpreted in the past.

I am not making any judgements on this specific case, just saying that people exhibit a surprising amount

of trust in Thai legal and law enforcement agencies. Having read quite a few topics on TVF over the years,

I would never have guessed this was a popular stand among foreigners.

You are correct in noting that many TVF members often slate the Thai justice system and harp on about wrongful misdoings, but the same members if pushed couldn't actually name 1 person they knew, who a miscarriage of justice happened to (at least on a large scale). Therefore, this may be why they are happy to take such a stance against scumbags like this.

Guess I'm not one of the many who "actually couldn't" - both in Thailand and elsewhere.

I do not think that taking either stance shows different levels of condemning such vile deeds.

Recognizing potential dangers of applying a irreversible punishment within the context of flawed

legal and law enforcement systems says nothing about the way one feels about such crimes.

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Agreed. Kill the bastards. I know it's not a deterrent in many cases but it's better than supporting them. However they should be killed in a manner that befits the crime and only after a good daily whipping for about six months.

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So trial by facebook lynch mob is the preferred method of justice now?

This could be refined so an accuser could simply point at somebody who might look similar and they get gunned down. No need for long winded or expensive trials - the 2003 drugs 'clear up' led the way in this system of justice.

Doesn't really matter if the mob confuse paedophile with paediatrician, the words looks nearly the same.

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I am against death penalty.

Nobody has the right to take another humans life.

But, in cases like that I would be happy to see this scum going to prison for the rest of his life.

Especially to a Thai prison.

I entirely agree with one additional suggestion, namely that the criminals involved be sentenced to Life imprisonment with hard labour without the possibility of ever being pardoned!!!

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Include statutory rape also (google it if you do not know what it means USA meaning in law.)

The boonies suffers a lot from this

How many would get the needle for this one!!!

Bring it on most people affected would be Thai nationals.

Lots less young teenage pregnancies.....

again for rape and statutory rape.

stop people selling young daughters into marriage at school age also

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So, we all know there are from time to time miscarriage of justice.

So do we execute those who testified against the executed person, the judge who passed the sentence, the executioner?

Are not those who advocate executions indirectly murderers themselves?

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In favour of the idea, but would have serious doubts the courts would be capable of determining those who were guilty. Those with connections here already get away with murder. On bail of coarse

How many foreign husband/boyfriends would be accused to dispose of them

Edited by TimCM
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I did jury service in HK for a pretty violent armed robbery of a restaurant.

The accused, in making his escape, was supposed to have jumped about 12 feet of a wall onto the street, in the dark, carrying a plastic bucket full of coins. ( say 12kg )

When we retired to make our verdict, a nice, well to do Chinese lady remarked , " He must be guilty, otherwise the police would not have arrested him ".

On day 3 of the trial, there was heavy rain and bad traffic and we were all assembled when he arrived late and limped into the court.

He was a cripple from childhood.

All of you screaming for the death penalty, revenge, blood and guts etc, need to consider the potential fallibility of the police, the prosecutors, the courts and the jury ( except here there is no jury..........)

Lex talionis works well in making both parties blind............

Shariah law anyone ???

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I wonder how many people that are against the death penalty would reconsider if it was their daughter or son that was assaulted and then brutally murdered?

I would hope not many; it shouldn't change strongly held moral principles.

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I wonder how many people that are against the death penalty would reconsider if it was their daughter or son that was assaulted and then brutally murdered?

This is a very good question, on a personal level.


I would like to think my opinion would remain the same, but well aware of my human failings.

Guess its something one finds out only under extreme circumstances.

Hopefully non of us will be in this spot.

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Life in a Thai prison with: "Child Rapist & Murderer" tattooed across their forehead and back for all to see.

Yes, I reckon death is too easy for pedos, especially killer pedos.

Grotesque mutilation that 1. Makes them recognised as a pedo, 2. Gives them chronic pain every day of their lives.

Break their back into the bargain so they are immobile, and cut off the penis for good measure.

Make them suffer.

That's the spirit - let it out !

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Agreed. Kill the bastards. I know it's not a deterrent in many cases but it's better than supporting them. However they should be killed in a manner that befits the crime and only after a good daily whipping for about six months.

Exactly - I'd volunteer for the 1st month !

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So trial by facebook lynch mob is the preferred method of justice now?

This could be refined so an accuser could simply point at somebody who might look similar and they get gunned down. No need for long winded or expensive trials - the 2003 drugs 'clear up' led the way in this system of justice.

Doesn't really matter if the mob confuse paedophile with paediatrician, the words looks nearly the same.

Folk like you will find themselves in trouble. Thailand is not the most dangerous place in the world, but folk with purist points of view are more likely to find they are taken advantage of. I don't use Facebook, but even with my limited knowledge of it, I am not aware of any trial that has been trailed by Facebook. Nothing wrong with people airing their opinions, you are also entitled to yours too, although I do worry about people that think it's ok to rape and murder young girls ??

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So, we all know there are from time to time miscarriage of justice.

So do we execute those who testified against the executed person, the judge who passed the sentence, the executioner?

Are not those who advocate executions indirectly murderers themselves?

Not at all- they are just expressing their views on what penalty they think " fits the crime." I think where the evidence can scientifically prove beyond reasonable doubt that the accused is " guilty " of such a crime ( as this type of crime - ( not a speeding ticket ) ) then the argument should surely be based around why they should be allowed to continue to live and breath the fresh air that we breath !

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So, we all know there are from time to time miscarriage of justice.

So do we execute those who testified against the executed person, the judge who passed the sentence, the executioner?

Are not those who advocate executions indirectly murderers themselves?

Not at all- they are just expressing their views on what penalty they think " fits the crime." I think where the evidence can scientifically prove beyond reasonable doubt that the accused is " guilty " of such a crime ( as this type of crime - ( not a speeding ticket ) ) then the argument should surely be based around why they should be allowed to continue to live and breath the fresh air that we breath !

Because even in such convictions, based on the best science can come up with, there's room for error, and room for


And because this is Thailand we're talking about, land of GT 200's....

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So, we all know there are from time to time miscarriage of justice.

So do we execute those who testified against the executed person, the judge who passed the sentence, the executioner?

Are not those who advocate executions indirectly murderers themselves?

Not at all- they are just expressing their views on what penalty they think " fits the crime." I think where the evidence can scientifically prove beyond reasonable doubt that the accused is " guilty " of such a crime ( as this type of crime - ( not a speeding ticket ) ) then the argument should surely be based around why they should be allowed to continue to live and breath the fresh air that we breath !

Because even in such convictions, based on the best science can come up with, there's room for error, and room for


And because this is Thailand we're talking about, land of GT 200's....

I have said " beyond reasonable doubt " - that should be enough. Come on pal - get off the fence with this - this is about a young girl who has been raped and murdered.....I can't see any fence with this case- you either think it's ok , or you don't. Why should the murderer continue to live ?

I tell you this, if it was my child ( I'm not a keyboard warrior- just passionate ) - I would seek the perps death sentence until my own last breath !

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Is having the death penalty about deterrent and prevention or about public outrage and need for revenge?

Not as if a likely perpetrator goes "oh well, lifetime imprisonment, yeah...that's worth it". Doubt if they consider

the difference between potential punishments.

Another point, mistakes and biases are inherent in any legal system. Thailand's legal and law enforcement

reputations are less than stellar, to put it mildly. Not sure that trusting them with such judgements is quite

as reasonable as the wise Facebook users suggest.

Well said Morch, its clearly about outrage and revenge. Of course it is a terrible evil that has been done, but caution is still necessary when speaking of the taking of life. Let's guess that many FB users haven't thought this through 100%. Such a stupidly conceived crime is evidence of an ill mind whose thought processes were so rudimentary as to never have even strayed to the punishment possibility. So in such cases, nothing would be a deterrent.

In response the the idea of the death penalty for murder and rape, my question is....How many people have been falsely accused of rape through time?....plenty I'll warrant. Dangerous ground. You don't lightly throw the death penalty about (unless you're morally unsound).

You'd be better off popping him in the chimp enclosure at Suan Dusit with an extremely horny alpha male. Then you could put that on facebook. You could actually make some money out of him....I mean who wouldn't pay to see such a spectacle? The tourists would flock in....he (and Rocco the chimp) could do nights at some of the big clubs, or maybe even Cowboy. The money could then be used to compensate the family. I'm sure that would serve as a much stronger warning than the death penalty....why be boring?

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