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Moving To Pattaya In August


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I often wonder why these Pattaya haters, such as jumbo dumbo (whatever), always feel they have to post their biased opinions on every thread that asks information about Pattaya. It is obvious they hate Pattaya and everything about it. They have posted enough opinions about it to have their feelings truly known.

Methinks they are merely trying to stir up trouble amoungst the Pattaya lovers and get a reaction. My suggestion is to ignore them. Let them listen to the sound of air rushing through their heads that is self generated only.

In other words.....Do Not Feed The Troll. :o

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The reason you have made this post no doubt is becouse you have read all the postings and news clipping from the moderators of the site woh only seem to post the doom and gloom stories. Death happens everywhere in everyway, evereyday.

But there is no one posting up all the details like there is on here. Of all the posts messages that i get from this site in the past week i cant find one that doesnt frighten a prostective resident away from living here.

The DOOM makers must be scouring the newspapres looking for some way of putting people off coming her.

If i was you i would stop reading the pish that is posted on here and make your plans for a no doubt happy life in Pattaya like most people do.

No doubt they will take this reply off becosue they are no doubt tossers

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The reason you have made this post no doubt is becouse you have read all the postings and news clipping from the moderators of the site woh only seem to post the doom and gloom stories. Death happens everywhere in everyway, evereyday.

But there is no one posting up all the details like there is on here. Of all the posts messages that i get from this site in the past week i cant find one that doesnt frighten a prostective resident away from living here.

The DOOM makers must be scouring the newspapres looking for some way of putting people off coming her.

If i was you i would stop reading the pish that is posted on here and make your plans for a no doubt happy life in Pattaya like most people do.

No doubt they will take this reply off becosue they are no doubt tossers

May I ask who you are talking to? If you are addressing this to me, I have lived happily in Pattaya since 1992. I am neither a nay-sayer nor a doom maker. I enjoy Pattaya but, while it has some things I do not like about it, I have learned to accept it's flaws as well as it's good points.

I just get tired of the same repetitive posts made by the same people all the time trying to run the city down. If they live there, then perhaps they should seek accommodations in another part of the world. If they don't live in Pattaya, why does their opinion mean anything? If they previously lived there and found other accommodations, then they need to let it go.

Just an opinion from a dumb old country boy who has chosen to live in Pattaya.

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Having lived in South Pattay for 3½ years I have felt very safe even though some people say this is the seedy area of town, I don't walk down dimly lit sois after midnight (in Manchester I wouldn't walk down some even in the daytime) I have never been subject to any threats or violence (unlike Manchester)

I have had a mobile stolen by a katoey pick pocket once, but I was very drunk and it was around 4am on the beach road (right outside the Police station) so now I always use taxi's or motorbike taxi's to get home in the early hours of the morning

This is quite a large city and some crime should be expected but frankly I feel safer here then I do in the small town where I grew up

You wouldn't let your kids go out late in England so don't do it here

Just enjoy the facilities it has to offer

Edited by Tufty
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If you got to live by the sea, why does it have to be Patters?? You already have the lady and kids. You want your kids to see 20,000 hookers going with 20,000 bald, beer-bellied frarang everyday. You also have the big "gay factor" You want your kids to see the old fart hand-in hand-with a young boy wastleing down the beach road.?

If you want to go to the beach in Pattaya with your kids, this is what will greet you. Not a pretty sight to say the least. I do wonder why you want to impose this move on your family. You already state your wife isn't too keen on the idea, she seems a wise woman and maybe you should start listening to her, after all she and the kids have a life too, dont't they or is it all about you?

We moved to Pattaya in the late 80s, actually living in Narklua, which then, compared with now, was a pretty sleepy place and very much a local community.

We moved out to Sriracha seven years later and after our children came along, the place had changed, we had changed, what we were looking for in a home had changed.

But you wouldn't move to Sri racha for the beach would you?

I wondered how long it would be before Dumpy crawled out of the woodwork and jumped on the bandwagon to add his usual bile infected, oft repeated claptrap to the proceedings. :o

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I agree with the don't make yourself a target crowd. Don't wear any gold, don't wear an expensive watch, don't clip an expensive cell phone to your belt and keep aware of your surroundings. I have been here since 1991 and have NEVER had any problems even though I have done many STUPID things. :o

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Crime in Pattaya is getting worse over the years but this is everywhere. It happens all over the world. Use your common senses and you'll never have any problems. At least I never had any major problems. But it does happen so be aware of it. Check out http://www.pattayacitynews.net/news_update.html for crime reports. But you must understand that Pattaya gets some of the world's biggest fools and jackasses on the planet earth.

Edited by Gary74
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I agree with the don't make yourself a target crowd. Don't wear any gold, don't wear an expensive watch, don't clip an expensive cell phone to your belt and keep aware of your surroundings. I have been here since 1991 and have NEVER had any problems even though I have done many STUPID things. :o

Actually, I wear a very expensive watch while in Pattaya and occasionally people do look at it but I have never had a problem. But, then again, I tend to keep away from the seedy areas. Sometimes I feel a little uncomfortable with some people, but again, it's never been a problem.

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No worries Patters is plenty safe. The crime is no worse than anywhere in Thailand, just happens to be magnified especially when farang are involved. :D


Britmaveric strikes again.

The main problem in Pattaya for a family is burglary. Unfortunately this is much higher in Pattaya than in the rest of the country, perhaps because of the drug problems and the easy pickings from the thousands of farang who have moved into the area. If you want the beach I'd suggest Phuket, it's safer but more expensive.

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No worries Patters is plenty safe. The crime is no worse than anywhere in Thailand, just happens to be magnified especially when farang are involved. :D


Britmaveric strikes again.

The main problem in Pattaya for a family is burglary. Unfortunately this is much higher in Pattaya than in the rest of the country, perhaps because of the drug problems and the easy pickings from the thousands of farang who have moved into the area. If you want the beach I'd suggest Phuket, it's safer but more expensive.

Totally agree on the burglary front. However, again agreed, there are so many rich pickings in Pattaya, if you install a half decent security system the bounders will go somewhere else, as of yet, professional burglary a very rare if not unheard of occurance. Not so sure Phucket is that much better in the burglary stakes, and it certainly is more expensive in just about every area for a man on a budget. Your kid's school in Patters will have other schools to play sport against, and a wider selection of kids in their social circle. Add on to this cheap airfare in and out of the country for their rellies to come see offspring via BK and Bob's your uncle . Stick with Patters.

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Saying you've lived in Pattaya for X number of years is of no bearing on this thread, the risk rating for Pattaya is the concern, you may not have been victim yet but have the odds increased that you will be ???????

The other alarming thing about Pattaya/Thailand is the willingness of Thai crriminals to murder farang for a few 1000baht, it's not just a theft - tehy will kill you, there are gangs of teenagers with guns in pattaya who will shoot you for the fun of it, that's what is disturbing,.

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I wondered how long it would be before Dumpy crawled out of the woodwork and jumped on the bandwagon to add his usual bile infected, oft repeated claptrap to the proceedings. :o

You and your fellow cronies must see the world in rose colored spectacles otherwise you wouldn't write such drivel and try to start another flame session which you obviously love to do. I made my point and lors replied and that was the end of that but oh no you and the intellectually challenged of Pattaya just can't help yourselves. Why cant you just post your opinions and then shut up. We all have the right to voice what we think. I couldnt careless what you write, so why do you feel obliged to comment on mine? If you have no self control and don't like what I post use the ignore button. It's there for sensitive folk like yourself.

Again I will say I wish lors and his family every happiness in Pattaya and anybody else wanting to move there for that matter but all of us have who have experiences of Pattaya, whether they are postive or negative, have a right to post them.

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If you got to live by the sea, why does it have to be Patters?? You already have the lady and kids. You want your kids to see 20,000 hookers going with 20,000 bald, beer-bellied frarang everyday. You also have the big "gay factor" You want your kids to see the old fart hand-in hand-with a young boy wastleing down the beach road.? There are alot of sea towns that are better than "sin city" for a family man like yourself. Cha Am. Hua Hin, Rayong, Champon, Krabi, etc. I won't go further south, because of Muslem and Tsuinami sp threats. Up to you.

Interesting…this poster seems to have included sexism, misogyny, homophobia, and racism topped with a dose of paranoia all in one short, inaccurate posting…

how many bhuddists have blown up temples or attacked and killed monks lately...or blown up markets with woman and children...don't be so politically correct...and let the Germans have thieir ladybodys I say!

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why do you feel obliged to comment on mine?

That's the point of a forum - to comment on each other's comments :D

You and your fellow cronies must see the world in rose colored spectacles otherwise you wouldn't write such drivel

Well drivel it may be, but it behoved upon me as a defender of the Pattaya bashers to let lors be aware that here we have a left handed batter who thinks he's God's gift to moral propriety, and loves nothing better than to bash Pattaya for page after page, and on thread after thread, and is not averse to indulging in a bit of viscious flaming on his own account whenever the mood suits. :D

Dumpy- Bah! :o:D

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If you got to live by the sea, why does it have to be Patters?? You already have the lady and kids. You want your kids to see 20,000 hookers going with 20,000 bald, beer-bellied frarang everyday. You also have the big "gay factor" You want your kids to see the old fart hand-in hand-with a young boy wastleing down the beach road.?

If you want to go to the beach in Pattaya with your kids, this is what will greet you. Not a pretty sight to say the least. I do wonder why you want to impose this move on your family. You already state your wife isn't too keen on the idea, she seems a wise woman and maybe you should start listening to her, after all she and the kids have a life too, dont't they or is it all about you?

You really cannot help yourself, can you Grumpy.

Your persistent, pouting, poisonous put downs on anything pertaining to Pattaya are oh so predictable.

Such outbursts are now expected of you.

However, you have now appear to have stooped to yet another low by falsifying a quote.

'daveinthailand' did not write the above reply to Lor, 'mumbojumbo' did.

Perhaps your loathing for Pattaya is responsible, or could it just be that you are not the full baht? :o

Whatever, you really are a bitter and twisted person.

Sad... :D

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You and your fellow cronies must see the world in rose colored spectacles otherwise you wouldn't write such drivel and try to start another flame session which you obviously love to do. I made my point and lors replied and that was the end of that but oh no you and the intellectually challenged of Pattaya just can't help yourselves. Why can't you just post your opinions and then shut up. We all have the right to voice what we think. I couldn't careless what you write, so why do you feel obliged to comment on mine? If you have no self control and don't like what I post use the ignore button. It's there for sensitive folk like yourself.

Again I will say I wish lors and his family every happiness in Pattaya and anybody else wanting to move there for that matter but all of us have who have experiences of Pattaya, whether they are postive or negative, have a right to post them.

Dumpster, you’ve got to be the biggest hypocrite on this forum and a phoney of the very worst kind……and I’m being civil which is alien to the spirit of most of your postings. You are dazzlingly skilled at turning any topic, whether serious or light-hearted, into an abusive flaming session. Yes, we have the right to voice what we think, whether in agreement or disagreement, and you of all people should remember that, but you like to take it that much further with your contemptuous replies. As for you not caring less what others write, what about these scurrilous extracts of your postings from other topics:-

If all you whingers only realized you were in Thailand and not your wonderful home countries then all this trivial nonsense about supermarket queues etc wouldn't bother you so much. What boring lives you must all lead if this is what you complain about. You are worse than the blue rinse brigade back home in Blighty collecting the pensions on a wet Monday morning. The c.unt can leave his country but the country can’t leave the c.unt. Leave your ideals and expectations at the airport and you will find life isn't as bad as you think.


So you are all whinging about supermarkets and Thai staff in general, yet I'm the grumpy one. It's a pity they don't have horses and hounds in Pattaya then one could eradicate all invasive pests.


Those guys who bat for the other side (that’s a laugh Dumpy) really shouldn't be so sensitive. You seem unsuitable to life in Thailand, baring the bar scene of course. Stop trying to change so much around you and change your negative attitudes instead and life won’t feel like the h.ell it must be.


You seem reluctant to say what you really want to say and you just stir up all sorts of nonsense to justify your negativity to my posting in this forum. The mere fact you do this makes me laugh even louder. Keep up the great posting! You're a credit to Pattaya!

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why do you feel obliged to comment on mine?

That's the point of a forum - to comment on each other's comments :D

Comment but not flame. You obviously dont know the difference.

Well drivel it may be, but it behoved upon me as a defender of the Pattaya bashers to let lors be aware that here we have a left handed batter
i'm sure lors now knows you are a bigoted bufoon.
who thinks he's God's gift to moral propriety,
wow i bet you had to look up that up in a dictionary because you obviously have no idea what morals are.
and loves nothing better than to bash Pattaya for page after page, and on thread after thread, and is not averse to indulging in a bit of viscious flaming on his own account whenever the mood suits.

Now there is a strong possibility Lors will have to take his 7 year old daughter past a bunch of prostitutes if he wants to go to Pattaya beach, right or wrong? Thats all I said.

If that is wrong then you have a right to accuse me of Pattaya bashing. But it cannot be wrong because I and many others have experienced this. You can't even go in Royal Garden shopping mall without someone accosting you. Now I'm not even saying this is good or bad, it's just a fact of life in Pattaya.

Now I'm sure as most level headed decent people already know you and your fellow bigoted cronies are the moronic voice of Pattaya. How can anybody take anything you post seriously. Anything uttered from your mouths should be treated with the contempt it deserves.

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Dumpster, you’ve got to be the biggest hypocrite on this forum and a phoney of the very worst kind……and I’m being civil which is alien to the spirit of most of your postings. You are dazzlingly skilled at turning any topic, whether serious or light-hearted, into an abusive flaming session. Yes, we have the right to voice what we think, whether in agreement or disagreement, and you of all people should remember that, but you like to take it that much further with your contemptuous replies. As for you not caring less what others write, what about these scurrilous extracts of your postings from other topics:-

Don't you just love Thai visa.

:D It really is pointless to misquote people or pull threads from old postings and take them out of context. But still if you have nothing better to do. :o

Funny for all your whinging and complaining about my posts, i've not had one mod send any kind of warning. I wonder why?

Just read back on this topic and see who started the flaming. Enough said.

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Now there is a strong possibility Lors will have to take his 7 year old daughter past a bunch of prostitutes if he wants to go to Pattaya beach, right or wrong? Thats all I said.

Bullshit. What you said was:

"You want your kids to see 20,000 hookers going with 20,000 bald, beer-bellied frarang everyday. You also have the big "gay factor" You want your kids to see the old fart hand-in hand-with a young boy wastleing down the beach road.?"

"a bunch" is a far cry from 20,000. You tried to make it sound like every second person encountered would be a hooker, and the rest would be bald, beer-bellied farangs.

Not to mention that his 7 year old daughter wouldn't have a clue what a hooker is, or what one looks like, unless some holier than thou, self-righteous defender of the faith took the time and effort to lead her around pointing it out and explaining it to her over and over and over again.

If that is wrong then you have a right to accuse me of Pattaya bashing. But it cannot be wrong because I and many others have experienced this. You can't even go in Royal Garden shopping mall without someone accosting you. Now I'm not even saying this is good or bad, it's just a fact of life in Pattaya.

Funny. I've never been accosted, hassled or even approached while in Royal Garden, Big C, Carrefoure. Then again, I don't go around ogling everything in a skirt, hoping to catch the eye of one who may be on the prowl. Maybe that's what I'm doing wrong ?

Now I'm sure as most level headed decent people already know you and your fellow bigoted cronies are the moronic voice of Pattaya. How can anybody take anything you post seriously. Anything uttered from your mouths should be treated with the contempt it deserves.

Really ? Most of the "moronic" comments I see in these threads come from the Pattaya Bashers. They make outlandish comments with little or nothing to back them up, usually run like scared kids from any kind of reasoned debate, and lash out at everyone that disagrees with them, using comments as noted above.

(kinda reminds me of "thegent" just before he got a permament vacation).

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why do you feel obliged to comment on mine?

That's the point of a forum - to comment on each other's comments :D

Comment but not flame. You obviously dont know the difference.

Well drivel it may be, but it behoved upon me as a defender of the Pattaya bashers to let lors be aware that here we have a left handed batter
i'm sure lors now knows you are a bigoted bufoon.
who thinks he's God's gift to moral propriety,
wow i bet you had to look up that up in a dictionary because you obviously have no idea what morals are.
and loves nothing better than to bash Pattaya for page after page, and on thread after thread, and is not averse to indulging in a bit of viscious flaming on his own account whenever the mood suits.

Now there is a strong possibility Lors will have to take his 7 year old daughter past a bunch of prostitutes if he wants to go to Pattaya beach, right or wrong? Thats all I said.

If that is wrong then you have a right to accuse me of Pattaya bashing. But it cannot be wrong because I and many others have experienced this. You can't even go in Royal Garden shopping mall without someone accosting you. Now I'm not even saying this is good or bad, it's just a fact of life in Pattaya.

Now I'm sure as most level headed decent people already know you and your fellow bigoted cronies are the moronic voice of Pattaya. How can anybody take anything you post seriously. Anything uttered from your mouths should be treated with the contempt it deserves.

And all this from someone who jerks off 5 times a day, is totally frustrated because he doesn't get any sexual satisfaction from his Thai boyfriend, has had botox and other beautifying treatment, wants to have threesomes with his boy friend, reminisces about sexual exploits in saunas... need I go on? all from a five minute trawl through your own posts.

Nothing wrong with any of that, but how can a person who lives the life you do dare to put himself into some high moral bracket and condemn the sexual goings on between middle aged farangs and young ladies in Pattaya? I think you are a bitter and deluded person.

As for being accosted in the Royal garden - never happened to me in countless visits. What've you got that I haven't? :D No, on second thoughts, don't answer that :D

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Funny for all your whinging and complaining about my posts, i've not had one mod send any kind of warning. I wonder why?

That's not quite true ... your warn log speaks otherwise. :o

In any case, this thread has turned into nothing but a flame fest.

Apologies to the OP for letting the thread degenerate so far, but if you re-read the majority of the posts here, you'll find your answer.


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