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Is The Stickman Right?


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Stickman is ALWAYS right. I have never seen anyone more in tune with Thai culture. Long live the informative gentleman who has greatly helped guide me through the Thailand maze

I have nothing but contempt for Stickman and his seedy column whose main object is to pour scorn on Thai women (not just bar girls)

I always enjoy Stickman and his insistant attempts to understand the alien culture that he is surrounded by.

I don't think that he is blessed with a better sense of what is going on with the Thais than many of the rest of us foreigners, but he and his wife are sincere, open to new ideas and certainly worth listening to.

I hope that he is around to help us sort out Thais and the Thai culture for a long time! :o

Yes, I think you have that exactly right.

The folks who don't have Trink to dump on anymore in order to demonstrate their extraordinary personal rectitude now target Stickman. The result is laughable. Stickman is a nice young man doing the best he can in an alien culture. His experiencs reflect the experiences of many of us who are anything but seedy. Long may he continue.

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Egon, You cant just stick the last paragraph of teh story and then stickmans response at the end of it, its not fair and in both cases the response imply makes no sense.

"I appear like an idiot eyes"

See I can edit your post to make you look stupid as well,


Egon's "quote" is out of context. I have NEVER seen Stickman say anything like he implies. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Just so people can form an opinion on the “enlightened” Stickman’s view of the World I am quoting 2 readers submissions as well as the comment Stickman made to them. The views he are promoting are deeply degrading and frankly untrue. I find it hard to believe that reasonably educated and critical people can respect this guy.
To put it plainly, these girls are toys. Play with the toy until you get bored with it. Then throw it away and find another one to play with. Simple advice, easy to follow, and you will enjoy everything Thailand has to offer without the suffering.

Stickman's thoughts:

An excellent submission, excellent story, and excellent advice.

the way they look at the females is different. They are raised, educated (if possible), clothed, and groomed to snare the richest man possible and bring the most money back to the family both in the way of sin sot, monthly allowances, and “face” or enhanced community position. Female children are property first, family second. The goal is for the daughter to bring in as much in the way of money as they can and that is that. Farangs are like hitting the lotto and in most cases will never be accepted as “family” because they’re simply not Thai, so many families and indeed entire communities will participate in elaborate charades to milk the farang for as much as the cow can give, all the while knowing the Thai lady will end up dumping him when she gets what she can and then moving on to another victim. This might be another farang, but eventually it will be another Thai man who the family and village will accept despite that her dealings / marriages / affairs with farangs lower her status as a person in the process.

Stickman's thoughts:

This doctor of yours sounds seriously cool. I loved what she said about the sin sot. She sounds really switched on.

True ... Well not 100% of thai ladies are like that, but if you add the thai guys and the LB, the count is correct.

But, the first advice is true also, and too many farangs act like pigs with the ladies, promising heaven to them and in fact using them as sex toy.

My 2 cents , the way I alsways got Stickman and made what he wrote fittin with the real life is maybe : One get what he deserve. He is married and happy with a thail Lady, so at least he know what thai ladies can give when you give them your truth. I know hundreds who were cheated, but somewhere they were whores mongers. So who is guilty, who is the worst: the prostitute who get money and always try to have a bit more, or the dirty man who use his power (wealth) to buy what he can dream to have decently? I did met thais people (bot hfrom the 3 genders) who were really scumsbags. I did also met thai people from also the 3 genders who were (still be) marvellous persons. Just keep your head cool, if you are 45/50/60 do not think this cuttie girl 20 y old is horny by your boddy ... she is simply looking for a deal, and mostly the deal can be simply honesty , respect, wedding ... some other time it can be simply material advantage.

So Stickman know it, but how to say to an old friend : Hey man, your gf is 21 y old and need to discover her body, her sexuality. You at 60 y o you can not afford to f*** her more than 1 time a week ... If she have 'gigs' that is only for educational purpose (to serve you better) and for hygien (too much hormones = acnae).

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I went to the Stickman site and looked at the readers submissions between June 8th and today.

I thought I would list some of what I found.

Travel article about Cambodia. (no sex)

Article about the new land law. (no sex)

A tribute to Thai women as opposed to New York women.

Another travel article about Cambodia (no sex)

A humorous tale of Japanese businessmen and bar girl humor. (no sex)

An advisory story about pickpockets in Bangkok.

A tribute to Thai women. (no sex)

Banking article about the crash of 1997 (no sex)

Land ownership article. (no sex)

China tour article. (no sex)

Comparison of living in Thailand and Cambodia (no sex)

Land ownership article (no sex)

Land ownership article (no sex)

Two very interesting articles on eating very strange things in Asia including dog and other creatures. (No sex)

An article on Aids in Thailand written by a graduate student.

An article on home repairs. (no sex)

I found the above articles good reading.

As far as Thai’s knowing about politics I have found some that do, most don’t. I don’t see it much different than the West.

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I went to the Stickman site and looked at the readers submissions between June 8th and today.

I thought I would list some of what I found.

Travel article about Cambodia. (no sex)

Article about the new land law. (no sex)

A tribute to Thai women as opposed to New York women.

Another travel article about Cambodia (no sex)

A humorous tale of Japanese businessmen and bar girl humor. (no sex)

An advisory story about pickpockets in Bangkok.

A tribute to Thai women. (no sex)

Banking article about the crash of 1997 (no sex)

Land ownership article. (no sex)

China tour article. (no sex)

Comparison of living in Thailand and Cambodia (no sex)

Land ownership article (no sex)

Land ownership article (no sex)

Two very interesting articles on eating very strange things in Asia including dog and other creatures. (No sex)

An article on Aids in Thailand written by a graduate student.

An article on home repairs. (no sex)

I found the above articles good reading.

As far as Thai’s knowing about politics I have found some that do, most don’t. I don’t see it much different than the West.

Good post. stick provides a wealth of info

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Unless you can speak Thai it will difficult to discuss anything with the Thais, much less Politics. Since few Thais speak or understand enough english to carry on a political conversation.

That depends on the Thai people you associate with. Many Thai people within my proffesional arena are armed with an array of language skills that you would find amazing, ALL can speak English, most would put many naitive English speakers to shame, several of them can also comunicate in other languages including French, Chinese and Japanese.

Whether or not they would wish to converse about politics or not is another matter, but please dont over generalize and draw inferences or a general conclusion from what is obviously limited experience with the Thai population.

Regards. Charles.

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Unless you can speak Thai it will difficult to discuss anything with the Thais, much less Politics. Since few Thais speak or understand enough english to carry on a political conversation.

That depends on the Thai people you associate with. Many Thai people within my proffesional arena are armed with an array of language skills that you would find amazing, ALL can speak English, most would put many naitive English speakers to shame

Really? :o

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I love Thailand and I love Thai people, but the only Thais that I've met who spoke English like native speakers grew up in the US, the Uk, Australia, or New Zealand.

It's nothing to be ashamed of. I speak Thai like a frog! :o

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I love Thailand and I love Thai people, but the only Thais that I've met who spoke English like native speakers grew up in the US, the Uk, Australia, or New Zealand.

It's nothing to be ashamed of. I speak Thai like a frog! :o

Enough Thai's go overseas for study these days, taking in an undergrad and a masters so that their level of English is pretty fluent by the end of it all.

And I'm not talking about the ones who go to Bumphuc College in Nebraska either (School Motto: Pay me $20,000 and I'll give you a degree). There are plenty of these types as well, and their English is useless.

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Stickman is ALWAYS right. I have never seen anyone more in tune with Thai culture. Long live the informative gentleman who has greatly helped guide me through the Thailand maze

:D:D:D :D

Monochaser, you forgot the smilies in your post... i added them for you here! :o

I read his site

So people actually do this. I have checked his site once and thought it was <deleted>. But then thats only my opinion. :D

Same same.

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His weekly column is alright and I enjoy reading about the various nightlife spots. He's done a couple of good interviews as well, the one about Boss Hogg comes to mind and some other bangkok characters.

At least it's more entertaining than reading about the quality of beer in Thailand

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I think the site has some <deleted>' hilarious material. My side still hurts from the one where he helped negotiate a sinsot and the punter asked him 'whether it would be a good idea to say he met the girl in a bar and if it would help to lower the sinsot amount if he mentioned she had likely been with many men before him!'


Edited by Heng
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His weekly column is alright and I enjoy reading about the various nightlife spots. He's done a couple of good interviews as well, the one about Boss Hogg comes to mind and some other bangkok characters.

At least it's more entertaining than reading about the quality of beer in Thailand

Oh he talks about that too

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Must say the only thing that really disturbs me on Stickman is the website Design/layout. As for the written stuff , it is a good indicator. Some of the stories are quite fun to read too. Obviously there are different people with different opinions or experience , so i do not take everything as granted just because it is written on his site.

I think the efforts he is making in bringing good info about LOS & SEA is great and should be appreciated.

rcm :o

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Stickmans’ site and its’ content are relevant to perhaps 50% of Farang living in Thailand.

He seems like a nice enough chap but at the end of the day he is a rather poorly paid English Teacher, and he can only comment on the opinions and experiences of his social circle – Thai and Farang – here.

It would be a mistake to assume that he has any insight at all into the thinking or attitude of Thais (or Farang for that matter) in other social or intellectual strata.


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Sticks website is just one voice amongst many, and when corroborated with other websites can help the reader to form a more accurate opinion of all things Thai.

There are some appauling stories there, but also some excellent and insightful ones. By balancing what he has written with posts on TV and the likes of Mango Sauce, some people will be more prepared for the challenges of living in a foreign country.

I have to admit though, a friend of mine read nothing but Sticks website for about 4 months. He started out loving it, and ended up by packing his bags and moving home!

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When I first moved to Thailand in '02 a friend recommended the Stick site to me. I read it off and on for a few months and thought, as many in this thread have said, that he and his site were full of shit and useless. Then after living here more than a year, I realized that this guy and info on his site was so incredibly accurate that it blew my mind. Not only was his site so amazingly informative on the country and its people, I had witnessed so much of what I had read that I knew he was spot on. That site along with the book money #1 are staples that no one living in Thailand should be without. Those will guide you down the right path in this land when followed. If you snub them, you are doomed for failure. I always love hearing the typical nonsense about how things here are the same as anywhere else. If you look up load of bunk in websters, you will see that phrase

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i havent seen stickmans site,but i tend to look & treat people as individuals who have had different experiences & upbringing than i,rather than look at people as thais or as thailand as a whole when i meet them.

the problem,i think with listening to other peoples opinions (including mine) is that they get mixed up with their ,bad experiences,predjudices,etc,which means you can get a distorted veiw of a country,or people,

but if hes just taking the p!ss out of thailand then fair play to him. :o

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When I first moved to Thailand in '02 a friend recommended the Stick site to me. I read it off and on for a few months and thought, as many in this thread have said, that he and his site were full of shit and useless. Then after living here more than a year, I realized that this guy and info on his site was so incredibly accurate that it blew my mind. Not only was his site so amazingly informative on the country and its people, I had witnessed so much of what I had read that I knew he was spot on. That site along with the book money #1 are staples that no one living in Thailand should be without. Those will guide you down the right path in this land when followed. If you snub them, you are doomed for failure. I always love hearing the typical nonsense about how things here are the same as anywhere else. If you look up load of bunk in websters, you will see that phrase

No, they do not have a picture of "monochaser" in websters. Should we look in the Concise Oxford?

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stickmans site rules.He knows more about Thailand than most people.


EON EGON or whatever your name is, Im afraid youve been humilliated on here son.

You are out of your depth taking him on and quite frankly many people on this board are insulted by it.

You do not know Thais like Stick so please express your opinion but dont badmouth him, be a gent and your stock will rise considerably as a man of honor by apologising.

THAI's and discussing worl politics? Not a prayer, 95% have no interest in the USA, and frankly youve got a front expecting everywhere in the world you go to wanting to talk about ######ing america, you dont rule the worls and no one cares <--- That came from sunet my thai girlfirend.

also - 90% of thai girls are not respected in the same vein as men, they very very sadly are considered second class, and again 90% in tourist areas of Thailand are used by there families to

milk money from falangs. Horrible but 100% true.

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stickmans site rules.He knows more about Thailand than most people.


EON EGON or whatever your name is, Im afraid youve been humilliated on here son.

You are out of your depth taking him on and quite frankly many people on this board are insulted by it.

You do not know Thais like Stick so please express your opinion but dont badmouth him, be a gent and your stock will rise considerably as a man of honor by apologising.

THAI's and discussing worl politics? Not a prayer, 95% have no interest in the USA, and frankly youve got a front expecting everywhere in the world you go to wanting to talk about ######ing america, you dont rule the worls and no one cares <--- That came from sunet my thai girlfirend.

also - 90% of thai girls are not respected in the same vein as men, they very very sadly are considered second class, and again 90% in tourist areas of Thailand are used by there families to

milk money from falangs. Horrible but 100% true.

I live my life by the stick.Most Thai girls worship the USA.What is wrong with that?

Edited by chuchok
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Stickmans’ site and its’ content are relevant to perhaps 50% of Farang living in Thailand.

He seems like a nice enough chap but at the end of the day he is a rather poorly paid English Teacher, and he can only comment on the opinions and experiences of his social circle – Thai and Farang – here.

It would be a mistake to assume that he has any insight at all into the thinking or attitude of Thais (or Farang for that matter) in other social or intellectual strata.


Stick's previous weekly piece was about class differences. Your post assumes a similar attitude; that social circles can barely mix. In my home country of Candada, the middle class is very wide, and we can live a full life oblivious to class structure. I do agree with both Stick and you about class differences now, however I also like to see people at their merits. Can you say exactly why you assume his status makes him ignorant of your sphere?

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