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Get down and give me 20: Tough punishment for schoolboy traffic violators

Jonathan Fairfield

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I wonder if the violation was riding without a licence alt=blink.png>

Noooooo license, driving under age, modified machine, who knows. BUT, nobody cares about anything here, so, seems must go with the daft flow.............coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

It's certainly no laughing matter, I don't know what the road violation was, but these schoolboys are one of the reasons for Thailand having so many road fatalities, and they probably do not have a licence.

Not a crash helmet in sight!!!!

Um, I must be looking at a different photo....

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I wonder if the violation was riding without a licence blink.png

Or no helmet. I don't see one.

Look again, this time put your glasses on, I'll give you a hint, it's a full face helmet, the same colour as the bike, in the forefront.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I wonder if the violation was riding without a licence alt=blink.png>

Noooooo license, driving under age, modified machine, who knows. BUT, nobody cares about anything here, so, seems must go with the daft flow.............coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

It's certainly no laughing matter, I don't know what the road violation was, but these schoolboys are one of the reasons for Thailand having so many road fatalities, and they probably do not have a licence.
Not a crash helmet in sight!!!!

Really?? whats that red and white thing sitting on the bike then??

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I stay off the roads when school gets out because;

1 glut of under aged kids with no licenses or knowledge of road rules are speeding on their MC

2 they are distracted with having to hold on to the handle bars while taking a Selfie

3. 3 or 4 of them on the MC and chatting away

4 driving on the wrong side of the road

5 now they even try to text while chatting and driving

But our good police usually turn a blind eye as they are only kids and plenty of time to pull them over when they are adults with no helmets and drunk.

It is like hunting deer, you only shoot the adults, leave the little ones to grow up and become future food.sad.png

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Get them off their motorcycles and on to bicycles for a month and don't let them back on until they have had driving lessons and a test - and make them wear the crash helmets which are conspicuous by their absence in the picture.

Assuming, that is, they are old enough to drive (15) - which appears debatable, judging by their appearance.

Why can't anyone see the helmet on the handle bar on the bike nearest? It's the same colour - full face proper helmet.

My guess; The bike that the helmet is on belongs to the cop. The two kids were on the scooter. Just thinking out loud.

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Get them off their motorcycles and on to bicycles for a month and don't let them back on until they have had driving lessons and a test - and make them wear the crash helmets which are conspicuous by their absence in the picture.

Assuming, that is, they are old enough to drive (15) - which appears debatable, judging by their appearance.

Why can't anyone see the helmet on the handle bar on the bike nearest? It's the same colour - full face proper helmet.

My guess; The bike that the helmet is on belongs to the cop. The two kids were on the scooter. Just thinking out loud.

Have you ever seen a cop with a full face motorcross helmet on in TH? The helmet as shown matches the paint / style of the bike.

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What about weaving in and out of traffic, cutting you off, driving against traffic, head-on right into you if you don't swerve out of there way, they run you down on the side walks, on the walking paths, they drive without helmets, and without lights, and expect you to be able to see them. They are always driving illegal, and they continue to get away with it. When are they going to abide by the law like everyone else is suppose too.

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If the police adopted this form of punishment for child and adult motorbike offenders here in Sattahip the roads would be cluttered up with dead and dying fatties.It might include offending cops as well. I just saw a cow jump over the moon clap2.gif

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Although the picture appears misleading what concerns 'road safety' for the boys (I'm sure police, not in the picture, somehow regulated the traffic to ensure the boys safety), it is a good start to a new approach. I recommend to order each of the boys mothers to appear in person at the correspondig police station with their 'pampered sweethearts' for an appropriate lecture. It is further recommended that repeat offenders including parents/guardians are 'invited' to take part in 1/2 of a day's community work programme with strict, military style, supervision.

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