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More than 50 Israeli reservists refuse to fight


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This is just the tip of what most Jews know and think, but the voice of the Jewish majority are silenced by the powerful Political Zionist (as opposed to Religious Zionist) minority. We need to help the Jewish people liberate themselves from the Political Zionists who are bringing nothing but hatred and condemnation upon them.


People like Naomi Wolf, Gideon Levy are more famous examples of Jews who speak their minds - I'm hopeful that there are many more who will come forward now that the Zionist Genocide Machine is out 'mowing the lawn"


Jewish !=  Zionist



lets not bring up the whole Jewish vs. Zionist thing again...its been done to death

Edited by kblaze
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Gaza should be “bombed so hard the population
Has to flee into Egypt”
Israel Katz, a Minister of Transportation.


Gaza should be “wiped clean with bombs”,
Avi Dichter, a Minister of Home Front Defense.

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This is just an example that not all Israelis are bloodthirsty warmongerers. There is at least one organisation in Israel (can't remember the name) that seeks peace and opposes the oppression of the Palestinians.


It's the Netanyahus, Sharons & their right-wing supporters who are the ones responsible for numerous atrocities against the Palestinians, not only in Palestine too.

Edited by khunken
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This is just the tip of what most Jews know and think, but the voice of the Jewish majority are silenced by the powerful Political Zionist (as opposed to Religious Zionist) minority. We need to help the Jewish people liberate themselves from the Political Zionists who are bringing nothing but hatred and condemnation upon them.


People like Naomi Wolf, Gideon Levy are more famous examples of Jews who speak their minds - I'm hopeful that there are many more who will come forward now that the Zionist Genocide Machine is out 'mowing the lawn"


Jewish !=  Zionist



lets not bring up the whole Jewish vs. Zionist thing again...its been done to death



Hold on there K. The fat lady hasn't sung yet . . 

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Generational change . .. . here's to future without war. . 

I think at this point you're talking about a generation that isn't born yet. Hamas propagandizes from very early:





3 referring to the 3 Israeli boys that were murdered

Edited by Jingthing
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as for the original post, great news perhaps slowly but surely an anti.war and anti miltary group will gain strength and will eventually hold.enuf power to change things in Isreal.





another insightful comment NOT.  


what you fail to understand is that while there are some who refuse to serve in Gaza or the west Bank. These same people would pick  up arms if Israel was seriously threatened by the Arabs. 


In Israel everyone is a soldier.

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Genocide:is the systematic destruction of all or part of a racialethnicreligious or national group via the (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; or (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. Genocide entails also the Conspiracy to commit genocide; Direct and public incitement to commit genocide; Attempt to commit genocide; and Complicity in genocide. 

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Generational change . .. . here's to future without war. . 

I think at this point you're talking about a generation that isn't born yet. Hamas propagandizes from very early:



attachicon.gif3 referring to the 3 Israeli boys that were murdered



Hamas doesn't need to work very hard on anti-Israeli feelings in Gaza. Prisoner-of-war type of enclave with three lots of atrocities is actually helping Hamas and creating more and more fighters.


They are more concerned with the murder of hundreds of their fellow civilians on top of the thousands in the previous two genocidal attacks. Israel never seems to learn.



They are more concerned with the murder of hundreds of their fellow civilians cheesy.gif


That's why Hamas use their civilians as Human shields.  Obviously you missed that part, in order to make such a comment! Helps if you know what you are talking about.




Sick 'smiley'.


You are yet again spouting Israeli propaganda which you have filled TV threads with. I have no time for those who blame victims for being blown to bits with nowhere to go. Contemptuous.


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Generational change . .. . here's to future without war. . 

I think at this point you're talking about a generation that isn't born yet. Hamas propagandizes from very early:



3 referring to the 3 Israeli boys that were murdered



Hamas doesn't need to work very hard on anti-Israeli feelings in Gaza. Prisoner-of-war type of enclave with three lots of atrocities is actually helping Hamas and creating more and more fighters.


They are more concerned with the murder of hundreds of their fellow civilians on top of the thousands in the previous two genocidal attacks. Israel never seems to learn.



On the contrary. A good hawk would know, the best way to continue war is to continue killing.

When you're in the business of creating weapons, as the Israelis do, what use is a weapon without somewhere to use it.


When you have nothing in your country worth exporting, create the only business worth buying.

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I think at this point you're talking about a generation that isn't born yet. Hamas propagandizes from very early:


3 referring to the 3 Israeli boys that were murdered



Hamas doesn't need to work very hard on anti-Israeli feelings in Gaza. Prisoner-of-war type of enclave with three lots of atrocities is actually helping Hamas and creating more and more fighters.


They are more concerned with the murder of hundreds of their fellow civilians on top of the thousands in the previous two genocidal attacks. Israel never seems to learn.



They are more concerned with the murder of hundreds of their fellow civilians cheesy.gif


That's why Hamas use their civilians as Human shields.  Obviously you missed that part, in order to make such a comment! Helps if you know what you are talking about.




Sick 'smiley'.


You are yet again spouting Israeli propaganda which you have filled TV threads with. I have no time for those who blame victims for being blown to bits with nowhere to go. Contemptuous.



cheesy.gif  another one!


the comment that Hamas are more concerned with the murder of their own fellows is contemptuous, as they are responsible for their deaths. No one is blaming the victims. I am blaming HAMAS.

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This is just an example that not all Israelis are bloodthirsty warmongerers. There is at least one organisation in Israel (can't remember the name) that seeks peace and opposes the oppression of the Palestinians.

FYI, not all Israelis are jews either. 75% are.

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Total rubbish. You are defending Israeli atrocities by attempting to blame the victims.

The "victims" started the conflict in the first place, have refused numerous peace deals and elected a terrorist group - Hamas - to represent them There is such a thing as personal responsibility. Edited by Ulysses G.
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I am 100% for what Israel is doing.Hamas are really bad people .


Hamas may be bad people but Israel is killing Palestinians indiscriminately.  Civilians young and old not holding a weapon.  Israel is committing blanket murder just like the Bush's did in Iraq and Obama continues to do with drones.  Will you stop hamas by random killlings, I think not.  I am not anti Jewish but I am totally anti Israeli government in this circumstance.  And I believe that the 1947 agreement should be recinded or at least that the war mongering bast###s should be made to move back to the land received in that bad deal.


But there you go I am talking to someone who is OK with killing women and children.

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[quote name="khunken" post="8147159" timestamp="1406203124"]

[quote name="ggold" post="8147137" timestamp="1406202504"]

 [quote name="khunken" post="8147118" timestamp="1406202091"]

 [quote name="ggold" post="8147086" timestamp="1406201481"]

 [quote name="khunken" post="8147024" timestamp="1406200268"]


Hamas doesn't need to work very hard on anti-Israeli feelings in Gaza. Prisoner-of-war type of enclave with three lots of atrocities is actually helping Hamas and creating more and more fighters.
They are more concerned with the murder of hundreds of their fellow civilians on top of the thousands in the previous two genocidal attacks. Israel never seems to learn.
They are more concerned with the murder of hundreds of their fellow civilians cheesy.gif
That's why Hamas use their civilians as Human shields.  Obviously you missed that part, in order to make such a comment! Helps if you know what you are talking about.
Sick 'smiley'.
You are yet again spouting Israeli propaganda which you have filled TV threads with. I have no time for those who blame victims for being blown to bits with nowhere to go. Contemptuous.

cheesy.gif  another one!
the comment that Hamas are more concerned with the murder of their own fellows is contemptuous, as they are responsible for their deaths. No one is blaming the victims. I am blaming HAMAS.
Total rubbish. You are defending Israeli atrocities by attempting to blame the victims. It's standard Israeli propaganda, which only the gullible swallow. You haven't even posted one word of sympathy for the victims. Again contemptuous (& duplicious).


There's nothing to be said.......sympathy for who..??? The terrorist and the training to be terrorist.....nope no pity

Edited by Thaiready
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