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Yahoo Tells Me 530 Authentication Required


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Hi All,

I've got a TOT ADSL connection here in Pattaya, wifiing to my laptop with a DLINK modem. I do my email through Outlook 2003 signing into Yahoo.ca. Anyway, its been working well for about a year but starting a couple of hours ago Outlook could no longer send emails (receiving still works).

The error message says "530 authentication required" and directs me to http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/mail/pop/pop-28.html which details what you have to do to connect Outlook to Yahoo. My settings seem ok but the problem persists.

My outgoing STMP mail server is smtp.mail.yahoo.ca; I'm using port 587.

Darn ... now email receiving doesn't work either, Outlook says "processing" but nothing happens.

Any clues for me?



Edited by NewGuy
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It may well be nothing to do with your settings at all.

I have a yahoo.co.uk address and I repeatedly have problems trying to download mail with Eudora.

Just like you it is authentication problems.

If I go to the mail.yahoo.co.uk site with my browser

I am usually able to logon without difficulty.

Back to Eudora, one hour it works and 30 minutes later problems.

All intermittent.

If you want to PM me with an e-mail address I can send you an invitation to GMail, which is much more reliable, at the moment. :o

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