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Retirement tailored living


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Would you need the condos floor space owned by Thai nationals still at 51% for this project?

Yes - all condos must be at least 51% Thai ownership.

I read recently that 60% of the Chiang Mai condo market is Thai buyers at present.

I think Thais will find it appealing also. Bangkok people having it as a maintenance free alternative to buying a house and land.
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I think 2 levels is possible so long as the bottom level is only 1 level units. For example penthouses across two levels are available in Chiang Mai and other locations.

Some of the nicest areas are "green zones" which have a limit of 2 levels of building, so this would not allow the walking upstairs to bed. But could be walking upstairs to a roof terrace , which would be graced with mountain and sunset views that legally can never be obstructed.

I'm pretty sure you would. I would love to be able to buy a condo on two levels with larger grounds and parking.

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Perhapse better to have a mixed use condo. Ie families; any age, but still with all the extra facilities. Mothers would like nurse and doctors on site as much as retirees I am sure.
So less stigma ; more of a mix and not this problem of everybody becoming infirm at the same time or pace. There could be say 160units available across 8 buildings; maybe 2 buildings out of them could be "quiet places" where no small children allowed. So best of both worlds.

It would also then appeal more to Thais as a low maintance holiday home and also multi generational families like mine, I could stay with the kids on one building and stroll over to visit mum on the other side of the park. Meet together for picnics, dinners.
Can design quite spaces in to the services too. Like a restaurant with one level for kids and another for adults only.

If people become to needing serious extra care then I think links can be made with the other more specialist care homes or help residents to source privately; living in this kind of place would give good chance to share staff when they did become needed so costs would be less for individuals.

It's good points you guys raise. Naturally people will get old and die one day yes. It's life; In the general community or in this community. But I can see how a greater mix might be preferable; but at the same time I can see how many would love a peace and quiet.
Probably people coming this far afield a highly independently minded and so rather not to join a retirement place like those back home.
Also many falangs having Thai families; would like to own property out of town in their own name; space for kids to play out side and not so dangerous with streets like in a moo baan. I have idea to design with most areas pedestrianised and only access roads around the sides while all central areas would be , park, orchards etc. a nice environment for everybody.
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I suggest the OP seriously look at Care Resort (the former Away Suan)  and ask himself why those places aren't sold out.

I've assisted elderly people who were settled into these places by their well-meaning children -- active folks, who started going nuts with the isolation and high cost of transport into town from their remote locations.



the very reason that the  care resort  have not been sold out  , is that they are not up for sale  , but  on a rental basis, which i do not  have the nuts and bolts of, but i am led to beleive the rent is around about the 40.k  a month mark, full board ,plus plus,


the main  development is still in the building stage,perhaps later in the year it will be completed, do feel  that, this magnicent  peice of property fills  the bill  for less mobile etc etc . elderly people who want


a peaceful, fresh air,  cooler temps ,rural enviorment ,as for the care resort being in a remote location, and  being  isolated , fiddle sticks , city slickerbiggrin.png


mae rim district, in recent years,  has  progressed in leaps and bounds, and  beautiful  developements of this nature is a blessing for all mae rim ites, not only for  the elderly  less mobile people


gosh we have the steak of the day nosebag, say three years back, they would have went broke(, no passing trade and money) times are moving in the right direction in the mae rim district,make no mistake about that


a very nice afternoon to allsmile.png

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I suggest the OP seriously look at Care Resort (the former Away Suan)  and ask himself why those places aren't sold out.

I've assisted elderly people who were settled into these places by their well-meaning children -- active folks, who started going nuts with the isolation and high cost of transport into town from their remote locations.

the very reason that the  care resort  have not been sold out  , is that they are not up for sale  , but  on a rental basis, which i do not  have the nuts and bolts of, but i am led to beleive the rent is around about the 40.k  a month mark, full board ,plus plus,
the main  development is still in the building stage,perhaps later in the year it will be completed, do feel  that, this magnicent  peice of property fills  the bill  for less mobile etc etc . elderly people who want
a peaceful, fresh air,  cooler temps ,rural enviorment ,as for the care resort being in a remote location, and  being  isolated , fiddle sticks , city slicker:D
mae rim district, in recent years,  has  progressed in leaps and bounds, and  beautiful  developements of this nature is a blessing for all mae rim ites, not only for  the elderly  less mobile people
gosh we have the steak of the day nosebag, say three years back, they would have went broke(, no passing trade and money) times are moving in the right direction in the mae rim district,make no mistake about that
a very nice afternoon to all:)

When I said ask why these places aren't "sold out" I more properly should have said "at capacity with a waiting list". That's the norm in the west for places like this, but not here.

At 40 K/month for full room, board and "plus, plus" an active elderly person can rent a lovely studio in serviced building, participate in a full range of expat activities, shop in western food markets, dine in gourmet restaurants -- all within reach via an 80 baht tuk-tuk ride. They can be part of a community, a neighborhood, instead of being stuck out in the boonies with a bunch of other old people. Oh and they can reach their hospitals and doctors within minutes via that same 80 baht tuk-tuk instead of being caught in traffic for 30 min - 1 hr in case of an emergency.

As I said earlier, potential investors would be wise to look at the few in operation here now and ask why they aren't "at capacity" before moving ahead. I still think the opportunity is for "in town" development. You may not want to see the elderly out and around, but they want to be out and around.
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Hi Nancy
You have good points.
Number 1 is cost. I agree- why would some one pay 40k pm and live so far out and need to pay 500 to 1000 bht on round trip taxi every time wish to go in to town if they are active enough to live in town themselves? Living in town is a better option unless the actual level of extra care makes such impossible.

But I know many people actually like to stay out of town / country side setting (at any age). The draw back is needing to drive.
This is why I propose a free or cheap shuttle bus service for the condo. Best of both worlds with out the draw backs of city noise.

You obviously love to live in town. But it is not every bodies cup of tea. Nice for a visit but not all day everyday.

Owning your own home adds to security of living arrangements while protects from rent inflation.

What do you think of the idea for cheap/ subsidised, yet healthy and tasty home grown food? Having a garranteed food supply at a fixed price would help budgeting greatly I would think. At 5000 bht per month it's not like people would feel obliged to eat it every meal surely. But it would provide a surety of budget and freedom to spend on other meals with out worry of over doing it one month to the next or being caught short by an unexpected medical problem.
Also I have discovered it's not at all difficult to provide drinking water to every units taps as standard. Minor cost in the scheme of things. Save people lugging bottles of water around.

I suggest the OP seriously look at Care Resort (the former Away Suan)  and ask himself why those places aren't sold out.

I've assisted elderly people who were settled into these places by their well-meaning children -- active folks, who started going nuts with the isolation and high cost of transport into town from their remote locations.

the very reason that the  care resort  have not been sold out  , is that they are not up for sale  , but  on a rental basis, which i do not  have the nuts and bolts of, but i am led to beleive the rent is around about the 40.k  a month mark, full board ,plus plus,
the main  development is still in the building stage,perhaps later in the year it will be completed, do feel  that, this magnicent  peice of property fills  the bill  for less mobile etc etc . elderly people who want
a peaceful, fresh air,  cooler temps ,rural enviorment ,as for the care resort being in a remote location, and  being  isolated , fiddle sticks , city slicker:D
mae rim district, in recent years,  has  progressed in leaps and bounds, and  beautiful  developements of this nature is a blessing for all mae rim ites, not only for  the elderly  less mobile people
gosh we have the steak of the day nosebag, say three years back, they would have went broke(, no passing trade and money) times are moving in the right direction in the mae rim district,make no mistake about that
a very nice afternoon to all:)
When I said ask why these places aren't "sold out" I more properly should have said "at capacity with a waiting list". That's the norm in the west for places like this, but not here.

At 40 K/month for full room, board and "plus, plus" an active elderly person can rent a lovely studio in serviced building, participate in a full range of expat activities, shop in western food markets, dine in gourmet restaurants -- all within reach via an 80 baht tuk-tuk ride. They can be part of a community, a neighborhood, instead of being stuck out in the boonies with a bunch of other old people. Oh and they can reach their hospitals and doctors within minutes via that same 80 baht tuk-tuk instead of being caught in traffic for 30 min - 1 hr in case of an emergency.

As I said earlier, potential investors would be wise to look at the few in operation here now and ask why they aren't "at capacity" before moving ahead. I still think the opportunity is for "in town" development. You may not want to see the elderly out and around, but they want to be out and around.
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I suggest the OP seriously look at Care Resort (the former Away Suan)  and ask himself why those places aren't sold out.

I've assisted elderly people who were settled into these places by their well-meaning children -- active folks, who started going nuts with the isolation and high cost of transport into town from their remote locations.

the very reason that the  care resort  have not been sold out  , is that they are not up for sale  , but  on a rental basis, which i do not  have the nuts and bolts of, but i am led to beleive the rent is around about the 40.k  a month mark, full board ,plus plus,
the main  development is still in the building stage,perhaps later in the year it will be completed, do feel  that, this magnicent  peice of property fills  the bill  for less mobile etc etc . elderly people who want
a peaceful, fresh air,  cooler temps ,rural enviorment ,as for the care resort being in a remote location, and  being  isolated , fiddle sticks , city slicker:D
mae rim district, in recent years,  has  progressed in leaps and bounds, and  beautiful  developements of this nature is a blessing for all mae rim ites, not only for  the elderly  less mobile people
gosh we have the steak of the day nosebag, say three years back, they would have went broke(, no passing trade and money) times are moving in the right direction in the mae rim district,make no mistake about that
a very nice afternoon to all:)


.  You may not want to see the elderly out and around,


  u have answered my 2 points which i raised in my post , do thank u for that, as for the rest  of your comments,  will leave that for the people concerned, which path they choose to live etc etc


 but  i do take a very dim view  of your last line # saying that i do not want to see the elderly up and around#, , not very nice comment coming from a professional person,and completly unwarranted to boot


but never mind, because ....its a great life as long as u dont weakenbiggrin.png

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Rent inflation? Hah! As long as they keep building new condos in this town and we keep paying our rent on time and making improvements to the condo out of our own pocket, the owner is more than happy to hold the rent -- for years and years now.

Free-shuttle service. Yeah, like the Central Festival shuttle? When I investigated, it looked like it would take 90 minutes to get out to Central Festival by the time it stopped at all the hotels. Sawang my favorite tuk-tuk driver goes just about everywhere for less than 100 baht.

Guaranteed food supply, organic, fixed price? Let's see, there's Tanin Market, JJ Market's Saturday Market, the CMU organic market, Tops, Rim Ping, all either within walking distance or if I'm really lazy then I just phone Sawang.

Drinking water. Well right now, Hubby the water boy does haul it up in five-liter jugs from the water machine in the car park. But, when he gets really infirm we'll do what all the single women who live in the building seem to do -- order home delivery of drinking water.

If I want to look at a peaceful, calm environment -- I just look out my window at Doi Suthep.

Yes, I know this isn't for everyone -- but it's for many, many people and it's for much, much less than 40,000 baht/month all-in for a single person. Someone really needs to do their market research. Edited by NancyL
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but  i do take a very dim view  of your last line # saying that i do not want to see the elderly up and around#, , not very nice comment coming from a professional person,and completly unwarranted to boot
but never mind, because ....its a great life as long as u dont weaken:D

No, I think that is a valid comment. There are many comments on Thai Visa that would indicate the younger crowd seems to feel that people over a certain age should just go home, commit suicide or otherwise disappear.

It's a view that goes beyond just the Thai Visa crowd. That's part of why younger people find the idea of these "retirement communities" so appealing for their parents and grandparents. They think they can be placed there and forgotten.
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A friend was paying 7000 usd per month for his mom's assisted living apartment.  The Alzheimer's Care places can run 100,000 usd per year.  Age restricted communities inherently lack the infrastructure necessary to take care their residents, especially the ones in the exurbs.  It's extremely labor intensive, and all labor has to be imported.  I think a reasonable alternative is to just live close to a hospital.  You could hire an RN and have her run errands for you, too, for a relatively small amount of money here.  You could probably hire a few nursing students as part timers for 50 thb per hour.  My parents aren't hard to please, but they moved into an age restricted community in 2000, stayed three years, and moved back into regular traffic jam suburbia.  I think they found being around a bunch of old people was creepy as Hell.  Some of these folks will talk about their medical conditions all day long if you let them.  I think a University town or city like CM is a better way to go.  Usually a lot of affordable dining choices, and all the amenities one would need.

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I have run 3 of these over time at different price points in florida. As people see themselves 15 years younger than they are we always used younger smart looking people in our ads. One spins thes idea of baby boom and active retirement to investors,but the fact is Americans consider it gods waiting room. The adverage age was 88. They did seem very happy to be there.
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but  i do take a very dim view  of your last line # saying that i do not want to see the elderly up and around#, , not very nice comment coming from a professional person,and completly unwarranted to boot
but never mind, because ....its a great life as long as u dont weaken:D

No, I think that is a valid comment. There are many comments on Thai Visa that would indicate the younger crowd seems to feel that people over a certain age should just go home, commit suicide or otherwise disappear.

It's a view that goes beyond just the Thai Visa crowd. That's part of why younger people find the idea of these "retirement communities" so appealing for their parents and grandparents. They think they can be placed there and forgotten.



you are in another world again, i am a very  elderly self funded expat retiree, no spring chicken so to speak, therefore your comment or remark are not valid at all ,and again completely unwarranted,in particular coming  from a professional person, come on lets be nice

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Rent inflation? Hah! As long as they keep building new condos in this town and we keep paying our rent on time and making improvements to the condo out of our own pocket, the owner is more than happy to hold the rent -- for years and years now.

Free-shuttle service. Yeah, like the Central Festival shuttle? When I investigated, it looked like it would take 90 minutes to get out to Central Festival by the time it stopped at all the hotels. Sawang my favorite tuk-tuk driver goes just about everywhere for less than 100 baht.

Guaranteed food supply, organic, fixed price? Let's see, there's Tanin Market, JJ Market's Saturday Market, the CMU organic market, Tops, Rim Ping, all either within walking distance or if I'm really lazy then I just phone Sawang.

Drinking water. Well right now, Hubby the water boy does haul it up in five-liter jugs from the water machine in the car park. But, when he gets really infirm we'll do what all the single women who live in the building seem to do -- order home delivery of drinking water.

If I want to look at a peaceful, calm environment -- I just look out my window at Doi Suthep.

Yes, I know this isn't for everyone -- but it's for many, many people and it's for much, much less than 40,000 baht/month all-in for a single person. Someone really needs to do their market research.

I am not anticipating to charging any one 40,000bht
That is done one else's biz that I already made my views clear on.

Regards the free shuttle. It would be for residents only. Direct- totally different from central in that they are looking for as many shoppers as possible where as this would be a private service for residents convenience. It would make no sense at all to stop at other peoples hotels. You seem to be being rather overly negative with out good justification.

Rimping and tops are rather expensive aren't they? More like a weekly shop for 5000bht rather than a monthly. But of course people can go to these places and cook for themselves if they wish. I know my wife would love to have cooked Thai food delivered to the door; our last moo baan we did exactly that from the local restaurant; had a monthly dinner service deal. We are in our 30s.

You seem to be mixing negative bees in Bonet over the concept that people "need help" rather than realising that many people enjoy to have extra services what ever thier age. The reason why hotels, serviced apartment, luxury condos with high level of services do exist. And yes even retirement communities; many are people choosing them rather than relatives depositing them there to forget about them. That may happen with care homes and is a terrible thing. I find it shocking how people do this so readily in the west.
That is why I asked my parents to move out here with me and we are now building houses next to each other on the same land.
But not everyone has such a close or accommodating family. Or the means.
I read some of your ac vocations pieces in the CM mail and you offer good advise and good services but by your talking on this thread I am done what concerned at narrow minded view that city life is the only decent or viable option.
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But not everyone has such a close or accommodating family. Or the means.

If you are an elderly single gentleman with a pension, you can acquire such a family and a live-in female helper, for about 10k a month in CM. She will even help you get a VISA extension with less money in the bank.
No need to pay 40k a month to live in the burbs on your own. Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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I am trying to find sensible constructive feed back here.

Thanks to helping my thinking convert from retirement solely to a wider community of all ages.

I think a "quiet zone" or "kids free areas" concept would be good for all ages. It would benefit me personally being able to leave our noisey kids with the missus for a couple hours while I pop down to the kids free area of the cafe or serviced lounge, to make calls or tinker with the laptop in peace.
But having gardens to walk in and space for kids to ride their bikes with out any cars hurtling around bends like they are despite for the loo every trip.

Nancy; you are experienced in this field of what can help in peoples lives. How about some constructive in put. What would be appealing services for retirees or any age group?
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But not everyone has such a close or accommodating family. Or the means.

If you are an elderly single gentleman with a pension, you can acquire such a family and a live-in female helper, for about 10k a month in CM. She will even help you get a VISA extension with less money in the bank.
No need to pay 40k a month to live in the burbs on your own.

Where are you getting this idea I am advocating 40k a month as a good idea? I said a couple times already I do not see the point.
Only in very extreme cases maybe. Like complete total dementia or in capacity. Some things need real training.
I doubt you would find 10k a month woman to clean mans bum and shower them and change them and be able to move them around , in and out of bed, cook 3 meals a day etc. this is another level of care where a home might be many people only option. Sad truth is people do get this way.
My own parents have 3 cares on rotation so 24 hour cover. Salaries are 9 to 18,000 bht per month for 5 shifts per week.
It is not easy to find carers; many do not want the extra messy work, even with higher pay they don't care about the money , they would rather work for less else where on a more easy job. We've been through about 10 staff in the last 14 month. Found 2 quality who we try to retain and 1 last shift pattern is still to find a good person - just got a new one starting now so fingers crossed on this.

I am not trying to build a project for this level of care. It's too difficult to find staff.
I wonder do any of you guys have an idea what to do if you go in to such a state; did you make living wills like Nancy associates suggest?
Bury head in the sand and pretend you can not end up like that?

What I am discussing here is inspired by our experience of the last 5-6 years as they moved through the different stages from full health to very poor health. It's shocking how fast such can come on and not easy to deal with. But lucky we are able to deal with it.
I am in the property buisness and like to make money from projects; it's how I take care of my family; but I am trying to think out side the normal build and max profit not thinking too much ; I am trying to think how a project can actually make peoples lives better
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Give people what would be really useful. Go above and beyond the standard.

I think families would welcome an on sight nurse/ emergency responder.

Kids get sick and hospitals are not always close or convenient with waiting times and such let alone in the middle of the night. Also heart attacks can strike at any age. Having those paddle things on site with a trained person to use them could save lives; save kids loosing their dad before his time. I would feel most grateful to have the opportunity to save some lives by creating such a place. A sustainable, safe and healthy community. Hopefully set a higher bar for others to follow. Building in some of these features like emergency alarms are really just penuts; first aid could be trained to the security most condos have on staff 24/7 anyway. Little things could make big differences.
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 , but  on a rental basis, which i do not  have the nuts and bolts of, but i am led to beleive the rent is around about the 40.k  a month mark, full board ,plus plus,




it sure appears that my above comment has been taken out of text,


as i clearly post , i do not  know the nuts and bolts, (40k a month)


perhaps its a rip off. or  perhaps its a good deal


instead of speculating and taking my info to task, send a email  to carefree for  a full brief on what you receive


or better still  pay a visit to the  the resort, then your eyes will light up,on a wonderful peice of property, and surroundings


out in the boonies, fiddle sticks again, 7/11  approx couple clicks away,plus a chemist and steak of the day about 10 mins away ,15 mins to  macro, and nokingping hospital is inside twenty if u are a stretcher case, and not by a  el cheapo tuk/tuk. a nice  toyota passenger van would be available


pay a visit city slickers, and get my drift  


p.s a bungy jump is just around the corner,a better view then looking at doi suthep, and after the jump ,you will be in the real world, good nite to allsmile.png

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A point- for Nancy; one of yours I missed
"No rental costs inflation; haha ; when they keep building condos like this etc"
I answer; yes - or time.
As you college says in his recent CM mail piece. "Be prepared" "if you are retiring at 60 then you need to plan for your money to last at least 30years".
Do you seriously think rents will not be higher or 10 , 20 or 30 years?
In the last 5 years I estimate average rents have risen 20 to 30% at least; maybe a lot more in some locations.

Also- if keeping money in home currency; GBP, USD, Euro; all got hit hard over the last 5-6 years and have only just come back a little. 30% loss of purchasing power for a time for many. 72 when I first came. Down to 43 and now back up a bit to 53.
So owning property / own condo here Does indeed give a financial security; expenses surety; and inflation protection. These condos going up now are mostly out side of town and the ones in town are expensive compared to older buildings; but just these last couple of years the older buildings are asking higher prices too on sales and rents. Sure the occasional bargain can be found but they are few and far between these days.
Also the land prices have rocketed these past 5 years 100s of % depending on areas. The next wave of condos after this lot must be even more pricey due to these higher land prices. With the restrictions on hight as well it adds another layer of restiction on supply. While the demand from ever increasing numbers of European retirees and Asian investors also just keeps on growing. Thais are retiring from bangkok up here also; or buying holiday homes. I read recently CM condo market is 60% or more is buyers
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I'm going to stop contributing to this thread. If anyone wants my input, they know how to contact me.

I'm too busy assisting several folks right now -- people who are living in town, in rental condos or guest house rooms. If I can't convince people to go live at Dok Kaew Assisted Living (too isolated, nothing to do, no restaurants close by, how would I get my books from the AUA/Raintree, I'm not ready ready for that yet, it's full of old people) -- people who really shouldn't be living own their own any more, then I fail to see why a project out in the country is going to be any more appealing. Edited by NancyL
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A point- for Nancy; one of yours I missed
"No rental costs inflation; haha ; when they keep building condos like this etc"
I answer; yes - or time.
As you college says in his recent CM mail piece. "Be prepared" "if you are retiring at 60 then you need to plan for your money to last at least 30years".
Do you seriously think rents will not be higher or 10 , 20 or 30 years?
In the last 5 years I estimate average rents have risen 20 to 30% at least; maybe a lot more in some locations.

Also- if keeping money in home currency; GBP, USD, Euro; all got hit hard over the last 5-6 years and have only just come back a little. 30% loss of purchasing power for a time for many. 72 when I first came. Down to 43 and now back up a bit to 53.
So owning property / own condo here Does indeed give a financial security; expenses surety; and inflation protection. These condos going up now are mostly out side of town and the ones in town are expensive compared to older buildings; but just these last couple of years the older buildings are asking higher prices too on sales and rents. Sure the occasional bargain can be found but they are few and far between these days.
Also the land prices have rocketed these past 5 years 100s of % depending on areas. The next wave of condos after this lot must be even more pricey due to these higher land prices. With the restrictions on hight as well it adds another layer of restiction on supply. While the demand from ever increasing numbers of European retirees and Asian investors also just keeps on growing. Thais are retiring from bangkok up here also; or buying holiday homes. I read recently CM condo market is 60% or more is buyers

My former rental in south Berkeley, went from 225 in 1992, to 1400, now.  There are some windows, where it is great to be a renter; it never lasts forever, though.

I doubt there are any fewer car break-ins at 1400, than there were at 225.

Edited by Thighlander
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 If I can't convince people to go live at Dok Kaew Assisted Living (too isolated, nothing to do, no restaurants close by, how would I get my books from the AUA/Raintree, I'm not ready ready for that yet, it's full of old people) -- people who really shouldn't be living own their own any more,


^^^^^very simple leave them  there

 paid a visit to carefree resort ,mae rim


without going into great detail,all one can say the very affable owner  is nt  afraid to throw the dice


his resort  covers approx 100 rai,and all infrastructure is in place from his previous business


all is needed now,

is to finished the small houses, which are being built now


his all in package etc etc, seems a fair deal to me


he is not at least concerned about occupancy levels, as he feels  its a very  long range plan, and having very capable  business  approach , said it will take years of hard work to estabalish such a business


for anyone who wishes to choose a simlar developement etc etc, take a look at his place,  which  will give   a  insight  on what oppostion  one is to encounter, not to mention the cost of putting one together



it would be a frightening number to say the least,


this owner has got plenty of balls, and sincerely hope  good luck comes his waysmile.png

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Amazing to hear you having some thing positive to say evens.
I like it.
The cost of care here for those who need the high level is tremendously cheaper and better quality than what we were getting or looked in to back home.
A single live in carer (carer, not a full qualified medical nurse) at £3000 a month. And they were grumpy awkward dishonest shits.
Here we have 3 charming smiling full qualified nurses for practically a third of the price.
House keeper full time for a couple hundred £ a month here rather than that getting you maybe a half day a week in UK.

I think there is or soon will be a requirement for the high levels of care places and they are/ will be much more affordable than even the most low budget options back in farang land.
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But like I said from the outset- too much work for me personally. I think the boutique condominium model I am talking about here has a wider market and easier, plus quicker profit turn around.
I am glad there are people such as evens mentioned building such nice places though.
It seems even those at an age where medically luck of the draw means it could be them or even those helping the retiree demographic, seem to be very anti or judgemental against those who require or might need such high levels of service.

My mother is 67 and here medical problems have sent her to a level at this time where many of you older folks are talking like "ew" "places full of old people" , "that's not me", but many of you are probably at close or older than 67 . Shit happens. Best not to be too judgemental I think. More supportive and accepting of the less medically fortunate members of the human race.

I understand you might not want to be living in a focused community of only very dick people ; but having a neighbour like that would not upset me. Isn't it normal for the community to have such people as part of the mix until recently.
Nancy especially is very disappointing- saying everybody should be in town until they reach that point and then it's fine to pack em off out side town. Why not have a community of all ages where people look out for each other like the Thais manage in a village setting- but with this being open to foreigners to buy thier own properties?
I like this idea. I've gone completely off the retiree only focus. By nature a mix. And just have some rules for quiet consideration in certain places; which any adult would sppricietate what ever thier age.
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If one is to judge from some of the regulars post here, I am afraid "only very dick people" is all you can draw from.

Unfortunate typo
Should read:

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand
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