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Getting Fed Up Of Thailand


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I just need a place to have a business, where I do not need to hire 4 local staff, when I want to hire a foreigner who can do the job. Besides that would be nice to be able to own 100% of the business, I invest 100% in and not only 49%. Have until now stayed here for personal reasons and because I hoped things would change to the better. Since this does not seem to be the case, then luckily I have other options.

There are actually countries out there, who actually value foreign investment and skills and who will not make things as complicated as possible for me. The current situation here does not attract or value foreign investors and entrepreneurs. It might take some time for Thailand to see that, but when they do it might also hurt the people living on their pensions here.

You make it sound as if Thailand owes you a living. It doesn't. And don't make it sound as if you're doing or wanting to do Thailand any favors. You're only in it for yourself. You are not what Thailand considers "valuable foreign investment." But as you say, you have other options. Take it. When you are gone, it will be as if you were never here. Same as the OP. Why people try to overstate their self-importance is beyond me. You mean as much to Thailand as you did to your home country...which is why you left in the first place.

This country can not survive mainly on GoGo bars and Russian tourists...

The sex industry is only a very small part of the Thai economy. Tourism is about 6% of GDP and I don't think for one minute every tourist visits a girlie bar.

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I just need a place to have a business, where I do not need to hire 4 local staff, when I want to hire a foreigner who can do the job. Besides that would be nice to be able to own 100% of the business, I invest 100% in and not only 49%. Have until now stayed here for personal reasons and because I hoped things would change to the better. Since this does not seem to be the case, then luckily I have other options.

There are actually countries out there, who actually value foreign investment and skills and who will not make things as complicated as possible for me. The current situation here does not attract or value foreign investors and entrepreneurs. It might take some time for Thailand to see that, but when they do it might also hurt the people living on their pensions here.

You make it sound as if Thailand owes you a living. It doesn't. And don't make it sound as if you're doing or wanting to do Thailand any favors. You're only in it for yourself. You are not what Thailand considers "valuable foreign investment." But as you say, you have other options. Take it. When you are gone, it will be as if you were never here. Same as the OP. Why people try to overstate their self-importance is beyond me. You mean as much to Thailand as you did to your home country...which is why you left in the first place.

Well, can you then tell me what benefit Thailand has from chasing an IT-entrepreneur away from Thailand? We have actually over a very short time, built a profitable company here that could grow even further - if only it was possible to find proper local skilled staff (which we can not find).

So if we want to hire a foreigner or two instead, then we have to hire 4 local staff more to get work-permits for them (2 foreigners = 8 local staff and so on...) What point is there to hire e.g. 8 people who can only make coffee? (We already have trouble enough with the 4 Thai-people we have.) Our other staff is currently based in other surrounding countries and jobs outsourced to sub-suppliers outside Thailand, because we can not find skilled enough staff here.

What does Thailand benefit from us moving our company to another place? Thailand does not owe me anything, but I do not see chasing away good companies (no matter big or small) as something smart to do. Could you please explain how this benefits Thailand in the long run? Would it not be smarter of Thailand to make it possible for us to hire more foreigners here and then slowly over time hire and train more local staff? At least the revenue would flow into the country and would be spent here, by the employees and costs related to that.

You see, the thing is that I actually like this country and would like to contribute to it - if only it would let me. But how is that possible, if the rules make no sense? As I see if Thailand is living in a bubble of illusion, by thinking it in the long run will be able to manage everything on its own.

The fact is that the educational system in this place sucks and it will for sure not benefit anyone, by pushing out foreigners who can contribute. Does Thailand benefit from us now leaving the country and firing 4 local employees?

A lot of your questions relate to the reason farangs have to jump through hoops when applying for various visas. It's their Thailand and they will run it how they want. The last thing they want is farangs interfering in that and that is why we are very much restricted in some of the things we would like to do. My take on it is to let them get on with it. I'm a guest in their country and will abide by their rules and laws and no matter what I do or say they aren't going to change anything. For me the advantages vastly outweigh the disadvantages. That's why, for me, it's the place I always want to be.

I agree... It is their country and they can do as they like. Their choices however does not make much sense...


Its not like their economy is booming right now...

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I just need a place to have a business, where I do not need to hire 4 local staff, when I want to hire a foreigner who can do the job. Besides that would be nice to be able to own 100% of the business, I invest 100% in and not only 49%. Have until now stayed here for personal reasons and because I hoped things would change to the better. Since this does not seem to be the case, then luckily I have other options.

There are actually countries out there, who actually value foreign investment and skills and who will not make things as complicated as possible for me. The current situation here does not attract or value foreign investors and entrepreneurs. It might take some time for Thailand to see that, but when they do it might also hurt the people living on their pensions here.

You make it sound as if Thailand owes you a living. It doesn't. And don't make it sound as if you're doing or wanting to do Thailand any favors. You're only in it for yourself. You are not what Thailand considers "valuable foreign investment." But as you say, you have other options. Take it. When you are gone, it will be as if you were never here. Same as the OP. Why people try to overstate their self-importance is beyond me. You mean as much to Thailand as you did to your home country...which is why you left in the first place.

This country can not survive mainly on GoGo bars and Russian tourists...

The sex industry is only a very small part of the Thai economy. Tourism is about 6% of GDP and I don't think for one minute every tourist visits a girlie bar.

I know, but the fact is that Thai economy is doing worse than planned and expected. Wonder why???

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A lot of your questions relate to the reason farangs have to jump through hoops when applying for various visas. It's their Thailand and they will run it how they want. The last thing they want is farangs interfering in that and that is why we are very much restricted in some of the things we would like to do. My take on it is to let them get on with it. I'm a guest in their country and will abide by their rules and laws and no matter what I do or say they aren't going to change anything. For me the advantages vastly outweigh the disadvantages. That's why, for me, it's the place I always want to be.

I agree... It is their country and they can do as they like. Their choices however does not make much sense...


Its not like their economy is booming right now...

Very much like the whole of southern Europe, Dubai, the US and most of the Asian economies. The present junta is a regular cyclical thing and generally the economy picks up as the military measures come into place. Thai coup d'etat's are different from any other country. They are well rehearsed. The baht will strengthen and if my calculations are true since the junta took over the baht has dropped about 14-16% - not really a country on its knees. Contrary to what some think that Thailand exists purely on barfines and farangs drinking is just totally wrong. Of course there are differences to how farangs do things but the Thai's do it their way and I think they probably have every right to do that.

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I have lived here 4 years now and I am starting to look for another place. I am simply feed up with the trouble of doing business here, visa, work-permit etc. and of course also now having to report to the police, when we go and visit friends and family here. It is just too much and I have become really sick of it.

Our company here could e.g. grow and easily hire 2-3 skilled foreigners, but since we need hire 4 Thai-employees to get one work-permit, then it is simply not worth staying here. And we can not find the skilled local staff, so it is impossible to grow the business here. It is simply stupid and frustrating as well. Can not find local staff, but need them to be able to hire skilled foreign staff. It is just stupid.

Will visit both Cambodia and Philippines during the next couple of weeks and then decide where to move. One thing is for sure... I am out of here. I was hoping for better conditions for foreigners here, but have seen nothing else that more and more restrictions. It seems as Thailand is only a place for older people with their pensions to spend.

A shame really...

Didn't you do any research first!!as a foreigner starting up a business in any country , you have the problems with employing skilled foreign workers before locals, for thai experience 4 years is no time at all, patience helps,change countries different language same problems!!wai2.gif

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I have a friend who has sold his Thai restaurant in the UK (He is married to a very very tasty Thai girl. By trade he is a graphic designer and is hoping to get a foothold in the market, probably near Songkhla. Nice guy but no spring chicken. He did some work for me a few months ago and it was excellent, And he has some real good ideas but will they roll with the Thai insularity. I think he has a fair chance as he is fluent Chinese, Thai and English. Good luck to him. At a guess he won't encounter as many problems as a farang would starting a business.

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Yes very funny, you know TV posters for the most part one some of the coldest and inhuman people on the internet, I have known this for a while so it is to be expected. Most of you are just old men with pensions looking for a nice Thai bride who will probably screw you over eventually. I posted this as a matter of opinion to discuss, and as you can see I am not alone with thinking that this place, Thailand, is becoming less and less welcoming as time goes on. I would like to see how you felt after your bike was stolen and then you get severely beaten to the point you cannot eat for a few days, and put into a cell.

I imagine that next time you will keep your mouth shut when dealing with the BiB.

Possibly a small price has been paid for that valuable lesson.

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I do not understand why people have to announce to everyone when they want to leave a room.

Just go, we didn't know you until 5 minutes ago, so rest assured that we won't miss you.

He will be missed down at the Sukhimvit Felchers club.

The Thais should make a national sport out of kicking the crap out of douchebags, there's no shortage of them visiting

Are these really acceptable posts?

Inciting violence, Douchebag.... Felching? Disgusting, insulting troll comments that not only violate forum rules but common decency as they are blatantly abusive.

Like most of your recent hate filled comments towards Thais, Thailand and males in general. I see your biterness remains.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Yes very funny, you know TV posters for the most part one some of the coldest and inhuman people on the internet, I have known this for a while so it is to be expected. Most of you are just old men with pensions looking for a nice Thai bride who will probably screw you over eventually. I posted this as a matter of opinion to discuss, and as you can see I am not alone with thinking that this place, Thailand, is becoming less and less welcoming as time goes on. I would like to see how you felt after your bike was stolen and then you get severely beaten to the point you cannot eat for a few days, and put into a cell.

I imagine that next time you will keep your mouth shut when dealing with the BiB.

Possibly a small price has been paid for that valuable lesson.

So mouthing off to cops is grounds for assault? And we thought Thailand was civilized.

Thai cops are renowned for their inability to enforce laws as is written on thousands of posts on this forum

Mouthing off to cops is not a smart move wherever you are.

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I do not understand why people have to announce to everyone when they want to leave a room.

Just go, we didn't know you until 5 minutes ago, so rest assured that we won't miss you.

There is actually a term for this behavior... It's called 'flouncing'... Funny, but haven't seen it around here in a while...

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I do not understand why people have to announce to everyone when they want to leave a room.

Just go, we didn't know you until 5 minutes ago, so rest assured that we won't miss you.

There is actually a term for this behavior... It's called 'flouncing'... Funny, but haven't seen it around here in a while...

Right, it's a Next Door invasion.

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I have lived here 4 years now and I am starting to look for another place. I am simply feed up with the trouble of doing business here, visa, work-permit etc. and of course also now having to report to the police, when we go and visit friends and family here. It is just too much and I have become really sick of it.

Our company here could e.g. grow and easily hire 2-3 skilled foreigners, but since we need hire 4 Thai-employees to get one work-permit, then it is simply not worth staying here. And we can not find the skilled local staff, so it is impossible to grow the business here. It is simply stupid and frustrating as well. Can not find local staff, but need them to be able to hire skilled foreign staff. It is just stupid.

Will visit both Cambodia and Philippines during the next couple of weeks and then decide where to move. One thing is for sure... I am out of here. I was hoping for better conditions for foreigners here, but have seen nothing else that more and more restrictions. It seems as Thailand is only a place for older people with their pensions to spend.

A shame really...

Didn't you do any research first!!as a foreigner starting up a business in any country , you have the problems with employing skilled foreign workers before locals, for thai experience 4 years is no time at all, patience helps,change countries different language same problems!!wai2.gif

Well, I have 18 years of experience establishing and running companies in other similar countries (e.g. Vietnam). None of those places have I had the same stupid issues as here, when it comes to ownership, work-permits, visa etc. In e.g. Vietnam I automatically got a 3 year temp-residence card as a company owner, investor and director. I did not have to show up some place every 90 days and I could hire as many foreigners as I wanted.

This is not about patience, language problems, cultural differences or anything like that. Its about not being and feeling welcome here as an entrepreneur and being restricted from growing a company as a foreigner. Unless you of course hire enough local staff - which in my case makes no sense, since I can not find any with the proper skills. We can not all run bars or restaurants here and have one million people sitting around picking their nose!

The only way you can progress as a startup company who needs highly skilled employees, is to cheat and bend the current rules. I do not like doing that and why does it need to be like that? I do not want to e.g. pay for 12 local employees, that I do not really need, just to create jobs for 3 foreigners here. (who could do the job, pay their taxes and would like to move/work here). So instead I am now hiring people sitting outside of Thailand, which does not make much sense for a Thai company.

What I could do here, was hire 3 foreign employes and 3 local employees and then train them. But what is needed is 12 Thais for me to hire 3 foreigners. What am I suppose to do with 12 Thais, that do not have the needed skills?

Thats why it is better to move things to a place, where they value investment from foreigners and it actually is easier. And believe me, it is easier many other places. I will for sure get rid of the 1/4 work permit rule and only 49% ownership. Just that is a big step...

My intention when making the company here, was to just do a small setup (because of the conditions). Now the company could grow more, but is limited due to stupid rules. So off to grow the company somewhere else :-)

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This country can not survive mainly on GoGo bars and Russian tourists...

The sex industry is only a very small part of the Thai economy. Tourism is about 6% of GDP and I don't think for one minute every tourist visits a girlie bar.

I know, but the fact is that Thai economy is doing worse than planned and expected. Wonder why???

As you are obviously myopic, the entire world is in an economic recession... Take your head out of your pattootie and realize that Thailand owes you nothing, not even the time of day... If you don't like the rules for opening and running a business in Thailand, take it up with the junta... I'm sure you will be received with a warm welcome...

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This country can not survive mainly on GoGo bars and Russian tourists...

The sex industry is only a very small part of the Thai economy. Tourism is about 6% of GDP and I don't think for one minute every tourist visits a girlie bar.

I know, but the fact is that Thai economy is doing worse than planned and expected. Wonder why???

As you are obviously myopic, the entire world is in an economic recession... Take your head out of your pattootie and realize that Thailand owes you nothing, not even the time of day... If you don't like the rules for opening and running a business in Thailand, take it up with the junta... I'm sure you will be received with a warm welcome...

I know Thailand owes me nothing... Thats also why I am moving my company. But I still reserve the right to my opinion, that chasing away foreign investment is not a smart thing to do for Thailand. I am allowed to have my own opinion... am I not? :-)

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This country can not survive mainly on GoGo bars and Russian tourists...

The sex industry is only a very small part of the Thai economy. Tourism is about 6% of GDP and I don't think for one minute every tourist visits a girlie bar.

I know, but the fact is that Thai economy is doing worse than planned and expected. Wonder why???

As you are obviously myopic, the entire world is in an economic recession... Take your head out of your pattootie and realize that Thailand owes you nothing, not even the time of day... If you don't like the rules for opening and running a business in Thailand, take it up with the junta... I'm sure you will be received with a warm welcome...

I know Thailand owes me nothing... Thats also why I am moving my company. But I still reserve the right to my opinion, that chasing away foreign investment is not a smart thing to do for Thailand. I am allowed to have my own opinion... am I not? :-)

Actually you aren't. You misunderstand, Thailand is nothing like the west. If it is decided you can't have an opinion then that's what will happen until you learn your opinion is wrong.

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This country can not survive mainly on GoGo bars and Russian tourists...

The sex industry is only a very small part of the Thai economy. Tourism is about 6% of GDP and I don't think for one minute every tourist visits a girlie bar.

I know, but the fact is that Thai economy is doing worse than planned and expected. Wonder why???

As you are obviously myopic, the entire world is in an economic recession... Take your head out of your pattootie and realize that Thailand owes you nothing, not even the time of day... If you don't like the rules for opening and running a business in Thailand, take it up with the junta... I'm sure you will be received with a warm welcome...

I know Thailand owes me nothing... Thats also why I am moving my company. But I still reserve the right to my opinion, that chasing away foreign investment is not a smart thing to do for Thailand. I am allowed to have my own opinion... am I not? :-)

Actually you aren't. You misunderstand, Thailand is nothing like the west. If it is decided you can't have an opinion then that's what will happen until you learn your opinion is wrong.

Well this is an online forum, which is mainly running because people here have different opinions... If we all just agreed, I doubt there would be many posts. I am not Thai, so they can do what they want and make the rules as they want. I accept that, since it is not my country. But my opinion stays the same :-)

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Khunpa, I feel your pain and frustration but you know that you'll never change anything. Thai politics means maintaining the status quo and vested interests. Leave it to the uncle toms and move on. Their day will come.

The goal is not to change anything. It is simply to state that I believe chasing companies away with hurt them in the long run. Its a debate. Luckily I have other options :-)

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I work offshore but do other stuff with Amazon and other sites that manage themselves. The initial work is outsourced once the language barrier is overcome. Nothing wrong with outsourcing while in Thailand. Yes, I've heard all the work visa arguments but nobody can find out even if they wanted to.

Instead of moaning about the system, use it to your advantage.

In business never get angry, get profitable. This is something one or two haven't had things their way - toys out of prams etc - Hardly Branson's. Easy.

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Dear OP, I know an activity for which you would even get a work permit!

You could teach graphic design for the web to Thais.

I am in need of a Thai graphic designer who can also code HTML and produce templates, but so far no luck!

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Most of South East Asia (at least Malaysia, Laos, Indo, and Thailand) are pretty much the same. I'm sure Cambodia and Vietnam will fall into this category too.

Just try out a few different places and see what you think.

Thailand is only the most popular because of its location anyway.

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I just need a place to have a business, where I do not need to hire 4 local staff, when I want to hire a foreigner who can do the job. Besides that would be nice to be able to own 100% of the business, I invest 100% in and not only 49%. Have until now stayed here for personal reasons and because I hoped things would change to the better. Since this does not seem to be the case, then luckily I have other options.

There are actually countries out there, who actually value foreign investment and skills and who will not make things as complicated as possible for me. The current situation here does not attract or value foreign investors and entrepreneurs. It might take some time for Thailand to see that, but when they do it might also hurt the people living on their pensions here.

You make it sound as if Thailand owes you a living. It doesn't. And don't make it sound as if you're doing or wanting to do Thailand any favors. You're only in it for yourself. You are not what Thailand considers "valuable foreign investment." But as you say, you have other options. Take it. When you are gone, it will be as if you were never here. Same as the OP. Why people try to overstate their self-importance is beyond me. You mean as much to Thailand as you did to your home country...which is why you left in the first place.

This country can not survive mainly on GoGo bars and Russian tourists...

The sex industry is only a very small part of the Thai economy. Tourism is about 6% of GDP and I don't think for one minute every tourist visits a girlie bar.

What makes you think it is restricted to tourists? And since no records are kept no taxes are paid, it really isn't any part of the economy, officially, but of course it is- more than 6 % too, I'd bet.

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I just need a place to have a business, where I do not need to hire 4 local staff, when I want to hire a foreigner who can do the job. Besides that would be nice to be able to own 100% of the business, I invest 100% in and not only 49%. Have until now stayed here for personal reasons and because I hoped things would change to the better. Since this does not seem to be the case, then luckily I have other options.

There are actually countries out there, who actually value foreign investment and skills and who will not make things as complicated as possible for me. The current situation here does not attract or value foreign investors and entrepreneurs. It might take some time for Thailand to see that, but when they do it might also hurt the people living on their pensions here.

You make it sound as if Thailand owes you a living. It doesn't. And don't make it sound as if you're doing or wanting to do Thailand any favors. You're only in it for yourself. You are not what Thailand considers "valuable foreign investment." But as you say, you have other options. Take it. When you are gone, it will be as if you were never here. Same as the OP. Why people try to overstate their self-importance is beyond me. You mean as much to Thailand as you did to your home country...which is why you left in the first place.

Well, can you then tell me what benefit Thailand has from chasing an IT-entrepreneur away from Thailand? We have actually over a very short time, built a profitable company here that could grow even further - if only it was possible to find proper local skilled staff (which we can not find).

So if we want to hire a foreigner or two instead, then we have to hire 4 local staff more to get work-permits for them (2 foreigners = 8 local staff and so on...) What point is there to hire e.g. 8 people who can only make coffee? (We already have trouble enough with the 4 Thai-people we have.) Our other staff is currently based in other surrounding countries and jobs outsourced to sub-suppliers outside Thailand, because we can not find skilled enough staff here.

What does Thailand benefit from us moving our company to another place? Thailand does not owe me anything, but I do not see chasing away good companies (no matter big or small) as something smart to do. Could you please explain how this benefits Thailand in the long run? Would it not be smarter of Thailand to make it possible for us to hire more foreigners here and then slowly over time hire and train more local staff? At least the revenue would flow into the country and would be spent here, by the employees and costs related to that.

You see, the thing is that I actually like this country and would like to contribute to it - if only it would let me. But how is that possible, if the rules make no sense? As I see if Thailand is living in a bubble of illusion, by thinking it in the long run will be able to manage everything on its own.

The fact is that the educational system in this place sucks and it will for sure not benefit anyone, by pushing out foreigners who can contribute. Does Thailand benefit from us now leaving the country and firing 4 local employees?

About 6 months ago, I had a meeting here with 2 foreigners from my home country, who wanted to invest here. But they ended up moving to another country, simply because of the rules here. Who wants to e.g. own only 49% of a 100% investment? It is crazy and will hurt the country in the long run. It is already hurting the country.

This country can not survive mainly on GoGo bars and Russian tourists...

Why do you need another IT person in Thailand? Why not just hire someone in a different country?

Face-2-face conversations between boss and employee are becoming things of the past; try using Email, Skype, or other quaint means of communication, such as the telephone.

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I would say this is a troll,who in their right mind would utter a slur to Thai cops then "scuffle" with them? Would not believe if I had not witnessed it myself. Saw some young farang pulled over on a big bike in Patts wearing nothing but a bathing costume and flip - flops. He immediately starts shouting abuse "dont you know who I am? Police big boss my friend, tomorrow you no have job".

Next thing Dr. Eurotrash, Phd. is getting smashed face first into the pavement.

Edited by arunsakda
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I just need a place to have a business, where I do not need to hire 4 local staff, when I want to hire a foreigner who can do the job. Besides that would be nice to be able to own 100% of the business, I invest 100% in and not only 49%. Have until now stayed here for personal reasons and because I hoped things would change to the better. Since this does not seem to be the case, then luckily I have other options.

There are actually countries out there, who actually value foreign investment and skills and who will not make things as complicated as possible for me. The current situation here does not attract or value foreign investors and entrepreneurs. It might take some time for Thailand to see that, but when they do it might also hurt the people living on their pensions here.

You make it sound as if Thailand owes you a living. It doesn't. And don't make it sound as if you're doing or wanting to do Thailand any favors. You're only in it for yourself. You are not what Thailand considers "valuable foreign investment." But as you say, you have other options. Take it. When you are gone, it will be as if you were never here. Same as the OP. Why people try to overstate their self-importance is beyond me. You mean as much to Thailand as you did to your home country...which is why you left in the first place.

This country can not survive mainly on GoGo bars and Russian tourists...

The sex industry is only a very small part of the Thai economy. Tourism is about 6% of GDP and I don't think for one minute every tourist visits a girlie bar.

What makes you think it is restricted to tourists? And since no records are kept no taxes are paid, it really isn't any part of the economy, officially, but of course it is- more than 6 % too, I'd bet.

Nah, sex tourists always overestimate themselves.

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The sex industry is only a very small part of the Thai economy. Tourism is about 6% of GDP and I don't think for one minute every tourist visits a girlie bar.

What makes you think it is restricted to tourists? And since no records are kept no taxes are paid, it really isn't any part of the economy, officially, but of course it is- more than 6 % too, I'd bet.

Got to say I doubt very much that the sex industry pulls in more GDP than tourism, which is measured in the trillions (and I've seen it estimated as up to 20% of the GDP).

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OP, just ignore the more self-righteous posters.

While I think it was less than clever of you to slate the police in Thai in the bloody POLICE STATION laugh.png, i do sympathise somewhat with your sentiments about the country.

There does seem to be a definite move to make us sing for our supper. Right now, the visa exempts and TRs are the targets but give 'em time and soon enough, the authorities will get around to all the smug so-called retirees; mark my words.

Trust me, for every genuinely moneyed retiree living here, there are 20 living on chump change . . . and the authorities ARE coming for them

Anyway, at least you're a young man and have the skills and time to build something somewhere else; can you see these guys going home to ask for their old jobs back in rail signal maintenance or national mail sorting offices when the hammer comes down?

Good post. I make you right on this. I know plenty who survive on a UK basic pension in LOS and no way they'd meet the criteria for retirement visas. I reckon most haven't had a genuine or any visa for years.

Sad for them really as they have nothing to come back to. But back they'll be coming.

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Most of South East Asia (at least Malaysia, Laos, Indo, and Thailand) are pretty much the same. I'm sure Cambodia and Vietnam will fall into this category too.

Just try out a few different places and see what you think.

Thailand is only the most popular because of its location anyway.

Location? My dear lad, Think there's a bit more to it than that. [winky smiley]

Not sure about Laos, it seems to be a bit down on the infrastructure totem pole, but Malaysia is great in that everyone speaks English perfectly and you can actually drive at 70 mph safely on many roads. I never see mangy dogs, or impromptu garbage dumps. They seem to adhere to laws and the ethics are more in line with western standards.

I have had emails returned from govt agencies, too. Visiting immigration is not at all stressful- rules are followed , and posted in competent English on a web site.

Oh how I rue giving up that MMSH visa.

Yes I feel fed up too as I recently had a very bad experience with Thai police too.

I was assaulted in a robbery attempt , and police insisted as I did not have the man's name they would make the report including his assault , but only the part about a foreign woman who incited him. (She was simply acting in retaliation for something else and merely vandalized my car. The Thai man choked me.)

I called the US Embassy Citizen Services who intervened with a phone call and the police were forced to include the Thai man's details.

I can provide this report, before and after the omitted part was included. I also can include a letter I wrote to US Citizen services outlining 4 other similar experiences with Thai police where I was treated with prejudice- two of which involved traffic accidents where I was hit from the rear and absolved of blame, yet received no compensation, and was even threatened to not take a case to court.

USCS informed me they hear these kind of stories everyday.

I also had a fake vet perform a botched euthanasia on a pony, poor little guy suffered horribly, too. Guy used a fake license number, totally illegal worked for a clinic who told me he was a Dr .

It took 15 trips to police to get that report filed, the last two trips to get my name, and then his spelled right. Next Wednesday I will make a formal complaint to vet Council against the clinic

Again I am happy to provide the docs.

Edited by EBlair48
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The sex industry is only a very small part of the Thai economy. Tourism is about 6% of GDP and I don't think for one minute every tourist visits a girlie bar.

What makes you think it is restricted to tourists? And since no records are kept no taxes are paid, it really isn't any part of the economy, officially, but of course it is- more than 6 % too, I'd bet.

Got to say I doubt very much that the sex industry pulls in more GDP than tourism, which is measured in the trillions (and I've seen it estimated as up to 20% of the GDP).

So if tourism is 20 % then it seems reasonable the sex industry, tourist and indigenous , and all it supports, the providers, pimps, cops, etc, could be a substantial percentage, too, and all untaxed.

I really think it is a basis for the country's corruption woes.

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