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NCPO asked to back B2bn car loans for Phuket taxis


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NCPO asked to back B2bn car loans for Phuket taxis
Anthika Muangrod

The aim is to help black-plate drivers go legit, like this meter taxi driver.

PHUKET: -- Vice-Governor Jamroen Tippayapongtada is to ask the National Council for Peace and Order to persuade banks to extend a credit line of up to B2 billion to allow would-be cab drivers to buy meter taxis on easy terms, with the loans guaranteed by the government.

“I have already presented the plan to Governor Maitri Inthusut who will talk with the Royal Thai Army Region 4 who in turn will pass it on to the NCPO.”

“If the government agrees about the policy, it will contact banks. The drivers will be able to pay by installments over nine years. After that they can change the car.

The scheme, if approved, will get around the current problem of illegal “black-plate” taxis not being able to convert to green or yellow plates.

These drivers buy a car with money borrowed from a bank, stating that it is for private use. Banks are then reluctant to back an application for the car to become a legal taxi without shortening the repayment period (because of the much higher mileage).

The drivers cannot afford the higher payments, and so are effectively forced to remain illegal.

V/Gov Jamroen’s plan would get around this by allowing drivers to buy taxis on long-term loans at easy rates.

“In a year, the drivers will pay about B100,000, perhaps a bit more. That’s less than B10,000 a month.”

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/ncpo-asked-to-back-b2bn-car-loans-for-phuket-taxis-47634.php


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The handouts that criminals expect and believe they deserve absolutely astonishes me.


There is not a day that goes by where there is not some report of some idiot, or group of idiots, that have knowingly broken laws then expect or demand government and others to bail them out when it all goes tits-up.

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Nooooo. This is just a populist idea that must be resisted by the NCPO. No special treatment for people of any nature for any purpose. Otherwise, you just generate sympathetic support for your regime. Essentially like vote-buying - right?

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Just impound the black plates and meter taxi's that don't use meter plenty of Army base space to store them and drivers to get them there released upon payment of proper fine 20,000baht? Banks can also retrieve their property from there paying the fine of course problem solved in no time win win for Tourists & Thailand .New breed of Taxi meter company's needed that serve the public and hire their cars to drivers that pay 25,000 baht use meter deposit refundable if they don't get the car impounded . 

Edited by kartman
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Hum, I thought there were already way too many taxis on this island, why would we need more? 


I read this as these red/yellow metered taxis would replace the existing ones, thus enabling easier enforcement of their operation? Too logical?

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what is next ?


metered taxis, you mean only the sign on top, but nothing to do with the 1500 baht trip they charge, right ...



oh so sorry for them they cannot pay the car fees, well, they can always become factory workers, no car to be paid off



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Wtf. ...These guys were abusing tourists and using mafia like methods .....now they want the banks to lend them money ......wasn't there talk that they had large amounts of money stashed. ..

Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app
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If implemented correctly, I don't see this as a bad idea.  A few ideas off the top of my head.

1) All taxis must be meter taxis, no private taxis.  Tuk tuks must also use meters.

2) Drivers must use meters at all times and some sort of app tracks this as well as all units have to have gps tracking on at all times. If caught, first fine 50K baht, second fine, jail.

3) Fares lowered to just slightly over Bangkok rates.

4) Drivers education and training mandatory, as well as must be able to pass a stringent test on driving ability as well as knowledge of the island roads, same as in London.



Set an enforced deadline to have the whole island using meters.  Anyone not using a meter at all times after this loses their license and can't apply again for 10 years.



soyou want to drive in a 8 or nine year old taxI GOOD LUCK! 

this is only to make a big money on selling new cars, some body get 5 % this is 100.000.000 Baht good commision for selling cars + 3 - 5 % commision for the bank loan

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<deleted> , loans  GUARANTEED by the government DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS??????????????  



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Why can't they just get rid of tuktuks all over the country? Rip off, noisy and dangerous. Get rid of the lot. They should not be road legal especially in Bangkok, once one topples over or gets slammed into by some idiot in a range rover, whole family is dead, great for thai tourism when that family happens to be Swedish or whatever Edited by Grindting
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Loving the way they use a photo of a smartly turned out female driver to help the cause! Mind you the nicest Songtao driver I came arcoss in Chiang Mai was a lady - her parents loaned her the money for the vehicle. She was polite, timely (if you booked her for airport run etc) and drove normally (ish)!

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That's right! Throw all the taxis, tuk tuks and drivers into the ocean and we can all walk! Wait a minute. Maybe since this is a necessary occupation, maybe authorities should take back control of the profession, legitimize it, tax it and use the revinue to put back into the community. Jeez guys, the world needs taxis for cryin out loud. Lighten up.

Oh and steelepulse, why in gods name would you make taxi fares higher in Phuket then the metropolitan center of the country? Would that not be the opposite tactic of every other country with a major city in the world?
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Why can't they just get rid of tuktuks all over the country? Rip off, noisy and dangerous. Get rid of the lot. They should not be road legal especially in Bangkok, once one topples over or gets slammed into by some idiot in a range rover, whole family is dead, great for thai tourism when that family happens to be Swedish or whatever


Love the Bangkok tuktuks. Much faster than taxis and safer than motosais. And the thrill of hurtling in out and around traffic at break kneck speed. Hands off 'em angry.png

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That's right! Throw all the taxis, tuk tuks and drivers into the ocean and we can all walk! Wait a minute. Maybe since this is a necessary occupation, maybe authorities should take back control of the profession, legitimize it, tax it and use the revinue to put back into the community. Jeez guys, the world needs taxis for cryin out loud. Lighten up.

Oh and steelepulse, why in gods name would you make taxi fares higher in Phuket then the metropolitan center of the country? Would that not be the opposite tactic of every other country with a major city in the world?


Well csabo, If you read what I wrote, I said make the fares slightly higher, to take into account that the cost of living here is a tad more than Nakon Nowhere and Bangkok.  Just curious, how long have you lived in Phuket to now take such an interest in this little island province?

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That's right! Throw all the taxis, tuk tuks and drivers into the ocean and we can all walk! Wait a minute. Maybe since this is a necessary occupation, maybe authorities should take back control of the profession, legitimize it, tax it and use the revinue to put back into the community. Jeez guys, the world needs taxis for cryin out loud. Lighten up.

Oh and steelepulse, why in gods name would you make taxi fares higher in Phuket then the metropolitan center of the country? Would that not be the opposite tactic of every other country with a major city in the world?

Well csabo, If you read what I wrote, I said make the fares slightly higher, to take into account that the cost of living here is a tad more than Nakon Nowhere and Bangkok.  Just curious, how long have you lived in Phuket to now take such an interest in this little island province?

Your tone is insulting and uncalled for. It is clear that I read your post in which you proposed higher fares. Further classification of slightly is irrelevant. Higher is higher, lower is lower etc.
I got off the plane today to answer your question about the duration of my living status. Now that that irrelevant fact has been resolved the discussion may proceed.
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I don't think any bank will give a 9 year loan on a car. In any event thousands of Bangkok taxi drivers manage to finance their cars without special treatment so why why should Phuket be any different.

Green plate drivers can automatically covert their current vehicles so long as they are not over 6 years old and black plate drivers can do the same for around 10,000 baht, everyone should be happy.
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That's right! Throw all the taxis, tuk tuks and drivers into the ocean and we can all walk! Wait a minute. Maybe since this is a necessary occupation, maybe authorities should take back control of the profession, legitimize it, tax it and use the revinue to put back into the community. Jeez guys, the world needs taxis for cryin out loud. Lighten up.

Oh and steelepulse, why in gods name would you make taxi fares higher in Phuket then the metropolitan center of the country? Would that not be the opposite tactic of every other country with a major city in the world?

Well csabo, If you read what I wrote, I said make the fares slightly higher, to take into account that the cost of living here is a tad more than Nakon Nowhere and Bangkok.  Just curious, how long have you lived in Phuket to now take such an interest in this little island province?

Your tone is insulting and uncalled for. It is clear that I read your post in which you proposed higher fares. Further classification of slightly is irrelevant. Higher is higher, lower is lower etc.
I got off the plane today to answer your question about the duration of my living status. Now that that irrelevant fact has been resolved the discussion may proceed.



Why is explaining the facts insulting and uncalled for? Welcome to Phuket, enjoy your stay however long it will be so you can actually see why it is a bit different here.

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