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Colloidal Silver


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I'd reckon it cured his dermatitis, but not his cardiovascular disease. Guess he bought the "wrong brand"cheesy.gif .

What a poor unfortunate man, hoodwinked by charlatans and quacksalvers.

You are aware that this was a hoax, aren't you? ROTFL! Or did you actually believe he turned this color from drinking colloidal silver.

Perhaps you need to do just a wee bit of research on Argyria. The skin turns a 'blue-ish grey' color, not bright blue!

And this only 'may' happen after drinking large quantities of colloidal silver over a long period of time.

One is more likely to develop cirrhosis of the liver from drinking alcohol than of developing Argyria from 'rational' use of colloidal silver.

Try this story !


Just 4 years associated with used "quack" stuff in the form of nasal drops !

"Just" 4 years? How many times a day did she use it, for FOUR YEARS? As I said, the chances of developing this from 'rational' use is remote.

If you misuse ANY medication it's going to have negative results.

However, I recommend that you do NOT use it. And, at the same time, let those who have found the positive benefits enjoy them.

Edited by FolkGuitar
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I'd reckon it cured his dermatitis, but not his cardiovascular disease. Guess he bought the "wrong brand"cheesy.gif .

What a poor unfortunate man, hoodwinked by charlatans and quacksalvers.

You are aware that this was a hoax, aren't you? ROTFL! Or did you actually believe he turned this color from drinking colloidal silver.

Perhaps you need to do just a wee bit of research on Argyria. The skin turns a 'blue-ish grey' color, not bright blue!

And this only 'may' happen after drinking large quantities of colloidal silver over a long period of time.

One is more likely to develop cirrhosis of the liver from drinking alcohol than of developing Argyria from 'rational' use of colloidal silver.

Try this story !


Just 4 years associated with used "quack" stuff in the form of nasal drops !

"Just" 4 years? How many times a day did she use it, for FOUR YEARS? As I said, the chances of developing this from 'rational' use is remote.

If you misuse ANY medication it's going to have negative results.

I would have thought it very difficult to use more than a few nasal drops at a time !

I am sure the lady did not snort the stuff by the bucketful !

She is a good example of the harm done by "quackery".

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No one disputes the possibility of developing Argyria. It DOES happen. But it ONLY happens from misuse of colloidal silver, not the responsible use of it. There are millions and millions of Colloidal Silver users and they are NOT all turning blue... But some do. The ones who misuse it.

"Hydrocortizone Cream..." A very common over-the-counter medicine sold to remedy various 'localized' and 'acute' skin conditions. It works very well. But it's a steroid...

If you use it over large parts of the body for days and weeks on end, you're gonna die... You don't die from the Hydrocotizone cream, you die because misuse of it leads to a breakdown of the body's Auto-Immune system, so the next time you catch a common cold, it can kill you. Fact. So don't misuse Hydrocotizone cream next time you get a rash.

If you don't have the intelligence to use a medication correctly, you shouldn't use it at all.

Misuse of anything is dangerous, including colloidal silver. Responsible use paints a very different picture.

Edited by FolkGuitar
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To Luk AJ. Please do 1 hour of research before you push your ignorant opinions on others. You have not got a clue what you are talking about. I consider this tread for ended.

I was 4 years part of an R&D team studying all the different disinfectants. I have a patent on one special natural disinfectant.
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To Luk AJ. Please do 1 hour of research before you push your ignorant opinions on others. You have not got a clue what you are talking about. I consider this tread for ended.

I was 4 years part of an R&D team studying all the different disinfectants. I have a patent on one special natural disinfectant.

Tell us about the "patent" number and where it was registered.

I would like to undertake a patent search relating to this "natural disinfectant"

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Papa Smurf a hoax? Who would have expected that from the daily mail?

Silver has legitimate uses, staunching oral sores (chemical cauterization), Foot Spray, etc. The ingestion of silver solutions is pure bunk, pushed by charlatans and Quacksalvers.

Edited by arunsakda
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No one disputes the possibility of developing Argyria. It DOES happen. But it ONLY happens from misuse of colloidal silver, not the responsible use of it. There are millions and millions of Colloidal Silver users and they are NOT all turning blue... But some do. The ones who misuse it.

"Hydrocortizone Cream..." A very common over-the-counter medicine sold to remedy various 'localized' and 'acute' skin conditions. It works very well. But it's a steroid...

If you use it over large parts of the body for days and weeks on end, you're gonna die... You don't die from the Hydrocotizone cream, you die because misuse of it leads to a breakdown of the body's Auto-Immune system, so the next time you catch a common cold, it can kill you. Fact. So don't misuse Hydrocotizone cream next time you get a rash.

If you don't have the intelligence to use a medication correctly, you shouldn't use it at all.

Misuse of anything is dangerous, including colloidal silver. Responsible use paints a very different picture.

"Responsible use paints a very different picture."
You are correct and the picture is Blue !
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No one disputes the possibility of developing Argyria. It DOES happen. But it ONLY happens from misuse of colloidal silver, not the responsible use of it. There are millions and millions of Colloidal Silver users and they are NOT all turning blue... But some do. The ones who misuse it.

"Hydrocortizone Cream..." A very common over-the-counter medicine sold to remedy various 'localized' and 'acute' skin conditions. It works very well. But it's a steroid...

If you use it over large parts of the body for days and weeks on end, you're gonna die... You don't die from the Hydrocotizone cream, you die because misuse of it leads to a breakdown of the body's Auto-Immune system, so the next time you catch a common cold, it can kill you. Fact. So don't misuse Hydrocotizone cream next time you get a rash.

If you don't have the intelligence to use a medication correctly, you shouldn't use it at all.

Misuse of anything is dangerous, including colloidal silver. Responsible use paints a very different picture.

"Responsible use paints a very different picture."
You are correct and the picture is Blue !

I always figured there has to be one in every crowd. Thanks for confirming my suspicions

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After several years of using colloidal silver for myself and my whole family (including my 4 year old daughter) I have become a true believer. I think she is the only child in kindergarten that has not been sick for the last 2 years.

I see many of the skeptic refer to a site called "Quack watch." Well, this is the story behind Quack watch: http://www.encognitive.com/node/1213

CS is one of Big Pharmas great fears. As resistant bacteria is taking over the world, they will make less money on antibiotics. What do we have left? Natural remedies. Among them is Colloidal silver perhaps the most powerful. Also because it kills virus, not only bacteria.

If you are in Thailand, this is the people I buy it from. E-mail them, they speak perfect english. http://www.colloidalsilverthailand.com

"The U.S. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) warns that marketing claims about colloidal silver are scientifically unsupported, that the silver content of marketed supplements varies widely, and that colloidal silver products can have serious side effects such as argyria."

Please let us know when the whole family develops argyria and turn a nice shade of blue !

This same organization (as well as every other reputable medical organization) tells us that the use of oral Vitamin C has no scientifically supported facts stating that it can reduce the symptoms of the common cold.

Yet millions and millions of people all over the world will IMMEDIATELY reach for Vitamin C the minute they feel a cold coming on. They will SWEAR that oral Vitamin C lessens their cold symptoms and shortens the duration of the illness.

How can this be?

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To Luk AJ. Please do 1 hour of research before you push your ignorant opinions on others. You have not got a clue what you are talking about. I consider this tread for ended.
I was 4 years part of an R&D team studying all the different disinfectants. I have a patent on one special natural disinfectant.

Tell us about the "patent" number and where it was registered.

I would like to undertake a patent search relating to this "natural disinfectant"[/quote

I will do as soon as I am home, but if you google catechins and polyphenols you will get there also.

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After several years of using colloidal silver for myself and my whole family (including my 4 year old daughter) I have become a true believer. I think she is the only child in kindergarten that has not been sick for the last 2 years.

I see many of the skeptic refer to a site called "Quack watch." Well, this is the story behind Quack watch: http://www.encognitive.com/node/1213

CS is one of Big Pharmas great fears. As resistant bacteria is taking over the world, they will make less money on antibiotics. What do we have left? Natural remedies. Among them is Colloidal silver perhaps the most powerful. Also because it kills virus, not only bacteria.

If you are in Thailand, this is the people I buy it from. E-mail them, they speak perfect english. http://www.colloidalsilverthailand.com

"The U.S. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) warns that marketing claims about colloidal silver are scientifically unsupported, that the silver content of marketed supplements varies widely, and that colloidal silver products can have serious side effects such as argyria."

Please let us know when the whole family develops argyria and turn a nice shade of blue !

This same organization (as well as every other reputable medical organization) tells us that the use of oral Vitamin C has no scientifically supported facts stating that it can reduce the symptoms of the common cold.

Yet millions and millions of people all over the world will IMMEDIATELY reach for Vitamin C the minute they feel a cold coming on. They will SWEAR that oral Vitamin C lessens their cold symptoms and shortens the duration of the illness.

How can this be?

Vit C is a radical scavenger = good but at the same time it is indirectly producing peroxide which on it's turn is a radical.
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After several years of using colloidal silver for myself and my whole family (including my 4 year old daughter) I have become a true believer. I think she is the only child in kindergarten that has not been sick for the last 2 years.

I see many of the skeptic refer to a site called "Quack watch." Well, this is the story behind Quack watch: http://www.encognitive.com/node/1213

CS is one of Big Pharmas great fears. As resistant bacteria is taking over the world, they will make less money on antibiotics. What do we have left? Natural remedies. Among them is Colloidal silver perhaps the most powerful. Also because it kills virus, not only bacteria.

If you are in Thailand, this is the people I buy it from. E-mail them, they speak perfect english. http://www.colloidalsilverthailand.com

"The U.S. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) warns that marketing claims about colloidal silver are scientifically unsupported, that the silver content of marketed supplements varies widely, and that colloidal silver products can have serious side effects such as argyria."

Please let us know when the whole family develops argyria and turn a nice shade of blue !

This same organization (as well as every other reputable medical organization) tells us that the use of oral Vitamin C has no scientifically supported facts stating that it can reduce the symptoms of the common cold.

Yet millions and millions of people all over the world will IMMEDIATELY reach for Vitamin C the minute they feel a cold coming on. They will SWEAR that oral Vitamin C lessens their cold symptoms and shortens the duration of the illness.

How can this be?

Vit C is a radical scavenger = good but at the same time it is indirectly producing peroxide which on it's turn is a radical.

Oh... OK... Thank you for that.

Now...as for the question that I posed?

Medical science says oral Vit C does nothing to mitigate the common cold, yet millions and millions of people swear that it does. How can this be? smile.png

Edited by FolkGuitar
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To Luk AJ. Please do 1 hour of research before you push your ignorant opinions on others. You have not got a clue what you are talking about. I consider this tread for ended.

I was 4 years part of an R&D team studying all the different disinfectants. I have a patent on one special natural disinfectant.

Tell us about the "patent" number and where it was registered.

I would like to undertake a patent search relating to this "natural disinfectant"

Patent nr WO 2007/039508 A1 registered in about 50 countries
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After several years of using colloidal silver for myself and my whole family (including my 4 year old daughter) I have become a true believer. I think she is the only child in kindergarten that has not been sick for the last 2 years.

I see many of the skeptic refer to a site called "Quack watch." Well, this is the story behind Quack watch: http://www.encognitive.com/node/1213

CS is one of Big Pharmas great fears. As resistant bacteria is taking over the world, they will make less money on antibiotics. What do we have left? Natural remedies. Among them is Colloidal silver perhaps the most powerful. Also because it kills virus, not only bacteria.

If you are in Thailand, this is the people I buy it from. E-mail them, they speak perfect english. http://www.colloidalsilverthailand.com

"The U.S. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) warns that marketing claims about colloidal silver are scientifically unsupported, that the silver content of marketed supplements varies widely, and that colloidal silver products can have serious side effects such as argyria."

Please let us know when the whole family develops argyria and turn a nice shade of blue !

This same organization (as well as every other reputable medical organization) tells us that the use of oral Vitamin C has no scientifically supported facts stating that it can reduce the symptoms of the common cold.

Yet millions and millions of people all over the world will IMMEDIATELY reach for Vitamin C the minute they feel a cold coming on. They will SWEAR that oral Vitamin C lessens their cold symptoms and shortens the duration of the illness.

How can this be?

Vit C is a radical scavenger = good but at the same time it is indirectly producing peroxide which on it's turn is a radical.

Oh... OK... Thank you for that.

Now...as for the question that I posed?

Medical science says oral Vit C does nothing to mitigate the common cold, yet millions and millions of people swear that it does. How can this be? smile.png

I suppose the peroxide formed is able to reduce/inactivate certain bacteria and viruses. I have no medical degree so this is just my guess..

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After several years of using colloidal silver for myself and my whole family (including my 4 year old daughter) I have become a true believer. I think she is the only child in kindergarten that has not been sick for the last 2 years.

I see many of the skeptic refer to a site called "Quack watch." Well, this is the story behind Quack watch: http://www.encognitive.com/node/1213

CS is one of Big Pharmas great fears. As resistant bacteria is taking over the world, they will make less money on antibiotics. What do we have left? Natural remedies. Among them is Colloidal silver perhaps the most powerful. Also because it kills virus, not only bacteria.

If you are in Thailand, this is the people I buy it from. E-mail them, they speak perfect english. http://www.colloidalsilverthailand.com

"The U.S. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) warns that marketing claims about colloidal silver are scientifically unsupported, that the silver content of marketed supplements varies widely, and that colloidal silver products can have serious side effects such as argyria."

Please let us know when the whole family develops argyria and turn a nice shade of blue !

This same organization (as well as every other reputable medical organization) tells us that the use of oral Vitamin C has no scientifically supported facts stating that it can reduce the symptoms of the common cold.

Yet millions and millions of people all over the world will IMMEDIATELY reach for Vitamin C the minute they feel a cold coming on. They will SWEAR that oral Vitamin C lessens their cold symptoms and shortens the duration of the illness.

How can this be?

Vit C is a radical scavenger = good but at the same time it is indirectly producing peroxide which on it's turn is a radical.

Oh... OK... Thank you for that.

Now...as for the question that I posed?

Medical science says oral Vit C does nothing to mitigate the common cold, yet millions and millions of people swear that it does. How can this be? smile.png

I suppose the peroxide formed is able to reduce/inactivate certain bacteria and viruses. I have no medical degree so this is just my guess..

The world is rapidly running out of effective antibiotics and big Pharma has yet to discover new ones. **

I would suggest you "knowledgeable" people contact the Scientists at the CDC and inform them of the "wonderful" quack "cures" that are available which will guarantee to cure meningitis, pneumonia and all other ills that mankind suffers.



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This same organization (as well as every other reputable medical organization) tells us that the use of oral Vitamin C has no scientifically supported facts stating that it can reduce the symptoms of the common cold.

Yet millions and millions of people all over the world will IMMEDIATELY reach for Vitamin C the minute they feel a cold coming on. They will SWEAR that oral Vitamin C lessens their cold symptoms and shortens the duration of the illness.

How can this be?

Vit C is a radical scavenger = good but at the same time it is indirectly producing peroxide which on it's turn is a radical.

Oh... OK... Thank you for that.

Now...as for the question that I posed?

Medical science says oral Vit C does nothing to mitigate the common cold, yet millions and millions of people swear that it does. How can this be? smile.png

I suppose the peroxide formed is able to reduce/inactivate certain bacteria and viruses. I have no medical degree so this is just my guess..

A very plausible theory... except that science and the medical profession say that it doesn't work.

So why do millions and millions of people say it does, and continue to reach for it every time they feel a cold coming on?

Is it possible that it's the same reason that millions of people reach for colloidal silver? Science and the medical profession say the same about it, right?

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This same organization (as well as every other reputable medical organization) tells us that the use of oral Vitamin C has no scientifically supported facts stating that it can reduce the symptoms of the common cold.

Yet millions and millions of people all over the world will IMMEDIATELY reach for Vitamin C the minute they feel a cold coming on. They will SWEAR that oral Vitamin C lessens their cold symptoms and shortens the duration of the illness.

How can this be?

Vit C is a radical scavenger = good but at the same time it is indirectly producing peroxide which on it's turn is a radical.

Oh... OK... Thank you for that.

Now...as for the question that I posed?

Medical science says oral Vit C does nothing to mitigate the common cold, yet millions and millions of people swear that it does. How can this be? smile.png

I suppose the peroxide formed is able to reduce/inactivate certain bacteria and viruses. I have no medical degree so this is just my guess..

A very plausible theory... except that science and the medical profession say that it doesn't work.

So why do millions and millions of people say it does, and continue to reach for it every time they feel a cold coming on?

Is it possible that it's the same reason that millions of people reach for colloidal silver? Science and the medical profession say the same about it, right?

I am not on this post to claim anything. I am just very worried when I read some people give CS to their children on a regular base. vit C is easily excreted by the body but CS can accumulate in the body, being deposited in the brain etc..it can disturb the mineral balance in the body. Everybody does what he wants, but I was just worried to learn that somebody in this forum is giving CS to a 4 year old child. So I gave my opinion, hoping this could change something.

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Is it possible that it's the same reason that millions of people reach for colloidal silver? Science and the medical profession say the same about it, right?

So why do millions and millions of people say it does, and continue to reach for it every time they feel a cold coming on?

Well, maybe: because the first Placebo was our mother's breasts and it has been all down-hill from there ?

Maybe: because we have replaced philosophical and metaphysical with pharmaceutical and commercial-trivial-disguised-as-meaningful ? Not to mention Angels with Immune-System, Demons with environmental-bad-things, and revelation with game-plan ?

I drink tap-water.

cheers, ~o:37;

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What is wrong with the reporting here? No mention of a hoax

. http://abcnews.go.com/Health/MedicalMysteries/story?id=5489997&page=1

Not a thing wrong with the reporting. What was wrong was the misuse of the colloidal silver. He states that he was drinking at least 10 ounces a day for months.

While I don't believe that internal use of colloidal silver is beneficial, I DO know that almost all of the Health Supplement advisories suggest one teaspoon per day and ONLY for the short duration of the problem being treated.

The young women used it regularly for three years, which by my calculations is NOT a short duration...

Both seriously misused the preparation... If you misuse ANY medication you are going to run into serious health problems.

If you are not smart enough to use medicines and treatments correctly, please go to a clinic or hospital and let them control your intake of dosage.

The man says that even though his skin has changed color, he still believes he is healthier for it, and continues to drink colloidal silver.

Argyria doesn't seem to cause serious internal damage to the body other than changing its color. If you would like to be blue, please drink this stuff by the glass-full every day for months... If you don't want to turn blue, and wish to benefit from it, use it correctly.

Edited by FolkGuitar
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The US FDA and its fellow travellers vigorously cite the dangers of argyria, but the only cases cited that I have seen come from the early 1900's, when the methods of preparation of colloidal silver were often quite rough. The citation I saw mentioned only 7 cases! Surely if there were this great danger there would many more cases and more recent cases for the FDA to cite. Other replies already commented on the natural desire of the FDA to promote big pharma solutions and run down anything not emitted from big pharma such as CS and many other historical remedies.

Argyria occurs when the size of the silver particles are large, whereas a well-designed colloidal silver generator will use low current and current-limiting designs to create extremely small silver particles that float in the distilled water, thereby creating the colloid. Some fools try to make a batch of CS quickly which results is large particles and a severe loss of effectivity. Slow generation, low current will produce a long-lasting and very effective colloid. Be sure to keep it in a dark jar and out of direct light - remember that early photography used silver plates to create the images. Also keep your silver rods out of direct light to prevent surface corrosion.

The current orientation of the US FDA to big pharma came about in the early 1900's when John D. Rockefeller funded medical schools and medical boards in every state to push pill-oriented medicine, said pills (at that time) being frequently derived from coal tar, a by product of oil refining. In other words, current medicine and big pharma came from a robber baron trying to further exploit his monopoly on oil. These new medical boards were required to suppress competing types of medicine, and so a medical witch hunt was launched to eliminate all but the pill prescription type of medicine that we have today. Some of the older methods of healing survived and have slowly returned to legitimacy but many methods of healing are still being derided, vilified, and suppressed today..

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The US FDA and its fellow travellers vigorously cite the dangers of argyria, but the only cases cited that I have seen come from the early 1900's, when the methods of preparation of colloidal silver were often quite rough. The citation I saw mentioned only 7 cases! Surely if there were this great danger there would many more cases and more recent cases for the FDA to cite. Other replies already commented on the natural desire of the FDA to promote big pharma solutions and run down anything not emitted from big pharma such as CS and many other historical remedies.

Argyria occurs when the size of the silver particles are large, whereas a well-designed colloidal silver generator will use low current and current-limiting designs to create extremely small silver particles that float in the distilled water, thereby creating the colloid. Some fools try to make a batch of CS quickly which results is large particles and a severe loss of effectivity. Slow generation, low current will produce a long-lasting and very effective colloid. Be sure to keep it in a dark jar and out of direct light - remember that early photography used silver plates to create the images. Also keep your silver rods out of direct light to prevent surface corrosion.

The current orientation of the US FDA to big pharma came about in the early 1900's when John D. Rockefeller funded medical schools and medical boards in every state to push pill-oriented medicine, said pills (at that time) being frequently derived from coal tar, a by product of oil refining. In other words, current medicine and big pharma came from a robber baron trying to further exploit his monopoly on oil. These new medical boards were required to suppress competing types of medicine, and so a medical witch hunt was launched to eliminate all but the pill prescription type of medicine that we have today. Some of the older methods of healing survived and have slowly returned to legitimacy but many methods of healing are still being derided, vilified, and suppressed today..

What would be an "older healing method" for curing a child of bacterial meningitis ?

Would quackery in the form of "colloidal silver" do the job?

Edited by oncearugge
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What is wrong with the reporting here? No mention of a hoax

. http://abcnews.go.com/Health/MedicalMysteries/story?id=5489997&page=1

Not a thing wrong with the reporting. What was wrong was the misuse of the colloidal silver. He states that he was drinking at least 10 ounces a day for months.

While I don't believe that internal use of colloidal silver is beneficial, I DO know that almost all of the Health Supplement advisories suggest one teaspoon per day and ONLY for the short duration of the problem being treated.

The young women used it regularly for three years, which by my calculations is NOT a short duration...

Both seriously misused the preparation... If you misuse ANY medication you are going to run into serious health problems.

If you are not smart enough to use medicines and treatments correctly, please go to a clinic or hospital and let them control your intake of dosage.

The man says that even though his skin has changed color, he still believes he is healthier for it, and continues to drink colloidal silver.

Argyria doesn't seem to cause serious internal damage to the body other than changing its color. If you would like to be blue, please drink this stuff by the glass-full every day for months... If you don't want to turn blue, and wish to benefit from it, use it correctly.

I was wondering if his arthritis came back. Also how could he get that Blue that people were looking at him and he didn't know until a friend told him?

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The US FDA and its fellow travellers vigorously cite the dangers of argyria, but the only cases cited that I have seen come from the early 1900's, when the methods of preparation of colloidal silver were often quite rough. The citation I saw mentioned only 7 cases! Surely if there were this great danger there would many more cases and more recent cases for the FDA to cite. Other replies already commented on the natural desire of the FDA to promote big pharma solutions and run down anything not emitted from big pharma such as CS and many other historical remedies.

Argyria occurs when the size of the silver particles are large, whereas a well-designed colloidal silver generator will use low current and current-limiting designs to create extremely small silver particles that float in the distilled water, thereby creating the colloid. Some fools try to make a batch of CS quickly which results is large particles and a severe loss of effectivity. Slow generation, low current will produce a long-lasting and very effective colloid. Be sure to keep it in a dark jar and out of direct light - remember that early photography used silver plates to create the images. Also keep your silver rods out of direct light to prevent surface corrosion.

The current orientation of the US FDA to big pharma came about in the early 1900's when John D. Rockefeller funded medical schools and medical boards in every state to push pill-oriented medicine, said pills (at that time) being frequently derived from coal tar, a by product of oil refining. In other words, current medicine and big pharma came from a robber baron trying to further exploit his monopoly on oil. These new medical boards were required to suppress competing types of medicine, and so a medical witch hunt was launched to eliminate all but the pill prescription type of medicine that we have today. Some of the older methods of healing survived and have slowly returned to legitimacy but many methods of healing are still being derided, vilified, and suppressed today..

What would be an "older healing method" for curing a child of bacterial meningitis ?

Would quackery in the form of "colloidal silver" do the job?

Oh, gosh no! That requires the eye of newt and toe of frog, wool of bat and tongue of dog, Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting, lizard's leg and howlet's wing,

For a charm of powerful trouble, like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

Come on... everyone knows that! You can't treat a broken leg with a band-aid!

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The US FDA and its fellow travellers vigorously cite the dangers of argyria, but the only cases cited that I have seen come from the early 1900's, when the methods of preparation of colloidal silver were often quite rough. The citation I saw mentioned only 7 cases! Surely if there were this great danger there would many more cases and more recent cases for the FDA to cite. Other replies already commented on the natural desire of the FDA to promote big pharma solutions and run down anything not emitted from big pharma such as CS and many other historical remedies.

Argyria occurs when the size of the silver particles are large, whereas a well-designed colloidal silver generator will use low current and current-limiting designs to create extremely small silver particles that float in the distilled water, thereby creating the colloid. Some fools try to make a batch of CS quickly which results is large particles and a severe loss of effectivity. Slow generation, low current will produce a long-lasting and very effective colloid. Be sure to keep it in a dark jar and out of direct light - remember that early photography used silver plates to create the images. Also keep your silver rods out of direct light to prevent surface corrosion.

The current orientation of the US FDA to big pharma came about in the early 1900's when John D. Rockefeller funded medical schools and medical boards in every state to push pill-oriented medicine, said pills (at that time) being frequently derived from coal tar, a by product of oil refining. In other words, current medicine and big pharma came from a robber baron trying to further exploit his monopoly on oil. These new medical boards were required to suppress competing types of medicine, and so a medical witch hunt was launched to eliminate all but the pill prescription type of medicine that we have today. Some of the older methods of healing survived and have slowly returned to legitimacy but many methods of healing are still being derided, vilified, and suppressed today..

What would be an "older healing method" for curing a child of bacterial meningitis ?

Would quackery in the form of "colloidal silver" do the job?

Oh, gosh no! That requires the eye of newt and toe of frog, wool of bat and tongue of dog, Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting, lizard's leg and howlet's wing,

For a charm of powerful trouble, like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

Come on... everyone knows that! You can't treat a broken leg with a band-aid!

Don`t even try, FolkGuitar. You are of course right, but these people are the classic "followers" that believe anything anyone with a little money tell them. And they don`t have enough brain cells to think 1 inch outside the traditional Box. Don`t give these trolls the time of day.

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^^^ Typical from new age wooists, actually the big herbal and big alt med. industry i$ huge, but unlike big pharma, they don't need to test the products or pass FDA scrutiny, they can just spread their pseudo science to the lightly educated and watch the money flow in. Anecdotal evidence is all the evidence required that is why the websites are full of testimonials not peer reviewed studiy results. Earlier it was asked why people still use vitamin C when they have a cold even after studies have debunked that theory, simple, the same reason people pray. Faith, much of alt. med. is the same way, faith based, no evidence required.

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