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Thai Girls, White and Black Magic and The Fortune teller

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My girl is of Thai/Chinese origin. She from an affluent family, educated and works at a bank as a tele finance manager. On several occasions she has insisted that I accompany her to see the family fortune teller. I remember her telling me about her father paying 2,000,000 baht for a famous fortune teller and his expenses to fly to a new office site for the Fortune teller's opinion that would decide it's purchase. I found that strange, coming from a western culture but thought "whatever" Then today she gave her ultimatum...
"Go with me Teerak or no make love" I agreed, since putting my foot down has obviously ran it's last victory lap. She smiled, gave me a sniff kiss and said she will arrange it for next month. (Seems this fortune teller is booked all this month.) Then I started wondering what to expect. Anyone have any stories? I have heard of Thai girls paying for white magic to make their boyfriend a love slave or to have black magic curse put on an enemy. But what is her purpose? Because when I asked why I was answered with on her smile.
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OP, have to admit, your fantasy is running wild.

Did it take you long to think of opening this thread and giving us all the BS?

But I do admire your imagination.

The hi-so g/f, the rich father, the fortune teller, soooooo Thai.

Did you ever think of writing a novel?

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Wife told one of these specialists (also a relative) told her to start the house by end of October (I am now not sure, was it October), because this is the lucky time. Starting before brings bad luck.

I thought that is complete nonsense. Before I could start a rant she told: This is also the end of the raining season. Than with a smirk she told me....that this magic specialist told her that mixing the concrete in the full rain surely doesn't bring luck for the quality of the house. But unless he comes with some "magic" explanation no one would believe him w00t.gif


Than I got the point: build the house in full rain --> Very bad luck.

Build the house in the dry --> Good luck

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20 years ago here in Chiang Mai, the news got round that a well known medium was going to visit our local community and locals are welcome to visit her at a our yearly temple fate located at our area and for a fee will be able to gain a communication via the medium from a deceased person.


My wife was all keen to go and out of curiosity I decided to accompany my wife. Good for a laugh I thought. Once we arrived I sat down with the audience to watch this amazing medium at work, preparing myself to be astonished and behold the wonders of witnessing all those messages from the other side.


This woman claimed she could summon the dead and the dead could communicate via her. After watching the show with this woman receiving money and requests from people to get in touch with their departed loved ones and hearing her voice change as if a dead person had taken over her, I, the only farang there, asked my wife to ask the medium is she could contact my American grandmother who had only passed away 1 year previous. The woman agreed, I paid my 50 baht or whatever it was then, and then she suddenly went into some sort of trance, started making some weird groaning noises and then began speaking at me in a funny voice all in Thai as if it were my grandmother speaking. At that moment I held up my hand and stopped the woman in her tracks. I told my wife to tell the woman that considering my grandmother was an Irish American, never been out of America and never heard of Thailand that there is no way on God`s Earth or in God`s heaven would my grandmother ever be speaking Thai. I said; tell the lady that I expect my grandmother to be communicating in English, as surely if the spirit of a departed has apparently taken over this woman`s body, than the departed would be communicating in their native languages.


My wife was reluctant to give the medium my message but I forced the issue and kept insisting. When my wife explained what I expected to hear to the medium, the woman just gave me a blank angry look, probably thinking, oh , now how do I get out of this one without losing face and without spoiling her credibility. It became obvious that the medium could not speak even one word of English and that there was no way she were able to convey the apparent messages from my grandmother to me in English. After that I told my wife to tell the lady, that nevermind just carry on with what she was doing. So I let her continue her ramblings on in a stupid voice all in Thai and after she had finished, I got up and walked away, realising that this spirit stuff is fake and all a load of crap. I had no interest to ask my wife what the medium said and after that experience even my wife stopped believing in all that stuff and never mentioned it again.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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I would be very careful about chalking up inexplicable or implausible behavior to "cultural differences." Lots of people have been taken advantage of doing this. I have found that whenever something strikes me as "fishy" here, when I check with Thai friends and neighbors, they are almost invariably as dubious and skeptical as me.


I would also draw the OP's attention to the fact that only 2 people responding to your question reported actual experience with having contact with a fortune teller. One respondent reported that the spouse consulted with someone about an auspicious date to begin construction on the house. My experience has been that this is almost universally done with Thais.  The other respondent related a story about a "fortune teller" who was clearly a charlatan. No one has reported being pressured to visit a fortune teller. That should tell you something. I too find it more than a little bit suspicious that your presence is required at the fortune telling, especially when I read about the father supposedly paying 2,000,000 baht to a fortune teller in the past. 

Edited by Gecko123
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Well... Last night she ask me for three hairs which she plucked from the crown of my head and put them in a small jar. Asked me what was my exact time of birth. That I found on my birth certificate. Also asked me for a photo of my face only smiling. I'm curious about the exact time of birth thingy and the three hair is just weird.
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My wife did all the fortune teller stuff to determine the best date to start building the house, the best location to put the spirit house, and a ceremony to ask the spirits on the land to let us build the house.


I did all this along with the monks blessing ceremony on the first house to make the wife happy and the factory buildings to make the workers happy.


The new house I just built when I wanted and where I wanted. i don't even have a spirit house at the new house.


The wife wanted the monk blessing ceremony and party. I told her if she wanted ti she would have to pay for it herself because I was not going to waste the money.


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Well... Last night she ask me for three hairs which she plucked from the crown of my head and put them in a small jar. Asked me what was my exact time of birth. That I found on my birth certificate. Also asked me for a photo of my face only smiling. I'm curious about the exact time of birth thingy and the three hair is just weird.

do a web search on voodoo and you will find out.

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