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'Soldier' robs school students of cell phones in Pathum Thani


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So, according to you:
- someone wearing an army cap, a black jacket and riding a Honda Wave looks like a soldier
- soldiers typically take away students' telephones and drive off
And just before that you claim that "desperate soldiers" include the extortionist-that-never-was (well, at least according to the market traders whose complaints about the previous extortion crew led to this guy being put in) and you try to pin the 91,000 missing sacks of rice on those who noticed it was missing on an inspection. Who's desperate?
Apart from replacing a democratically-elected autocracy from Thailand with an unelected autocracy for the benefit of a more healthy future democracy (twice in recent years!), what exactly is your beef with the army? It sounds like they must have really wronged you for you to come up with such a strong opinion.

read the topic http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/749164-court-grants-bail-for-extortion-suspects and many moere about extortionist general on this forum.

and here about arrested soldiers:
"Army staff implicated in missing rice
A Staff Judge Advocate on Tuesday brought a private and an army Sergeant to surrender to police for their alleged involvement in the case of 90,000 sacks of rice under the rice-pledging scheme that went missing from a granary in Pathum Thani province.
An inspection team set up by the military junta to inspect rice under pledging scheme inspected the Phoenix Argritech granary in Muang district recently and found that 90,000 sacks of rice had disappeared. A complaint was filed with police"

every single (bar the first thaksin government) democratically elected government was overthrown by military. They do it for their own benefit, to increase spending on armaments, and line their pockets in the process. They do murder citisens in hundreds and thousands. They do terrorise the whole society with draconian laws and threat of imprisonment. They take the coushty governmental jobs for themselves and their cousins, without having any qualification for such positions.
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If he looks like a soldier and acts like a soldier, than it's big probability, that he is a soldier


Perhaps he was an ex soldier, perhaps he was an actor who had played the part of a soldier, perhaps he was a policeman pretending to be a soldier. There are so many different possibilities.


Unless you were actually there at the time, and I assume that you were not, you are extrapolating what a frightened 16 year old Thai boy said in Thai, which was then translated into English and published and you are determined to accuse the military without ANY proof of what you say.


In reality YOU and I and everybody else who commented have no real idea of what happened simply because none of us were there. The difference between you and the rest of us is that YOU have decided that it must be the military "because he wore a military cap", and the rest of us who would like more information before making a comment one way or another.


YOU made a WAG (wild ass guess) because of your dislike of the military and I pulled you on it simply by asking for some evidence.

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So, according to you:
- someone wearing an army cap, a black jacket and riding a Honda Wave looks like a soldier
- soldiers typically take away students' telephones and drive off
And just before that you claim that "desperate soldiers" include the extortionist-that-never-was (well, at least according to the market traders whose complaints about the previous extortion crew led to this guy being put in) and you try to pin the 91,000 missing sacks of rice on those who noticed it was missing on an inspection. Who's desperate?
Apart from replacing a democratically-elected autocracy from Thailand with an unelected autocracy for the benefit of a more healthy future democracy (twice in recent years!), what exactly is your beef with the army? It sounds like they must have really wronged you for you to come up with such a strong opinion.

read the topic http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/749164-court-grants-bail-for-extortion-suspects and many moere about extortionist general on this forum.

and here about arrested soldiers:
"Army staff implicated in missing rice
A Staff Judge Advocate on Tuesday brought a private and an army Sergeant to surrender to police for their alleged involvement in the case of 90,000 sacks of rice under the rice-pledging scheme that went missing from a granary in Pathum Thani province.
An inspection team set up by the military junta to inspect rice under pledging scheme inspected the Phoenix Argritech granary in Muang district recently and found that 90,000 sacks of rice had disappeared. A complaint was filed with police"

every single (bar the first thaksin government) democratically elected government was overthrown by military. They do it for their own benefit, to increase spending on armaments, and line their pockets in the process. They do murder citisens in hundreds and thousands. They do terrorise the whole society with draconian laws and threat of imprisonment. They take the coushty governmental jobs for themselves and their cousins, without having any qualification for such positions.



I shouldn't but I will...


"line their pockets... murder citisens [sic] ... draconian laws and threat of imprisonment... coushty governmental jobs for themselves and their cousins"

You have just very accurately described the Thaksin regime.

Nice jump from A to D there by the way, but it does highlight the ridiculous prejudices that you hold that everyone else seems to have already pulled you up on. Soldiers voluntarily surrendering to civil authorities for the sake of transparency is not normally considered an admission of guilt, but then I haven't attended any political conditioning schools so my opinion may need "direction".

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pi sek, I know about "thaksin regime", but you are trying to whitewash the army.

it was them, who deposed every single democratically elected government and parliaments. And you dare to call those governments and parliaments "regimes". Nice twist to reality
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I think this is obvious, those crocks who impersonate cops by putting on a police cap to collect whisky money have now started to impersonate the military, but then they are easy to detect, the real military guy's wear full uniform and always smart, those guy's would do better sicking to impersonating the BiB.


May be if they are caught the should be conscripted for 6 years service, first six months in the glass house.

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So, according to you:
- someone wearing an army cap, a black jacket and riding a Honda Wave looks like a soldier
- soldiers typically take away students' telephones and drive off
And just before that you claim that "desperate soldiers" include the extortionist-that-never-was (well, at least according to the market traders whose complaints about the previous extortion crew led to this guy being put in) and you try to pin the 91,000 missing sacks of rice on those who noticed it was missing on an inspection. Who's desperate?
Apart from replacing a democratically-elected autocracy from Thailand with an unelected autocracy for the benefit of a more healthy future democracy (twice in recent years!), what exactly is your beef with the army? It sounds like they must have really wronged you for you to come up with such a strong opinion.

read the topic http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/749164-court-grants-bail-for-extortion-suspects and many moere about extortionist general on this forum.

and here about arrested soldiers:
"Army staff implicated in missing rice
A Staff Judge Advocate on Tuesday brought a private and an army Sergeant to surrender to police for their alleged involvement in the case of 90,000 sacks of rice under the rice-pledging scheme that went missing from a granary in Pathum Thani province.
An inspection team set up by the military junta to inspect rice under pledging scheme inspected the Phoenix Argritech granary in Muang district recently and found that 90,000 sacks of rice had disappeared. A complaint was filed with police"

every single (bar the first thaksin government) democratically elected government was overthrown by military. They do it for their own benefit, to increase spending on armaments, and line their pockets in the process. They do murder citisens in hundreds and thousands. They do terrorise the whole society with draconian laws and threat of imprisonment. They take the coushty governmental jobs for themselves and their cousins, without having any qualification for such positions.


Yes there is some corruption in the army, (bet if you dig deep enough you could find wrong doings in the "papal Swiss Guard") but it is being nipped in the bud and so rare that it is big news and names individuals and without question most of the army is professional and above board and the fact is individuals even generals are not above the law and this sort of behaviour is not acceptable.

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this is what happens when a soceity voluntarily give all power to the military. There is no room for questioning anything they do. The risk is not worth the punishment

If the sim cards were taken out of phones by the thief, like the other thief did and left them in train carriage ,makes that more difficult & perhaps impossible.  Not sure if those programmes  locate on the sim card or the hardware signature of the phone.  In my home country they stole 2x Iphones & 2x I pads but left all 4 items turned them on & the owners led the police right to them

Edited by The Deerhunter
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So, according to you:
- someone wearing an army cap, a black jacket and riding a Honda Wave looks like a soldier
- soldiers typically take away students' telephones and drive off
And just before that you claim that "desperate soldiers" include the extortionist-that-never-was (well, at least according to the market traders whose complaints about the previous extortion crew led to this guy being put in) and you try to pin the 91,000 missing sacks of rice on those who noticed it was missing on an inspection. Who's desperate?
Apart from replacing a democratically-elected autocracy from Thailand with an unelected autocracy for the benefit of a more healthy future democracy (twice in recent years!), what exactly is your beef with the army? It sounds like they must have really wronged you for you to come up with such a strong opinion.

read the topic http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/749164-court-grants-bail-for-extortion-suspects and many moere about extortionist general on this forum.

and here about arrested soldiers:
"Army staff implicated in missing rice
A Staff Judge Advocate on Tuesday brought a private and an army Sergeant to surrender to police for their alleged involvement in the case of 90,000 sacks of rice under the rice-pledging scheme that went missing from a granary in Pathum Thani province.
An inspection team set up by the military junta to inspect rice under pledging scheme inspected the Phoenix Argritech granary in Muang district recently and found that 90,000 sacks of rice had disappeared. A complaint was filed with police"

every single (bar the first thaksin government) democratically elected government was overthrown by military. They do it for their own benefit, to increase spending on armaments, and line their pockets in the process. They do murder citisens in hundreds and thousands. They do terrorise the whole society with draconian laws and threat of imprisonment. They take the coushty governmental jobs for themselves and their cousins, without having any qualification for such positions.


Oh, so that's you answer, you are just a Thaksin lover.  Time to get over it mate, he's history.  Your bottom paragraph sounds like you are talking about Thakuin & PTP. & their form of government.

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the same story about the army goes for 10 abolished governments prior to thaksin.

thaksin's first government survived the full term, as the only government in thai history, that's why I had to mention him.

And you are a prophet to know, that thaksin won't come back to thailand and thai politics. I don't care either way. Certainly, he is mentioned in almost every single article about thai politics
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