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I want to 'safe' root these devices,

without loosing all the installed apps.

I want to install 'samba' on them, which requires root.

6 phones, 4 tablets.

ES File explorerer does not give server shares.

The Aniol tab is rooted, installed 'Samba File Sharing' and it works,

the laptop other 4 desktops can see it.

Any suggestions?


I use Ghost commander as my file manager on my Samsung Galaxy 4 and Galaxy Note 10.1 This file manager has an optional Samba plug-in (amongst others). This Samba plug-in works on both devices without either being routed.

I hope this helps


thanks thaimite,


I see the same 'puters and their same shares.

Tried on 1 tab and 1 phone.

I could already do this with ES fileserver.

I want to see these devices (and shares) from the local 'puters.

After all, that is a 'server' function.

They see me, I see them.

What am I missing in the details...


crap I said it wrong,

a server service allows externals to see

the workstation shares on other 'puters.

I need to run a workstation service on these

tabs and phones.

So the local server service can see them.

Means I must give the device a name,

plus a user plus a password.

Can you do this using your current setup?

Can you access these other machines from your 'puters?

*** I'm not a newb on Winbloz systems...

I am dumb on tabs and smartphones....

and *nix (so far).

Help is much appreciated.



I have only used the SMB function to access the shares on my Ubuntu server from the phone, and not the other way around.

That seems more difficult but I am sure it can be done as I believe there are programmes to push data to the phone.


The most perfect process to root or unroot your mobile device is KINGO. Do your research and make sure you do it on a model that has been assessed. I note that some try it and they advise that it works on model XYZ.

Leave a donation if it helps you, I did as they are worth it and need to be encouraged to continue. I have no association but I had a half rooted phone. Their solution worked perfectly. You won't appreciate how great their software is unless you have travelled down the wrong road often.



First let me apologise as I hate it when people do not answer the question asked but instead suggest a totally different solution.

However, having said that it appears from your original posts that the only reason you wish to root your devices is so that you can push files to the device from a PC.

I must also confess I do not root my devices as I feel the disadvantages outweigh the advantages, but that is a discussion for another thread. Therefore if your desire to root the phone is purely so as you can send files from a PC, then I suggest rather than Samba, a little bit of lateral thinking is required for an alternative solution.

If I was in the position I believe you are in, I would look first at two options, 'Pushbullet' and 'Airdroid' Both let you push files and other information to any device. 'Pushbullet' works anywhere using the gmail account of the phone, where as Airdroid works over the local wireless network and requires that you always know the device's IP address. I solve this problem by configuring my router to assign IP addresses based on MAC address, thus ensuring that any known device always gets the same IP address when it is on my network.

Other options that may work include FTP ('AndFTP') or Ghost Commander to sync folders automatically on a timed or other event. Paring either of these software solutions with a programme like 'Automated Device' could also solve what I understand to be your issue


Thanks again thaimite and to Bunter

Apologies for not getting back,

my 2 'experts' are at mil's for the weekend.

Back tomorrow afternoon.

Did install Ghost commander w/ Samba plug-in,

on a tab and a phone.

They can see my DT's and even my 2 ancient w2k machines,

which ES Fileexplorer did not see.

Thats as far as we got as it's time for dinner and movie.

I don't know if I can see those devices from DT's on the LAN,

as that was not tested at that moment.

I'm not doing this to 'push' files to these devices.

Well, perhaps at some point, if needed.

The reason is they are lazy and dont do backups/housecleaning.

I want to bkup their stuff on my local fileserver.

T'anks again, I''ll be back


The reason is they are lazy and dont do backups/housecleaning.

I want to bkup their stuff on my local fileserver.

That sounds like a job for 'Automated device or one of it's free (but less powerful) clones,


Also look at 'Copy' 15GB on sign up (for each device!!) The Android app can be set to back up selected folders to the cloud when certain conditions are met for example charging AND Wi-Fi connectivity. You could of course then sync the cloud storage to a folder on your server



These apps do not expose the android devices on the LAN,

nor do they have an option to do so...

- E S Fileexplorer

- Ghost Explorer w/ samba plug-in

- Samba File Explorer

After thinking about it, I'm not surprised.

SAMBA is to access windows shares.

I need to

- expose these devices

- mark disks/folders/files for sharing

This means I will need User/Passwords on these shares.

I do know that *nix can do sharing.

Likely android [which is *nix] can also.

Novell owns Unix.

Many years ago (1990) I had CNA+CNE.

Could do it then, must be able to do it now.

This likely does not require root, perhaps.

At least both the 11 and 14 year old has learned about ROOT.

And discovered a chinese app on his tablet that had root access.

It was removed.

We/they looked at Kingo and decided no.

I don't want to root unless absolutly required.

It's not out of the picture yet.

Don't want 'cloud' bkup.

I'net here sux and it's not reliable.

Geez, just went thru 2 months dealing w/ True techs.

In fact at this point I want no WAN requirements.

Only LAN, over my wifi.

Thanks, again....


From your last post the goal posts seem to be moving. That's OK I am often in the same position as I try to get a solution that fits all my needs and the requirements grow as I get more ideas.

I understood originally that your requirement was to back up several Android devices to your server and I understand you not wanting to use the cloud. I try to stay clear of cloud storage as well except for certain limited data. Others are not so fussy hence my suggestions of cloud sync.

I think the issue is with using your PC to extract the data from the devices, but my proposed solution is to use Automated Device (Actually I meant Tasker) See here for sample scripts to get the phone to do its own backup. ( Automated Device is a free but limited copy of Tasker.)

Under the correct conditions (established by Tasker) the device would do its own backup just as if it was user initiated. Tasker would initiate the event at the appropriate time e.g. on the LAN, charging and at night. Then initiateanother program to do the filew transfers, After further research I have come across 'Folder Sync) which according to this page supports both SMB/CIFS and a trigger input from Tasker.

If you need to share data between users then I suggets that should be done from your home file server and not between devices. Sadly Folder Sync and Tasker are Paid apps but at the same time not that expensive for a robust solution and peace of mind

Like you I am sure the problem can be solved withouit rooting. As I stated earlier in my personal opinion I think that routing should be avoided for security reasons especially if the phone is in the hands of users who may not be so careful about what games etc they download.

  • 2 weeks later...

Of course those who use Dropbox have access to all the files stored and accessed from there. For those unfamiliar the files are held on each phone or tablet once synced there and then next time you get on line they are synced once again.

Those dubious about rooting don't necessarily need to move away from standard roms, in my case I can download the latest Samsung rom for my rooted Note 2 from Sammobile and get version 4.4.2 or CyanogenMod CM11 M9 gives you version 4.4.4 which has does more and is faster by about 20 % testing with AnTuTu X.

There are often inadequacies with various roms but I have settled on Cyanogen after Skype did not work on Liquid Smooth and the Runtastic pedometer was not working on Phantom rom. But each user has different needs and each should decide what best suits their needs, however speed is not everything and overall there are less issues with the stock roms but the ability to use features that need a rooted phone to function at all.

Sent from my SM-P605 using Tapatalk


One thing I might add, if you decide to download a rom it's better done on a computer and then transfer the file to the phone - faster and less potential for errors. Don't ask me how I know this!

Sent from my SM-P605 using Tapatalk



I've decided to postpone this fer awhile....

too much on my plate,

and it's a substantial undertaking/risk.

I will likely come back to it.

Thanks to all whom contributed.

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