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Phuket Hard Rock manager arrested for murder in Australia


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Not if he stands trial in Malaysia death sentence there I think Or he will be forced to fly on Malaysia Airlines either raped or die in crash

Why would an Australian, arrested in Australia, for a crime committed in Australia, be tried by a Malaysian court?

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What an evil man, great he's been caught, and about to spend the rest of his life behind bars.

For murder in NSW?

You must be joking.

12 years if he pleads guilty.

Read up on Patrick Joiner in 2000/2001... 13 1/2 years and he plead not guilty after his wife was found in the car boot and he had been on TV pleading for her to come home.

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Being arrested is a long way from being convicted. Looks like the 'evidence' is going to be someone who told police of his involvement in order to get off the hook on some other case themselves. Goes to court and the only evidence is a criminal pointing a finger at him may not be enough for a conviction.

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Bloody good job..the rat thought he was home free...24 years later they nab him.

From what i know he was the ''organiser'' for the murder of his brothers wife..and possibly also the murder of her brother at an earlier time..lovely family/..bah.gif

Have you contacted the Ozzy police with what you know Sherlock,better late than never.

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  • 1 month later...

October 14, 2014

The Daily Telegraph (Sydney)

The man arrested at Sydney International Airport in August over the 24-year-old stabbing murder of a Double Bay mother will today be charged with murder by homicide detectives.

The man, a 42-year-old Australian citizen who lived in Thailand, was arrested by detectives from the Homicide Squads Unsolved Homicide Team after he arrived in Sydney on a flight from Kuala Lumpur on August 15.

Mrs. Caleo, a prominent businesswoman, was stabbed in the stomach in the ensuite of her bedroom while her baby daughter and four-year-old son were sleeping in the next bedroom.

News continues:


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This doesn't sound so much like good police work to me. More a case of DNA analysis that is available now that was not then.

Someone who he has fallen out with or who is scared of him, has ratted him out and maybe even supplied the latest DNA sample.

That is exactly what a part of good police work is...waiting for someone to come forward with information. Meanwhile, evidence is collected and motives sought so that when a tip comes in, they can see if it fits the details that have been collected. Then if the tip pans out that far, then they start to tie the case back to that person and if he had accomplices. Then they determine where that guy is located and how they can proceed with an arrest.

What do you think? Someone said "Joe Blow did this and he is landing at the airport tomorrow" and then the police simply go arrest Joe Blow?

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