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Ferguson unrest: White House steps up involvement


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Ferguson unrest: White House steps up involvement

WASHINGTON: -- The US attorney general is to travel to the riot-hit town of Ferguson, as the federal authorities step up efforts to restore calm after the fatal police shooting of an unarmed black teenager.

Eric Holder is due to meet officials carrying out an independent federal investigation into the killing of Michael Brown on 9 August.

Meanwhile, President Barack Obama urged the local community to "try to unite each other".

The shooting sparked days of unrest.

The National Guard has been deployed to support police operations, and Missouri Governor Jay Nixon on Monday lifted a night-time curfew in the town.

'Critical step'
In a statement, Mr Holder said he would "personally travel" to Ferguson on Wednesday to meet FBI investigators and prosecutors.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-28839522

-- BBC 2014-08-19

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Spider , it looks like the middle class is having the hard times too , I am glad I am out and never going back . USA world leader ? Why would anybody listen to the US government ? I see violence on the horizon but from the people that are tired of supporting the useless .facepalm.giffacepalm.giffacepalm.giffacepalm.gif .

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I agree that life is hard for most people, it's just sad to see that once again the blacks see themselves as the sole victims. If this was a white guy holding up a convenience store then getting shot in the aftermath, nothing would be said except he got what he deserved. Instead, the black and liberal communities portray him as the victim, a "good kid" who was about to start college, and not the robbing thug that most people know him to be.

So what your saying is that you know this kid as a thug or is that what you buying into. Regardless he never got his day in court because he was shot down unarmed. That is the fact! Say what you want it doesn't mean squat! I don't agree because if Mike was white he wouldn't have been shot dead being unarmed. In that particular suburb it is a statical fact that white people have the most arrest's for contraband. So why is that black people are targets for a disproportionate substantially white police force. The fact is that Mike Brown made some poor choices that day and the cop made an even a poorer choice to use deadly force against an unarmed kid.

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I agree that life is hard for most people, it's just sad to see that once again the blacks see themselves as the sole victims. If this was a white guy holding up a convenience store then getting shot in the aftermath, nothing would be said except he got what he deserved. Instead, the black and liberal communities portray him as the victim, a "good kid" who was about to start college, and not the robbing thug that most people know him to be.

So what your saying is that you know this kid as a thug or is that what you buying into. Regardless he never got his day in court because he was shot down unarmed. That is the fact! Say what you want it doesn't mean squat! I don't agree because if Mike was white he wouldn't have been shot dead being unarmed. In that particular suburb it is a statical fact that white people have the most arrest's for contraband. So why is that black people are targets for a disproportionate substantially white police force. The fact is that Mike Brown made some poor choices that day and the cop made an even a poorer choice to use deadly force against an unarmed kid.

I disagree. If you believe this kid had his hands in the air pleading "don't shoot, don't shoot" and then was mercilessly gunned downed from a police force resembling the Brazilian vigilantes of the 60s and 70s, then you are as gullible as all the other liberals. The fact is we don't know what happened other than he robbed a convenience store then was pursued by the cops. Anything after that is conjecture, but there's no way on earth he came quietly. We clearly sit on the opposite side of the fence when you say he made a 'poor choice' and I say he got what he deserved. The subsequent rioting is also a disgrace, a result of black people feeling they're always the victim and we somehow owe them something, whereas you would probably say it's justified coz all the nasty whites are picking on them.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I agree that life is hard for most people, it's just sad to see that once again the blacks see themselves as the sole victims. If this was a white guy holding up a convenience store then getting shot in the aftermath, nothing would be said except he got what he deserved. Instead, the black and liberal communities portray him as the victim, a "good kid" who was about to start college, and not the robbing thug that most people know him to be.

So what your saying is that you know this kid as a thug or is that what you buying into. Regardless he never got his day in court because he was shot down unarmed. That is the fact! Say what you want it doesn't mean squat! I don't agree because if Mike was white he wouldn't have been shot dead being unarmed. In that particular suburb it is a statical fact that white people have the most arrest's for contraband. So why is that black people are targets for a disproportionate substantially white police force. The fact is that Mike Brown made some poor choices that day and the cop made an even a poorer choice to use deadly force against an unarmed kid.

I disagree. If you believe this kid had his hands in the air pleading "don't shoot, don't shoot" and then was mercilessly gunned downed from a police force resembling the Brazilian vigilantes of the 60s and 70s, then you are as gullible as all the other liberals. The fact is we don't know what happened other than he robbed a convenience store then was pursued by the cops. Anything after that is conjecture, but there's no way on earth he came quietly. We clearly sit on the opposite side of the fence when you say he made a 'poor choice' and I say he got what he deserved. The subsequent rioting is also a disgrace, a result of black people feeling they're always the victim and we somehow owe them something, whereas you would probably say it's justified coz all the nasty whites are picking on them.

First I'm not a liberal, second if you think that eye witness's are making this up then you are cynical and in denial.

He got what he deserved? Wow!

Do you own a pointed white cap?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I agree that life is hard for most people, it's just sad to see that once again the blacks see themselves as the sole victims. If this was a white guy holding up a convenience store then getting shot in the aftermath, nothing would be said except he got what he deserved. Instead, the black and liberal communities portray him as the victim, a "good kid" who was about to start college, and not the robbing thug that most people know him to be.

So what your saying is that you know this kid as a thug or is that what you buying into. Regardless he never got his day in court because he was shot down unarmed. That is the fact! Say what you want it doesn't mean squat! I don't agree because if Mike was white he wouldn't have been shot dead being unarmed. In that particular suburb it is a statical fact that white people have the most arrest's for contraband. So why is that black people are targets for a disproportionate substantially white police force. The fact is that Mike Brown made some poor choices that day and the cop made an even a poorer choice to use deadly force against an unarmed kid.

He did get his "minute" on video showing he committed a crime which has nothing to do with race, colour, or creed

Edited by rotary
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I agree that life is hard for most people, it's just sad to see that once again the blacks see themselves as the sole victims. If this was a white guy holding up a convenience store then getting shot in the aftermath, nothing would be said except he got what he deserved. Instead, the black and liberal communities portray him as the victim, a "good kid" who was about to start college, and not the robbing thug that most people know him to be.

So what your saying is that you know this kid as a thug or is that what you buying into. Regardless he never got his day in court because he was shot down unarmed. That is the fact! Say what you want it doesn't mean squat! I don't agree because if Mike was white he wouldn't have been shot dead being unarmed. In that particular suburb it is a statical fact that white people have the most arrest's for contraband. So why is that black people are targets for a disproportionate substantially white police force. The fact is that Mike Brown made some poor choices that day and the cop made an even a poorer choice to use deadly force against an unarmed kid.

I would be interested in your reaction if a 6'4" 250 lb man was rushing you.

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Everyone knows this guy should have been Tazered and maced before being shot even though he was a punk but it was a judgement call and these things escalate in seconds.

However with the ongoing legalization of marijuana nationwide how are these guys going to make a living?

9-5 job I don't think so.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I agree that life is hard for most people, it's just sad to see that once again the blacks see themselves as the sole victims. If this was a white guy holding up a convenience store then getting shot in the aftermath, nothing would be said except he got what he deserved. Instead, the black and liberal communities portray him as the victim, a "good kid" who was about to start college, and not the robbing thug that most people know him to be.

So what your saying is that you know this kid as a thug or is that what you buying into. Regardless he never got his day in court because he was shot down unarmed. That is the fact! Say what you want it doesn't mean squat! I don't agree because if Mike was white he wouldn't have been shot dead being unarmed. In that particular suburb it is a statical fact that white people have the most arrest's for contraband. So why is that black people are targets for a disproportionate substantially white police force. The fact is that Mike Brown made some poor choices that day and the cop made an even a poorer choice to use deadly force against an unarmed kid.

Ah Milt ,another bleeding heart for LiL Mikee Brown, ( all 6 foot, 4 inches and 300 pounds of this "unarmed black teenager "), who went to the mini mart for milk for his 3 children, picked it up, ( without paying), and slightly brushed against a store clerk while leaving, He did get "his day in court" as soon as this "hulk" rushed a cop. His size alone, fearful facial expression, and intimidating movements, would have compelled anyone, white or black to pull the trigger until he stopped him. Pretty dumb University applicant I'd say ! Now, whites will sell, or just leave Ferguson which will, pretty much dry up and blow away reminiscent of Watts, South Central, Detroit, and a hundred other communities destroyed by similar incidents.

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