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Smearing Thai women


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Being half Thai I find it particulary offensive when people lump Thai women all together as liars and con artists. Then when someone lumps Western men together it's another story. My female relatives all work hard at their jobs and not one can speak English yet because they're all natives of Pattaya they're lumped in with bar girls and hookers.

I've been here 15 years met many Thai women and dated them from all walk of life from bar girls to business owners and never found one of them that didn't want something from me. but I suppose you could include all women in that I think.

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"Smearing", "Painting" , "Butter" "Japanese", "Thai Women"....shit I was hoping this was a "Fetish" thread!

They certainly aren't all bad, my wife would probably have numerous grounds for justifiable spousal homicide over the years, but I am still here. Not all Thais are the same, people are people, there are good and bad wherever you go.

Edited by Vogele123
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...I smear my thai gf at least 3 times a week with a massage oil.......

Makes a change from the ex back home whom you only had to shear twice a year I guess...............coffee1.gif

Edited by sanuk711
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Being half Thai I find it particulary offensive when people lump Thai women all together as liars and con artists. Then when someone lumps Western men together it's another story. My female relatives all work hard at their jobs and not one can speak English yet because they're all natives of Pattaya they're lumped in with bar girls and hookers.

I've been here 15 years met many Thai women and dated them from all walk of life from bar girls to business owners and never found one of them that didn't want something from me. but I suppose you could include all women in that I think.

It is the same all over, at least here it is a bit more up front in many cases. You try divorcing in UK or US and see what you get taken for especially if you have kids.

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there seems to be a common trait with some foreign males here, either trashing western women or trashing thai women. sure there are good and bad everywhere but the generalisations these guys make suggests they would should maybe take a good long hard look at themselves.

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Farang male comes to Thailand for the first time.

Hangs out mostly in girlie bars and partakes in the BG scene.

Is like a kid at Disneyland, getting more attention than he ever had back home.

Comes away thinking "Thai women love us!"

Comes back to live in Thailand full-time, thinking ALL Thai women love farangs.

Never bothers to learn the language.

Finds out quick that he really isn't that "hansum" and the BGs are only interested in his money.

Thai women who are not BGs really aren't that enamored with farangs.

The Thai women who are seem to be only interested in his money.

Still hasn't learned the language, so is relegated to a certain type of Thai females.

Most of his relationships are shallow as the farang-hunters are only interested in his money.

Comes to the conclusion that ALL Thai women are greedy, stupid, and dishonest.

A bit simplistic, but I'd imagine this happens a lot, in some form or another.

Thai women who are not BGs really aren't that enamored with farangs? I came to Thailand looking for Thai woman, I never went to any bars.

I did not even know how the bargirl system worked, I dated Thai girls, from office jobs, even one from Mikes Mall who I still talk to to this day.

Your post is all true apart from that one line. I never had a problem dating Thai girls, I never got any refusals when I asked any of them out,

although it's fair to say I never started chatting any of them up unless I could see they were interested. If a person is not overweight and

presentable, there are plenty of Thai girls interested.

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They hated women at home, but thought things would be different here. Turns out they were wrong.

I don't think it is fair to say that they hated women at home, it is more likely they cannot attract women at home as they are unattractive, and getting older, and overweight, they come over here and the rest of it is as Berkshire says, apart from one line.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Most bar woman from thailand are money hungry and lies.

You must be a very sad person, but now you have left the country I am sure back in your own country everything will be perfect for you

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Being half Thai I find it particulary offensive when people lump Thai women all together as liars and con artists. Then when someone lumps Western men together it's another story. My female relatives all work hard at their jobs and not one can speak English yet because they're all natives of Pattaya they're lumped in with bar girls and hookers.

I totally agree with you. This is one of the problems about Pattaya. I am British and my wife is Thai incidentally. The miscreants of Pattaya assume all Thai women are bar girls or the like. This is one thing that Thailand MUST get to grips with.

Hey, it's not just foreigners who are smearing them all with the same brush. I recently dated an ICU nurse who worked in the best private hospital in Pattaya, but was shocked to learn that her relatives were forcing her to leave the province because the neighbors were gossiping over this very topic. Too late for Thailand to get to grips with it's bad rep; the horse has well and truly bolted.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Being half Thai I find it particulary offensive when people lump Thai women all together as liars and con artists. Then when someone lumps Western men together it's another story. My female relatives all work hard at their jobs and not one can speak English yet because they're all natives of Pattaya they're lumped in with bar girls and hookers.

I totally agree with you. This is one of the problems about Pattaya. I am British and my wife is Thai incidentally. The miscreants of Pattaya assume all Thai women are bar girls or the like. This is one thing that Thailand MUST get to grips with.

Hey, it's not just foreigners who are smearing them all with the same brush. I recently dated an ICU nurse who worked in the best private hospital in Pattaya, but was shocked to learn that her relatives were forcing her to leave the province because the neighbors were gossiping over this very topic. Too late for Thailand to get to grips with it's bad rep; the horse has well and truly bolted.

It is never too late. Singapore had a bad reputation at one time but they cleaned it up. Bugis Street sound familiar?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Being half Thai I find it particulary offensive when people lump Thai women all together as liars and con artists. Then when someone lumps Western men together it's another story. My female relatives all work hard at their jobs and not one can speak English yet because they're all natives of Pattaya they're lumped in with bar girls and hookers.

I totally agree with you. This is one of the problems about Pattaya. I am British and my wife is Thai incidentally. The miscreants of Pattaya assume all Thai women are bar girls or the like. This is one thing that Thailand MUST get to grips with.

Hey, it's not just foreigners who are smearing them all with the same brush. I recently dated an ICU nurse who worked in the best private hospital in Pattaya, but was shocked to learn that her relatives were forcing her to leave the province because the neighbors were gossiping over this very topic. Too late for Thailand to get to grips with it's bad rep; the horse has well and truly bolted.

It is never too late. Singapore had a bad reputation at one time but they cleaned it up. Bugis Street sound familiar?

And look at that country's reputation now - every citizen, and foreign visitor, fearful of disobeying draconian rules for this and that, or face a flogging plus do time. 2 Aussie based German graffiti artists being the lastest to hit the news.

Anyway, good point - perhaps it's time for the General to make a study tour. 555

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In a word, they are degenerate. Or there would have been no need for a Lamb of God, for the Buddha or any of the prophets.

No disrespect implied or intended. We're responsible for what we bring out in others. For what we bring out in others also dwells within us.

Great post, Sir. Thank you.
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Barring the really stupid relationships where the guy hooked up with the banana show girl who had worked in the bar for 14 years I figure Thai girls beat western girls by a long way. If you act stupid with women from anywhere many, not all, will take advantage. Thai women by no means have a monopoly on scamming men for money or taking advantage of men. If you use your head and avoid the obvious problem girls I reckon your chances of getting a good girl in Thailand beat western chances. Just my opinion.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Being half Thai I find it particulary offensive when people lump Thai women all together as liars and con artists. Then when someone lumps Western men together it's another story. My female relatives all work hard at their jobs and not one can speak English yet because they're all natives of Pattaya they're lumped in with bar girls and hookers.

I've been here 15 years met many Thai women and dated them from all walk of life from bar girls to business owners and never found one of them that didn't want something from me. but I suppose you could include all women in that I think.

It is the same all over, at least here it is a bit more up front in many cases. You try divorcing in UK or US and see what you get taken for especially if you have kids.

In a word, they are degenerate. Or there would have been no need for a Lamb of God, for the Buddha or any of the prophets.
No disrespect implied or intended. We're responsible for what we bring out in others. For what we bring out in others also dwells within us.
It isn't about races or nations. It is about God almighty. How may we better serve.
Great post, Sir.
I am also half Thai. The better half I'm happily married to. Why are we so happily married? She has taken our labor of love and taught me how to keep my mouth shut. Ah, she is also a Holy woman.
Edited by nithisa78
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What I have found by reading all the smearing of Thai women is how many immature, clueless, selfish, and dogmatic are many men, to generalize like is done on Thai women..... especially Brit and Aussie men. By far, the fault for nearly all the older foreigner man/younger Thai woman for failure is the MAN'S FAULT.

Examine the details of the stories and see. wai.gif

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I have a friend here in Europe (male) who has been married for years with really nice, down to earth Thai lady. They have two adorable children together. He works hard here to provide for his family, visits at least four times a year, have had them here for months on end.

And still people make comments, and rude ones about his family and their situation. Things like - why aren't they here, why isn't he there, etc. etc.

My friends have maintained dignity and have explained - he makes more money here, she works there, she would not be able to work here, the kids are in good schools. To no avail - there is always some uneducated pillock that makes the comment about bar girls, and how much do you pay, and also says nasty things about his children.

You know, he and his wife have heard it all. They let it run over them like rain water. There are some terrible ignorant people every where in the World - but they will not upset my friends, or others like them.

And it's not only Thai/Farang relationships. Look at Black/White etc. People who are ignorant are the first to talk loudly about things that they do not know about and are so sad in their own pathetic lives. And, perhaps, a wee bit of jealousy creeps in as well!!!

Most men talk about their own personal experience with Thai women. Including myself.

Personal experience is the opposite to ignorance.

Many farangs I know are just happy to hear that there are the exceptions that confirm the rule here....

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Being half Thai I find it particulary offensive when people lump Thai women all together as liars and con artists. Then when someone lumps Western men together it's another story. My female relatives all work hard at their jobs and not one can speak English yet because they're all natives of Pattaya they're lumped in with bar girls and hookers.

I've been here 15 years met many Thai women and dated them from all walk of life from bar girls to business owners and never found one of them that didn't want something from me. but I suppose you could include all women in that I think.

And you, as a man, never wanted anything from these women? smile.png

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90% of Thai women - in my experience are nice ladies that don't drug men, steal from them or ask for money (unless they really need it! ) if they ask you for money you're not going to get it back if they ask you can you lend / can I borrow - in my experience they keep their word - All countries have "scammers" or those that say "you're my only one" even though have 5+ "sponsors" - you just to work out whose the keeper and whose the scammer

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I've been married to the same Thai woman since 1970. And yes we have heard it all, and what destisqques a Bar girl, Massage parlor girl, is how they speak amongst themselves. One can be spotted immediately. Many farangs don't know that their is a form of high

middle, and low class speaking. In other words, you can take the girl out of the bar, but not the bar out of the girl. Believe it or not, most bar girls are not ashamed of their work, and bragg a lot about their services etc. etc. etc. Outside of Thailand, say back in the ol' USA. Eye brows are raised when an Asian American couple enters the room. I guess this goes back to the end of the 2nd world war, when Japanese brides started showing up with their Serviceman. Then Vietnam brides, Thailand brides, and Philippine brides. It is slowly becoming more acceptable, but it does bother me a lot when other Thai woman automatically assume my wife came from a bar!

She back in the 70's was a laundry girl working at an Army contract Hotel in Bangkok during the Viet war. Never a bar girl.

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For example true story smart guy working online in 20's comes to Phuket. Soon meets his perfect "Thai angel". She is a "nice" girl with own business. Obviously not to any rational person. Friends advise him, he won't listen. Problem is he has NEVER HAD SEX before let alone a girlfriend. His personality is an absurd cariacture of a neurotic mamas boy. They are talking Marriage when problems start. It's first "somebody broke in and stole laptop". Soon he is completely cleaned out by scams, theatened by her goons over something and runs away back to Montreal with his tail between his legs. The girl, who was working several Farangs turned out to be so "nice" she got knifed by a Belgian.

This is an extreme example but I suspect many of these guys are similiarly socially inept and have no experience with relationships. They are totally to blame when things go wrong here messing with professional girlfriends.

Soon he is completely cleaned out by scams, theatened by her goons over something and runs away back to Montreal with his tail between his legs. The girl, who was working several Farangs turned out to be so "nice" she got knifed by a Belgian.

Thanks...I love a story with a "happy" ending...wai2.gif

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If Thailand wants to remove the negative attitudes people have towards it they could start by looking at how they treat foreigners starting with the word "Farang" which I find offensive because it refers to colour of skin and is always spoken with disdain.

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