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Smearing Thai women


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These men are simply stupid.

First they are stupid enough to trust someone with their money and get conned/scammed.

Then, they will extrapolate from one anecdotical case (theirs) to form a rule regarding the general population.

There is no point in allowing oneself to be offended by stupid people, as their views hold no substance.

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Being half Thai I find it particulary offensive when people lump Thai women all together as liars and con artists. Then when someone lumps Western men together it's another story. My female relatives all work hard at their jobs and not one can speak English yet because they're all natives of Pattaya they're lumped in with bar girls and hookers.

Got any examples of posters lumping ALL Thai woman together? I think it's against the rules anyway. You have to admit there are too many cheating Thai women around and that should make you feel more offended than people reporting scams, liars and cheats.

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  • 2 months later...

For example true story smart guy working online in 20's comes to Phuket. Soon meets his perfect "Thai angel". She is a "nice" girl with own business. Obviously not to any rational person. Friends advise him, he won't listen. Problem is he has NEVER HAD SEX before let alone a girlfriend. His personality is an absurd cariacture of a neurotic mamas boy. They are talking Marriage when problems start. It's first "somebody broke in and stole laptop". Soon he is completely cleaned out by scams, theatened by her goons over something and runs away back to Montreal with his tail between his legs. The girl, who was working several Farangs turned out to be so "nice" she got knifed by a Belgian.

This is an extreme example but I suspect many of these guys are similiarly socially inept and have no experience with relationships. They are totally to blame when things go wrong here messing with professional girlfriends.

Edited by arunsakda
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Maybe if foreigners didnt turn up to thailand giving girls hopes and promises all because of the currency difference

then when they take them back to their countries they live life like a normal everyday 9 to 5 job ..

My family in Laos tell me all the time how foreigners go there flash all their crap like just to get a younger girl ..


Its foreigners like that , that make the good ones look bad and its the bad in nature thai ladies that make the good ones look bad ..

If you can find a Thai girl that doesnt have to wear make up to look like a princess then she is a keeper ..

some women u wish u never took home cause in the morning they dont look like what they did last night .

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Being half Thai I find it particulary offensive when people lump Thai women all together as liars and con artists. Then when someone lumps Western men together it's another story. My female relatives all work hard at their jobs and not one can speak English yet because they're all natives of Pattaya they're lumped in with bar girls and hookers.

I wonder how your 'hard workin friends' would react if a gullible farang with a lot of moolah parachuted into their lives...wink.png

If you read it properly it is her relatives that work hard, not her friends. Can we leave the prejudice aside and stick to the topic?

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Until you are a somewhat prosperous benevolent (somewhat naive and trusting) middle aged man,

that moves to Thailand and then gets scammed in an elaborate and complex way, that nobody could have seem coming

(did tons of DD, checked out by pals living here 20 years speaking Thai etc) then you are like a virgin discussing sex.



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Being half Thai I find it particulary offensive when people lump Thai women all together as liars and con artists. Then when someone lumps Western men together it's another story. My female relatives all work hard at their jobs and not one can speak English yet because they're all natives of Pattaya they're lumped in with bar girls and hookers.

I totally agree with you. This is one of the problems about Pattaya. I am British and my wife is Thai incidentally. The miscreants of Pattaya assume all Thai women are bar girls or the like. This is one thing that Thailand MUST get to grips with.

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Being half Thai I find it particulary offensive when people lump Thai women all together as liars and con artists. Then when someone lumps Western men together it's another story. My female relatives all work hard at their jobs and not one can speak English yet because they're all natives of Pattaya they're lumped in with bar girls and hookers.

Being full farang and over 50, some folks who have never met me would considered me an alcohol dazed, bar-girl chasing sex maniac whereas I'm married and seldom hang out in tourist areas. What's the difference?

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What is with these men ...

They have to blame someone because nothing is ever their own fault.

There's even a thread here meant to generate laughs at the supposed stupidity of their wives ... is it any wonder they couldn't find wives back home? http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/805403-funny-moment-at-home-pro/?p=9143350&hl=%2Bhome+%2Bpro

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