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It's suddenly gone quiet in my soi


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In the last few days all the soi dogs have disappeared. My wife says they were killed by government forces that used poison darts. Apparently some of the neighbours are angry because their pets were killed and they were given no notice. A neighbour did have about 8 dogs and now they are down to 2. Does anyone else have any similar experience lately? In all the years I've lived here I've never heard of dogs being poisoned like this.

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People don't usually let their pets roam sois.

They are usually in the house or on the grounds of the house.

That's certainly not true on my soi and never has been. It is a quiet soi that doesn't really lead anywhere so that may be a factor. If they have small dogs, the sort that fit in a small bag they probably don't let them out, but proper sized dogs are let out. Plenty of people in my soi have dogs that roam the sois in the day and come in at night or to be fed. Not really pets as such, but probably more like security dogs. Not pandered to to the extent of the average pet.
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People don't usually let their pets roam sois.

They are usually in the house or on the grounds of the house.

That's certainly not true on my soi and never has been. It is a quiet soi that doesn't really lead anywhere so that may be a factor. If they have small dogs, the sort that fit in a small bag they probably don't let them out, but proper sized dogs are let out. Plenty of people in my soi have dogs that roam the sois in the day and come in at night or to be fed. Not really pets as such, but probably more like security dogs. Not pandered to to the extent of the average pet.

They are the dogs that people use as security , but if one of them dogs attacks somebody and the police are involved they deny all knowledge of them.

So they are not really pets as such.

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If there was a dog cull surely people would have seen it happening and who was resonsible. Firing darts at moving targets is not an easy task.

We recently had a volunteer project going in in our village where some stray dogs were tranquilised with darts and then sterilised at "Care for Dogs"

This type of program is of course needed over the whole country to lower the future dog population but it would require Government financial assistance and man power or a generous benefactor so it wont happen.

Lastly people having 8 dogs really need a reality check.On a farm OK but in residential areas not appropriate IMO

If there was a dog cull? The streets are deserted. At a guess I would say at least a dozen dogs have gone. One dog that was ours, but was adopted by the neighbours and often came to me to be fed died very suddenly last Friday. We went away for the weekend and when we came back there was suddenly no more soi dogs. Not one. My wife said they were poisoned with poison darts and presumably got the info from the neighbours.

In the old days you used to hear about dog snatchers that take the dogs for meat, but I haven't heard of that for a good while now. It has upset my wife quite a bit because she often fed some of the dogs. It will make life a lot easier for thieves now, although I've fortunately never had that problem.

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Killing people's pets is REALLY low. bah.gif

Peoples pets aren't supposed to roam the streets.

In my soi the peoples dogs are free to wander, everybody knows them and there are no problems, some are quite friendly, none are agressive. i enjoy them.

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Sorry for the dogs but this is tough titties I'm afraid. I have zero sympathy for people who let their dogs roam the sois to create havoc. Don't blame the dogs for noise, it is always the humans' fault. 8 f'king dogs to one house!

Letting them roam the streets is less about security and culture but more about being lazy and cheap -- not wanting to feed them so much or look after them full time. For security you simply have a dog in your yard; saying they act as a deterrent being on the sois is just a bs excuse highlighting the above.

Soi dogs en masse are a scourge for anyone with more than half a brain and a pair of functional ears. If those Thais feel bad because they were taken, well keep them on your property or on a freakin leash! Respect the other PEOPLE that live there.

What he said!

Edited by Yme
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Killing people's pets is REALLY low. bah.gif

Peoples pets aren't supposed to roam the streets.

In my soi the peoples dogs are free to wander, everybody knows them and there are no problems, some are quite friendly, none are agressive. i enjoy them.

The same for me and I live right at Thapae Gate. Everyone in the neighborhood feeds all the stray animals and wandering pets and get a doctor to visit if it is necessary.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Cull them all, I love dogs but the Thais attitude to the problem stinks, NIMBY

Soi dogs are noisy, aggressive and the sh1t they leave is very unhealthy.

As soon as people respect dogs , .............(have 1 look after it in your home) the better - but never here , turf the bugger out and let some other f#&er have the problem,

Oh the advantage for the so called owner ... if its killed and a farang has killed it there will be money involved $$$$$$$ bonus time

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And those of you who allow your "pets" as you call them to wander the sois all day go out later with plastic bags to pick up their shit? No. Thought not.

I did not say that they were my pets. My pets have a box that they use. Some are the pets of the people in the neighborhood, some are strays that they feed and take care of.

I'm a lot more bothered by the people who throw their cigarette dirty butts anywhere and everywhere than animals that use the street, instead of a vacant lot, to relieve themselves every once in a while. Most of the shit on the street I've seen comes from animals that are being walked by their owners on a leash. I've never seen anyone following their animal with a scoop and plastic bag in Thailand.

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I know they had a soi dog cull in BKK when I think it was George Bush Jnr came for a visit.

it was not a cull. government veterinarians shot the soi dogs with tranquilizer guns and moved them to a compound while Yingluck met foreign dignitaries in an outdoor ceremony. they were set free later in the day.

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