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It's suddenly gone quiet in my soi


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Sorry for the dogs but this is tough titties I'm afraid. I have zero sympathy for people who let their dogs roam the sois to create havoc. Don't blame the dogs for noise, it is always the humans' fault. 8 f'king dogs to one house!

Letting them roam the streets is less about security and culture but more about being lazy and cheap -- not wanting to feed them so much or look after them full time. For security you simply have a dog in your yard; saying they act as a deterrent being on the sois is just a bs excuse highlighting the above.

Soi dogs en masse are a scourge for anyone with more than half a brain and a pair of functional ears. If those Thais feel bad because they were taken, well keep them on your property or on a freakin leash! Respect the other PEOPLE that live there.

Tell it to the people who harbor dogs. we on FV already know your advice.

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Any rabies in T'land? It's a big dog/human problem in some countries that harbor lots of stray or non-acknowledged dogs. How about mandatory rabies shots for dogs here?

they had packs of aggressive soi dogs in Bucharest and other Romanian cities which had rabies and chased after people carrying home bags of groceries. many were bitten. some small children were eaten alive by the starving, rabid dogs. the Romanian government had no choice but to kill any soi dogs they found roaming the streets. thousands and thousands were culled. i think this was around 2005.


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I know they had a soi dog cull in BKK when I think it was George Bush Jnr came for a visit.

it was not a cull. government veterinarians shot the soi dogs with tranquilizer guns and moved them to a compound while Yingluck met foreign dignitaries in an outdoor ceremony. they were set free later in the day.

When George Bush Jnr. came to town it was 2004 , I think you have your time and dates mixed up.

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And those of you who allow your "pets" as you call them to wander the sois all day go out later with plastic bags to pick up their shit? No. Thought not.

I did not say that they were my pets. My pets have a box that they use. Some are the pets of the people in the neighborhood, some are strays that they feed and take care of.

I'm a lot more bothered by the people who throw their cigarette dirty butts anywhere and everywhere than animals that use the street, instead of a vacant lot, to relieve themselves every once in a while. Most of the shit on the street I've seen comes from animals that are being walked by their owners on a leash. I've never seen anyone following their animal with a scoop and plastic bag in Thailand.

I have. Every day. A resident of my moo bahn and his partner ( Foreigner and Thai) walk past my house every morning about 8am with their three dogs on leashes and both of them have plastic bags over their hands to remove the poo.

Now thats responsible dog owning !

A lot of people here say that they love dogs, yet they allow them out to run wild, they take no interest in where they poo, they often allow them to bark all day to the severe annoyance of their neighbours, and in many cases, people keep their supposedly pet dogs in cages, like animals in a zoo. How can any of that be regarded as responsible dog ownership?

I feel sorry for a lot of the dogs who have irresponsible owners. My friends here who have dogs look after them, take care of them, thats the way it should be but unfortunately isnt in too many cases.

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Ten years ago Banwangtan in section 5C had far fewer homes than now and had a soi dog problem with the dogs running in a pack. It got serious when a female went into heat and the males fought for the alpha dog position.

One day I was upstairs looking out the window of a back bedroom at a group of dogs running the street when I saw a pickup come to a stop with a half dozen young men in back who dismounted with with nets resembling very large tennis rackets. The young men immediately started pursuing the dogs who started running for their lives seemingly knowing what was going down. I found it amusing and was actually cheering for the dogs.

The new method of controlling the homeless dog situation in Banwangtan is a group of residents keep the animals in one area by feeding them and then one day they disappear.......I assume to one of the homeless shelters in CM. I commend this group as it appears there is an endless supply of unwanted pets in the area delivered to Banwangtan by irresponsible owners knowing the Buddhist middle class owners here will feed them. A new group of dogs is forming now.

I personally do not have a problem with the homeless dogs as when my dog Bruno, a 150 lb German Shepherd Dog and I go for a walk everyone runs.

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People don't usually let their pets roam sois.

They are usually in the house or on the grounds of the house.

Not where I live. The soi dogs I have seen have owners.....and a good many roam outside the gates of their homes. I am in Chiang Mai not far from Meechok

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Any of you guys remember the story about that little doggie in the movies. Back in the day, all dogs followed their owners around.


Greyfriars Bobby

(ok tv)


Rin Tin Tin


Out in sheep country just about anybody would tell you their border collie runs around the farm and outside....

Where I grew up in upstate New York....several dogs were out and about. Times are different now there. But not here

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W.H.O. says Thailand is "High Risk" for rabies...

As mentioned, the worst offenders are people, who feed packs of soi dogs, but let them roam at night, and deny ownership if anything happens.

People feed soi dogs because they are kind and sympathetic, which isn't such a bad thing, even though it may sometimes be misguided. They let them roam at night and deny ownership because .......... they don't own them. Generally speaking, dogs that are owned have a collar and a tag showing it has had a rabies vaccination.

Edited by Chiengmaijoe
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Ten years ago Banwangtan in section 5C had far fewer homes than now and had a soi dog problem with the dogs running in a pack. It got serious when a female went into heat and the males fought for the alpha dog position.

One day I was upstairs looking out the window of a back bedroom at a group of dogs running the street when I saw a pickup come to a stop with a half dozen young men in back who dismounted with with nets resembling very large tennis rackets. The young men immediately started pursuing the dogs who started running for their lives seemingly knowing what was going down. I found it amusing and was actually cheering for the dogs.

The new method of controlling the homeless dog situation in Banwangtan is a group of residents keep the animals in one area by feeding them and then one day they disappear.......I assume to one of the homeless shelters in CM. I commend this group as it appears there is an endless supply of unwanted pets in the area delivered to Banwangtan by irresponsible owners knowing the Buddhist middle class owners here will feed them. A new group of dogs is forming now.

I personally do not have a problem with the homeless dogs as when my dog Bruno, a 150 lb German Shepherd Dog and I go for a walk everyone runs.

Not residents but BWT restaurant staff providing left-overs, Bruno would've left if fed on that .... ;);)

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Ten years ago Banwangtan in section 5C had far fewer homes than now and had a soi dog problem with the dogs running in a pack. It got serious when a female went into heat and the males fought for the alpha dog position.

One day I was upstairs looking out the window of a back bedroom at a group of dogs running the street when I saw a pickup come to a stop with a half dozen young men in back who dismounted with with nets resembling very large tennis rackets. The young men immediately started pursuing the dogs who started running for their lives seemingly knowing what was going down. I found it amusing and was actually cheering for the dogs.

The new method of controlling the homeless dog situation in Banwangtan is a group of residents keep the animals in one area by feeding them and then one day they disappear.......I assume to one of the homeless shelters in CM. I commend this group as it appears there is an endless supply of unwanted pets in the area delivered to Banwangtan by irresponsible owners knowing the Buddhist middle class owners here will feed them. A new group of dogs is forming now.

I personally do not have a problem with the homeless dogs as when my dog Bruno, a 150 lb German Shepherd Dog and I go for a walk everyone runs.

I take it you use your dog as protection against the soi dogs. Good plan.

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People don't usually let their pets roam sois.

They are usually in the house or on the grounds of the house.

That is a really, really good point. Most pets are in the house, or in the yard. So, what do you call a dog who roams the sois, making problems for people, barking incessantly, scaring the crap out of anyone who rides by, or biting people? Not sure if you can call that a pet. Why would someone who cares for his dog let it roam the streets all day? So, if the military is doing this, might be a rather useful service. What neighborhood needs all those soi dogs anyway? They are about as useful as the neighborhood mosquitos. And how would they even alert the owners? How would those owners even be found? And can you really call someone who allows their dog to roam the streets, bake in the hot sun, go hungry, and get all mangy, an owner anyway? Do they even have the right to be called a pet owner?

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There now seems to be a bit more information as to what happened. It appears that it wasn't a local government cull because one of the neighbours that lost a dog went to complain and they said they didn't do it, and if they were going to control the soi dogs they would notify people first so that they could keep their pets inside. The problem is, the most likely cause now is thieves doing it, to make their job easier! We're now on red alert.

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There now seems to be a bit more information as to what happened. It appears that it wasn't a local government cull because one of the neighbours that lost a dog went to complain and they said they didn't do it, and if they were going to control the soi dogs they would notify people first so that they could keep their pets inside. The problem is, the most likely cause now is thieves doing it, to make their job easier! We're now on red alert.

If anybody has contact with the dog thieves I ll let them know of one or two spots close to my place where you have to cross the road to avoid snarling unbalanced out of control soi dogs . Isnt it strange that people theoretically breaking the law appear to be providing a sevice that people making the law cant or wont do??!!

Ho hum. In the past a TV member who I know accused me of being a dog hater. Way off beam. I dont own a dog but I know and respect loads of very nice well behaved dogs, trained that way because the owners are responsible and look after them properly.

Edited by PostmanPat
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I have no problems with soi dogs. Once they learn the pain of a rock upside the head, they run and S.T.F.U. at the very site of "the rock man." Just gotta let them know who the true alpha male really is. LOL

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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I know they had a soi dog cull in BKK when I think it was George Bush Jnr came for a visit.

it was not a cull. government veterinarians shot the soi dogs with tranquilizer guns and moved them to a compound while Yingluck met foreign dignitaries in an outdoor ceremony. they were set free later in the day.

I have to doubt the tranquilizer gun theory of yours. That is a time consuming task if a large number of dogs are involved. Plus, the dogs don't stand around like cows waiting to be shot at.

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I know they had a soi dog cull in BKK when I think it was George Bush Jnr came for a visit.

it was not a cull. government veterinarians shot the soi dogs with tranquilizer guns and moved them to a compound while Yingluck met foreign dignitaries in an outdoor ceremony. they were set free later in the day.

I have to doubt the tranquilizer gun theory of yours. That is a time consuming task if a large number of dogs are involved. Plus, the dogs don't stand around like cows waiting to be shot at.

Did George Bush Jr. come for a visit when Yingluck was the Prime minister? I know he had been out of office them at least three years.

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