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Kasikorn Bank and Visa Debet Card


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Went back to the US and used my Kasikorn Debet Visa Card twice for testing purposes. I had heard numerous strange things about how Thai banks handle those things. First of all, difficult to check as you see a fugure in your passbook only.

I used it at Ramada and Country Inns & suites. Ramada's bill was 48US$ and Kasikorn charged 68US$ !!!! Country Inns bill was 58US$ and Kasikorn charged 64US$.

After numerous phone calls and emails over 3 days I finally got a not too clever lady who told me both hotels charged me extra's. Contacted both hotels and got a reply instantly. Both replies the same style: "Why should we charge you extras? Our bill is what you got and final".

Again numerous calls and emails to Kasikorn. Finally someone who wanted to listen; Oh..... is it not the hotel? What can it be? We charge following the bills only....... Long story short, 2 weeks after I complained the first time, they paid me back 180 Baht for the Country Inns and 300 Baht for Ramada. Still 300 Baht too short for Ramada so tomorrow all starts again.........another 2 weeks?

Be warned using your debetcard overseas. It could be systematic.

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Whenever I had problems with banks in the past I just politely let them know that if they couldn't sort the problem it wasn't a big deal for me because I could just change banks. That normally sorted it out. In the old days I changed banks more often than I changed my underpants. Bear in mind that I change underpants once a month whether they need changing or not.

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During my time in CM I have gone through, Bangkok Bank, and Thai Farmers, who I used to Swear by and now swear at.

I have been with UOB for last six years and am still impressed with their Polite and efficient service.


Edited by jonwilly
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My bank of choice for quite a while has been Kasikorn. I judge a bank by how many seats they have, and if they have a TV showing soaps and a newspaper stand. They're all signs that they expect you to be there for a while. I have to sometimes make payments into an account at Krungthai bank and they have all of the above. A simple deposit normally takes about 15 minutes and I make a point of not sitting down so they can get a good idea of how long it's taking.

Before closing an account at Bangkok bank, (which in my opinion are on average the worst, with a few branches being the exception), i politely told the manager that if I ever come into the bank and the TV has gone, the rows of seats are reduced to 4 or 5 and they no longer have a rack full of newspapers I might begin to think that he's doing his job, namely providing a good service. After all, that's the business they're in. Interest rates vary to such a small degree that the only real difference between banks is the quality of service. I told him that too .

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I been having trouble with kasikorn over last 3 days, sunday night had a text 200 bht withdrawn, 2 minutes later 200 bht deposit, then 20,000 withdrawn, then deposited, then 6,290 withdrawn, but did not go back in, went to my bank yesterday, she cannot show me statement or do anything, can I come back tomorrow{today} I go this morning get a statement I cant make head or tails of, and I speak to lady on phone and she says I bought something online mid august, which I never did, and I said well why when I use atm I have an instant sms about transaction, I never bought anything online in august also why have I had sms on the 31`st about a transaction which I never did in august, I am fuming but tying to get to the bottom of it is murder, she sid do I want to take further action ,I said of course I never bought anything online here , also where is the money supoosed to have gone , oh I have to put in a report to find out all about it, back home it will be onscreen for you to see and find out where it has gone straight away, so when it`s sorted my money is coming out of here for sure, they don't seem to care because it`s not their money,,, oh and also had 2,000 out and back in last night at 7.20, but they just say don't worry it`s a error,

Edited by paulyd2k
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It is not just Thai banks that have complex rules about using their cards outside the country they are issued in. Many banks have several types of fees added on for that type of use. Generally that kind of use is best avoided. Cards can be used to guaranty reservations for cars and hotels then the bills settled in cash.

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Your complaint would be a lot more convincing if you knew how to spell "Debit." Hotel room taxes and fees can run 10-20% in the US; just like here. People with excellent credit pay no foreign transaction fees.........6 out of 7 of my last round trips from the US to LOS have been free thanks to credit card companies......you either use them; or let them use you.............It's not rocket science.........

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To Master Thighlander who never makes a mistake,

Your complaint would be a lot more convincing if you knew to use a capital letter in a new sentence.

It is not a credit card I am talking about Thighlander. I have a few CC's which I use all time. Following negative comments I just wanted to test, using not too big of amounts, this Kasikorn DEBIT (sorry Master) card in a foreign country. The test was 100% negative.

You (with capital letter please Thighlander) either learn from it; or let them take your money.............It's not rocket science.........

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No, HSBC doesn't have a branch in CM, nor an ATM in Thailand. I have an HSBC USA account, and I had to pay to use the ATM at HSBC Mexico. They used to have signs up all over CNX (airport), and I was surprised to find out the reality of the situation. They do have a presence here, but not in personal banking.

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To Master Thighlander who never makes a mistake,
Your complaint would be a lot more convincing if you knew to use a capital letter in a new sentence.
It is not a credit card I am talking about Thighlander. I have a few CC's which I use all time. Following negative comments I just wanted to test, using not too big of amounts, this Kasikorn DEBIT (sorry Master) card in a foreign country. The test was 100% negative.
You (with capital letter please Thighlander) either learn from it; or let them take your money.............It's not rocket science.........

Hmm. Play nice boys. Many of here love the Chiang Mai forum because we don't seem to get the often unpleasant exchanges you get on other forums, and people are nice to each other. Grammar correction is bad form and impolite, particularly so when one's own grammar is less than perfect.

In my experience, and we've lived long term in 4 different countries, using a debit card overseas is fraught with difficulties for anything but ATM cash withdrawals. Credit cards, as you inferred, work differently.

Depending on the bank, your relationship to that bank (meaning your net worth to them or how much they value you as a customer) and the type of credit card that you have with that bank, you may pay zero, reasonable or high fees for overseas credit card transactions. It's up to you to do the research and decide whether you use your credit card or use your debit card to withdraw cash from and ATM and use cash instead; fees for your debit card ATM overseas withdrawals also depend on your net worth to your bank. We pay zero fees with Commonwealth Bank of Australia; we use them as our stockbroker so they know how much we have invested in the share market and the rent from our 2 debt-free rental properties in Melbourne are paid into our account via our real estate agent and the last thing CBA want to do is put us off-side and lose our business. Until recently we have been paying $22 for every transfer of cash into our Thai bank, until I realised - hey, bugger this for a lark - and I had a conversation with our personal banking bod (forget the officious title he has) who said we would never pay that particular fee again.

On the other hand, although a monthly direct payment goes into our UK bank for a rental property there and, with the same tenant since we bought it, has been going into the account every month without fail since 1997, and with withdrawals only once a year when we are back in UK, they charge like wounded bulls for overseas withdrawals, so we never use that debit card outside England, apart from the one time in Prague years ago when we found out just how much they charge. A discussion with our branch manager the next time we were in the UK was fruitless; they really don't care enough about us to offer even a reduction in fees.

Using debit cards in shops or hotels overseas just isn't worth it for us. Other opinions may differ, along with other people's personal circumstances.

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I have stated on previous discussions re debit/credit cards on this forum to please be aware that the usage of such cards is very different in US/UK/AUS and even more so if a Thai card.. When you are discussing charges on theese cards on this forum I would advise that you state which country the card is regested in.

UK CARDS I can only discuss UK cards and as such be aware that most (a very few do not) have the following typicall fees. Debit card at ATM has a % fee on the transaction and then a ERA (Exchange Rate Adjustment) (HSBC typically 2% ATM (min & max rates apply) + 2.99 ERA). POS (Point of sale Transactions) are also subject to the ERA on top.

Credit cards are usually flat rated at POS (typically 2.99%) but remember that Cash transactions from UK credit cards are subject to a cash fee ( typically 2.9%) plus instant compound interest at the credit card cash rate (could be anything depending on the bank but average 20%) from the moment the cash is withdrawn untill fully repaid. Typically it takes 3 months to repay all the interest on a UK credit card cash transaction.

Hope this helps.

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Proberbly charge more of taking foreign currency plus bank fees

In scb it's around 100 baht one withdrawal kadikorn debit I never use again outside Thailand

Last time I ordered a red banana tree in a garden shop in Germany then I got payment confirmation by SMS

Could place order but the shop never got any money from kasikorn

One time a wrong bill in App Store showing 1 dollar payed 10 claimed by email no response on counter

Sorry we also don't know cannot help sir phrases

The kasikorn is one of the worst customer service I have ever seen also on simple questions stuff must always call hotline!

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