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Gprs Package With Dtac


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Hope someone can advise.

I bought a O2 smart phone and applied for a 30 MB package from DTAC advised by DTAC shop in Paragon. The charges above 30 MB are quite high and I was concerned that charges might get out of hand if I use GPRS too often. The staff at DTAC asked me if I would be downloading any files (music etc) and I told them no, I would only use it for email and general browsing.

All went well with the bill for the 1st month at 12 MB. Second month was 28 MB as I having problems with work email and checked my email via my phone more frequently. So no problems. Then, a few days ago DTAC cut my phone without warning and told me that I had exceeded my 8,000 baht limit and would have to settle my bill immediately. I was very surprised as I had not made any international phone calls that month and even then I didn't see how I could have gone so far over my account limit. I contacted DTAC to check and they told me my GPRS usage for the month had reached 99 MB and my new GPRS bill was 3,600 baht. I was astounded and asked the guy if this was common. He asked me if I used connected my phone to a laptop. I told him no, and that I didn't even have a laptop. I asked if it was possible that they had made a mistake and he told me he would check and that it would take 7 days.

So, has anybody else had similar usage problems and is 99 MB a month considered a lot when checking emails, without attachments and just general usage?


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I don't know what typical usage is, but in the past month I estimate I have used about 1300 MB from my laptop, including lots of email, web browsing, and downloading of software updates!

I think you can get a post-paid, flat-rate DTAC GPRS with no usage limit for under 2000 THB including a basic voice plan on the same SIM. If you are paying more than that, you should switch!

I think that much of the telco profit comes from people who underestimage their usage patterns and choose a plan that looks inexpensive but has these tiered prices...

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It happens. I use their unlitmited plan - 999 baht plus 200 baht for a dedicated SIM in my aircard. When it suddenly expired Dtac didn't give me any notice and their computer started calculating charges at the regular per Kb rate. I exceeded 8,000 baht in less than 3 hours.

They signed me up for another year and dropped the charges. It was all fixed over the pnone but we had to call them a few times. Apparently it's not so easy for Dtac service girls to tamper with their databases. Next month I was disconneced again and the girl told me that I owed them 18,000 in GPRS charges. I asked her to check my subscription and it was "unlimited", she apologised and promised to do something about it, I was reconnected and never had a problem since.

At the moment Dtac is having problems with their GPRS equipment and are waiting for Nokia to fix it, maybe by the end of the month. It works but excrutiatingly slow, even in the Edge areas. That's what I've been told at their service center.

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It happens. I use their unlitmited plan - 999 baht plus 200 baht for a dedicated SIM in my aircard. When it suddenly expired Dtac didn't give me any notice and their computer started calculating charges at the regular per Kb rate. I exceeded 8,000 baht in less than 3 hours.

They signed me up for another year and dropped the charges. It was all fixed over the pnone but we had to call them a few times. Apparently it's not so easy for Dtac service girls to tamper with their databases. Next month I was disconneced again and the girl told me that I owed them 18,000 in GPRS charges. I asked her to check my subscription and it was "unlimited", she apologised and promised to do something about it, I was reconnected and never had a problem since.

At the moment Dtac is having problems with their GPRS equipment and are waiting for Nokia to fix it, maybe by the end of the month. It works but excrutiatingly slow, even in the Edge areas. That's what I've been told at their service center.

Same, same. I was surprised they dropped the additional charges so easily though. My 999 baht unlimited works out at 1,320 a month.

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Not easily, first I had my gf to threaten them with ending subscription - that's three postpaid SIMs on one account, then we had to call them again when they didn't reconnect me next day as promised, and again, and then the charges popped up again a month later.

How am I supposed to remember when their one-year plan expires? I didn't even know that it was limited to a year. They should have cut my service completely, not start charging higher rates.

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