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Ebola 'threat to world security'- UN Security Council


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Ebola 'threat to world security'- UN Security Council

NEW YORK: -- The UN Security Council has declared the outbreak of the Ebola virus in West Africa a "threat to international peace and security".

The Council unanimously adopted a resolution calling on states to provide more resources to combat the outbreak.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon warned an emergency meeting of the Council that the number of Ebola infections was doubling every three weeks.

More than 2,600 people have now died in the worst Ebola outbreak on record.

Mr Ban said the "gravity and scale of the situation now require a level of international action unprecedented for a health emergency".

He announced the establishment of an "emergency UN mission" working with the World Heath Organization (WHO) to combat the crisis, saying he would convene a "high-level meeting" next week.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-29262968

-- BBC 2014-09-19

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Up until recent times, there were semi-natural checks to runaway population blooms of people. Since Louis Pasteur and better overall health worldwide, some of the those 'checks' aren't happening, and that's a big reason why human populations have been mushrooming worldwide. Of course it's bad when hundreds of people die from disease, just like it's sad when people die in wars or natural disasters, but look at the other side of the equation: unchecked population explosions, until vast swaths of the planet are like Tsim Tsa Shui on Kowloon: people nearly crawling over one other just to get from point A to point B. .....and stacked in little concrete cubicles in every possible cranny. Something's gotta give, and we're seeing a tiny portion of that in West Africa (and SW Burma, Central Africa, Bangladesh, etc etc).

Has anyone ever done this experiment: Put four rats (or bunnies) in a large room with no escape. drop a couple loaves of bread and some water in each day. Wait a couple weeks. What would ensue would like be gruesome. Another example of a finite land space with too many people: Easter Island, between 200 and 500 years ago. Hint: cannibalism was not the worst of it.

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Wow, any wonder why some of these countries are so susceptible to an outbreak?

(1) living in deplorable, nasty conditions and eating dead animals off jungle floor results in cintraction;

(2) Too dumb or superstitious to prevent contraction and spread;

(3). Too uneducated and poor to treat or care for those sick;

(4). Too uneducated and lack resources to try and develop their own treatments or cure;

(5) Have a complete inability to care for themselves or those in their community;

(5). Complete and utter failure on their part to build sufficient infrastructure to care for the sick

So, US and other countries spend their money, send their workers and doctors placing them in ground zero, pay for, develop and build infrastructure, pay for the development of a cure or possible treatment, place our troops in harms way and what do we get?

This article makes one wonder if not best to isolate, quarantine, pull everyone out and let them deal with it themselves if they are going to act this way.


The team disappeared after being pelted with stones by residents when they arrived in the village of Wome - in southern Guinea, where the Ebola outbreak was first recorded.

A journalist who managed to escape told reporters that she could hear villagers looking for them while she was hiding.

On Thursday night, government spokesman Albert Damantang Camara said the victims had been "killed in cold blood by the villagers".

The bodies showed signs of being attacked with machetes and clubs, officials say.

. . .

The motive for the killings has not been confirmed, but the BBC's Makeme Bamba in Guinea's capital, Conakry, says many villagers accuse the health workers of spreading the disease.

Others still do not believe that the disease exists.

Last month, riots erupted in Nzerekore, 50 km (30 miles) from Wome, after rumours that medics who were disinfecting a market were contaminating people.


Edited by F430murci
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A mighty weapon for IS. They have to be destroyed and fast before they have planted ebola in western countries.

Hopefully Iran and other Arab states realize the consquences of not cooperqting with the west.

It's a pretty dangerous virus and without a vaccine it would more dangerous to the people handling it than it would be to any particular target. It's not that easy to catch, at this point. It is very deadly, if you do catch it.

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Where are the Chinese doctors and medicine? They make big productions of how they love Africans and want to be like their big brothers. The Chinese have beaucoup money saved up and act like they want to be more involved on the world stage, but where are they? Probably off in other parts of Africa, with smiles while waving contracts around to get signed for resources.

Similar in dune countries. Let the idiot Americans and Europeans and Aussies go in there and blow things up, and get their boys shipped back in body bags. When the smoke clears, the Chinese will come in with big smiles and waving contracts to be signed.

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A mighty weapon for IS. They have to be destroyed and fast before they have planted ebola in western countries.

Hopefully Iran and other Arab states realize the consquences of not cooperqting with the west.

It's a pretty dangerous virus and without a vaccine it would more dangerous to the people handling it than it would be to any particular target. It's not that easy to catch, at this point. It is very deadly, if you do catch it.

If they contaminate the drinking water system with the virus it's very easy for everyone to get the disease.

There should be stricter security around these places than any other place because from there its quite easy to spread a disease in a short time in a very big population.

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How is this thing spread, if its by open air then we're doomed to say the least.

From what I understand it is not an airborne disease. But it does spread by physical contact and today the professionals have admitted that it can not be contained by medical personnel. I think that the quarantining of West Africa is not that far off. This is going too get exponentially uglier before it gets better.

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How is this thing spread, if its by open air then we're doomed to say the least.


Ebola then spreads through human-to-human transmission via direct contact (through broken skin or mucous membranes) with the blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of infected people, and with surfaces and materials (e.g. bedding, clothing) contaminated with these fluids.
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