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Insurance and being under the influence


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The first thing to remember is insurance companies make a lot of money, and they do not do that by paying

out claims. As for driving/riding your motorbike/bicycle under the influence in Canada operating anything

a boat, bicycle, horse, even a sled sliding down a hill in the winter can see you charged with driving under the

influence with appropriate penalties starting with a 1st offence 1 year drivers licence suspension.

Most people do not know this but that is the way it is. Be very careful how questions are answered.

Most people think bending the truth (lying) when purchasing insurance will never be caught. This is a mistake.

Be honest when buying insurance or you could well find yourself not covered when something goes wrong.

The insurance companies have access to all your medical files/ prescriptions so do not lie about pre existing conditions.

The problem is they will ask you to pay exorbitant rates and still not cover you for anything that is linked to a pre-existing condition.

You need to find a good insurance broker that understands the difference between high blood pressure vs high blood pressure

controlled by meds. One thing is for sure I would not let the hospital do a blood alcohol test if your husband had a

bicycle accident or a slip and fall.

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The easiest way to deal with high blood pressure controlled by medication or otherwise when applying for health insurance is to apply before you have any incidence of high blood pressure.

BTW Medevac services or policy was mentioned above. I've perused several policies and services and they will only transport a patient once in a stable condition so considerable medical expense may be incurred prior to repatriating to a home country.

Edited by JLCrab
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