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US rebuff to gay marriage opponents


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Rapture IS a bible word for the only reason that if you mention the word to Christians, they will immediately think of the bible. How often do you hear this word outside of the bible?

Rapturously is the adverb of rapture. Therefore, it is a bible word too.

It is obvious the writer used the word intentionally to insert their own skewed opinion of the subject.

Rubbish. Rapture is a normal English word. I do not think the writer intended any Christian connotation with the word.

Sure, it is a 'normal' English word. However, we are talking about how people associate the word.

Just as the word 'gay' means happy, it is most often associated with homosexuality.

Yesterday I polled 3 of my English friends. All of them associated the word with the bible or Christianity in general.

Last night, at the bar, I asked 17 more people. All except 1 associated the word with Christianity. The one other one, a German, mentioned Blondie.

So, once you consider that most people polled associate the word with Christianity, how can you deny that it is possible the writer was trying give their opinion by using an obscure word that hints at Christianity rather than a more common word with the same meaning.

If you do any extensive reading of news, you can see this type of 'quiet' show of opinions through selective vocabulary.

Please look up "OCD."


Cambridge Dictionary

English definition of “rapturous”
showing extreme pleasure and happiness or excitement:The play was greeted with rapturous applause.The team received a rapturous welcome.
(Definition of rapturous from the Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
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It will be a joyous day...when the gay community does not find it necessary to force their sexual preference on the general public by parades of scantly clad individuals

When was the last time a parade of scantily clad gay individuals forced themselves on you?

OMG...the imagery...I am getting so hot....555

My apologies for making you all hot and bothered but could you answer my question please.

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It appears to me that the SCOTUS has decided this is a State's Rights issue and has thrown it back on the various states to decide their own fate.

Rather a sensible conclusion in my mind.


As you and others know, yet in the interest of clarity to still many others, United States Court(s) refers to the federal government, while other courts are state courts. Either or.

A United States Circuit Court of Appeals has jurisdiction over several states and all of the U.S. District Courts within each of the several states. The U.S. 11 Circuit Courts of Appeals [see map below] are one level below the Supreme Court.

It is vital to note each of the states and localities within a U.S. Court of Appeals Judicial Circuit must abide by its rulings. The Supreme Court takes conflicting Circuit Court rulings to resolve them.

Until 36 hours ago, 19 states and the District of Columbia had actively recognized in law the constitutionality of gay marriage, as in civil unions. The other 31 states had explicitly prohibited it in their laws.

During the past 36 hours however three U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeals have overturned as unconstitutional anti-gay marriage laws affecting 14 states within their combined jurisdictions.

U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeals

Map of the boundaries of the United States Circuit Courts of Appeals and the lesser United States District Courts under their jurisdiction. The Eighth Circuit for example, presented in the mustard color, has jurisdiction over the states or parts of states of the color and the U.S. District Courts within the Circuit..

The consequence is that states in violation of the constitution have had their invalid state laws invalidated by the appropriate Circuit Courts of Appeals.

At the historically conservative 4th Circuit Courts of Appeals, which sits in Richmond, Virginia, the 2-1 majority to overturn state prohibitions consisted of 4th Circuit Judges Henry F. Floyd, a 2011 nominee of Democratic Prez Obama and Roger Gregory, nominated by Democrat Bill Clinton;. Paul Niemeyer, who dissented, was nominated by Geo H.W. Bush, a Republican.

The 4th Circuit Appeals Court ruling affirmed a District Court ruling overturning the state law. Each state in the 4th Judicial Circuit that may be in violation of the ruling must comply with the ruling - they haven't any choice under the constitution. This is no longer a matter that is being left to the states, for each state to decide. The U.S. courts have asserted themselves in furtherance of the constitution, which is final, all the way up to the Supreme Court when it is accepted by the justices there.

At the 7th Circuit Courts of Appeals, which sits in Chicago, Illinois, the three judge panel of the full court ruled unanimously that, "The discrimination against same-sex couples is irrational, and therefore unconstitutional." The Reagan appointed and presently Chief Judge Richard Posner wrote opinion. The Appeals Court ruling affirmed a District Court ruling.overturning the state law.

Each state in the 7th Judicial Circuit that may be in violation of its ruling must comply with the ruling. This is no longer a matter that is being left to the states, for each state to decide. The U.S. courts have asserted themselves in furtherance of the constitution, which is final, all the way up to the Supreme Court when it is accepted by the justices there.

At the 9th Circuit Courts of Appeals, which sits in San Francisco and has jurisdiction over its host and most populous state, California, the three judge panel ruled 2-1 that the state's prohibition, "...serves no purpose, and has no effect, other than to lessen the status and human dignity of gays and lesbians in California, and to officially reclassify their relationships and families as inferior to those of opposite-sex couples.," .

Particularly interesting is that the Chief U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker who originally ruled the law unconstitutional revealed after he later retired that he is gay and has a lifetime male partner (as if no one had known). A conservative challenge to Judge Walker's judicial integrity was rejected by the judges of the 9th Circuit Courts of Appeals, which ruled that, "To hold otherwise would demonstrate a lack of respect for the integrity of our federal courts."

Meanwhile, the U.S. 10th Circuit Courts of Appeals, which sits in Denver, Colorado, had in June become the first U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeals to rule on the matter, declaring in a 2-1 vote of its three judge panel that,

“The Fourteenth Amendment protects the fundamental right to marry, establish a family, raise children, and enjoy the full protection of a state’s marital laws,” the court wrote in its 2-to-1 ruling. “A state may not deny the issuance of a marriage license to two persons, or refuse to recognize their marriage, based solely upon the sex of the persons in the marriage union.”

The states and parts of states within each U.S Judicial Circuit discussed above can be found at this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_courts_of_appeals


The states in violation of the constitution have forfeit their right to legislate. By the time the Supreme Court takes a case from the Circuit Courts, more judges will be married to their same-sex partners.

Edited by Publicus
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