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How did you find your staff

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Just wondering as after 18 months and no decent staff yet, how did you find your staff??

Ie maid and groundsman type scenario.

Ive had Myanmar/ Laos/and hilltribe but no Thai who simply dont want to work on the land at all.

For various reasons all went, 1st pair "parents sick" but not really, wanted to come back a few months later, 2nd pair "useless" got rid of them, thrid pair half of them was excellent but his girlfrined was bone idle, we even asked him to dump her and stay on, we got rid of them, later we found out they had split up but we could not get hold of the boy again, last pair "deceitful" used some of our private things when they thought we wouldnt know.

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OP I fell for you, it's never easy finding good local staff. I have other friends that are constantly having problems, with theft, not turning up for work, laziness and just disappearing. Have endured it to, but have been lucky over the last 2 years to get a good team of staff. Often, if it is more unskilled jobs we use peoples contacts to see if they know people. From what your describing, you are encountering the usual problems.

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OP I fell for you, it's never easy finding good local staff. I have other friends that are constantly having problems, with theft, not turning up for work, laziness and just disappearing. Have endured it to, but have been lucky over the last 2 years to get a good team of staff. Often, if it is more unskilled jobs we use peoples contacts to see if they know people. From what your describing, you are encountering the usual problems.

Thanks Toady, yes the job really is very simple and we are pretty good to the staff but it goes unappreciated, I suppose we just have to keep having new staff until one set suits the job.

They live onsite in a brand new house I built myself, literally block by block, currently we have my Wife's Sister who is excellent BUT she is 48 and has a bad back but her work is faultless, doesnt need to be told anything or shown anything.

Sadly we also need a man which we cant find and the Wifes Sister is not really permanent.

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I use one university. The new graduates are checked out with the professors and other students. They have a gathering once a year to network and discuss jobs and employers and opportunities.

Thanks but we are looking for more "grounds" type staff

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OP, depends where you are......

If http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/767470-when-in-rome/ follow instruction No 15 of my post.

if in Thailand you have to integrate to the way of life and keep saying to yourself "Mai Ben Rai" at least 100 times a day, if you don't want to go mad like me.

Never, ever in my life in Thailand found a reliable manual labourer.

As you described, Lazy, never come and difficult to find any.

And on top of that asking for stupid money, as they thing you are soooooooo rich.

Ahhhhhhh, Mai Ben Rai.....................

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I use one university. The new graduates are checked out with the professors and other students. They have a gathering once a year to network and discuss jobs and employers and opportunities.


My stalker. How ya doing today buddy? Yes I made another post but one would think you could come up with something better than a one word flame. There are thousands of successful businesses in Thailand they make hard drives and cars and automotive accessories. Birds of a feather flock together. Ya, trolls flock together and good employees flock together too. People with lazy worthless employees attract more lazy worthless employees. When one goes to college one becomes familiar with the old boys network. There is one in Thailand too but it's more like the old girls network in my experience.

Edited by thailiketoo
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My suggestion would be do it yourself.

As of 2012, the Thailand automotive industry was the largest in Southeast Asia and the 9th largest in the World. The Thailand industry has an annual output of near 1.5 million vehicles, more than countries such as Belgium, the United Kingdom, Italy, Czech Republic, and Turkey. That would be quite a chore to do yourself eh?

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My suggestion would be do it yourself.

As of 2012, the Thailand automotive industry was the largest in Southeast Asia and the 9th largest in the World. The Thailand industry has an annual output of near 1.5 million vehicles, more than countries such as Belgium, the United Kingdom, Italy, Czech Republic, and Turkey. That would be quite a chore to do yourself eh?

OP is talking about finding a maid correct? If he and his wife do not satisfy with a maid's work, perhaps he and his wife could do the work themselves.

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My suggestion would be do it yourself.

As of 2012, the Thailand automotive industry was the largest in Southeast Asia and the 9th largest in the World. The Thailand industry has an annual output of near 1.5 million vehicles, more than countries such as Belgium, the United Kingdom, Italy, Czech Republic, and Turkey. That would be quite a chore to do yourself eh?

OP is talking about finding a maid correct? If he and his wife do not satisfy with a maid's work, perhaps he and his wife could do the work themselves.

Yes, I see what you mean. I was talking on an industrial scale. I get the jobs done around the house by employees/family on their off time so I have an idea that they are hardworking and honest already.

I told my wife when we got married that I'm not an electrician or plumber and if she wanted that kind of work done to find someone to do it and I would pay the bills. However that said, I now have purchased a snake, set of plungers, rubber gloves, digital multimeter, wire cutters, wire black tape, duct tape and two ladders.

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I have had a lot of trouble finding reliable staff. One new guy was suppose to start today but never turned up

that is lucky.....at least you didn't waste one month training......

The usual thing is "money in advance" and when it gets too much they don't come anymore. Because of that we have to restrict the "money in advance".

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My suggestion would be do it yourself.

As of 2012, the Thailand automotive industry was the largest in Southeast Asia and the 9th largest in the World. The Thailand industry has an annual output of near 1.5 million vehicles, more than countries such as Belgium, the United Kingdom, Italy, Czech Republic, and Turkey. That would be quite a chore to do yourself eh?

OP is talking about finding a maid correct? If he and his wife do not satisfy with a maid's work, perhaps he and his wife could do the work themselves.

Pay attention Somsris.>>>>> maid and gardener/ groundsman its 15 rai of land Ive spent a lot of time dumped in the sh*t by staff and have done it myself but when I pay someone to do it I expect them to do it otherwise why pay em.......its called "a job"tongue.png

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I have had a lot of trouble finding reliable staff. One new guy was suppose to start today but never turned up

that is lucky.....at least you didn't waste one month training......

The usual thing is "money in advance" and when it gets too much they don't come anymore. Because of that we have to restrict the "money in advance".

Gawd , aint that the truth, you train em up real nice and then they bugger off, some are stupid enough to leave part way through a month and expect all their salary..............they dont get it.

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Stop trying to hire pairs. Hire them as individuals.

It is invariably a good idea to get a Thai person to supervise a Thai person. Your wife or someone you can trust to oversee the Thai workers.

Some recommend to hire women who are past the usual child-bearing age. I don't think that this is meant in a discriminatory way but it stops the unwanted male attention and women in the post menopause are often good workers.

Use the expat network, if it exists in your area. As people die off or move back to Falangland, pick up their staff.

Unless you find a real exception, never hire a man. No matter what age.

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Stop trying to hire pairs. Hire them as individuals.

It is invariably a good idea to get a Thai person to supervise a Thai person. Your wife or someone you can trust to oversee the Thai workers.

Some recommend to hire women who are past the usual child-bearing age. I don't think that this is meant in a discriminatory way but it stops the unwanted male attention and women in the post menopause are often good workers.

Use the expat network, if it exists in your area. As people die off or move back to Falangland, pick up their staff.

Unless you find a real exception, never hire a man. No matter what age.

. I don't think that this is meant in a discriminatory way but never hire a man. No matter what age.????

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As time goes on I find that in addition to providing a fun atmosphere to work in, paying well works very well.

Somewhere around 15,000+ per month outside of Bangkok. Inside Bangkok 20,000+

Typically, you can't work for less than the above amounts in Thailand with a family and have enough money for a good life.

Carefully screening

Probation period.

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Had a night security guard who was supposed to patrol every 30 minutes around the property.

Got a strain in his arm and blamed it upon having to rest his head on his hand to go to sleep in the guard hut.

Wanted money for the hospital bill.....

He never knew I was from Yorkshire....

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My suggestion would be do it yourself.

As of 2012, the Thailand automotive industry was the largest in Southeast Asia and the 9th largest in the World. The Thailand industry has an annual output of near 1.5 million vehicles, more than countries such as Belgium, the United Kingdom, Italy, Czech Republic, and Turkey. That would be quite a chore to do yourself eh?

OP is talking about finding a maid correct? If he and his wife do not satisfy with a maid's work, perhaps he and his wife could do the work themselves.

If people are prepared to employ others to do jobs that they may well be too busy to do satisfactorily themselves, why should they not employ domestic and gardeners to keep their property nice. Pay a fair wage, treat them nice and one would think that would work, but it has taken us 10 years to find good workers, who are loyal, but of course living on Samui means there is lots of competition for their skills and when hotels and the like are prepared to pay a % of the service charge on top of salary, the hotels seem to win decent staff hands down. We have had our share of "now you see them, now you don't" staff, thiefs and idle bodies, but I think we are now established with a couple of lovely people whom we try to take care of in return for their skills. We are also a very busy couple running a business.

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Found salary and conditions made no difference in the ones I had, they were either good or bad, mostly not so good

Most of them come as " a pair" especially when from Myanmar. Why Myanmar??? well Thais dont want to work in the fields anymore no matter what the pay.

There is also the accommodation which is built for " a couple", employing singles means building another room for them.

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