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Thailand stepping up preparation for possible Ebola outbreak


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On my last trip to the USA, I brought back to Thailand dozens of NM1-105 Nano Masks.

I am sure no one on this forum even knows what that is.

I have noticed that many people from countries other than the USA do not buy any type of emergency preparedness products. I have survival property in the USA where I can live for year and a small farm house way up country in Thailand. At the first confirmed report of Ebola in Thailand (it will be in Bangkok of course) and I am on the motorcycle and gone. I seriously doubt it will spread pass Bangkok.

The only hope Thailand has is the fear will be so great that no one will come in contact with people who are sick.

Many will just die in place and that will halt the spread.

I am thinking Bangkok is going to get hit hard. Think about it the next time you are on the packed Skytrain.

If you are lucky enough to have a house, I would stock up on bottled water, canned food, rice, beans, dried foods, pet food, prescriptions, solar battery chargers. Think about planting a garden now... also don't let your neighbors know what you have. If you have kids be prepared to yank them out of school at the first sign of a outbreak. Make sure your family knows that no one leaves the house and no one comes over. It could be at least three weeks before you can go back out. There will be no need. All the grocery stores will be closed. No one will go to work.

Lets hope the government does the right thing and stops all flights from Africa now before it is too late.

Edited by NCC1701A
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Excellent work sounds they screened less than one percent of passengers. Hopefully Ebola doesn't reach here it will spread like wildfire. Hopefully they don't cover it up , or leave it too late to ask for help, which they will almost certainly do

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On my last trip to the USA, I brought back to Thailand dozens of NM1-105 Nano Masks.

I am sure no one on this forum even knows what that is.

I have noticed that many people from countries other than the USA do not buy any type of emergency preparedness products. I have survival property in the USA where I can live for year and a small farm house way up country in Thailand. At the first confirmed report of Ebola in Thailand (it will be in Bangkok of course) and I am on the motorcycle and gone. I seriously doubt it will spread pass Bangkok.

The only hope Thailand has is the fear will be so great that no one will come in contact with people who are sick.

Many will just die in place and that will halt the spread.

I am thinking Bangkok is going to get hit hard. Think about it the next time you are on the packed Skytrain.

If you are lucky enough to have a house, I would stock up on bottled water, canned food, rice, beans, dried foods, pet food, prescriptions, solar battery chargers. Think about planting a garden now... also don't let your neighbors know what you have. If you have kids be prepared to yank them out of school at the first sign of a outbreak. Make sure your family knows that no one leaves the house and no one comes over. It could be at least three weeks before you can go back out. There will be no need. All the grocery stores will be closed. No one will go to work.

Lets hope the government does the right thing and stops all flights from Africa now before it is too late.

I know what that is. Similar to what we used to use in non-licensable asbestos removal work, P3 disposable half-face masks. Not very good. Now we use Sundstrom SR100 half face masks + P3 filters with accredited face fitting.

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Why don't they simply stop all travellers from the infected countries such as West Africa from entering the country.

And for the answer to that, there is no good answer. For example, we hear, if we stop people from going out of those countries, nobody can go in to help. ( Bizarre.) Or, people will cross the border into neighboring countries and come that way. (Not without a visa, they won't.) Or their economies will collapse. (Most don't have an economy now, anyway.) No, there is an agenda at work, here. Partly, it's blackmail. Governmental leaders worldwide are holding a gun to the head of the people in their countries, insisting they pay for West Africa or die.

BTW, were Ebola to hit Thailand, I don't think holding up in your house is going to work. You'll still need to do your 90 day at immigration. Wanna bet?

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Ummm, how many direct flights do you think there are from Monrovia to Bangkok? The problem is that someone on almost any given flight from the "hub" (sorry i used that word, 55) of an airline, Dubai or Nairobi for instance, could have originated in west Africa.

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I hope this is not a report to soften the blow , we are preparing for an outbreak of Ebola, next report will be Ebola has arrived but is under control , then we will get the Ebola is running rampant run for your lives report.Lets just hope that Ebola does not come to Thailand as the effects would be devastating to tourism and the good people of this country.

No, the above is a pretty good wrap-up of what happened in the USA while the alleged President was playing Golf.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Why don't they simply stop all travellers from the infected countries such as West Africa from entering the country.

The incubation period can be up to 21 days that gives someone time to travel to several countries after being in affected African countries. So impractically speaking, every nation would need to close their borders to ALL OTHER NATIONS.

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Just like the US perhaps??


So, they moved the SECOND infected hospital worker via jet to the CDC...

Funny.. .look at one of the guys moving her..

ZERO protective gear.

This should be illegal... moving Ebola patients without wearing any protection.

No one is "immune" to Ebola.

Either Ebola is real, and its a threat... or its fake, and the protections are a farce

I can just imagine what Thailand is preparing, a few Songtaew with some plastic sheeting... and a one way ticket to any other country. Thais, wouldn't catch it surely, It would be a foreign workers fault.


Edited by ozsamurai
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Thailand has SCREENED TRAVELLERS??? Come on you bozos.

I landed in BKK mid last month, the scanning area was just before passport control. Passengers were walking two- and even three-abreast past the scanners. Now I could be wrong, but can the scanner scan three people abreast? Secondly, the operators were just paying scant attention to whatever they were looking at behind the camera. Very laid-back. Relaxed. Sabai-sabai. Do these morons know how important their jobs are?

Seriously I sometimes do wonder how is it this place is still up and running.

Big problem in Thailand, from shop assistants in Emporium to Government employees at Immigration etc to security scanners at the airports, to the cleaners in my condo, nobody is ever trained or showed how to do the job. This is why we remain third world and stand no chance of being the hub and leaders of Asean next year. Labour is cheap so they just throw more untrained people at the problem areas which compound the problem.

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