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DSI urged to act against foreign scammers who prey on Thai women


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The list is long and as the PM has mentioned it will take time to improve things after years and years of corruption. So you would rather have things stay as they were ? Please tell me what the last three parties have done to improve things ? About zero or less if there is such a number. I really think there is another reason outside of the Democracy argument why some foreigners are so upset. Perhaps fearful that the new laws might crack down on some very questionable foreigners ? Or is it that corruption works better for you. Slip a cop a few thousand baht and everything is ok just like old times ?

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The list is long and as the PM has mentioned it will take time to improve things after years and years of corruption. So you would rather have things stay as they were ? Please tell me what the last three parties have done to improve things ? About zero or less if there is such a number. I really think there is another reason outside of the Democracy argument why some foreigners are so upset. Perhaps fearful that the new laws might crack down on some very questionable foreigners ? Or is it that corruption works better for you. Slip a cop a few thousand baht and everything is ok just like old times ?

Well I didn't want to get into a tit for tat but....

He has cleared some beaches, for now, and put some poor people out of work. There doesn't seem to be many of the people that took the money from them facing the music.

I can't truly answer your question without putting myself at risk, and that is enough for me.....

And yes corruption is a "double edged sword". I can play the game if I know what the rules are, but I am not silly enough to not recognize what the situation really is.

The OP is about Thai women getting scammed and the majority of responders seem to feel it is by far biased the other way, and I agree.

Thanks for the responses to my other posts...... cheesy.gif


What's good for the goose should be good for the gander, I think this is the real issue. Your hero has done nothing to remedy this problem. In any country / situation the rules should be the same for everyone. Oh hang on that is democracy....

Edited to add.

Edited by RigPig
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And what about Thai women scammers who pray upon foreign men???

That is a non issue, cause we live in a world, where sadly only women can be victims.

So even if 10 guys get killed, 50 guys gets their hart and economy and life turned into pieces by female predators, and 1 women gets ripped off by a guy. The media will highlight that 1 women.

Guys are pretty much just disposable compared to females, in contrary to western feminist thinking.

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Without getting into a useless argument, It is not lor ling, but lo ling and NOT raw but Ro,

Agreed - it is all in the transliteration, because there is no exact same sound or spelling in Thai v English. The sound is actually 'aw' (or 'or') ang and I ain't putting the Thai symbol here cos last time I spelt Yinger's name in Thai I was kicked off for a day! w00t.gif

You could say the the 'o' could be pronounced 'oh', not 'aw' or 'or', but it's getting too near beer time to argue minutiae and there's too many ors in this post anyway (or should that be 'oar'? cheesy.gif

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  • 2 months later...

First thing, you guys have very shallow attitude about this case, people all around the world got cheated by scammers not only just Thai ladies. Scammer had so many reasons they used to lied and make you believe. it's not because of we are greedy, many Thai woman sent their money because they were asked for help, do you think that was a greediness?

Anyway you guys are so smart that you never cause in this kind of trouble, good luck for you, but the point i wanted to say is what would you do for other if you really got cheated, would you dare to step out from the shell and warn people about it or you just have a creepy cry and forget about it? what i've seen in your comments is you're really selfish, rude and heartless.

Thai people are not what you thinking.


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As many people have pointed out here there are more Thai women scamming farangs by a huge margin. Some men are quite vulnerable - men are not all sexual predators or whatever. I have seen them, shy of women and so on and do not know what to look for and how women can manipulate them. I met once Austrian 50-year old 'mummy's boy' who'd never had a relationship in his life. Lost everything. I am not of that ilk and am experienced in relationships but I got taken to the cleaners by a Thai woman who'd I loved and taken care of for a decade. She laughed all the way to the bank: No issan bar girl this one: she was an acdemic 'hi-so' civil engineer and so on. To warn Thai women about farangs is just about the most ridiculous statement yet from the Thai authorities. They lose their credibility everyday, these people. Interesting that my nephew who was scammed by a woman in France has legal recourse against her. Wish we had that here.

Oh cry me a river, DId you see how you wrote about your experiences? You contrasted yourself to some 50 yr old austrian guy and claim you're different from him but both of you got taken to the cleaners,. Embarrassing, Yet this isn't the issue. The issue is the thai govt protecting any thai women who end up like you and mr 50 yr old austrian. I guess they are going to protect such women while of course you and mr 50 yr old austrian won't have such protection from your govts at all. Oh me Oh my. Blame the govts of your country if they won't help you but i guess you won't do that you would rather blame the thais and the thai govt and the thai ladies because it's easier.

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