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Raped By The Police?


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It's not a reference to anybody being ugly, Not in the aesthetic sense of the word anyway.


:o Sorry, Lacoste. I was having a play on words . . . Sleeping with a dog. Ugly as a dog . . . :D

I think people here are being a bit harsh on the old guy. If he had a financial arrangment beforehand then why should he pay more, even being bullied to pay more - whatever the financial trabsaction entailed . . . hooker, car repair etc . . .

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Well the activity your friend was doing is Illegal, Even know the police usually turn a blind eye, IMO your friend should have paid and definately avoid going to the police station to sort out a situation with a PRoSTITUTE?

Your friend could have gotten in bigger trouble if they wanted to throw the book at your friend

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good god guys your a bit harsh on the old fella,

he's a pensioner having a bit of fun, i hope at his age i'm still up for a bit of fun and frolics,

3000 is way over the top and then again 500 is a tad light, but to have the police intervene is yet another good light shed on the purveyers of swift justice :D

i had a taxi driver drive into the back of me in front of the police, not much damage and the police made him pay me 200bht, if i had driven into the back of him ???

thai justice :o

Edited by opothai
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You won't get an honest answer to your question on this forum, Norman.

I agree with davethailand that there is likely some missing information related to the incident, but you will receive nothing but scorn and judgement from this bunch. Even though the majority of your critics have undoubtedly dabbled in the steamy side of the nightlife in LOS, they are all "enlightenned" now and will condemn anything related to the P4P industry.

So miopic and so forgetful are they all! :D

If you deny it now and attack it at every opportunity then it never really happpened, right fellas? :o


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Well I can, I just think if your going to engage in that sort of activity and get ripped off then its your own fault. There are so many risks involved in it, you all know the risks and if you choose to engage in taking the risk you cant moan about getting burned by it, because its no-one elses fault but your own

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You won't get an honest answer to your question on this forum, Norman.

I agree with davethailand that there is likely some missing information related to the incident, but you will receive nothing but scorn and judgement from this bunch. Even though the majority of your critics have undoubtedly dabbled in the steamy side of the nightlife in LOS, they are all "enlightenned" now and will condemn anything related to the P4P industry.

So miopic and so forgetful are they all! :D

If you deny it now and attack it at every opportunity then it never really happpened, right fellas? :o


Not at all, but Baht 500 was the going rate how long ago?

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out of topic .. story that i heard ..one guy licked N1pple only one time , he passed out for 1 day all his money and jewerly was gone . he doesn't want to report it cause he afraid that his wife will find out....

think twice before lick anythings!!

Edited by sramkok-pratum
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Well, would you wander into the gay/lesbian section on here and say the same Donz?

Took a look in there for the first time today.

They talk very openly about picking up freelancers, where to "Cruise" etc.

They have gay bars, saunas and boy ago-gos pinned with names, address, directions, drink prices OFF FEES, the works. Try doing that with a hetero venue of same ilk and see what the response is around here! :D:D

Must not ruffle the feathers of the gay expats and sex tourists, but bashing the heteros is actively encouraged! :o:D

And no one sees the double standard that is so very obvious?

Like I said, Norman is unlikely to get an honest, non-judgemental response.

Only condemnation of his personal decisions.


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Raped By The Police?

Sadly, it still leaves a bitter taste in his mouth that the police can waltz into his condo and mug a tourist for whatever they want (ie: 500 to 3000). Pretending you are an expat, the real question then is would you stand your ground or buckle? If Peter was a tourist, I would say pay the fee and go home and make more money but Peter’s a pensioner on a limited budget.

All he had to do was tell them to get lost until such time as they had a warrant.

Police cannot legally 'waltz' into anyone's residence at their whim.

A warrant??? Flash news, you're not in in West anymore. Go ahead and tell a Pattaya police officer that he needs a warrant, I'm sure he would come up with one but after that, I'm 90% sure he will find some ganja or something right under your bed. Better pay the 3k and learn from the experience, find a normal girlfriend or something.

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Yes he got ripped, but what's one to do???? Did he make up upfront what the price would be? Did she change mind after the fact and demand more? I tend to think there are more questions than answers in this scenario. Did he pick up from the beach or from a bar??? If it were a bar I'd say he has recourse - go visit the mama-son.

Anyways I do believe your mate isnt telling you the whole truth. :o

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Not at all, but Baht 500 was the going rate how long ago?

Seriously ? :o

To tell the truth, 500 baht was the going rate for S/T back in 1993. You can still get S/T for the same price if you negotiate (during low season at least).

Depending on where you find the girl too. Beach Road freelancers, beer bar and go-go bar girls generally have different rates.

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Not at all, but Baht 500 was the going rate how long ago?

Seriously ? :D

To tell the truth, 500 baht was the going rate for S/T back in 1993. You can still get S/T for the same price if you negotiate (during low season at least).

Depending on where you find the girl too. Beach Road freelancers, beer bar and go-go bar girls generally have different rates.

ST all year round for 500 baht.

You just need to go to the right places.

Get to know the girls and be nice to them, your have a great time at half the price.


Have a nice day

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Under normal circumstances she would have probably accepted the 500 baht and walked away happy.......but he is an old codger, a pensioner, couldn't afford Viagra and relied upon her to get him ready for action.

She probably tugged, stroked, teased, flipped, licked, bashed, tickled, sang and lied to his limpness without much success (or suckcess) for hours.

Wotsa a poor gal to do????

In the West, she would have Government Departments like Consumer Affairs where she can take her business complaints, but in Thailand she only has the boys in brown.

He has exceeded his use by date and therefore must pay for additional or unnecessary extra services.

Tell him to cop it sweet...............the cops did anyway. :o

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Raped By The Police?

Sadly, it still leaves a bitter taste in his mouth that the police can waltz into his condo and mug a tourist for whatever they want (ie: 500 to 3000). Pretending you are an expat, the real question then is would you stand your ground or buckle? If Peter was a tourist, I would say pay the fee and go home and make more money but Peter’s a pensioner on a limited budget.

All he had to do was tell them to get lost until such time as they had a warrant.

Police cannot legally 'waltz' into anyone's residence at their whim.

A warrant??? Flash news, you're not in in West anymore. Go ahead and tell a Pattaya police officer that he needs a warrant, I'm sure he would come up with one but after that, I'm 90% sure he will find some ganja or something right under your bed. Better pay the 3k and learn from the experience, find a normal girlfriend or something.

What an Israeli buddy of mine did in this situation was to throw her out the door slam the fcker shut and lock it. Then bugger off to somewhere to lie low by the time the fireworks have gone down.

The worst I've known is for a short changed bar girl to tell a bunch of Tuk-Tuk drivers (exaggerated tales no doubt) and they all come knocking on your door (wanting money or violence).

1k Baht for just one hour with a bar whore is waay too much even for Patters, unless she is an escort or something. 500 baht?? Maybe, depending on the chick. Thats like six days wage what a labourer makes!

The problem is if you go too low she'll likely blow you off for some other guy (unless it is closing time :o). Too high you'll be ripped off.

I paid the bar fine for one pretty looking thing and as soon as we hit the room she was like the ice queen, no kissing or fck all! She tried whining about money when there wasn't even any boom-boom! Out she went, 'Theres the door, now fck off!' She left empty handed.

You've got to show your in control of the situation and will not budge or they will see you as a soft touch, and that means your easy meat. I'm not saying beating them or anything, but speaking thai language and learning the thai slang and phrases. Even the insults if necessary.

The police thing, without a thai to translate you'd have a devil of a time sorting it out. You could blatently refuse, and the worst you'd get is a short spell in the slammer to spook you out. Or it could be a warning. Invoke higher authority - the tourist police, the thai cops who show up WILL try and get you to pay bribes, thats there thing or 'call out fee!'. But back at the station if you speak to the higher up cops you may get an easier time or not. But if your unwilling to pay then be prepared for some detention/slammer time. It won't be long though and from falangs I've spoken to they (usually) put you in your own cell :D

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The worst I've known is for a short changed bar girl to tell a bunch of Tuk-Tuk drivers (exaggerated tales no doubt) and they all come knocking on your door (wanting money or violence).

:o Oh no, the tuk tuk drivers.

1k Baht for just one hour with a bar whore is waay too much even for Patters, unless she is an escort or something. 500 baht?? Maybe, depending on the chick. Thats like six days wage what a labourer makes!

You can't say that :D Do you think they sell their bodies or something?

All pensioners should get a trip to Pattaya on the National Health.

It won't be long though and from falangs I've spoken to they (usually) put you in your own cell smile.gif
Maybe in Pattaya, not the rest of the country. Do they get their evening horlicks too? Edited by Neeranam
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out of topic .. story that i heard ..one guy licked N1pple only one time , he passed out for 1 day all his money and jewerly was gone . he doesn't want to report it cause he afraid that his wife will find out....

think twice before lick anythings!!

:o sramrok - what are you smoking? :D

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out of topic .. story that i heard ..one guy licked N1pple only one time , he passed out for 1 day all his money and jewerly was gone . he doesn't want to report it cause he afraid that his wife will find out....

think twice before lick anythings!!

Man those must have been some killer nipples! Was she some kind of mutant like from the x-men? What future for her nursing infant? :o

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