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ED-Visa in Laos/Savannakhet - same day service

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Thanks for the report. Still it is a big waste of time, money and energy, not to mention the risks of these longish bus travels. I hope they bring back the old system without having to leave the country every year and undergo all this hassle.

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Thanks for the great report!

How was the VIP Bus ?

Was it like on these pictures: http://www.iloveyellowbus.com/services.html ?

Unfortunately the seats weren't that comfortable like these on the pictures, but far better than the standard seats which are smaller and don't have a leg rest.

Maybe the pictures are from a VIP 24 bus (24 seats, 3 in a row) which are used on the route to Koh Samui, I traveled in a VIP bus with 32 seats (4 per row).

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Thanks for the report. Still it is a big waste of time, money and energy, not to mention the risks of these longish bus travels. I hope they bring back the old system without having to leave the country every year and undergo all this hassle.

For sure a big waste - I also would be happy, if the old system comes back.

Specially the return trip in the bus was hard, still felt the 15 hours from the previous night in the bones and had to sit that long again...

I am not sure how it would have been if I would have taken the standard bus for both journeys?

If you travel from far away, It's better to stay in Savannakhet for 1-2 nights to relax the body from the torture of the 1st trip before heading back 'home'. In that case you also don't have to worry to make it to the consulate before 11 a.m. on the first day.

The guest houses and smaller hotels offer rooms for about 250 (fan) to 400 Baht (aircon, fridge, hot-water, private toilet).

And to avoid the taxi-mafia you can rent a bicycle for 60 Baht a day (saw some places to rent in the center, but not near the consulate).

Don't worry about the traffic - it's very relaxed there.

The same-day service from the consulate is nice, and very useful for someone who lives closer to Mukdahan and can also be good for someone who arrives too late for the application.

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Thanks for the information noni99. I might travel to this area when the need arises for a look around a part of Laos I have not visited. Imho, you give good information for the next visitors to bear in mind when dealing with some unscrupulous locals. Thanks again.

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Thanks for the information noni99. I might travel to this area when the need arises for a look around a part of Laos I have not visited. Imho, you give good information for the next visitors to bear in mind when dealing with some unscrupulous locals. Thanks again.

... beside the taxi-drivers I spoke to (hopefully not all are like that), I didn't see unscrupulous locals there - for a 5 mins. drive they wanted 200 Baht (1 night in a small, clean hotel with air, fridge, hot-water costs 400 baht).

It was my 2nd trip to Savannakhet in 8 years, so I don't know it really - but the locals I met were 'sabaai sabaai'.

Absolutely stress-free there - it's a nice change to my usual life-style (which I would probably miss after a couple of days).

On my first trip I took a bicycle to explore all the small streets and temples in the (quite big) center along the waterfront - enjoyed it a lot.

The surroundings should also be very nice for trekking, cycling-tours ... http://www.ecotourismlaos.com/activities/act_trekking.htm#Savannakhet

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