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Ayutthaya Historical Park/Angkor Wat Experts


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Hi, I’m looking to travel to Ayutthaya Historical Park to shoot a film trailer because I find it simply fascinating. I will be traveling with a video team of about 2-3 people to record during the night time. I want to know is it safe and what precautions I should take before going. (Vaccines, clothing, any dangers to watch out for , rules of Thailand culture, etc.) I am considering also going to Angkor Wat in Cambodia as well. I am from the United States and have always loved Thai culture so I want to make sure this experience is safe and goes smoothly.

Any advice from people who live around the area or have been there before? A sincere thank you in advance.

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Most important is that you have a valid shooting permit and that you (and your crew if they're foreigners) hold temporary work permits. You are very likely to be approached by officials while shooting and can get yourself into a heap of trouble if you cannot present the paperwork.

Contact the Thailand Film Office for further details and procedures: www.thailandfilmoffice.org

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My family live about 15 minutes outside Ayutthaya.As long as you get the permission suggested by previous posters

many people go to Ayutthaya on a day trip , returning to Bangkok and hotel of an evening, that is what has kept Ayutthya unspoiled

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"Musicindustry", what kind of film are you making? Something promotional for the music industry? Something involving lewd dancing and otherwise inappropriate behaviour? If so, it's not welcome in Thailand - particularly in Ayutthaya. The ruins are still regarded as religious sites and proper standards of behaviour are still required. No poor standard of dress. No disrespect to Buddha figures. No personal intimacy.

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In my opinion, Angkor Wat is a "must see" for historical sites.

I purchased a 2-day pass and still didn't see everything. But the main Angkor Wat temple is a must, and be sure to view the amazing "bas reliefs" (carvings) on all four walls, describing the inhabitants lives, wars, and beliefs.

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Permits sure, normal travel precautions, respect for the culture and no particular vaccines… Though quite different and more vast, Angkor Wat is pretty amazing… I have always preffered Sukhothai Historical Park to Ayutthaya, - and there are far smaller and les traveled places such as in Kamphaeng Phet, unrestored and in a more natural state…

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You can expect the Cambodians to hit you for some large fees. Angkok Wat is a major cash cow for the country. It's an amazing place, though.

Apart from formalities, shooting around Angkor will have far more hazard than Ayutthaya. Cambodia is not a big place for law and order. Relative to that, Thailand is very safe.

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I just returned two weeks ago from Siem Reap (home of Angkor Wat, and dozens others). This time of year, temples of Siem Reap will be crowded with tourists -- especially Angkor Wat. Some of the smaller temples are charming and just as photogenic, so you may be better off not to set your heart exclusively on Angkor Wat. My favorite temple there is TaPhrom, which has been purposely left un-restored pretty much as it was re-discovered 130 years ago.

I've been there twice, having bought a 3-day pass each time (the limit of my endurance), and could return again and again. I find it much more interesting than either Succothai or Ayutthaya.

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If you have never been to any of these historic Hindu/Buddhist sites, I am sure you will find Ayutthaya to be quite fascinating. There are a number of sites dispersed throughout the city reflecting various architectural styles and states or ruin. It is very close and easy to get to from Bangkok. I hopped on a 3rd class train (which was an experience itself) for a paltry 15 Baht was there in an hour or two. I would definitely make sure you obtain the appropriate permits and permission for filming, especially since you plan on doing it at nighttime.

Personally, when I first decided to go to Ayutthaya as part of a vacation in Bangkok, I viewed it as a sort of Angkor-lite. I feel like if I started off at Angkor, then many of the other sites would only pale in comparison. I think if someone is truly interested in visiting these sites, then it makes sense to start off with something smaller and work your way up. For this reason, I enjoyed my day touring Ayutthaya every bit as much as my day in Siem Reap.

BTW, I think it is funny that people from Thailand always refer to the temples around Siem Reap as Angkor Wat, because Siem Reap translates to 'fall of Siam' (Thailand). Angkor Wat is but one of many temple sites around the historic walled city of Angkor Thom and Siem Reap, and to be honest, there were many others that I liked more than Angkor Wat. My general impression of Angkor Wat was that I had seen it so many times in pictures and on TV, that being there in person was surprisingly underwhelming. It was still a very worthwhile and enjoyable experience that everyone should see at least once, just not the highlight of my tour.

Edited by RaoulDuke
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You can expect the Cambodians to hit you for some large fees. Angkok Wat is a major cash cow for the country. It's an amazing place, though.

Apart from formalities, shooting around Angkor will have far more hazard than Ayutthaya. Cambodia is not a big place for law and order. Relative to that, Thailand is very safe.

It's your point of view ; not mine; U can say or write that to the english parents of the two young people savagely assassinated on Koh_Tao island ..

and also to the families of the about 30.000 people who die every year on the thai roads ....

Coming back to the question; " y a pas photo" , as french people say , between Ayuttaya and Angkor Wat;

go to Cambodia if u can . It's marvellous .

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