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Chalerm's 'insight' may be blind loyalty


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Gen. Prayut can be encouraged by recent opinion surveys ...??? They all point to over 95% approval by the public on everything he has done and will do, if they are to be believed. In fact I'm sure 100% is just a matter of time and then he'll be as popular as Kim Jong-un.

So why does he:

- continue martial law?

- avoid any public referendums and public debate on his proposals for reform in lieu of his handpicked NLA, NRC, and CC?

- deny Thais their freedom of speech , freedom of press, and elections?

Maybeit is for the same reason he is willing to appear in public in Mynamar and Italy but not in Northern/Eastern Thailand. It is FEAR from a population that might not stand behind him - a place from where he can't see them.

and before the coup we had harmony - stability - happiness - prosperity and above all an honest government not controlled by convicted criminals on the run living abroad backed by a funded armed terrorist movement actively engaged in murdering innocent civilians

Tell me I'm wrong

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Gen. Prayut can be encouraged by recent opinion surveys ...??? They all point to over 95% approval by the public on everything he has done and will do, if they are to be believed. In fact I'm sure 100% is just a matter of time and then he'll be as popular as Kim Jong-un.

So why does he:

- continue martial law?

- avoid any public referendums and public debate on his proposals for reform in lieu of his handpicked NLA, NRC, and CC?

- deny Thais their freedom of speech , freedom of press, and elections?

Maybeit is for the same reason he is willing to appear in public in Mynamar and Italy but not in Northern/Eastern Thailand. It is FEAR from a population that might not stand behind him - a place from where he can't see them.

While some wonder why the PM didn't appear in Isaan, Mai Sot, Cha-am and HatYai, the rest of us wonder about Pol. Captain Chalerm of the topic.

I'm still puzzled he didn't offer his invaluable help in writing laws and constitutions.

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The truest thing Chalerm alluded to and which hasn't really been commented on by analysts was the idea that PTP/Thaksin will always resurface unless their political opponents find a way to tangibly improve the lives of their support base - the rural poor.

Its all very well for anti-Thaksin TVers to profess knowing what is good for the rural poor better than the rural poor themselves know, but the inescapable truth must be addressed by the Dems/Military - put your money where your mouth is and invest in rural infrastructure and social development. Otherwise you are just blowing bubbles out of your elitist asses and well large numbers of the electorate know it.

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The truest thing Chalerm alluded to and which hasn't really been commented on by analysts was the idea that PTP/Thaksin will always resurface unless their political opponents find a way to tangibly improve the lives of their support base - the rural poor.

Its all very well for anti-Thaksin TVers to profess knowing what is good for the rural poor better than the rural poor themselves know, but the inescapable truth must be addressed by the Dems/Military - put your money where your mouth is and invest in rural infrastructure and social development. Otherwise you are just blowing bubbles out of your elitist asses and well large numbers of the electorate know it.

Or a real political party emerges, that truly fights for the rites of the poor, working class Thais with real polices that will deliver a fairer society.

Not one extended family hi-jacking it and manipulating things to enrich themselves even more, and install a family dynastic dictatorship.

Replacing the current feudal hierarchical elite ruling base with a greedy inept one family dictatorship will do little to improve things for the poor.

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The truest thing Chalerm alluded to and which hasn't really been commented on by analysts was the idea that PTP/Thaksin will always resurface unless their political opponents find a way to tangibly improve the lives of their support base - the rural poor.

Its all very well for anti-Thaksin TVers to profess knowing what is good for the rural poor better than the rural poor themselves know, but the inescapable truth must be addressed by the Dems/Military - put your money where your mouth is and invest in rural infrastructure and social development. Otherwise you are just blowing bubbles out of your elitist asses and well large numbers of the electorate know it.

The lives of the poor have been so enhanced by the Yingluck, Thaksin clone, Govt that 16 poor farmers killed themselves over the debts they incurred because someone forgot to make provision for their payment before they dissolved parliament.

The poor are now in deeper debt than they have ever been because of the policies of the previous administration led by a minister of finance who believed it was a good thing to lie about the economy as it would give people confidence.

The previous administration reversed the Dems policy of making school uniforms and books free and made parents pay for them, they dumped the Dems package of education reforms that was on the table when they took over in favor of tablets and we know how that turned out.

The previous administration reversed the Dems policy of making health care free and went back to charging 30b even though it cost more to administer than it brought in.

Meanwhile Thaksin has increased his wealth 450% in the time of the Yingluck administration, or so he is reported to have told Forbes.

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The truest thing Chalerm alluded to and which hasn't really been commented on by analysts was the idea that PTP/Thaksin will always resurface unless their political opponents find a way to tangibly improve the lives of their support base - the rural poor.

Its all very well for anti-Thaksin TVers to profess knowing what is good for the rural poor better than the rural poor themselves know, but the inescapable truth must be addressed by the Dems/Military - put your money where your mouth is and invest in rural infrastructure and social development. Otherwise you are just blowing bubbles out of your elitist asses and well large numbers of the electorate know it.

The lives of the poor have been so enhanced by the Yingluck, Thaksin clone, Govt that 16 poor farmers killed themselves over the debts they incurred because someone forgot to make provision for their payment before they dissolved parliament.

The poor are now in deeper debt than they have ever been because of the policies of the previous administration led by a minister of finance who believed it was a good thing to lie about the economy as it would give people confidence.

The previous administration reversed the Dems policy of making school uniforms and books free and made parents pay for them, they dumped the Dems package of education reforms that was on the table when they took over in favor of tablets and we know how that turned out.

The previous administration reversed the Dems policy of making health care free and went back to charging 30b even though it cost more to administer than it brought in.

Meanwhile Thaksin has increased his wealth 450% in the time of the Yingluck administration, or so he is reported to have told Forbes.

*sigh* Thanks for the party political broadcast. Where do I sign up?

Unfortunately for the sake of balanced discussion, your reactionary zeal has prevented you from addressing the central point I was making. I will therefore break it up into baby steps in the hope that something will register:

1) Do you accept that in order for PTP/Thaksin to be kept out of power given democratic elections, their support base must be swayed away from them towards the Dems? (If no, why? If yes, go to step 2)

2) Do you agree that in order for the majority of current (latest?) PTP/Thaksin voters to vote for the Dems, the Dems have to implement changes which have a real and beneficial effect in their lives? (if no, why? If yes, go to step 3)

3) Do you agree that the rural poor are able to gauge when their lives are better and when their lives are worse? (if no, why? if yes, go to step 4)

4) Congratulations! You agree with the central points of my post. Just pretend that Chalerm didn't make any of them - it could cloud your judgement if you don't.

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The truest thing Chalerm alluded to and which hasn't really been commented on by analysts was the idea that PTP/Thaksin will always resurface unless their political opponents find a way to tangibly improve the lives of their support base - the rural poor.

Its all very well for anti-Thaksin TVers to profess knowing what is good for the rural poor better than the rural poor themselves know, but the inescapable truth must be addressed by the Dems/Military - put your money where your mouth is and invest in rural infrastructure and social development. Otherwise you are just blowing bubbles out of your elitist asses and well large numbers of the electorate know it.

Or a real political party emerges, that truly fights for the rites of the poor, working class Thais with real polices that will deliver a fairer society.

Not one extended family hi-jacking it and manipulating things to enrich themselves even more, and install a family dynastic dictatorship.

Replacing the current feudal hierarchical elite ruling base with a greedy inept one family dictatorship will do little to improve things for the poor.

Fair enough, but no one ever truly fights for the poor. It would have to be poor-sympathetic faction or influence within the groups you describe that could deliver incremental improvements over time. Lets face it, the only reason why Thaksin has so many fans among the rural poor was because he thought giving them something would give him more back. End result though - the poor got more.

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The truest thing Chalerm alluded to and which hasn't really been commented on by analysts was the idea that PTP/Thaksin will always resurface unless their political opponents find a way to tangibly improve the lives of their support base - the rural poor.

Its all very well for anti-Thaksin TVers to profess knowing what is good for the rural poor better than the rural poor themselves know, but the inescapable truth must be addressed by the Dems/Military - put your money where your mouth is and invest in rural infrastructure and social development. Otherwise you are just blowing bubbles out of your elitist asses and well large numbers of the electorate know it.

The lives of the poor have been so enhanced by the Yingluck, Thaksin clone, Govt that 16 poor farmers killed themselves over the debts they incurred because someone forgot to make provision for their payment before they dissolved parliament.

The poor are now in deeper debt than they have ever been because of the policies of the previous administration led by a minister of finance who believed it was a good thing to lie about the economy as it would give people confidence.

The previous administration reversed the Dems policy of making school uniforms and books free and made parents pay for them, they dumped the Dems package of education reforms that was on the table when they took over in favor of tablets and we know how that turned out.

The previous administration reversed the Dems policy of making health care free and went back to charging 30b even though it cost more to administer than it brought in.

Meanwhile Thaksin has increased his wealth 450% in the time of the Yingluck administration, or so he is reported to have told Forbes.

*sigh* Thanks for the party political broadcast. Where do I sign up?

Unfortunately for the sake of balanced discussion, your reactionary zeal has prevented you from addressing the central point I was making. I will therefore break it up into baby steps in the hope that something will register:

1) Do you accept that in order for PTP/Thaksin to be kept out of power given democratic elections, their support base must be swayed away from them towards the Dems? (If no, why? If yes, go to step 2)

2) Do you agree that in order for the majority of current (latest?) PTP/Thaksin voters to vote for the Dems, the Dems have to implement changes which have a real and beneficial effect in their lives? (if no, why? If yes, go to step 3)

3) Do you agree that the rural poor are able to gauge when their lives are better and when their lives are worse? (if no, why? if yes, go to step 4)

4) Congratulations! You agree with the central points of my post. Just pretend that Chalerm didn't make any of them - it could cloud your judgement if you don't.

Don't like truth do you ?

The Dems have done their share to help the poor, which you and the other PT supporters ignore.

Yes Thaksin did things for them in the past, but over the last 3 years his clone Govt has only made their lives worse

The biggest problem that the Dems have are the lies that have been and are continually being told about them.

Your post shows this.

The two great lies that they are murderers and that they are pawns of some shadowy elite.

I have already covered the lie that they have done nothing.

Consider for a moment that PT politicians were paid by their party, 100,000b pm for elected MPs and 50,000b for list MP's over and above their salary (reported today in BKK post they are complaining that payment has been cut now they are out of power).

And that the Dems actually paid part of their salary into the party.

Now tell me which party is funded by the rich elite ?

The Yingluck Govt lowered company and corporate taxes, did that help the poor ? No it helped the rich.

Those of us who can think for ourselves and don't have to follow a party line know very well why the murder lie was concocted and that the instigator and funder of the 2010 riots is indeed the guilty party.

They have also had a big problem of not being allowed to campaign in PT (red) provinces, there has even been a campaigner killed for trying, so just getting a message out there has been made next to impossible.

But keep supporting Chalerm he needs all the help he can get, Iam surprised he hasn't been called in to explain his threat to General P.

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The coup was not to stop corruption, it was to stop violence, you can see that since the coup people have stopped being killed over politics; which leads to the following point:

The problem is that Thaksin and his band have divided the country on purpose for political gain, so trying to stop him and trying to stop the national divide are the same thing.

absolutely 100% correct which make the OP a pile of <deleted> nonesense

The coup was to steal power from the people by overthrowing their elected government.

Corruption was the false clarion call used to entice the rabid right and their paid lackeys into the streets to lay the ground work for the coming coup

Violence (including self bombing) was the tactic used by Suthep and company to provide an opening for the military to step in, the more bloodshed they achieved, the nearer they advanced to their savage goal.

Since Suthep disappeared off the streets people have stopped being killed over politics, the correlation of these two events is perfect.

Thaksin and his followers united the country, at one point garnering 60% of all votes cast.

Thailand has never been as united as during Thaksin's era as PM.

Thailand has never been as divided as during the post 2006 yellow birthed coup era.

Trying to stop Thaksin and trying to stop the national divide are exactly 180 degree polar opposites.

The day Thaksin returns will be the greatest homecoming this nation has ever seen.

(All of this of course means your "absolutely 100%correct" statement is absolutely 100% wrong)

Violence (including self bombing) was the tactic used by Suthep and company to provide an opening for the military to step in

If you keep repeating a lie... you look like a liar and anything you support becomes suspect.

Besides that it's against forum rules, so, reported.

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The truest thing Chalerm alluded to and which hasn't really been commented on by analysts was the idea that PTP/Thaksin will always resurface unless their political opponents find a way to tangibly improve the lives of their support base - the rural poor.

Its all very well for anti-Thaksin TVers to profess knowing what is good for the rural poor better than the rural poor themselves know, but the inescapable truth must be addressed by the Dems/Military - put your money where your mouth is and invest in rural infrastructure and social development. Otherwise you are just blowing bubbles out of your elitist asses and well large numbers of the electorate know it.

The lives of the poor have been so enhanced by the Yingluck, Thaksin clone, Govt that 16 poor farmers killed themselves over the debts they incurred because someone forgot to make provision for their payment before they dissolved parliament.

The poor are now in deeper debt than they have ever been because of the policies of the previous administration led by a minister of finance who believed it was a good thing to lie about the economy as it would give people confidence.

The previous administration reversed the Dems policy of making school uniforms and books free and made parents pay for them, they dumped the Dems package of education reforms that was on the table when they took over in favor of tablets and we know how that turned out.

The previous administration reversed the Dems policy of making health care free and went back to charging 30b even though it cost more to administer than it brought in.

Meanwhile Thaksin has increased his wealth 450% in the time of the Yingluck administration, or so he is reported to have told Forbes.

*sigh* Thanks for the party political broadcast. Where do I sign up?

Unfortunately for the sake of balanced discussion, your reactionary zeal has prevented you from addressing the central point I was making. I will therefore break it up into baby steps in the hope that something will register:

1) Do you accept that in order for PTP/Thaksin to be kept out of power given democratic elections, their support base must be swayed away from them towards the Dems? (If no, why? If yes, go to step 2)

2) Do you agree that in order for the majority of current (latest?) PTP/Thaksin voters to vote for the Dems, the Dems have to implement changes which have a real and beneficial effect in their lives? (if no, why? If yes, go to step 3)

3) Do you agree that the rural poor are able to gauge when their lives are better and when their lives are worse? (if no, why? if yes, go to step 4)

4) Congratulations! You agree with the central points of my post. Just pretend that Chalerm didn't make any of them - it could cloud your judgement if you don't.

point0: if you like leading questions or simply don't care goto point4 directly.

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