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Throat Infections - Not Just In The Gay Community?

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I'm kind of reluctant to write this topic, for reasons which will be obvious. But I think I owe it to the gay community as a public service.

There seems to be a tremendously virulent and possibly antibiotic-resistant strain of throat infections, possibly strep, going around the Bangkok gay community. For years this has been noticeable anyway in the sex industry. However, I think it has spread and taken hold in a big way in the gay community at large. I've seen it in sex workers, sauna frequenters, and perfectly bourgeouis stay-at-home types who happen to have boyfriends out... doing something all night.

I've been a victim of this thing myself more than once over the last few years, and it's getting harder and harder to treat. Add to this the fact that doctors here will hardly ever do a check to see what kind of bacteria you have in your throat (and then more often than not prescribe the wrong type of antibiotics at random), and you can have a difficult, painful, dangerous infection for a looooooooong time.

How to avoid? Mostly avoid kissing anyone new and anyone who seems to have any kind of cough, although I guess since that's usually the first step in a relationship things could get awkward. Maybe we should all go back to the Thai kiss?

Now, I'm must emphasize here- I'm not a doctor- do-not-follow-my-advice- do not pay attention to me and then somehow get sick and blame me- do not do what I say- so, once again, if you get a tickle in your throat and feel sick shortly after having sex with someone, do NOT do the following: go to the doctor, who will probably prescribe amoxycillin/penicillin under some brand name without checking what kind of bacteria are in your throat. Do NOT Realise that he doesn't know if this is the right one or not. Do NOT Go to Lotus. Do NOT Buy a pack of Bactrim, which is the best antibiotic for the OTHER type of bacteria than the one which amoxycillin/penicillin attacks. Do NOT Take this twice a day for 10 days along with the amoxycillin, which you have discovered has no drug interactions with Bactrim. So DON'T do that, remember.

And furthermore, if you have a very strong infection, especially with tonsillitis, DO (really) go to the doctor immediately. A quick injection of strong antibiotics may save you months of infection or even a tonsillectomy.

A more pragmatic friend of mine tells me: "Either you have to get the infections and get self-immunised, or you have to stop kissing the boys."

I'm really hoping not to have this thread go down flaming into catcalls of "serves 'em right!" It's a health issue, not a morals issue.


///Moved by moderator, due to concern for entire "community" in Thailand///PeaceBlondie

Edited by PeaceBlondie
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I have to ask. Why is this only affecting the gay community? Surely, these throat infections could be passed on to anyone through droplets, coughing, sneezing etc.

If, as you say, it has been going around for the past few years, then surely it would be affecting the wider community.

Just asking.

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It may also be affecting the larger community to some degree- it would almost have to, with the large number of bisexual men, married men having sex with men, etc., etc., and then those women passing it on to other men, etc.

It's just that the only anecdotal evidence I have is of the gay community in Bangkok.

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hmmmm sore throats .....

seen everyone from bargirls to students with sore throats over the last couple of years ... more in BKK than elsewhere but also in CNX etc ...

not so sure this is a gay thing at all

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Agreed, it may not be a gay thing at all; bacteria aren't gay or straight.

I picked up a surgical bacteria a year ago, gobs and gobs of it, yellow pus that kept growing inside the wound. I took almost every available antibiotic except penicillin, which would probably kill me. I'm still on new antibiotics, for 8 months now. Thai doctors have no idea what it is. We'd done various tests, but Thai doctors are almost allergic to tests, and the tests aren't perfect. Apparently there are thousands of bacteria and viruses (viri?) in Thailand.

If your tonsils lose the bacterial battle, they become the breeding ground for worse infections. :o

Yes, it's not just a gay disease, and neither are the rest of the sexually transmitted diseases. :D

I'm half tempted to move this discussion to the health forum.

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This is the reason I never kiss!

But, I still get a nasty sore throat occasionally. I find if I start antibiotics at the first sign of a sore throat I can minimize the period of time that I have one.

By the way, if you have pets be extra careful. Somehow, I managed to give a sore throat to my dog (no, I didn't kiss him)--she had a terribly inflamed throat. We both ended up on meds!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Throat infection . Gay related... nope but what the hel_l , if you think so ...

I had many throat infections in the past . I mean , some off them were really bad .Many antibiotics and they do not really help . Theni found a cure , without doctorsvisit or heavy medicines or something and even save for children etcetc .... Thrust me ... it will work , and it is everywhere available . Ok : here it is ... Gargle with a mouth desifecting substance and i don't mean mouthwater but a real desinfectent . Look on the package and it must have chlorhexidine 1% inside . Do not swallow it , just it your throat starts hurting , even very bad ( i mean , 1st time i tried it it was this or going antibiotic again because my throat was white and i started to have fever ... so very bad ) gargle it 1 or 2 times a day , When it is not hurting do not use it because your teeth and tongue discolour after long time using it . It is available in every pharmacy , in Thailand but as well in Europe and evrywhere else without prescription . It is available under different names , so only look at the ingredient ... chlorhexidine 1% ... do it and never use antibiotic again for thoat infections ( before 2 or 3 times a year ... last 3 years ... 0 ... none at all ... ) .

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Definitely not just a gay thing. I've had some stubborn throat issues and gone the antibiotic route with limited success. I started rinsing and gargling with Listerine after brushing my teeth and knock wood the problem seems to have subsided. Not sure if it's gone completely, but I feel better than before for sure.

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Definitely not just a gay thing. I've had some stubborn throat issues and gone the antibiotic route with limited success. I started rinsing and gargling with Listerine after brushing my teeth and knock wood the problem seems to have subsided. Not sure if it's gone completely, but I feel better than before for sure.

Listerine isn't enough for me , but it will surely help . I think in Thailand the thing i use is P79 or something like that . I use Listerine every day but it is not enough on some occasions .

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Half my office appears to be out or down with it at the moment, and none of them are (to my knowledge) gay. Last time I was in at the Dr.'s, I asked for a culture but she said since I was already on antibio it probably wouldn't work. She's changed the family of antibio that I'm using now. Will try another week and then go cold turkey if necessary to get a culture.


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i firend i was shagging before her 65 yo husband arrived from europe complained about a sore throat, mild fever (she sleeps 4 to room [daughter, her, niece, niece daughter]). she was convinced i had given her something. i only had been with her for months (becasue i am so paranoid about sti's). she too i am convinced is 1:1 w/ me. but it had me worried. days before had hiv test (neg) and had been celebate for three months. chemist was recommending all sorts of crap medicine in her bag. i also found acylovir and now i wont touch her although i have never seen her w/ outbreak.

worried - her throat was not red nor did she has any open sores in her mouth.

the longer i am here, the less sex is appealing.

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SORE Throats .

Well when ever i do have SORE throst - which is like the number one sicknes si hate most . for i love food.

In the pass i had try alot of Drug pain killer candy and so on .. all don't work . and in fect is slow and painful recovery process..

here let me share my secret . -

the chinese have a drug make from watermelon skin . which work like charm for SORE THROAT

i can say it almost ease the pain instantly . and you can have as many dose as you like cos is all natural .

there do sell it in BANGKOK .

GO to the bangkok china town . visit the HERBAL HALL name " TONG REN TANG "

Ask for - a powder like drug use for curing SORE throat -made from WATERMELON SKIN .

Trust me .

it work and work really well .


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A lot of people do have chronic sore throats in Bangkok and the surrounding area because of air pollution and allergies. This would make you more prone to infection- but what I started the thread about was specifically about an actual bacterial infection which seems very resistant to treatment. You would know if you had this (as opposed to simple allergies) by the white spots or blotches on your tonsils or the back of your mouth.


P.S. Mine has cleared up, but I don't trust it- I think I'll be gargling several times a day for the next month or so and drinking a lot of hot teas.

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