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50 Million Baht Has Been Approved For Koh Samui To Tackle Flood Problems

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50 million baht has been approved for Koh Samui to tackle flood problems

Koh Samui District Chief Officer Decha Gangsanan (เดชา กังสนันท์) indicated that the governor of Surat Thani has approved 50 million baht in solving the flood problem on Samui Island.

Mr. Decha said the money will be used to dig tunnels under edges of roads in Bophud (บ่อผุด) Beach and Lamai (ละไม) Beach, which are areas that experience recurring floods. There will also be a radar installation to detect storms from China, which would allow the sending of warnings to people before the storm approaches. Work regarding this is currently in the coordination phase, among related agencies.

The Samui district chief added that there are 17 spots in Koh Samui district at risk of landslides, and officials have been ordered to quickly erect plans to prevent such disasters.

He also revealed that a public hearing on determining the area of forests to conserve will be conducted, in regards to about 34,000 rai of forestland from the total existing area of 150,000 rai.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 02 August 2006

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This is good news for Samui, they will be able to discuss it for the next few years till the money runs out for the meetings, as for digging tunnels along the road in Bophut it was done but they don't run any were, if you were around when they laid the storm water pipes in Chaweng it was a big job over a couple of years what happened there the pipes go no where and there is flooding every year.

Just accept nothing will change.

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Strange they name Lamai and Bophut. I found that Chaweng has the most trouble with water. After a heavy rainfall Lamai has trouble in only 1 or 2 small areas but after they fixed the drainage and sewer system it is already a lot better. In Chaweng however you see many places with water problems and hotels and shops have to use sandbags to protect them from the water.

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Just $1.25M for solving major problem in such a large island only? Kinew mak mak na :D

Thai price :o

But there is so much money in samui tourism industry, just count how many resorts out there where

they charge like ??????>5,000 bhat per day per room, It's time to skin those cats

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It doesn't matter how much money you throw at the problem or where the money comes from the problem will remain, main reason no enforcement of planing laws and filling all the water catchment along the side of roads and then building making the road a new klong. Bophut area is a prime example along the main road where the go cart track is, one side used to hold water 5 years ago look at it now filled in and flooding the road, and then look what is happening to the swamp a bit further along on the right slowly getting filled in. Forget about saving the forests as they have already been cut by Thais making farms in the hills, look at saving water retention area's

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Just $1.25M for solving major problem in such a large island only? Kinew mak mak na :o

Samui's taxes all go to the mainland govt and it is they who decide budgets. I am sure that the local govt has some say, but, ultimately, it is the mainland that makes these decisions.

Go to Surat Thani, there is a terrific new road to Krabi halfway between Don Sak and Ban Don, hardly anyone ever on it. Boondoggles abound.

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Strange they name Lamai and Bophut. I found that Chaweng has the most trouble with water. After a heavy rainfall Lamai has trouble in only 1 or 2 small areas but after they fixed the drainage and sewer system it is already a lot better. In Chaweng however you see many places with water problems and hotels and shops have to use sandbags to protect them from the water.

Being away from the island for a considerable amount of time KJ :o , you might not be aware of some of the work that has been undertaken.

The floods last November as you can imagine have caused a considerable amount of damage & incovenience to say the least.

But since then major drainage work has taken place on the ring road in Chaweng to alleviate that particular situation there.

Lamai ring road major probs , impassable & with water feeding in to the inner lamai road causing a lot of damage.

Bophut also had it very bad ,with the army there constructing piping to alleviate the flooding.

Maenam some major work has already taken place,only the rainy season will put it to the test.

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Being away from the island for a considerable amount of time KJ :o , you might not be aware of some of the work that has been undertaken.

Indeed, a little over a year now. The changes that take place and the speed is nothing short of amazing. I remember coming back from a 5 week holiday to other places in Thailand a new resort was being build close to silver beach, a few houses were more than 50% done. In 5 weeks from a piece of coconut land to a development. Really hard workers.

I hope this money will be well spend. And maybe something will be done about the deforesting.

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Its too bad what is becomming of the island.

I havent known Samui as long as most people here but I have noticed everything being ripped out. They recently knocked out a few rai of beautiful coconut garden on ring road close to tesco for some new project Im guessing. Pretty soon the island will have no coconuts at all. Then where will everyone go?

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Just $1.25M for solving major problem in such a large island only? Kinew mak mak na :D

Especially considering last year tourists spent 18.5 billion baht....

Don't hold your breath,they can't even manage to sweep the bike lane of the ring road everyday...(Oh I forgot,that would reduce bike accidents too much and then the big hospitals would suffer... :o )

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Its too bad what is becomming of the island.

I havent known Samui as long as most people here but I have noticed everything being ripped out. They recently knocked out a few rai of beautiful coconut garden on ring road close to tesco for some new project Im guessing. Pretty soon the island will have no coconuts at all. Then where will everyone go?

koh phan ngan

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1/ They have started Major work in Bophut.

2/ Coconut TREES? Why worry about them? What about all the rainforest they had to clear to plant coconut trees?

Coconut trees are an introduced species. You like them so much buy some land & grow some.

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