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Get Clean Of Yaba, Where Can Find Help?

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it's serious. i am not trolling.

i have a friend with a drug problem, yaba. these person, i guess from my non medical amateurish view, have a big problem. become really crazy and ill in the head. is mental and maybe also schizophrenic. first it was just like a little bit bababobo, being other like the others. i had the same and recover something like a depression by myself or still being in that state but can handle and have control. but these person not, i feel really helpless. i think the only solution can be professional help. but what ways exist here? where to go? report to the police and have the withdrawal in the hardest way is not an option. are here some psychology institution handle these more careful? cause i think its not only the drug make these person mental, there lay something in the past, family or relationship that’s going wrong, make these person become crazy, maybe is genetic, i don't know. but there is more for repair in the head then just being drug addicted. becoming drug addicted is just the symptom for some more deeper mental illness. and become clean of yaba only the first step of recovery. and taking just some other kind of 'good psycho drugs' for keep a person quiet and 'stable' is also a strange option. lost a a good friend allready, now just smiling stupid all day in a psychiatric hospital western style (after these "professionals" take over, my friend is not the same anymore). and i hear not the best about how mental illness get handled in thailand.

what to do? anyone knows? should be some place where you don't get handle as a criminal but really get some help. i am desperate.

okay, i am not trolling. i will give more input. these person is female and thai nationality. i am male, farang and in love with her. but her mental status and me being not strong enough killed our relationship. she is a real addictive, promise to stop never work and there is maybe also a culture issue of admit to being guilty. so is impossible to discuss that subject with her. she becoming only really angry and aggressive. i have now a broken heart but i am afraid she is broken as a person at all.

i love her,and more than that she is a soul brother, deviant same me, she is a bit 'misanthropic' same me and bla bla, the reason of that, may lay, if i draw a parallel or compare it with my views of life, in deepest disappointment with/ betray of other people. she is full of distrust ,and as result not that very social. very strange for a thai person, never met someone like that with these social behaviour, so you don't make friends and she really have no thai friends here in bangkok. (she is coming from south.) she is 24 and you could call her a dek neow. as far as i know and what she tells me, she starting this doing at school. and someone must tell her some bullshit about: 'thats open your mind , take your soul on the trip' and so. she belive that, but i think yaba don't push your brain in a higher circle. she still refer to this pills as her power helper, did not realise how bad they are and how they have change her moods. i know other yaba users, but seems they have more control, using it only sometimes, know that these drug are bad and you have to be careful. but not here, she lost control.

and now i think i/we have to go the hard step and hand her over to some kind of mental institution. that will be really the hel_l for her. but i don't know what to do.

i hope someone here in these forum have an advice for me may one of you had handled similar problems. and i guess it will be also not easy for me, as a western male, with western views, to show up with her i some thai rehab center. i see some TV spot of these kind of rehab, but compere with all the other spots you can see here on TVscreen i am not sure how these happend in real. my fear is too that after that she is may clean of drugs but her personality is gone also. myself have been on the edge in the past as well have not the highest view of psycho docs.

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She has to want to get clean. Just because you want it for her doesn't mean she wants it for herself. Until that time comes, there is nothing you can do.

yes, thanks for your answer.

but may there is a way to talk to/with her do develop that will to stop.

i think she need to talk to someone, she allways make some notes for herself or something like letters to an imaginered friend, or adresed to mother, sister, grandpa, me but never send.

i can not read thai. and also for talking this subject my thai is not good enough, so her english. but there is not only that language barrier, also a culture barrier. and me as myself i am not used to talk about my personal problem or can be a good listener to other ones. i think there is a cry for help in her, i don't know how to provide that help by myself alone.

and i think there is more than just a yaba habbit, she is bi polar, one day so happy and then deep depressed. one day decorate my home with flowers, implant some seeds, enjoy cooking food, paint pictures and so on, next day talking about the voices she hear and why these 'bad persons' don't let her alone (but there is nobody), write down pages of notes with all the same sentences. speak english that makes no sense.point at the sky and ask me if i see the door. very scary mood. i don't know if these are just the symptons of drug use or she had that disposition allready. i am not a doctor. just from my one experience, there are drugs that may open some kind of doors in your head, but yaba give not that effect.

and yes there is nothing i can do, i am helpless same her as well, but i think there a professionals, with skills willing to listen and can persuade her for that will to stop and become clean. you know what i mean?

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it's serious. i am not trolling.

i have a friend with a drug problem, yaba. these person, i guess from my non medical amateurish view, have a big problem. become really crazy and ill in the head. is mental and maybe also schizophrenic. first it was just like a little bit bababobo, being other like the others. i had the same and recover something like a depression by myself or still being in that state but can handle and have control. but these person not, i feel really helpless. i think the only solution can be professional help. but what ways exist here? where to go? report to the police and have the withdrawal in the hardest way is not an option. are here some psychology institution handle these more careful? cause i think its not only the drug make these person mental, there lay something in the past, family or relationship that’s going wrong, make these person become crazy, maybe is genetic, i don't know. but there is more for repair in the head then just being drug addicted. becoming drug addicted is just the symptom for some more deeper mental illness. and become clean of yaba only the first step of recovery. and taking just some other kind of 'good psycho drugs' for keep a person quiet and 'stable' is also a strange option. lost a a good friend allready, now just smiling stupid all day in a psychiatric hospital western style (after these "professionals" take over, my friend is not the same anymore). and i hear not the best about how mental illness get handled in thailand.

what to do? anyone knows? should be some place where you don't get handle as a criminal but really get some help. i am desperate.

okay, i am not trolling. i will give more input. these person is female and thai nationality. i am male, farang and in love with her. but her mental status and me being not strong enough killed our relationship. she is a real addictive, promise to stop never work and there is maybe also a culture issue of admit to being guilty. so is impossible to discuss that subject with her. she becoming only really angry and aggressive. i have now a broken heart but i am afraid she is broken as a person at all.

i love her,and more than that she is a soul brother, deviant same me, she is a bit 'misanthropic' same me and bla bla, the reason of that, may lay, if i draw a parallel or compare it with my views of life, in deepest disappointment with/ betray of other people. she is full of distrust ,and as result not that very social. very strange for a thai person, never met someone like that with these social behaviour, so you don't make friends and she really have no thai friends here in bangkok. (she is coming from south.) she is 24 and you could call her a dek neow. as far as i know and what she tells me, she starting this doing at school. and someone must tell her some bullshit about: 'thats open your mind , take your soul on the trip' and so. she belive that, but i think yaba don't push your brain in a higher circle. she still refer to this pills as her power helper, did not realise how bad they are and how they have change her moods. i know other yaba users, but seems they have more control, using it only sometimes, know that these drug are bad and you have to be careful. but not here, she lost control.

and now i think i/we have to go the hard step and hand her over to some kind of mental institution. that will be really the hel_l for her. but i don't know what to do.

i hope someone here in these forum have an advice for me may one of you had handled similar problems. and i guess it will be also not easy for me, as a western male, with western views, to show up with her i some thai rehab center. i see some TV spot of these kind of rehab, but compere with all the other spots you can see here on TVscreen i am not sure how these happend in real. my fear is too that after that she is may clean of drugs but her personality is gone also. myself have been on the edge in the past as well have not the highest view of psycho docs.

try AA they help drug addicts as well :o

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It's impossible to determine if she has an underlying psychiatric illness until she has cleared herself of the amphetamine abuse. Her "bipolar" swings are very common in amphetamine addicts.

I recommend taking her to seek help and wish you both the best in overcoming this very difficult problem.

Perhaps begin with taking her to a public hospital and see what they say regarding rehabilitation treatment. If you can afford it, a private hospital would be even better.

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Where in Thailand do you live?

Treatment for yaba addiction is usually detox on an out-patient basis, with the prescription of sedatives. There are various state hospitals and private clinics that offer this service. It is often called the Matrix program.

Something to think about: state hospitals and clinics are required to inform the police of anyone coming for drug treatment. If your friend starts she must be determined, because if she continues using she could have problems with the police. Private clinics are not obliged to pass on any information.

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A long time ago I found a website of a Thai student addicted to Yaba and as a way to get rid of his addiction he started something like we call now a b-log.

I tried search for it but not found yet.

It was very interesting to read how he tried and tried and many times his 'friends' on school offered him for free again with all kind of tricks and excuses.

There where also some links to professional helpcenters as I remember.

Try searching for Yabaa addiction student website something like that.

I will also try to find again when I have some more time.

People with an addiction often do not wanna face reality as they feel unhappy with how they look

what they are, how they think about this world, bored with life, negative self image, things like that.

Something else you can try is lock you and her up for at least a week, have lots of water juice and healthy food in the house and stay inside 24/7.

Then after a week when all the poison is out of the system you might be able to find the root cause

of the problem by asking and talking how she thinks and feels about anything.

I had a GF before in Holland with similair problem and it took me 3 years to het her back on track.

So be warned it can be a long way to go.

Good luck,


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Wat Tham Krabok (Opium Pipe Monastery) is located in a hillside temple between Lopburi and Sara Buri about 125 km north of Bangkok and 25 km out of Saraburi. They offer a detox and rehab program for addicts with a 70% success rate.

They have been "curing" addictions (heroin, crack, opium etc) for over 30 years and treat people from around the world but mostly Thais from the North. The lead abbot's name is Pra Chamroon and his 2nd in command is black American monk from Harlem, NY (Pra Gordon) who is an ex GI and an ex-addict. The program is free (donations accepted) and lasts about 15 days. It includes herbal potions, religious and psychological counseling. All patient treatment and info is confidential.

Might be worthwhile looking into but the addicted person needs to want to quit. Maybe a one-on-one discussion between you and Pra Gordon would give you useful info on how to proceed if your friend is not cooperative or not yet ready for it. I met Pra Gordon once and he is a very easy going person who knows the score.

Good luck.

I found the following reference in a search of Thai Visa threads that explains the program in more detail with further references.


Edited by farangene
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