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PM urged to act quickly on Ms Yingluck's rice pledging case


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Yea! I agree, the case has been dragging on for far too long, and is fast losing the public’s interest. Get thing’s over and done with so that we can get on with our lives instead of being burdened by sins of the past. Just ban the lot from politics for life.

"Get thing’s over and done with so that we can get on with our lives instead of being burdened by sins of the past." Um, you are prevaricating. You imply that it has to be hurried because 1) the public is losing interest and 2) you cannot get on with your life and 3) because we are burdened by the sins of the past?

Your statements are inane, illogical and transparent in crying out for her blood. You are even less clever than the liar who submitted the request the PM saying his letter was not political, interested in causing trouble or motivated by power. Liars shouldn't contradict themselves.

Um, Abhisit's murder case was dropped in August, just a few months after the coup and not being coincidental in most people's minds. Or is that a forgivable sin of the past -- shooting innocents taking refuge in a temple. A TEMPLE!

It's been a long time since I've read so much B.S in one post !! (FF) Should get a reward for spewing garbage !!

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He said that his Thai Spring group had no intention whatsoever to stir up trouble because the group had no political motives and did not involve in any political gatherings.

But hasn't asked about speeding up any other case that's about to expire ?

Not political ? Ummm okay then

Pray, name me some cases which are about to expire, preferably cases in which activities of politicians are studied and which (cases) didn't lead to formal charges at a court yet.

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hope she rots in hell and while still here in some prison for all deaths and harm her and her brother and clan have caused but TIT and shell probably get away with it.

Best thing the general could do for the PTP, UDD and red cause would be to lock her up for a couple or years. Dare ya?

ha ha ha and red shirt scum will like always run like cowards same as their leader bring it on and finally get rid of this vile cancer masquerading as a saviour of poor on Thailand. WEll see but i hope and pray they just try it and see them run like rabbits when they even try anything against army

But then you're posts always were remarkable for their open minded tolerance weren't they?

"Open minded tolerance".....??????

Why should paid terrorists/arsonists/murderers of innocent adults and children be tolerated, in any country on the planet ?

Especially when they are funded by the illegal leader of a failed government. Tell the people who lost family and friends to these murderers to be "tolerant" of them, and let me know how you got on.

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I agree somewhat however she has to be tried by the same laws as everyone else and that includes prosecutions need to be pursued as vigorously as this one.

She might have lost 700 million baht but how much has Thai airways lost and not a single charge Laid there for gross negligence instead they pump more money into it?

I have no issues with her being charged but the same laws apply to the others who have not been pursued with such vigour ?

Small correction....it's 700 billion baht

Thanks for the correction !!

''Small correction''cheesy.gif

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I'm more upset right now as one of the Myanmar workers from the tapicoca harvesting stole one of our kittens two days ago!!!

I get it. You are more concerned about the the theft of a kitten than the looting of the treasury by Thaksin's nominees. 'Nuff said. 'Bye.

Now you get it!! Do you think that vast majority of the common Thais and general population are even aware of economics ?

They don't know or understand and why would they? Considering the claims of 80% uneducated just exactly how do you think they view politics or economics?

They are more concerned with material thing day to day living to even start worrying about the economic impact that I guess us still to be felt with the loss of 700 billion baht.

The problem here I see is that the smart and clever educated people know about economics and industry the average Thai, ie the common Person doesn't really know much other than what happens within their own village/town.

There were a few posters here who claimed their business suffered and staff laid off and some relocated to other countries, during the protests.

If I can recall these, I'm sure you can too, as for the businesses hurting now, same same especially posters who said they were in the tourism/hotel industry and numbers were down and not looking to improve?

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If Yingluck is innocent then she and her team should be trying to get into court as soon as possible, to clear her name and get life back to normal.

If not, she will advise her team to stall for time and hope time runs out to convict her.

I think we all know what will happen. She is a Shin after all.

I'm more upset right now as one of the Myanmar workers from the tapicoca harvesting stole one of our kittens two days ago!!!
I get it. You are more concerned about the the theft of a kitten than the looting of the treasury by Thaksin's nominees. 'Nuff said. 'Bye.

Now you get it!! Do you think that vast majority of the common Thais and general population are even aware of economics ?

They don't know or understand and why would they? Considering the claims of 80% uneducated just exactly how do you think they view politics or economics?

They are more concerned with material thing day to day living to even start worrying about the economic impact that I guess us still to be felt with the loss of 700 billion baht.

The problem here I see is that the smart and clever educated people know about economics and industry the average Thai, ie the common Person doesn't really know much other than what happens within their own village/town.

There were a few posters here who claimed their business suffered and staff laid off and some relocated to other countries, during the protests.

If I can recall these, I'm sure you can too, as for the businesses hurting now, same same especially posters who said they were in the tourism/hotel industry and numbers were down and not looking to improve?

.................."Now you get it!! Do you think that vast majority of the common Thais and general population are even aware of economics ? They don't know or understand and why would they? Considering the claims of 80% uneducated just exactly how do you think they view politics or economics?"..................

I can see what you mean Fatty, regarding the way Thai people look at politics and economics.

I spend enough time talking to my wife's family who live 50km outside of Surin, long time rice farmers, to understand what they think. They seem to see everything as either black or white and don't really understand what is going on politically.

I believe governments of all persuasions have taken advantage of this fact.

Currently their biggest complaint is that they did not get much for their rice crop this year, and the thing that surprised me was they blamed the previous government for this, not the junta.

In the past 5 years no government has really improved their lives too much. All the improvements and additions to their home, purchase of farming equipment like pumps, tools etc, holidays to Chiang Mai, were paid for by my wife and I.

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