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Has Bush Made The World Safer Or More Dangerous?


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:o - point taken mate - but that was a totally different style of war and before any real weapons were invented!

Also mate, your president is till saying that :D, not sure about the chewin or spittin though - as the shag pile in the office is a very light colour - maybe he has his own spitting area, out back. :D

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If anyone has any doubts about the Ketchup King "waffling" on the issue of invading Iraq, here's the man in quotes:

JOHN KERRY 2002: "If Saddam Hussein is unwilling to bend to the international community's already existing order, then he will have invited enforcement, even if that enforcement is mostly at the hands of the United States, a right we retain even if the Security Council fails to act." (John Kerry, Op-Ed, "We Still Have A Choice On Iraq," The New York Times, 9/6/02)

At least GWB has consistently maintained Saddam had to go. :o

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bush's policies havent made the slightest difference to the danger levels in the world.

muslim extremists will do their utmost to cause the maximum destruction and disruption in western societies and in any societies that are at odds with their far fetched beliefs.

muslim terrorism, fuelled by the frustration of having to live within the strict confines of a religion that makes it difficult if not impossible to achieve any kind of personal achievment, sees the west as having the freedoms and liberties that they would like to have. mullahs know that once muslim countries have these freedoms then the religion would be diluted and forgotten. and the all powerful mullahs would lose their power.(just as religion in the west takes a back seat to personal achievment and gain for most people)

read about religious wars and persecution in the 14th,15thand 16th centuries to get some idea of the mentality of the mullahs who stoke the flames of terrorism

in order to maintain the hold of the religion over the people the mullahs preach hatred for the ways of the west with the result being a fertile breeding ground for terrorism.

if they cant have the freedoms we have then they will seek to destroy our rights to those freedoms.

radical islam is not tolerant of the ways of the infidel and is a great danger to western democracy.

if the dangers of muslim terrorism are not taken seriously and stopped then they will surely succeed in taking us all back to the middle ages within a few generations.

how to stop it ?? ive no idea.

but appeasment and dialogue are not the answer.

i think that in years to come as the west realises that it cant prevent terrorism by containment it will have to pursue it in a very, veryaggressive way in order to preserve our own integrity.

my view is that the future does not look good.

Killing people, whatever the reasons, the manipulations, the action or the re-action, seems commonly considered as a destructive way to live, rather than constructive. :D When even only one person is killed, it is somehow the whole of humanity that is injured, including the killer.

There exists one and only one current World religion, and its name is M O N E Y.

This global religion/power/influence is currently in total control of all countries & religions of the World. :D

All these so called "terrorists" or "armies" are being blinded through conditionning (whatever the side) and currently sent to their death (suicide commandos in Chechenia, suicide bombers in Palestine/Israel, American army adding up dead & injured soldiers by the hundreds, Irak army, Afghanistan army, secret agents from all countries,...), in the name of this global religion controlling & manipulating them. :D

In the way, millions of civilians are being slaughtered: WTC, bombers victims in Israel, Ireland & Russia, hijacked planes, hundreds of thousands Afghani civilians through war casualties, millions of Iraki civilians through both war casualties, starvation & slow genetic irradiation from the World nuclear waste dumped with bombs on their territory,... :D

All the actors, such as Bush, Osama Bin Laden, Sadam Hussein, and other "terrorists"... are mere tools & toys in this game.

They do not have their say. They obey.

Also, how amazing to see that the scores are for 1 non-Muslim dead, there must be around 1000 Muslims dead...how conveniently provocative...

Question 1: why this deliberate lighting up of Islam specifically, at a global scale, while there are Muslims in every country of the World ?

Question 2: why are such current actions deliberately provoquing insecurity at a global scale, leading to an increase of the controlling influence & the reduction of individual freedom for everybody ?

Question 3: wouldn't a complete control of human beings on this planet (see "1984" by George Orwell), that seems on the right tracks, look like the safest guaranty of stability for those who control this global religion ?

Question 4: who controls this global religion ? :o

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Question 1: why this deliberate lighting up of Islam specifically, at a global scale, while there are Muslims in every country of the World ?

Answer: Because the Islamic extremist terrorists are stirring up more problems and violence. That's there way. Bullying methods--you either do as they say or they blow you up, or kill your children.

Question 2: why are such current actions deliberately provoquing insecurity at a global scale, leading to an increase of the controlling influence & the reduction of individual freedom for everybody ?

Answer: Because the Islamic extremist terrorists are stirring up problems and violence. To try to restrict their actions, it's necessary to restrict access for all. Unfortunate but true.

Question 3: wouldn't a complete control of human beings on this planet (see "1984" by George Orwell), that seems on the right tracks, look like the safest guaranty of stability for those who control this global religion ?

Answer: Yeah--but who wants that? I sure don't!

Question 4: who controls this global religion?

Answer: Well, there is no "religion". But if you are referring to greed and the love of money, then it would be all of us, right? It's part of human nature unfortunately, or at least one of our vices that pops it's head up too often...

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