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Switzerland to support Thailand's national reform


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The Swiss President thanked Thailand for the 50,000 EUR donation for the OSCE’s Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) in Ukraine and stated that Switzerland will support the national reform of Thailand.

He added that all Thai ministers and teachers will be given a free Jodler course, plus a "genuine looking" certificate which will allow all of them to leave their excrement in the woods of Switzerland for the rest of their lives. w00t.gif


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Sorry to hear about your problem with the rouge Swiss group. I went through the same ordeal in Thailand during the 1997 financial crisis. Had a company with 25% in shares (minority) and due to a corrupt government officer my names from the shares overnight were removed and the company was sold for over 40 million Dollars several years later. This clearly was a fraught case but I was advised to stay away from the rough group or otherwise I will be popped off in no time. I written off the business as part of an experience.

I truly learned my lesson from it to be very selective with who and with whom I don't want to do business.

As for the inner circle of Swiss people. Swiss people stick together and so do the German's, Thai's, Singaporean's and Indonesian Chinese.

After 28 years in Asia you can get access to the inner circle of good and honest Swiss people's but they are very selective with who they do business and you need a lot of references from other Swiss companies or Senior Management to enter their circle.

Sorry, but I only posted this link that I came across while researching a subject I am writing at. So any similar experiences pleases feel free to share with the blog owner directly. Nevertheless I am sorry to read about your experiences of life but happy you got over it.

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Switzerland is one of the very few democracies left in this world and referendums are very common. I know many Swiss people and they are proud of how the country is managed and the Swiss people are asked even in every Canton.

I am not aware the post I linked speaks of the direct voting system. He speaks of a very different kind of issue. Let me c&p a part of it: "A short look back. 24 years ago I and my family lost literally everything – our wealth of not less than a million dollar and the company I had built over the past years. How? A Swiss rogue group even comprising of local government employees hijacked a new and innovative service I opened to help the economy minimize losses through addiction at the workplace."

So we speak here of fraud, corruption and intimidation with the help of local Government employees.

and how is this related to the Swiss democracy?

Very much - at least to my understanding of Democracy. But I am sure we could debate on this point for a very long time without ever agreeing.

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The Swiss President thanked Thailand for the 50,000 EUR donation for the OSCE’s Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) in Ukraine and stated that Switzerland will support the national reform of Thailand.

He added that all Thai ministers and teachers will be given a free Jodler course, plus a "genuine looking" certificate which will allow all of them to leave their excrement in the woods of Switzerland for the rest of their lives. w00t.gif

It looks like that several posters to this subject having a lack of geography knowledge.

To your attached pic with the "Zillertaler Schürzenjäger"

Zillertal is a Valley in Austria. whistling.gif

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Switzerland is one of the very few democracies left in this world and referendums are very common. I know many Swiss people and they are proud of how the country is managed and the Swiss people are asked even in every Canton.

I am not aware the post I linked speaks of the direct voting system. He speaks of a very different kind of issue. Let me c&p a part of it: "A short look back. 24 years ago I and my family lost literally everything – our wealth of not less than a million dollar and the company I had built over the past years. How? A Swiss rogue group even comprising of local government employees hijacked a new and innovative service I opened to help the economy minimize losses through addiction at the workplace."

So we speak here of fraud, corruption and intimidation with the help of local Government employees.

and how is this related to the Swiss democracy?

Very much - at least to my understanding of Democracy. But I am sure we could debate on this point for a very long time without ever agreeing.

You are right with your understanding of Democracy, but then is there as we see it in your way not any sober democracy in our world unfortunately.

Banks everywhere in this world made and still make their own politics.

If there Banks and politics made some deals together, then it was often hidden like

Octocon Trust.

IMO there is no country in this world, which don't having hidden cadavers in their basements.

We should all looking first at our own country before we blame another one.

"Who is without sin casting the first stone" Johannes 7,53 - 8,11

For me mission accomplished.

Carpe diem wai2.gif

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Very much - at least to my understanding of Democracy. But I am sure we could debate on this point for a very long time without ever agreeing.

You are right with your understanding of Democracy, but then is there as we see it in your way not any sober democracy in our world unfortunately.

Banks everywhere in this world made and still make their own politics.

If there Banks and politics made some deals together, then it was often hidden like

Octocon Trust.

IMO there is no country in this world, which don't having hidden cadavers in their basements.

We should all looking first at our own country before we blame another one.

"Who is without sin casting the first stone" Johannes 7,53 - 8,11

For me mission accomplished.

Carpe diem wai2.gif

Agree that you need to start with your own Government. But if a country consistently pretends to be democratic, then you expect them to act to the fullest. Think basic. Taking the example of the blog link I posted, it's not sufficient to have a free voting system but you must act democratically also when there is dissent or when Governmental employees harass their own citizens. Democracy is not alone the process of voting but includes the ability to discuss, debate, dispute and the natural need to accept there are differences. Harassment and/or corruption has many faces and facets. Under a dictatorship or a so called non democratic leadership it is rather easy to see bad behavior. But the same under a Democratic umbrella with stronger laws that should prevent it, it's much harder to detect. But that does not mean it's not existent. Based on a resent research, Switzerland has (for a democratic ideal) a high white collar corruption.

Edited by iTravelNow
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Very much - at least to my understanding of Democracy. But I am sure we could debate on this point for a very long time without ever agreeing.

You are right with your understanding of Democracy, but then is there as we see it in your way not any sober democracy in our world unfortunately.

Banks everywhere in this world made and still make their own politics.

If there Banks and politics made some deals together, then it was often hidden like

Octocon Trust.

IMO there is no country in this world, which don't having hidden cadavers in their basements.

We should all looking first at our own country before we blame another one.

"Who is without sin casting the first stone" Johannes 7,53 - 8,11

For me mission accomplished.

Carpe diem wai2.gif

Agree that you need to start with your own Government. But if a country consistently pretends to be democratic, then you expect them to act to the fullest. Think basic. Taking the example of the blog link I posted, it's not sufficient to have a free voting system but you must act democratically also when there is dissent or when Governmental employees harass their own citizens. Democracy is not alone the process of voting but includes the ability to discuss, debate, dispute and the natural need to accept there are differences. Harassment and/or corruption has many faces and facets. Under a dictatorship or a so called non democratic leadership it is rather easy to see bad behavior. But the same under a Democratic umbrella with stronger laws that should prevent it, it's much harder to detect. But that does not mean it's not existent. Based on a resent research, Switzerland has (for a democratic ideal) a high white collar corruption.

I agree with you the problem is any system or philosophy is only as good as the ppl who use or misuse it.

For example. socialism/kommunism how Marx and Engels meant it is not bad at all, but the ppl misused it.

IMO for some countries is the best still a dictatorship, caused this bring a kind of stability.

For example Iraq or Afghanistan, caused I have only the choice between a dictatorship or arnachy, then in my Opinion is the better choice Dictatorship.

We don't living in a Dreamworld.

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The Swiss President thanked Thailand for the 50,000 EUR donation for the OSCE’s Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) in Ukraine and stated that Switzerland will support the national reform of Thailand.

He added that all Thai ministers and teachers will be given a free Jodler course, plus a "genuine looking" certificate which will allow all of them to leave their excrement in the woods of Switzerland for the rest of their lives. w00t.gif

The Jodler you present is from Austria. lol wink.png



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What is the President of Swaziland doing here? Long way from Mbabane

He collecting development money for his lifestyle as King and Poloygamist(Hurebock) the most of the western countries support him. He having the right to pick every year a new wife during the Reed dance festival, the first choice.

For some of the butterflies out there a real dream life. thumbsup.gif



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  • 3 weeks later...

Agree that you need to start with your own Government. But if a country consistently pretends to be democratic, then you expect them to act to the fullest. Think basic. Taking the example of the blog link I posted, it's not sufficient to have a free voting system but you must act democratically also when there is dissent or when Governmental employees harass their own citizens. Democracy is not alone the process of voting but includes the ability to discuss, debate, dispute and the natural need to accept there are differences. Harassment and/or corruption has many faces and facets. Under a dictatorship or a so called non democratic leadership it is rather easy to see bad behavior. But the same under a Democratic umbrella with stronger laws that should prevent it, it's much harder to detect. But that does not mean it's not existent. Based on a resent research, Switzerland has (for a democratic ideal) a high white collar corruption.

I agree with you the problem is any system or philosophy is only as good as the ppl who use or misuse it.

For example. socialism/kommunism how Marx and Engels meant it is not bad at all, but the ppl misused it.

IMO for some countries is the best still a dictatorship, caused this bring a kind of stability.

For example Iraq or Afghanistan, caused I have only the choice between a dictatorship or arnachy, then in my Opinion is the better choice Dictatorship.

We don't living in a Dreamworld.

Absolute - see the result in the Middle East. All wanted to get rid of Ghadaffy in Libya and Sadam Hussein of Irak - see the mess they are living in now, all wanted to get rid of Mubarak in Egypt - see the result, and all want to get rid of Assad of Syria - see where the region stands today. Those who cry for "Democracy" should first learn to understand the mentality of other cultures and why it is sometimes better to keep it as is (in balance).

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