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Tsunami - Phang-nga - Khao Lak - Thailand 53 Days After

Kan Win

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Lived up the hill overlooking Ban Dong Kam. Had a horrendous hangover

on the 26th morning. A beaut of a day it was too. Saw it all happen...shot

some video...couldn't feed it cause no power for me uplink & dead batteries.

When the water receeded only groans & screams were heard in between

the deafening sound of silence.

At 1400 hours 26 Dec volunteered for SAR.

Two weeks later I was in Aceh...all over it actually. Nasty. Me rash

finally went away mid March. I don't wanna return to those days folks.

Me & the missus were just dating when the Boxing Day Waves hit

and we lost a lotta friends in a very short period of time. Maybe we'll

return this year for the 10th anniversary...maybe we won't. Tear jerker

and all that stuff makes decisions quite difficult.

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I had spend 2002-2003 high season in Phuket and was living in Singapore at the time. When the tsunami came, my company called to me and asked me to go to Phuket to do a small aid project giving emergency mobile phones to the hospitals so that the patients could call home, volunteering groups etc.



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