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understanding thai traditions or being taken for a fool


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there was a foreigner posting here recently who claimed to survive, with wife on between 3000 - 4000 baht a month, not a great lifestyle i'm sure but clearly doable.

That would take some doing but we live on 20k a month in Bkk, 15k is enough in Surin, unless the relatives are dipping into it.

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Can she manage example.

I have a friend who lives in Phetchabun he gives his wife 12th a month just gone up from 10th she pays for everything. All the bills food for her and the extended family 6 (No Rent) she doesn't pay for all his western food Bacon Butter ETC but most of everything else + still manages to save a bit a perk for her.

There's no Pampers to get or Baby milk that would have to be added but your 15th should do nicely.

You stated that the monies were gone after 2 weeks then she wanted more I think that is well over the top.

What you do about that is up to you but once paid it'll never stop.

I find the figure of 12K a month to pay for 'everything' plus and extended family of 6 and still manages to save very very hard to believe.

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Hope for you she really really wants to come to your country. She uses that and your child, most likely, as the way forward to keep you on a string. Her family is more important than your family. Do not ignore your own instincts. I did, because of kids. My bad, and the kids's.

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  • 2 months later...

In BKK it takes about 25k to care for my family: rent, food, transportation, school fees, medical. I work in a different part of Thailand and my wife keeps an itemized budget, so I know where the money goes. 15k should do it, but if she is the only income for 4+ people, she could be running short before the end of the month...

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OP asks for Thai-Tradition and constructive criticism. I try to give him both, to the best of my knowledge.

- Tradition: Any Thai-Husband, simply walking away from a marriage is forgiven as long he claims "I was feeling uncomfortable". His absence may last between 2 months and 20 years. Legal issues come only into play when truly large sums of money are involved upon marriage.

The problem is, that (as opposed to the average Thai-Male), the Farang does rarely abandon his "own flesh and blood" by just walking away from a relationship. Unfortunately and over the years, a certain kind of "Thai-Lady" has understood this very well and acts accordingly.

- Constructive Criticism: Have none. You just walked into the "Thailand-Trap". You are not the first and not the last. Having drawn the number 194'00 or 637'000 in the "Thai-Love-Lottery Game" is irrelevant. Of importance is only the fact that "you have been had".

If Op wants to go the "Thai Traditional-Route" or the "own flesh and blood route" is entirely up to him. Under the given circumstances, I myself would choose the Traditional Thai Way with only one difference: I would not only "walk away" from such a hopeless constellation, I would actually RUN AWAY without ever looking back.


Sure! Abandon your obligation to the child you created. Run run, like many of the Thai men. To H. with the two lives you dearly affected. Grow up!
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Why anyone would agree to get into a relationship where the number one priority is to support someone else's family and another man's child (or children) all to get a used woman is beyond me. If y'all need sex so much, just rent it.

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