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December 27- Leo's Blues Bar is closing permanently


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I know Leo fairly well. Was with him a few months ago when he said business was not so good. Tough times here in Pattaya right now.

Absolutely horrible news. Leo's was an institution here in Pattaya. Best of luck to him no matter what he does. He's been a great friend to many.

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Where is/was this located?

Who closes a bar one week before New Year's eve?

soi Wong Amat, 18 naklua, near where I live.

I don`t know him personally although have said Hello, surprised at the news, shame and I`ll admit to being only an infrequent visitor, pleasant bar it has been there years.

I guess it is tough everywhere but even in what should be a busy spell, a fair few naklua bars not really getting all that many customers.

The restaurants seem to do OK, the bars generally not so.

Changing times I suppose.

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Leo has another bar on Naklua soi 18 just down the road from his soon to be closed bar.

When it comes to music venues for jammers (amateur musicians to play together), they have dried up in 2014 like I've never seen before.

RIP in 2014 (where musicians could jam):

-The Blues Factory.

-Rose's Garden.

-The Lounge.



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Leo has another bar on Naklua soi 18 just down the road from his soon to be closed bar.

When it comes to music venues for jammers (amateur musicians to play together), they have dried up in 2014 like I've never seen before.

RIP in 2014 (where musicians could jam):

-The Blues Factory.

-Rose's Garden.

-The Lounge.



Unfortunately not a lot of money too be made out of jam nights etc and it normally ends up with ego's clashing etc. (jam nights being nothing to do with Leo's closure I'm sure).


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Hit me like a brick wall,although I saw it coming. Don't want to get into unconfirmed details but Leo has good reasons to close it down.

Saturday is indeed the last big night. Come and get a last whiff of the magic that Leo created over the last seven years

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Over the last 15 years I have seen the Farang-Investors come and go. They are like politicians. they also come and go. When politicians go, nothing much changes as far as their personal life and circumstance is concerned.

Not quite so, when it comes to the Frarang-Pattaya Investors Club. They come here, believing they are rich. Upon closure of their "venture", they discover that they are not rich anymore.

Most of them can handle it, as long as they don't bring into the equation of how much short-time or long-time comforts they could have bought for the same money that has been eaten up by a brilliant investment opportunity in Thailand.

Well, this is not going to be transferred to the "News-Forum", since it does not consist of anything new. Quite the opposite: Again and again and again..................


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Over the last 15 years I have seen the Farang-Investors come and go. They are like politicians. they also come and go. When politicians go, nothing much changes as far as their personal life and circumstance is concerned.

Not quite so, when it comes to the Frarang-Pattaya Investors Club. They come here, believing they are rich. Upon closure of their "venture", they discover that they are not rich anymore.

Most of them can handle it, as long as they don't bring into the equation of how much short-time or long-time comforts they could have bought for the same money that has been eaten up by a brilliant investment opportunity in Thailand.

Well, this is not going to be transferred to the "News-Forum", since it does not consist of anything new. Quite the opposite: Again and again and again..................


Thanks for that. :)

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For those who know Leo --

I knew a Leo about 12 years ago -maybe a bit more - knocking around Pattaya - --from America--played the saxophone--seem to recall his father was a Doctor--could it be the same ? --just curious

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Here's tonight's line up, get there early you don't want to miss a minute:
20:00 - 20:25 Scott Ecie (Moaning Liza's)
20:30 - 20:45 Sydney Moss
20:50 - 21:10 One Voice Choir
21:20 - 21:50 Three Little Pigs
22:05 - 22:35 Band of Smiles
22:50 - 23:20 Django Rainer and his Jazzed Men
23:35 - 0:05 Phil Dirt & The Dozers
0:20 - 0:50 JET Band
0:50 - 1:10 Patrick Hedqvist (PTOR)
1:10 - 1:40 The Helmut Band
1:40 Grand Finale


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that's the best lineup that Pattaya has on offer!

Some for sure yes. smile.png

I'm a bit out of touch as said some of the line ups look new.

Suppose as its a Saturday some of the others are committed with jobs etc. Hopefully everyone will stop by, I know I would of been there if in Pattaya.

Edited by davethailand
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Jeeez... Just getting back alive! What a blast! Never saw it that packed at Leo's, people occupying the street in front of Leo's and the neighbouring bar at peak time.

Great performances, and an awesome drunk jam at 2 am with lots of people on stage trading solos.

Unforgettable night at an unforgettable venue!

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Jeeez... Just getting back alive! What a blast! Never saw it that packed at Leo's, people occupying the street in front of Leo's and the neighbouring bar at peak time.

Great performances, and an awesome drunk jam at 2 am with lots of people on stage trading solos.

Unforgettable night at an unforgettable venue!

Its a shame when bars have a great turn out when its the last night (if you know what I mean), been to a few like this.

A week before I closed down it started picking up also.:(

Nevertheless great that it went with a bang.smile.png

Edited by davethailand
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I work near Pattaya, but have rented various condos in the Naklua-Wongamat area. I do not know the watering-holes that much in the area but had been to Leo's a few times since it was a decent bar to take my buddies to. I think the whole "neighborhood" has changed or is going through the process of changing. I remember when I arrived 10 years ago, Naklua seemed to be the ghetto for retired Europeans (Germans, Belgiums, Brits..) to retire at. But due to the economy crashing 8? years ago, the Thai Baht value not like it was 15 years ago, I see less of this age group hanging around. Even a decade ago, the area along Wongatmat beach had a feeling of be remote from Pattaya City. Now with all the construction of condo towers and the population tripling? with tourists, it isn't a slow pace area like it was. With less retirees coming here for winter, there is not the demand for a pub or as many restaurants selling German cuisine.

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I work near Pattaya, but have rented various condos in the Naklua-Wongamat area. I do not know the watering-holes that much in the area but had been to Leo's a few times since it was a decent bar to take my buddies to. I think the whole "neighborhood" has changed or is going through the process of changing. I remember when I arrived 10 years ago, Naklua seemed to be the ghetto for retired Europeans (Germans, Belgiums, Brits..) to retire at. But due to the economy crashing 8? years ago, the Thai Baht value not like it was 15 years ago, I see less of this age group hanging around. Even a decade ago, the area along Wongatmat beach had a feeling of be remote from Pattaya City. Now with all the construction of condo towers and the population tripling? with tourists, it isn't a slow pace area like it was. With less retirees coming here for winter, there is not the demand for a pub or as many restaurants selling German cuisine.

I'm acquainted with one of the owners of said German restaurants in Naklua and confirm that. He was struggling in 2013 and I don't even know if he's still in business!

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