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How I lost $250,000 in Phuket.

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Wow, there's some insensitive people on here- I guess it could all be a Troll post, but I can't really see why, apart from the fact that after what the OP claims to have been through I would certainly not be as stoical as he seems; anyway, on the basis that it's possibly true, surely comments like "There's a sucker born every minute"are somewhat harsh.

Incidentally, I will be checking out the 'Ex-Pat Investors' website, since I am investing with a slightly controversial Fund ATM, and in the past I was also with Brandeaux Student Accommodation Fund, but my broker advised that I get out, and it sounds like I owe him for that advice.

For many retired Ex-Pats, the standard rates of Interest available at high street banks just are not good enough to grow any real interest so we all search for higher yield options-I can sympathize with the OP, if indeed he is genuine.

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First rule in any country is "never" use a financial advisor. Your supposed to be using your own smarts to invest, no let someone who has zero interest in you invest your hard earned money. I can't tell you how many people I know that have lost their life savings and how many have been scammed in the west alone. Each and everyone of them used a financial advisor.

In 2008 every bank in our city reshuffled their financial advisors to other towns so that everyone was left in the dark when asking "what happened to my money". It is standard practice.

Edited by steve654
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Thailand is a good hunting ground for these types.

A lot of retired people with life savings in the bank.

Many with a desire to improve on returns........

I am another mug, with a different outfit that just broke.

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much smaller numbers , but a Thai girl I know was going to invest all her savings on a slick talking Aussie who spoke Thai.

it was for womens cosmetics and you would make 30,000 baht a month.......

Lucky she showed me the youtube video so I could explain that the salesman was the one who would make the money ,

and I asked her would she believe a Thai that told her the same thing ?

NOPE , she belived the Aussie only because he spoke Thai

So look out for things that sounds too good , no matter who is selling Rainbows

Edited by BKKdreaming
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Sounds like a nice lad dddave. What happened to virtues like integrity, honesty and honour?

Capitalism, the glorification of "quick profits", and the "Wolf of Wall Street" did.

A crying shame.

I'm a maths teacher (ironic given this financial folly) and I like to show 16yo+ students a youtube video called "The American Dream". It's an entertaining 30minute cartoon about banking.

One part shows, rather tellingly, how cheating bankers were hung in ancient times. Now they're simply rich. They've gotten too powerful again IMO.

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You found out the hard way not to trust anyone in Thailand,

especially when money or property is involved,just hope you

are able to get back on your feet again,it would also be nice

if you could get some justice,but that rarely happens.

regards Worgeordie

yeah ponzi schemes are purely peculiar to thailand.

again another excuse to bash Thais and Thailand.


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I'm just wondering, how much % are they giving you guys for the Ponzi schemes?

There are so many quality investment products out there that are legits and information is readily available, with decent 4-8% returns per year. It puzzles me anyone would even try any Ponzi schemes. It's not like we are out of investments and desperate. Seriously... Time deposits, bonds, and stocks are all that you need in life, and it will get you a life of endless money. Ask for advice, there are plenty of gurus here on this forum. They are happy to help you.

For those who failed in stocks, if you don't mind, we could discuss what went wrong, there is clear evidence. Blame the person, not the environment please...

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Well somebody stole your money and I suppose you know who they are. If it were my money I would go after it, these suckers would not have one night of good sleep left. Offer 20-30% commission to "collectors" really don't accept somebody steals your money!

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Geordie, Unfortunately,I too know the feeling very well.

Personally, I probably met one of the World's elitist crooks who scammed me Family/Friends for a load of money on a fake oil deal. It isn't greed as you've 'put it upon yourself' to proportionate blame. All, you was doing was trying to make more money on your investments. I may even write about the animal who screwed us one-day which was so well set-up, I would like to shake his hand before I did something I may regret.I truly pray you get over it and believe me- its ok for people to give advise after the main event. However, I too feel a mug and just put it down to experience. I wrote this a brief note (below) a while back.

IT TAKES A THIEF !! International Thief on a grand scale. This scum of the earth has absolutely no morals, a more wretched man you'll never meet. He needs jailed, shamed and punished for his crimes to society. He, being a complete parasite, that will never repent for his sins. This master of deception needs to be written about. If he played himself in a movie he'd 100% get an Oscar. I would love to meet up with him once again, this to shake his hand for having us over which can only be described as sheer brilliance and then strangle the B**tard !! We live and learn. Boy did I learn LOL !!

Any comments about me and Defamation - need express - would love to see him come out the woodwork considering his SCAMS are known Worldwide like a total con for $500,000,000 involving the Cook Islands and massive Frauds everywhere else.

He even had the audacity, to ask me to come work for him in Labuan - AFTER he stole €50,000 from a bank transaction for my Kids schooling in Phuket. I'm sorry for explaining about my own grief although - I really feel for you. Bad people everywhere but my experience was in Thailand too and your post brought it all back to me - with a Bang!!!

All the best my friend.


Edited by ScotBkk
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Op I know 2 people here in Hua Hin who I am sure invested in the same scheme, i'm sure it's the same one as they mentioned a High court judge being involved, they have both lost considerable amounts.

What's the big deal with a high Court judge anyway?blink.png They are only lawyers who happen to have reached the higher echelons.

Like the OP says, "the best criminals all wear suits" and I lot of them have silly titles that should have remained in the eighteenth century, like Sirs, Lords and their silly wigs, Dukes etc.

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First rule in any country is "never" use a financial advisor. Your supposed to be using your own smarts to invest, no let someone who has zero interest in you invest your hard earned money. I can't tell you how many people I know that have lost their life savings and how many have been scammed in the west alone. Each and everyone of them used a financial advisor.

In 2008 every bank in our city reshuffled their financial advisors to other towns so that everyone was left in the dark when asking "what happened to my money". It is standard practice.

Again, a reminder of what the OP said "the best criminals all wear suits", Financial advisers, and probably the worst of the lot, Politicians, they do more robbing and cheating against ordinary people, particularly the ones in the UK.

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Well somebody stole your money and I suppose you know who they are. If it were my money I would go after it, these suckers would not have one night of good sleep left. Offer 20-30% commission to "collectors" really don't accept somebody steals your money!

If governments steal your money, like in the UK, what can you do apart from "cheating" to try and get some of it back.

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Well somebody stole your money and I suppose you know who they are. If it were my money I would go after it, these suckers would not have one night of good sleep left. Offer 20-30% commission to "collectors" really don't accept somebody steals your money!

If governments steal your money, like in the UK, what can you do apart from "cheating" to try and get some of it back.

Replace "cheating" with "giving them some of their own medicine"

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One infallible rule, if any investment promotion says "Risk Free", don't listen to another word!

Turn and run.

There is no such thing as "Risk Free".

An acquaintance of mine who was teaching in Thailand pretty much went bust. The usual reasons: too many girlfriends, too much booze, living outside his income.

He's a glib talker...can be very convincing when pressing his views on things.

Last year, he returned to Australia and landed a job selling "Retirement Plans" to elderly citizens, his commissions are huge and he's making a bundle. He returned to Thailand not too long ago for a 2 month "holiday", living large and tossing money all over the place.

"I'll make it all back in a few weeks!" He told us.

I can't help thinking of all the poor retirees who invested in his product and are funding his happy lifestyle out of their pockets. Any plan that pays commissions as outlandish as what he gets has got to be as dodgy as a game of "Three Card Monte".

When I asked him about it, his reply was simple: "Not my problem."

I've reduced your advice down to one simple factor... If I am approached by a farang, any farang with investment advice, I run away as fast as I can... Too many horror stories out there, ranging from the CM Expat Club to the likes of real estate moguls in Pattaya / Jomtien... As the old adage goes, if it appears to be too good to be true, it usually is...

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One infallible rule, if any investment promotion says "Risk Free", don't listen to another word!

Turn and run.

There is no such thing as "Risk Free".

An acquaintance of mine who was teaching in Thailand pretty much went bust. The usual reasons: too many girlfriends, too much booze, living outside his income.

He's a glib talker...can be very convincing when pressing his views on things.

Last year, he returned to Australia and landed a job selling "Retirement Plans" to elderly citizens, his commissions are huge and he's making a bundle. He returned to Thailand not too long ago for a 2 month "holiday", living large and tossing money all over the place.

"I'll make it all back in a few weeks!" He told us.

I can't help thinking of all the poor retirees who invested in his product and are funding his happy lifestyle out of their pockets. Any plan that pays commissions as outlandish as what he gets has got to be as dodgy as a game of "Three Card Monte".

When I asked him about it, his reply was simple: "Not my problem."

what a c???t your friend is he would be no friend of mine and if I know his name and were he work I would dob the c????t in no,problem like the c???t said to you taking money of old people one day that c???t will get old and I hop it happens to that c???t like a thai would say som nom ner
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