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extending my stay on medical grounds after m/c accident

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Had an accident yesterday on the m/c. Fractured clavicle. Severe bruising to shoulder & shoulder blade as well as road rash from the tarmac. Doctor has issued a letter for immigration saying I need to go back to hospital in 1 week. 14th Jan. Then the doctors will take it from there.

My visa expires 13th. I'm due to fly out 00:58 hrs on 14th.

The fracture could take 6-8 weeks to mend.

What is the situation with immigration in this case, please?

Any idea how long they may give me to stay?

Also, I can presently hardly walk, never mind get to immigration in Jomtien. What difference will that make?


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You can get up to a 90 day extension for medical care. The letter must state you cannot travel. Immigration will have some of their own forms that have be completed and signed by the doctor.

Some hospitals have people that can handle getting the extension.

If not you could possibly have somebody do it for you if the paperwork says you are unable to make it to immigration.

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Sorry to learn about your m/c accident WhamBam. (I guess you've lived up to your name! Sorry, I couldn't resist.)

It's imperative that everything with Immigration be handled BEFORE you go on overstay, actually the sooner the better because they can be very arbitrary about what's needed to process a Medical Extension.

If your treatment is at a private hospital, then speak with their Customer Service dept or English language translator. They should be able to help you with the process.

If you went to a gov't hospital, then you'll probably going to be on your own in getting the process done. Someone should go to Immigration and ask what's needed. Get the specific forms that should be submitted by the hospital. Then return to the hospital to get the doctor to complete the forms. It's important that the hospital puts their stamp on the form. If you can't come, you'll need to write a limited POA for the person acting on your behalf and Immigration may want that notarized or otherwise stamped by the hospital or someone attesting that you really can't come to Immigration on your own steam. They may even want photos of you looking like you're going to croak at any moment. I've arranged some shots in Chiang Mai of guys in hospital beds surrounded by very worried looking nurses. (you know how hard it is to keep Thai people from smiling when they know their picture is being taken?)

The key is to have someone go to Immigration and ask what's needed and be prepared to have to return with more documents when returning to apply for the Medical Extension. I've done a couple dozen on behalf of people in Chiang Mai and it's rare that I'm able to obtain an extension without having to go back to the hospital to get yet one more form or stamp or something. They keep changing the goal posts.

Edited by NancyL
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WhamBam -- just read your OP again. "Doctor has issued a letter for immigration saying I need to go back to hospital in 1 week. 14th Jan. Then the doctors will take it from there."

This statement from the doctor is not sufficient for you to obtain a 90-day medical extension. At best, you'll get an extension for maybe 7 days.

90-days is the maximum time they can grant a medical extension, but the doctor has to categorically state you cannot travel for 90 days. Vague language isn't going to work. Nor will saying something like "He has a follow-up appointment in 30 days" That doesn't say you can't travel during those 30 days, just that you have an appointment in 30 days. It implies you're free to travel during that time.

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WhamBam -- just read your OP again. "Doctor has issued a letter for immigration saying I need to go back to hospital in 1 week. 14th Jan. Then the doctors will take it from there."

This statement from the doctor is not sufficient for you to obtain a 90-day medical extension. At best, you'll get an extension for maybe 7 days.

90-days is the maximum time they can grant a medical extension, but the doctor has to categorically state you cannot travel for 90 days. Vague language isn't going to work. Nor will saying something like "He has a follow-up appointment in 30 days" That doesn't say you can't travel during those 30 days, just that you have an appointment in 30 days. It implies you're free to travel during that time.

Thanks Nancy.

The g/f is going to immigration 2morrow to get the forms and she will get them to the hospital same day.

The 7 day extension.

The letter states accident, diagnosis, meds and plan of action ( see orthopedic surgeon in 1 week). signed by the doc.

+ have actual appointment form from hospital for 14th.

Do you know if immigration would accept that to give a 7 day extension while things are sorted out with other forms?

My thinking being, an extra 7 days would be enough to bring the bruising down in my shoulder and shoulder blade & ribs enough to fly out.


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that sounds great ubon.

would it be better done sooner than later?

or the day before it is needed?

What documentation would i need please?

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When a similar thing happened to me some years ago I went to immigration where they had a full time doctor on call, Bangkok at that time, within a few minutes he had signed a form and I had an extention. Very easy if you can get there.

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WhamBam -- just read your OP again. "Doctor has issued a letter for immigration saying I need to go back to hospital in 1 week. 14th Jan. Then the doctors will take it from there."

This statement from the doctor is not sufficient for you to obtain a 90-day medical extension. At best, you'll get an extension for maybe 7 days.

90-days is the maximum time they can grant a medical extension, but the doctor has to categorically state you cannot travel for 90 days. Vague language isn't going to work. Nor will saying something like "He has a follow-up appointment in 30 days" That doesn't say you can't travel during those 30 days, just that you have an appointment in 30 days. It implies you're free to travel during that time.

Thanks Nancy.

The g/f is going to immigration 2morrow to get the forms and she will get them to the hospital same day.

The 7 day extension.

The letter states accident, diagnosis, meds and plan of action ( see orthopedic surgeon in 1 week). signed by the doc.

+ have actual appointment form from hospital for 14th.

Do you know if immigration would accept that to give a 7 day extension while things are sorted out with other forms?

My thinking being, an extra 7 days would be enough to bring the bruising down in my shoulder and shoulder blade & ribs enough to fly out.


Like mentioned before this is not enough. You need to have a letter clearly stating that you are unfit for travel with specific timeframes. Appointments, treatment plans, medications, diagnosis and so on mean nothing to immigration. They probably don't even know what an orthopedic surgeon is. And if they see you walking into immigration to do this extension then chances are you are fit for travel.

I had a case before where I was under medical treatment for several months with some surgic treatments which resulted in my spending several days each time in a bed but because I was not unfit for travel for long periods, I was not given an extension based on this. I also had very detailed documentation from the doctor.

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In addition to the paperwork listed by Ubonjoe, there may be some local form required for a Medical Extension.

I think you missed that he has decided to just apply for a 7 day extension instead to the medical one.

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''as well as road rash from the tarmac.''

Take special care of those, right now, maybe with an antibiotic creams the first days.

I fell ridiculously at 5 kmh due to some sand and me using the front brake, it seems to me not very important at the time, but after a few days started an incredible infection that lasted 2 week with a lot of pus, would never happened in my country. So be prudent really, forewarned is forearmed wink.png

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You can get up to a 90 day extension for medical care. The letter must state you cannot travel. Immigration will have some of their own forms that have be completed and signed by the doctor.

Some hospitals have people that can handle getting the extension.

If not you could possibly have somebody do it for you if the paperwork says you are unable to make it to immigration.

The only things I would add, from personal experience with this situation at Jomtien immigration, is that the forms/hospital letter must be in Thai and that they only give 30-day extensions at a time. If you're still under a MD's care AND cannot travel at the end of the 30 days, you have to repeat the process. One other thing, I don't think they charged me for these medical extensions (surprise, surprise).

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WhamBam -- a suggestion for when you travel. Contact the airlines in advance and tell them you're going to need wheelchair service. Be sure to tell them you had a motorcycle accident and it's difficult to walk long distances, but you can walk short distances OK. (That way they know you'll be able to transfer in/out of the wheelchair and get to the toilet on your own)

Airlines provide wheelchair service for free and you get priority service thru the check-in and security lines. The wheelchair comes with a "driver" who will know the way around the airport and get you to your gate in record time. While there's no charge for this service, a tip is much appreciated.

Should make the trip more comfortable, rather than standing in long lines with a broken clavicle and a bad case of road rash.

Edited by NancyL
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