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I do not trust anyone. This is especially true as an old man living in Thailand with little Thai language and limited budget.facepalm.gif

Old man can not run and can not fight in defense.facepalm.gif

Thailand policing emergencies, like street attacks or otherwise, is slow and minimal; meaning keep a very low profile.bah.gif

I can not even call for help (chewa dewa ???) nor explain my problem quickly (I carry a paper with words in Thai... hospital, police, call wife).

I can not afford to just throw money at a problem and need a low profile, too.blink.png

Being in a reduced circumstance like this, I would be foolish to trust anyone. Ok I know that someday I will have to trust a doctor.whistling.gif

I am ok with my Thai wife as she dispenses my daily medications, but you can never really know anyone.huh.png.pagespeed.ce.6VcCaNwNXg8vvwkLD1a


I had read a lot of horror stories so I had doubts and was wary initially after we got married. Now however I trust her 100% and that is mutual. One can never say never, but I don't think we will ever face that issue.


trust her not to steal my house ...... 0%

trust her not to have sex with someone else ...... 0%

trust her not to steal from my wallet ...... 0%

She's a great s&%g though!

Why the &*^& are you with her? Your life must be a misery.

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You don,t drink. One reason you have a good woman. Sadly the majority not the minority can say the same. That is why once they enter Thailand its all down hill from there. Screwed up head screwed up life period. No good woman wants a drunk anywhere.

Trust my wife 100%,I was fleeced by my exwife (good old UK law) she got the lot, i kept my pension, my wife has her own car,her own house , works for a good company in Rayong, she trusts me 100% 2, she is 20yrs younger than me, we have a good life, we have fun, we both don't drink,smoke or gamble, we have good friends, infact we live a very normal life, and we don't give all our money to her family, did not pay her mum and dad so we could get married,or her brothers motorcycles or carsetc we have a very normal life so yes trust her 100%

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Simple for me really Costas.

100% trust , both me to her and her to me. Been like that the 10 years weve been together.

For me the same.14 years together.That is what you get if you learn a bit about the Thai way of living.And not only try to find bad things about them.

Many are only thinking that in their own country the wife's and everything else is so good.Why are they still here ????


Let me guess where you met her.

trust her not to steal my house ...... 0%
trust her not to have sex with someone else ...... 0%
trust her not to steal from my wallet ...... 0%

She's a great s&%g though!

Why the &*^& are you with her? Your life must be a misery.


Might be a really good idea to start learning Thai.

I do not trust anyone. This is especially true as an old man living in Thailand with little Thai language and limited budget.facepalm.gif

Old man can not run and can not fight in defense.facepalm.gif

Thailand policing emergencies, like street attacks or otherwise, is slow and minimal; meaning keep a very low profile.bah.gif

I can not even call for help (chewa dewa ???) nor explain my problem quickly (I carry a paper with words in Thai... hospital, police, call wife).

I can not afford to just throw money at a problem and need a low profile, too.blink.png

Being in a reduced circumstance like this, I would be foolish to trust anyone. Ok I know that someday I will have to trust a doctor.whistling.gif

I am ok with my Thai wife as she dispenses my daily medications, but you can never really know anyone.huh.png.pagespeed.ce.6VcCaNwNXg8vvwkLD1a


Maybe the problem is the guy tossing stupid money at her .

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Too many variables. If it's food prepared in the store, it'll differ from one Big C to another and it'll depend on who's preparing it. I doubt they have some country-wide uniform preparation guide for such things.

Thais don't tend to use a lot of table salt in cooking things, but it'll be present from fish sauce & other add-ons used in cooking & preservatives and they may use MSG & the cheapest cooking oils which could be another concern if you're worried about what you're actually consuming.

Simple for me really Costas.

100% trust , both me to her and her to me. Been like that the 10 years weve been together.

DONT TRUST ANYONE. And in particular a girl friend and her family. It's all about your money not you !!!


Costas,If you think that you can't trust your partner or even have to think about it,,,,You should not be with her,, that goes for your partner to,,,don't forget ,this works both ways thumbsup.gif


I trust her not to go and have sex behind my back but trust her with not lie no , thai woman just lie full stop .

If she did go behind my back for sex well not much I can do about it just lever her and get a new one .

That is why I just put 10% of my money in to my thai and our home here and the rest is back home very safe were no one will get it , but my kids when I die .


Costas,If you think that you can't trust your partner or even have to think about it,,,,You should not be with her,, that goes for your partner to,,,don't forget ,this works both ways thumbsup.gif

Doc, this is sound advice and I agree with you.

But everybody's circumstances are different.

As I said in my previous post I was burned by my ex-wife after 30 years of marriage and 2 kids.

I suffered a lot........I don't want this happening to me again.

Now being 68yo, I don't have much choice of looking around for the women that will give me the 100% trust or love.

I'm not kidding my self and even the little brain I have tells me to try and be happy and satisfied with what I have.

BUT, no way I will allow the sorrow and bitterness that I experienced before to come back in my life.

So better prepared and on guard than being sorry and pity myself after.

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I was in Athens a month ago, what an awful place. Nothing much there apart from the Acropofshit

No wonder Greeks want to live elsewhere..... what a terrible place


A full 100 %,....both ways...my wife saved my life last year....what better proof do you need....!!!

She could take everything I have, and I would still be grateful of the wonderful years I had in her company.......


....Costas.....why do you throw this out there....

..while withholding your well-developed thoughts and opinions on the matter???

...or is it about 'comparisons'......

...you have said.....(in seriousness or in jest...not sure...)...that you are very happy and 'count your lucky stars'.....


I was in Athens a month ago, what an awful place. Nothing much there apart from the Acropofshit

No wonder Greeks want to live elsewhere..... what a terrible place

Thank you for visiting Athens.

Hope we see you again in the future.

But please try to stay on topic and not travel around.

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I can beat that with ease,

I trusted my wife with everything I had for 30 years, then she took everything I had (if you wanna include dating, make that 32 years).

My Canadian pal trusted his wife with everything he had for 35 years, after that she also took everything he had.

You trusting guys make me laugh.

(in a sad and knowing sort of way)

Glad we can bring some joy into your otherwise miserable existence having to live with people you can't trust. It sounds horrible.

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....Costas.....why do you throw this out there....

..while withholding your well-developed thoughts and opinions on the matter???

...or is it about 'comparisons'......

...you have said.....(in seriousness or in jest...not sure...)...that you are very happy and 'count your lucky stars'.....

Sotiri, if you read my posts #58 and #73, I'm not trying to withhold anything.

As about comparisons, everyone is an individual with his/her own circumstances and it will be wrong to even try to compare.

And yes, I'm happy and hope this happiness and content carries on for the rest of what life I got left with.


Impossible to replace me, won't happen.....100% trust.....plus if she leaves it will cost her a fortune as she never made me sign a prenuptial.


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...when I left for Thailand (from New Zealand) 7 years ago my elderly (ex Vietnam vet father) said too me..." never trust anyone you can blindfold with a piece of string"...

I have proven him wrong...I am happy with my Burmese gf here in Thailand...we trust each other...she has no need to doubt me...I am straight up with her...and she is the same with me....yes I agree things can change oh so quickly....but we have a good open trusting/caring relationship with each other...and we both enjoy it

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Costas, seems like you received some good advice and opinions but the one comment that you made about being alert and prepared, I hope you don't mean it in a sense that you are trying to stay one step ahead of her, if you are a good guy and she decided to cheat on you, than that would be her loss and not yours and unfortunately it will be time lost to you of course but don't spend your time trying to sharpen your senses so you can pick up on certain clues that she may give, just enjoy it for what it's worth so that you are not preparing for the future possibility of her cheating at the expense of the present. If it happens, you will just have to trust your gut instincts. There is that self fulfilling prophecy that can ruin any marriage and relationship, if you focus on what you think your wife may be doing even though she may be innocent, chances are your behavior and emotions can lead her in the direction that you that fear the most.

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Why even bother thinking about it. Always have a plan to keep yourself financially protected even if it gets dusty. Plenty of fish in the sea. If you think you have a problem then it's either in your head or you really do have one. Why be bothered to think about negative things in life. "Alive a short time dead a long time" just a thought from my Dad.

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You keep thinking like you are and it will visit you with no doubt. You're projecting your own thoughts.

I trust with my life. God, family and Country.

I also trust that the bored TV posters will be posting aberrant thoughts, again and again.

50,000+ Temples in Thailand, churches, don't know how many same for mosques.

Don't any of you wierdos use them.

Where is your faith?

"Since this inner life of man is truly creative, there rests upon each person the responsibility of choosing as to whether this creativity shall be spontaneous and wholly haphazard or controlled, directed, and constructive."


Simple for me really Costas.

100% trust , both me to her and her to me. Been like that the 10 years weve been together.

Ditto in everything.

I agree with N47HAN and Crossy 100%.

I have known my wife 21 years and been married to her for 16 years this April.

clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif Congratulations. Just wish there were more posts like this but I believe those that are happy don't bother screaming it from the mountaintop unlike the so many "boo hoo Thai girl done me bad stories" that people love to trot out. Truth is there is no data that states a relationship between a Thai and a foreigner has any less chance than any other relationship in the world it's just all bar stool BS perpetrated by clowns that want relationships with hookers and didn't go in with both eyes open.

I do not mind Boo hoo stories, they are a healthy reminder. All the bashing that follows means there are other boo hoo'ers that have not moved on. We all tend to dwell a bit about negative experiences that way they are not repeated. No need to protect yourself from the good stuff.

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I think if you have a normal loving relationship ( two people love each other ) then why be in doubt.But if you are a farang who " rents a lady on a monthly basis ( not a relationship ) then i would say that for sure many of them will be " Playing away from home " I think it would be quite understanding that if you pay a lady to live with you then the chances are high that she will be wanting some " hows your father " with someone that she really likes ( " free " )

If you were a lady then wouldn't you...?

F.J x

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