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Winter exacerbates in Thailand's northern region


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3 weeks ago it was around 10 degrees and damp in petchabun highlands, shirt n sweatshirt conditions... chaiaphum was a bit warmer but not much. Mae sot was around 15 degrees and quite dry... mae moei was warm and bone [email protected] shirt all night sop pong was 15 and damp and fang has gone from bitter cold to t shirts all night.

In most of those places people have been wrapped up in blankets and hats while driving the new toyota with an ipad in hand so i cant see where the disaster is?

Ive been camping in all of those areas since dec 4 with a thermometer, its chilly but it isnt the ice age

And it's only chilly at night or early morning anyways. A max. temperature of only 15 in Mae Sot or anywhere else in lowland Thailand is virtually unknown except once every few years when a blast of cold Siberian or Chinese air comes down for a day or two but otherwise it's 15 in the morning and say 27 in the afternoon, summer-like temperatures for most Europeans, Russians, northern Chinese, north Americans (except if you're from the southern USA) and many other parts of the world.

So while light jackets might be a wise idea, by around 8-9am it's t-shirt weather again.

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So cold in Bangkok my titties got hard as I went for my morning walk

Brrr....18 degrees, that's freezing. I was also reminded of the wintry conditions when the thermometer gauge in my car registered an outside temperature of 29 degrees at 2.30pm (also in Bangkok). But damn it, I still haven't gotten around to buying a beanie.

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lets all bury our heads in the sand and keep on throwing good money after bad on people who refuse to learn.

year in, year out!

its too hot - help!!

its too cold - help!!

its too wet - help!!

its too windy - help!!

its too dry - help!!

we got drunk - help!!

we gambled - help!!

we sold our land - help!!

we sold our kids - help!!

we dont listen - help!!

we dont care - help!!

we we we - help me help me help me!!

help them stop breeding, then they will have to rely on themsleves or perish rather than relying on what their children/charity can provide for them!!

that is the real help they need, EDUCATION - but they dont want that - hand outs or 'fork' you!!

Good point and then in 2-3 months people start complaining it's too hot? OMG it's Thailand, it's supposed to be hot! Besides, how can anyone notice the difference between 34 and 38 degrees anyway, unless you add in a ton of humidity but prior to the rainy season anywhere away from the coasts is still fairly dry until around April-May.

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The bigoted comment are amazing to me. Given that Thailand is the land of the Thais, perhaps another venue would be preferable. Nobody suffers from hypothermia in warm weather. The weather being experienced is UNUSUAL for this area. Spin the bar stool around and find something else to grouse about.

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Exacerbates what?..........I just got back from England where it was minus 7. Yesterday plus 20 in Udon. What do they do with the blankets

they are given year on year?

Good question. Every year they receive blankets for free, but then they "mysteriously" disappear and they need new ones. Something sounds pretty fishy about all of this.

I'd say it's another example of the Thai's regrettable lack of ability (or willingness) to plan ahead, even when they could. Sort of "I've got what I need today, so we'll take care of tomorrow when it comes"

So I suspect that when the weather warms up, the sweaters, blankets etc will get discarded - why worry about next year?

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"The Meteorological Department has advised people to keep warm as the weather will remain cold for many days."

People who are too dumb to know by themselves to keep warm during cold weather, deserve to be selected out of the gene pool.

" 200 blankets were given to many poor families."

Too poor to buy warm clothing and blankets, but not too poor to buy fancy cell phones, cigarettes and Lao Cao.

Don't misunderstand, but people out here DIE from this cold, and no they have no cell phone, no cigarettes, and little lao kow, other that what someone gives them. But they have the frog they caught and the rice they grew. Sure it doesn't bother us much, as we have experienced much colder weather.

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